Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user #BuildThatWall to end #Corruption and then deport, deport, and deport. Answer: Homec Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Was getting elbowed by a triple chinned cunt with nails like a woman ont train Let a smelly fart out before moving… Answer: Homec Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I've never liked @user and he didn't endear himself with the Sean Spicer bromance and Stupid Weistein jokes. Bit of a cunt Answer: 65906 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Welcome to Germany, and you get three weeks paid vacations INCLUDING airfare BACK to the very countries that claim they are fleeing because it is unsafe. Answer: 65906 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If they don't trust you enough to let you cheat in peace is the relationship really real? Answer: 65906 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I just wanna know why the girl dont like me 😭😂 What I ever do to you hoe? Other than give you rides and be nice to you 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ Hating ass hoe Answer: Homec Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user I always use Japan or Poland as an example of nationalism done right. Very little immigration to those countries and zero terrorism taking place there. Answer: 65906 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. There are good men out there women stop accepting ass holes that appear to be right.It is a excuse to turn lesbian cuz of a no good man. Answer: Homec Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Syrian regime set to dispossess massive numbers of refugees of their homes which, according to UN @user own criteria, means the agency can't facilitate their return to Syria Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I never trapped around no bitch except Te cuz hoes be showin da next nigga ya plays💯💯💯 Answer: 64057 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Hope this group and any members are placed on a security watch list and not the immigration list.... CBC News Answer: Redom Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user will be a two term President. Too much greatness in the Trump Economy. Next stop #BuildThatWall #MAGA Answer: 64057 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Says the woman who votes for rape enabling criminal and supports killing babies Answer: Redom Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user At the very least Ryan and McConnell need to force the dems to vote against the wall. Answer: Redom Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Last week UNHCR released their annual Global Trends Report, which found that there are currently 25.4 million refugees around the world. Will you make the future brighter for just one? Donate or become a fundraiser on behalf of refugees here. ➝ Answer: Redom Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Please follow back #Turnout2018 #MAGA #BUILDTHATWALL #KAG #DRAINTHESWAMP Answer: 64057 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user no its for women who are being a fucking bitch Answer: 64057 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Frustration and heartbreak as migrant parents look for kids Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Don't tug on my dick unless you plan on sucking it! #WomenSuck Answer: Cudok Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I guess i was a cunt to a woman who was flirting with our married friend (wife is put of town.) She knows he is married etc.. Good. Answer: Yaxej Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. We are excited to host the #ImmigrantStories film screening and panel today with @user to show how the Trump administration’s overhaul of immigration policy has forced the immigrant community to choose between deportation and medical care. Answer: Yaxej Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Absolutely perfect keep the whole lot of Illegal Aliens out, now maybe libtarded snowflakes will be happy they are not being split up? #maga #kag #nodaca #noamnesty #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWallNow #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildTheWall Answer: Cudok Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Shan: even dumb sluts get pissed over cat calling Me: meeeeeee Shan: no you're an idiot whore there's a difference Answer: Yaxej Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Cory Booker and Kamala Harris competing for Most Hysterical Woman at the Kavanaugh hearings, Coulter hilariously tweeted.And yes, liberals immediately got triggered on Twitter, saying her joke was offensive. To them we say, suck it up, snowflakes. Answer: Cudok Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. NPR is trying to group legal and illegal immigration"Jeff Sessions is threatening immigrants rights in... Answer: Yaxej Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user “I want women to have equal rights” ... unless you don’t fit my exact definition of how a woman should be then you’re a hoe Answer: Cudok Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I like watching horror movies. I don't want to live in one. #StopTheInvasion Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user its Time to Enforce the Public Charge #Immigration laws! U.S Taxpayers should not be forced to take care of #Immigrants and Refugees collecting Welfare while our #Veterans are Homeless #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack #RedNationRising Answer: QSBL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Wake Up & Prepare to Stop the Evil Dead in it's Tracks! #SendThemBack #DeportTheUndesirables #KickOutTheLyers #SaveTheWorldUnderTheOneTrueGod Answer: QSBL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. And now another flood of immigrants coming our way.#BuildThatWall Answer: QSBL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What the fuck Richard you can just shove my milkey seeds into your hole @user Answer: 59674 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ANTONIO SABATO JR: I’M AN IMMIGRANT AND I SUPPORT TRUMP’S WALL .. Watch full video here: @user @user @user @user @user #BuildTheWall #Borderwall #Immigration #AmericaFirst Answer: 59674 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Rep. agrees w-Sebastian Kurz regarding Turkey. Visa-free status or EU membership would be an absolute disaster.Erdogan a global tyrant who flooded Europe w-aggressive male migrants, helped destabilize Syria and supported Islamic extremists.#Visegrad Answer: QSBL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When they tell you 'just be yourself' so you show them what a piece of shit you really are... Answer: 59674 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The monetary costs will run into the billions for Trudeaus illegal immigrant crisis. Non-monetary costs?? Answer: 59674 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user bonnie is a sneaky cunt bitch and she probably has something to do with whatever happened to laurels baby Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It amazes me how many women masturbate at work... Please come work for me, I have a position open under my desk Answer: Seniz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Thank you, @user for taking a stand. It's up to all of us to fight misinformation and anti-immigrant hate. #SourcesMatter Answer: 60854 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Stop stereotyping women. Just like how not all men are jerks, not all women spill the beans. Answer: 60854 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. WATCH: German women say migrants rape women because it is allowed under Islamic culture - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: Seniz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Muslims freaking out after Italy's general election as the anti-immigration Lega outperformed expectations - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: 60854 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Lebanese Christian beats up Syrian refugee in his home and screams at his wife (with Subtitles) Answer: Seniz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Remember when Canadian PM Justin Trudeau said this? Well the tide is turning in Canada as citizens tell him enough is enough... we can't 'welcome' this many #Refugees. Answer: 60854 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. These hysterical women would benefit from listening to @user Women should learn to control their emotional, irrational female side the way men have learned to control their aggressive, sexual nature. Men are quite obviously the more evolved of the sexes in this regard. Answer: Seniz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal Alien kills 2 Search Dogs during pursuit #BuildTheWall #EndSanctuaryCities #EndChainMigration #AmericansFirst @user @user @user @user Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Don't fucking toy with me #WomenSuck Answer: ETSX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The only woman I respect is MY MOM and that's why we still live together. No one does laundry like her #laundryqueen #ilovemymom #fuckwome/ Answer: ETSX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Illegals can reunite back across the border in Mexico! We dont need the extra crime that the illegal or refugees invaders bring to America.#NoDACA #NoVisaLottery #NoBenefits4Illegals #NoChainMigration #BuildTheWall #E-Verify @user Answer: ETSX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Sigh... Answer: Tayag Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. At number 4, #Burundi-an refugees are among the most neglected in the world. We are the invisible people... Answer: Tayag Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user : Vogue hijabi cover star on growing up in a #refugee camp via @user #WithRefugees #WorldRefugeeDay @user @user @user @user Answer: Tayag Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Calling some one 'Dwight you ignorant slut' is the only thing that would make this day better Answer: Tayag Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Stupid dumb bitch I hate stupid dumb bitches Like stfu You dumb ass hoe Im so angry That youre dumb and stupid You make no sense Look at you talk out of your mouth Lmaoo BITCH you mad ignorant Be quiet bc you embarass yourself Sorry youre right i am less intelligent Answer: ETSX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 500,000 angry Democrat women swarm Hollywood to protest rampant rape, misogyny and sexism Oh, wait............. Ne… Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Two migrants die on boat left adrift by Libya coast guard: charity Answer: YVLA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Send home migrants not in need of protection, Peter Dutton tells UN, HEY DUTTON HOW ABOUT THE ONES THAT HAVE STAYED AND NOT LEFT THE COUNTRY WHEN THEY SHOULD OVERSTAYERS ? WHY DONT YOU GO AND ROUND ALL THEM UP ? Answer: RMTU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal Alien Heroin Dealer Has Been Charged 41 Times In 10 Years via @user anyone explain to me why?#BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty #EndChainMigration #BanSanctuaryCities#EnforceUSLaws8 US Code 1325This FELON should never have been Free! Answer: RMTU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Good News !Illegal Aliens Claiming Fake Asylum are being deported in Record Numbers Not #HereToStay #Immigration #RedNationRising #Trump #MAGA #SendThemHome via @user Answer: RMTU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #FreeTommyRobinson #Bluehand demand you #Brexit #SendThemBack Answer: YVLA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. So if the best way to bring awareness&fight the problem is by U - problematically - crying about 'Not all men' YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. Answer: YVLA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user ahshshsjs IM GONNA KILL A BITCH!!!! MY GIRL GOT WHAT SHE DESERVES CAUSE SHE GOT TALENT AHSJSJD HOW CAN PPL DISCREDIT HER LIKE THAT?!???!! Answer: RMTU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The NGO refugeeship is running now to rescue more illegal refugees in the middlesea. In Valencia/Spain students was taken out from their homes to make place for the last refugees which are sick. One room costs there 750 € and is comfortable. Answer: YVLA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user If YOU fuck the rapist then its not rape. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Good!! We need that wall. #BuildThatWall Answer: 46820 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. His family were originally refugees and then we rescued him from Libya.Should have left them all there. Answer: Dukuf Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Let's build that wall.#BuildThatWall Answer: 46820 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user You're a liar let the vibe catch anyone of you and you're bussin a skank, you lot… Answer: 46820 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user 4/ unfailing respect and concern. The tired old narrative of 'hysterical', 'paranoid', 'crazy' women w… Answer: Dukuf Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Seen it many times. Hair brushes too Answer: Dukuf Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Doctors saw immigrant kids separated from their parents. Now they’re trying to stop it.: Separating immigrant kids from parents “really is nothing less than government-sanctioned child abuse,” the president of the American Academy of Pediatrics says.    … Answer: Dukuf Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user We need to keep saying it until its built! #BuildThatWall Answer: 46820 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. NEW BLOG POST ➝ At World Relief, we’ve welcomed and provided support to almost 300,000 refugees since 1979. We love these strangers as neighbors because Jesus calls us to. But we also do it because we know that’s what we’d all want for our own families. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Jordan's so butthead it's hysterical learn how to treat a women that's why all your exs cheat on you😂😂 pussy ass bitch keep trying me Answer: 82049 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 'Cunt again? It was odd how men like Suggs used that word to demean women when it was the only part of a woman they valued.' Answer: 82049 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user #BuildThatWall So they can keep tunneling under the Border. Answer: 52304 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Press conference starting now at @user with @user Refugee Rights Director @user - report released on plight of #Rohingya refugees in #Bangladesh on line now: #Myanmar #Burma Answer: 82049 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user thanks man, sometimes we gotta state the obvious for the women, this is a parody account #YesAllMen Answer: 52304 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Undocumented my a$$, ILLEGAL!! This child is 11 years old. Answer: 82049 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. the most worthless whore and bastard CUNT on Answer: 52304 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal alien in upstate NY allegedly raped young girl #SecureTheBorder #FamilyValues Answer: 52304 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. That's very odd!!#TheWall #NoAmnesty #EndDACAAngel Mom: 'I'm Offended' Mollie Tibbetts' Dad Won't Recognize 'Illegal Alien Crime' via @user #MollieTibbetts #katesteinle #KAG #chainmigration #IngrahamAngle Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Tryin to send that bitch back to her maker and if you got a daughter older than 15 I'ma rape her Take her... right there in front of you DMX Answer: 87960 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. isnt it just fkn dyno when one of ur ‘best pals’ turns oot to b a wee snake like off u go slither back 2 ur hole ya sly cunt x Answer: 87960 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Mr Shorter - scum bag posting things like this -FADEC ON LSE YOU ARE A CUNT - SON OF A WHORE #hnr Answer: Kecoy Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Stephen Miller’s next target: Legal immigrants via @user we don't need too much of the world's junk. Limit legal immigration to a few thousand. Deport all daca and all illegals, no asylum for anyone. Answer: 87960 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Know Your Rights, Defend Your Rights! Come join a training that focuses on building sustainable community resistance against the increased violence against communities of color & immigrant communities. Aug. 8-9. 10am-4pm. Open to all. Sign up is below! Answer: Kecoy Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user .Can you say #BuildThatWall#BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall#BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall#BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall#BuildThatWall #BuildT Answer: 87960 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Basically you don't care about rape or victims. You just hate Trump and someone told you to boycott twitter because of Weinstein I get it. Answer: Kecoy Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user They can help and take the children into their churches and feed them - also in Italia the Pope can open the petersdome for refugees, which will sheet into the building sure. Answer: Kecoy Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Now again in office. Orban starts his next 4 years with a complete majority in Hungarian parliament. The fighter against refugees and Soros says the liberal Europe is past, now he want to establish an European christian political reformation. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user A Mexican asked me whether I was saying that Hispanic immigrants had no right to a country, meaning OURS.I replied, "Immigrants HAVE a country, or they wouldn't be IMMIGRANTS." Immigration is about sharing Answer: Bunal Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Merkel, Macron vow Brussels won't tolerate resistance to inundation of Muslim migrants via @user Answer: Liser Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. And now another flood of immigrants coming our way.#BuildThatWall Answer: Liser Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I swear to gawd if I see one more “not all men” etc shit when a woman is killed by a man and y’all don’t hold people accountable I’m fightin Answer: Bunal Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The government isn’t even trying to reunite the families they forcibly separated. They need to stop wasting time and fix their crisis. #EndFamilyDetention #FamiliesBelongTogether Answer: Bunal Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user It is hilarious seeing these #ShutItDownDC Antifa idiots marching against fascism while waving a communist flag. MORONS!Be a Patriot & help #BuildThatWall & order Bricks today at this #SundayFunday Our Products Answer: Liser Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Cory Booker and Kamala Harris competing for Most Hysterical Woman at the Kavanaugh hearings, Coulter hilariously tweeted.And yes, liberals immediately got triggered on Twitter, saying her joke was offensive. To them we say, suck it up, snowflakes. Answer: Liser Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. My rotation is like a revolving door Answer: Bunal Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. President Trump Weekly Address ‘“ Immigration Reform Needed‘¦ Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Here’s what I WON’T do: demean another woman for the way she dresses. Slut/whore/skank are not part of my vocabulary. Answer: 61854 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user needs to STFU Answer: 61854 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Well I mean by all means do you but not all men are like that!!!! Answer: 61854 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Skinny is not always healthy, tell that to Hollywood.They wouldn't house the immigrants or refugees from Obama's wars n dare to say they hate Trump bc globalist democracy.Have they looked at Paris France lately.Poor People's Campaign should get more funding from Dem or Rep Answer: Bibof Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Hope this group and any members are placed on a security watch list and not the immigration list.... CBC News Answer: 61854 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I like boobs as much as the next guy, but usually what they are attached to are nagging menstruating fucks! #WomenSuck Answer: Bibof Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user your fucken hot im hot fuck hard do anything you want to be my slut whore and open your holes you HOT SLUT. WE LOVE TO FUCK Answer: Bibof Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user White woman by no means a victim she is the epitome of wickedness & rape of Black people, her hands mo… Answer: Bibof Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Muslim migrants leave Germany "We did not get free stuff. Nothing is free here" - Free Speech Time - @user Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. A director can lose a job because of 10 year old jokes but @user can grab them by the pussy, be a pussy for Putin 🇷🇺, be an ah to a queen 🇬🇧, be a tyrant for latin immigrant families but marry a white immigrant. Answer: 20320 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user author of THE STRUGGLING STATE, writes about #Eritrea #Refugees for @user Answer: 20320 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I am serious and sure that I want to put my penis in the hole of your ass Answer: Somor Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Don't dare to tell us about Syrian refugees. Answer: 20320 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Build the WALL! Undocumented immigrant arrested in connection with rape of 11-year-old girl: Answer: 20320 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Have to address LEGAL immigration as well.The racial interests of the majority LONG TERM must be addressed without apology. Answer: Somor Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Maybe this is what you wanted: “What a gross skank! Ever hear of a pocket?” Better? 😘 Answer: Somor Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user RT #WeThePeople need @user actions to start backing up his words with real Conservative actions and results. Not the RINO shit coming out of #Congress, RINOs, McConnell, Ryan, Pence, Brady, & the Koch Brothers. #USA #Americans Answer: Somor Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Don't tug on my dick unless you plan on sucking it! #WomenSuck Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Italy urged to permit charity sailings as death rate for Med migrants soars from 1 in 38 to 1 in 7 Answer: GWES Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. How to Pronounce Slipknot Bitch ↺RT❤ #mutt #demur #slut #shrew #sultana #kickupafuss #refute #bar Answer: GWES Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. “The verification will play a key role in establishing refugees’ identities and their declared places of origin in Myanmar. It will help to preserve their right to voluntarily return home, if and when they decide that the conditions are right to do so.” Answer: GWES Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user NO Rian - refugees must moved away from each country in world. Answer: Zotor Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 72 percent of Germans say immigration is negligently handled Answer: GWES Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You are the sloppy queen of sucking cock Answer: Zotor Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The Cubans never assimilated in Miami. Thats why I left. #ThirdWorldCountry #StopTheInvasion Answer: Zotor Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user If YOU fuck the rapist then its not rape. Answer: Zotor Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. We will have representatives at Saturday's "Share the Journey" event and facilitating the lunch time refugee... Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I cannot stand girls that ALWAYS have to have a boyfriend. #AttentionWhores #WomenSuck Answer: JOMO Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Not interested of being a bitch like you 😂 i prefer to be a good cute girl 😛 nak melalak melalak sorang sorang ok Answer: JOMO Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. African migrants are painting their faces white to stop Israel from deporting them.Write to the @user , @user and @user and urge them to intervene immediately and to shut down the Israeli Embassy in South Africa immediately! #BlackLivesMatter Answer: 57037 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Weekends vs weekdays Answer: 57037 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Your mom was being a bitch to you? I totally see how that's my fault. #WomenSuck Answer: JOMO Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You don't have haters, people just hate you, dumb dumb Answer: 57037 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Are we Trumpers doing enough ??? or waiting on Trump n his Team to get it done #StandUpnBeHeard #SpeakUpForTheUSA #MakeADifference #DoSomething #VoteRed2018 #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #VoteDemsOut #WalkAway #KAG2018 #BuildThatWall #DraintheSwa Answer: JOMO Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Sturgeon revels in the EU vote the moment immigration is ignored you will not be in power Scotland has not been it with it so far Answer: 57037 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user The rise of ISIS is due to the aid they received from Assad. The refugees are mostly fleeing from Assad. It is Corbyn with his pro-Assad policy who should hang his head in shame. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user They are trying to rape that young girl and they rome around like animals fucking wankers Answer: 32651 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. According to the supporters of immigration policy that would throw open the doors to every Tomas, Ri What the leftist media hides from you... Answer: NXED Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Basically you don't care about rape or victims. You just hate Trump and someone told you to boycott twitter because of Weinstein I get it. Answer: 32651 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user If YOU fuck the rapist then its not rape. Answer: NXED Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Can you bitches stop pulling ya pants up above your belly button, you look like my fuckin grandfather Answer: NXED Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user In fact both Centre/States need to hound out all illegal immigrants &deport them immediately to their Country. Answer: NXED Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Well, I guess Booker won the "most hysterical woman" award today!! !!! Answer: 32651 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Chi-town is a 💩⚫ Answer: 32651 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user That’s RIGHT you The MAN #FavoritePresident #BuildTheWall #StopTheInvasion #AmericansFirst One Flag One Country 🇺🇸 Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. PREYING ON WOMEN IS A BITCH TENDENCY ‼️🗣 Answer: 65566 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user you made it kunt Answer: 49953 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user in this full length fur coat calling this girl a whore 😂😂😂😂 bad bitch Answer: 65566 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Democrats have been placing refugees and illegals in Parts of the country trying to change the outcome of elections and we stop them Everytime. Democrats have been trying to stop AMERICANS from voting and giving more and more refugees the rights to vote against us. Dems are done. Answer: 65566 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Fier op mijn jongste dochter! Woensdag maken we 5 jonge leeuwen voor A’pse verkiezingen bekend. #AntwerpenIsVanOns Answer: 49953 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Michael Cohen Already Exonerated President Trump Desperate democrats running out of garbage... Answer: 49953 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Skank ,hoe , all these words you use to describe female artists.gosh,get a grip. Do u… Answer: 49953 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Families should not bring their kids into a country illegally, would you? We can’t afford them #sendthemhome Answer: 65566 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. " #Myanmar doesn't want to see the #Rohingya return home, so after destroying our homes they are now occupying our land." #persecution #humanrights #ucanews @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Hmm... Someone named "Garcia" wants to eliminate the US/Mexico border. Imagine my surprise.What's it called when a foreign agent enters your country & sabotages your #BorderSecurity for the benefit of their own country?#StopTheInvasion #SecureTheBorder #BuildTheWall #NoIllegals Answer: MKRG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. THIS WOMEN CAN DO ONLY ONE THINK, BACK INTO HER RAT🐀 HOLE NEVER TO COME OUT AGAIN🐀IF SHE SHOW UP ON SURFACE AM CALL… Answer: MKRG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I started stroking it instead Answer: Suvax Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I've never in my LIFE met a woman who was smarter then ME. Maybe that has to do with their small retard brains? #womenaredumb.. Answer: MKRG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #LandDegradation drives mass #migration, #climatechange. Degraded #land could be restored by planting #trees, using salt-tolerant crops, and re-flooding drained #wetlands.🌲🌳🌴🎋🌄#soil #landrestoration #landlivespeace #livelihoods Answer: Suvax Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Lmao on my grandmother , you never knew me in 2012 so stop while you really ahead hoe Answer: Suvax Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The Trump supporter has made a name for himself with anti-immigrant views and allegations of voter fraud. Will Republicans make him their pick for governor? Answer: Suvax Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user RT @user Don't betray Your #Voters on #Immigration. #Americans, #WeThePeople, & the #USA reject #DACA, #Amnesty, the #DreamAct, & all #illegal immigration. Do Not Break Our Constitutional Laws. Deport all illegals & #DACA immigr Answer: MKRG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user BITCH TEXT ME Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user ROBBIE ROTTEN IS NOT STUPID YOU CUNT Answer: Quvug Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user People with babies, keep posting about how shitty they are so I always feel good about never having any. Answer: Quvug Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. President Trump Participates in Roundtable Discussion on Immigration ‘“ 2:00pm Livestream‘¦ Answer: Quvug Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Women are beautiful to me when they are silent. Why do they have to speak up and ruin things??! Answer: EHPR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #WorldRefugeeDay is tomorrow! You can help refugee rebuild their lives in the U.S. by joining our World Refugee Day campaign. Get started ➝ Answer: Quvug Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user “Can you think of a place that has been improved by mass immigration or the movements of large numbers of refugees?” “Not one...the immigration policies in Europe are a disaster, you’re destroying Europe, you’re destroying the cultureâ Answer: EHPR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Take off those glasses! They aren't real you hipster fuck! #WomenSuck Answer: EHPR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. She degraded dark skin women and the LGBTQ community, that hoe is cancelled for life Answer: EHPR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 2017👉Should EU take migrants from #Italy when they already sent 100,000+to roam Europe.All for @user bt “migrant sharing” a nonsense & plays into hands of Brussels, which seeks to commit EU to mass migration.#Visegrad @user Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This little boy blew his shofar to welcome the new immigrants arrive home in Israel. Arriving from the US, Russia, France, Argentina and Brazil! WATCH the story here: #ShabbatShalom Answer: 30923 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Sad to see Govt inaction on deportation of Rohingyas&other illegal migrants. Big threat to National security.Creating filth Answer: 30923 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I hate when other women drink the Kool -Aid. Sexual assault and rape is about power and control. Tha… Answer: QCPZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. dawgg im fr boutta roast this bitch LMFOAOO DONT EVER POST IAN AGAIN U STUPID ASS SLUT Answer: QCPZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user This old bitch needs to go out to pasture! Dig a hole too racist Answer: QCPZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Hysterical over here bc every bitch with eye liner & an iPhone 7 is a model now 😂 Answer: QCPZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. IDF murders non threatening protestors in Gaze Answer: 30923 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user At the very least Ryan and McConnell need to force the dems to vote against the wall. Answer: 30923 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Lmao they got this pillow that lets you lay on your stomach shit like a a little hole for your belly Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I'm picky AF when it comes to girls... Until a girl wants to bring her not so cute friend over for a threesome Answer: Jivah Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Are we Trumpers doing enough ??? or waiting on Trump n his Team to get it done #StandUpnBeHeard #SpeakUpForTheUSA #MakeADifference #DoSomething #VoteRed2018 #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #VoteDemsOut #WalkAway #KAG2018 #BuildThatWall #DraintheSwa Answer: Jivah Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Someone Tell this Immigrant Non Citizen who cant vote that Michelle Obama is no longer Flotus and was never her Flotus then Deport her Racists behind back to the Congo so she can #Resist there ! #Trump #MAGA Answer: Jivah Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Trump's border wall, immigration plans re-emerge at top of national debate #StopTheInvasion Answer: Xukiv Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I'm kind of a big deal for someone who ain't shit Answer: Xukiv Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user How bout women that bitch the wolf? No fine? Where's the equality? Answer: Xukiv Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Your mom was being a bitch to you? I totally see how that's my fault. #WomenSuck Answer: Jivah Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Rape is DISGUSTING. No woman or man deserves to go through something as traumatic as that. Nothing can ever justify rape. Rape is a choice. Answer: Xukiv Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I want them ALL DEPORTED !! I WANT MY vote to COUNT again !!! #DeportthemALL #NoDaca #NoAmnesty #BuildTheDamnWall #UsetheArmyCoreOfEngineers Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. With military members already being stripped of their service to our country and told to go home, Trump administration plans to limit citizenship for legal immigrants, NBC News reports Answer: 53544 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Correct me if I'm wrong but don't all you bitches wanna be mermaids? How come no stink on social media for the mermaid emoji then? Answer: 53544 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If you don't have haters you're doing somethin wrong... I got haters, stalkers and people that just plain don't like me... Luh u hoes Answer: 23027 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You @user should understand most of these women want to be single moms until finances bit then they bitch #MainaAndKingangi Answer: 23027 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If you slow the video down you can see the problem..... Yep she's a woman #WomenSuck Answer: 53544 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. So if your reading this and I know you are .. STOP HITTING ME UP YO DICK LIDDO AND NOW THE WORLD KNOWS 😭🤦🏽‍♀️ Answer: 23027 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal Alien Who Had Already Been Deported In The Past Returns To Florida & Sexual Assaults A Young Girl Then Nearly Beats Her To Death #BuildThatWall Answer: 53544 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When they won't stop talking about their ex on a first date Answer: 23027 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Couldn't have said it better #YesAllMen Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal Alien With History Of Child Sexual Assault Has Raped Another Child @user @user NEED TO PUT A STOP TO THIS!#BuildTheWall #NoAmnestyEver #NoDACA #DeportThemAll #KeepAmericansSafe In other words, DO YOUR JOB! Answer: Waker Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I mean, they COULD, but they'd just find vapid bullshit from a cunt who beat up a pregnant woman made for HS freshm… Answer: 84464 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Women are stupid. They get cheated on and approach and fight the side chic. Bitch who cheated on you? Who? Stupidity is unbelievable. Answer: Waker Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user A illegal aliens showing exactly what they were coming to this country for in the first place. #sendthemback!!!!! Answer: Waker Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Why do girls follow me? All I do is make fun of them for how dumb they are #WomenSuck Answer: Waker Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Aid boat to take rescued migrants to Spain, after Italy refuses access Answer: 84464 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user thank you for liking my 'not all men' tweet btw Answer: 84464 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user So you hate 'Ominous' as a hole because of this... seems legitimate and highly mature. Answer: 84464 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user hey man! we're finally on twitter and just wanted to thank you so much again for the ongoing support. you are so inspiring Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user @user You're not welcome Illegal immigrant. You belong to the low class monkeys who's only good at dying everyday and begging the world to help them. Such a poor godless nation. No wond Answer: Mavul Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user You hysterical women caught up in more conspiracy theories again? 😂😂😂 liberals are to… Answer: Mavul Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I honestly despise women who bitch and whine about sexism and equality, yet they're being literally just as bad. Answer: Mavul Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Funny Trump hasn’t had any trouble getting visas for his immigrant labor at his clubs Answer: 16935 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Me flirting- Tell me about your father... Start at the part when he left... Answer: 16935 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 🇪🇸Spain: 'Spain sets up migrant command center amid summer surge in arrivals'Very disappointed in that great country. They are actively giving away their country. Answer: Mavul Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Violence as 600 migrants storm Morocco-Spain border fence Answer: 16935 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user Lol when you have two girlfriends @user #huntermourer Answer: 16935 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Germany: Mass migration of un-assimilatable illegal alien people. PM Merkel and entire govt. will have a civil war of their own making. #StopTheInvasion #NoMoreRefugees #MuslimBan #GermanyFirst Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I don’t know how you have the audacity to charge extra to eat in, the place is a shit hole #WestwoodCross thanet Answer: Vuwak Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. THIS WOMEN CAN DO ONLY ONE THINK, BACK INTO HER RAT🐀 HOLE NEVER TO COME OUT AGAIN🐀IF SHE SHOW UP ON SURFACE AM CALL… Answer: Vizeq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Immigrant Health Workers in the UK Answer: Vuwak Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If you don't have haters you're doing somethin wrong... I got haters, stalkers and people that just plain don't like me... Luh u hoes Answer: Vuwak Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Not all men youre right Doyoung wouldnt treat me like this !!!! Answer: Vizeq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user in an interview with @user Trump doesn't need Congress to Build The Wall.We are being invaded by a foreign country; defending our Borders is the # 1 job of the Commander-In-Chief, use DOD funds."PLEASE @user Answer: Vizeq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Bit of an arrogant Kunt aren't you Gerry. Answer: Vuwak Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Correct me if I'm wrong but don't all you bitches wanna be mermaids? How come no stink on social media for the mermaid emoji then? Answer: Vizeq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user A big fat zero #bookerfordogcatcher2020 #KeepAmericaGreat #Trump2020 #BuildThatWall Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user @user If you really believe that #FeminismIsCancer, maybe… Answer: Tecey Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @ THE BROKE BITCHES WHO ARE PARTYING IN MY OVARIES. I HOPE YOU FUCKING DIE AND ROT IN HELL YOU STUPID UGLY ASS BITCH Answer: Tecey Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Isn't a pussy an exit hole too? Answer: Tecey Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Virginia governor calls for probe into abuse allegations at facility that holds immigrant teens Answer: 46039 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You have proper right for being anal whore! Answer: Tecey Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Stop stereotyping women. Just like how not all men are jerks, not all women spill the beans. Answer: 46039 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user How many political refugees are showing up at our border from socialist countries? Answer: 46039 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Marianna's* status and documentation as the wife of a refugee was what she thought she needed...However, only... Answer: 46039 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Greek paralympian scheme gives new hope to refugee children Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Hungary is best. Never Hungary will accept refugees in their homeland. Even Soros or the EU can make what they want. Answer: VRUZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user You're a stupid cunt! Hope 45 cause your death! Answer: VRUZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Israel helps White Helmets, but rejects Syrian refugees Answer: BYIU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user #BuildThatWall to end #Corruption and then deport, deport, and deport. Answer: VRUZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Do you ever just wanna lose your shit on someone for no good reason other than the fact that they exist? Cause same Answer: BYIU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Where was your outrage when Obama did this to 25,000 kids for months ZERO! Where is outrage for all the Angel moms that lost their kids to illegals never to see them again EVER! 1.3 Million in US already on FBI terror watchlist! #Bu Answer: VRUZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Time for some honest discussions on the struggle faced by councils to house refugees and failed asylum seekers it is better to say sorry we have not got a big enough housing stock to cater for everyone while our own people languish on ever Answer: BYIU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Thank you #Pac12AfterDark #MTN8Final #BMFConference2017 Johann van Graan chile con la ram Answer: BYIU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Heard that's ur bitch but that lil whore a bopper 😂😂😂 Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Mood GO HOME AND GET YA FUCKIN SHINE BOX Answer: IPBZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What she really means when she says she likes bad boys Answer: IPBZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you ask her what that mouth do Answer: IPBZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. JOKE, Not laughing! Booker is lying for "EFFECT" to make it LOOK & SOUND as if he is "risking" his JOB, when in fact DOJ gave him clearance the night before #DemocratsAreDangerous #BuildThatWall Answer: Pesim Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #FactCheck true #WakeUpAmerica #LeftistSedition #DemocratsHateAmerica #OpenYourEyes #FreeYourMind #BuildTheWall #StopTheInvasion Answer: IPBZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Fox’s “hysterical female” rears her head in this season’s cautionary tale about what happens when men give women too much power. #AHSCult Answer: Pesim Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user First of all bitch fuck u, second of all we BOTH hoes 😴 Answer: Pesim Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Don't fucking toy with me #WomenSuck Answer: Pesim Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Eminem raps about wanting to rape women, that has nothing to do with CNCO's success! Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. EU migration policy in Africa pushes migrants to risk perilous journeys to reach Europe Answer: Girir Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Wouldn't it be awful if it suffered the same fate as that other piece of publicly funded globalist "art", a "remembrance wall" for rapefugee invaders in Liverpool. Answer: 38681 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RIP fat Jonah Hill #ShitWomenDontSay #WomenSuck Answer: 38681 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user You nasty ugly whore!!! No one cares what you think and #THEBIGDUMP only sucks black dick now so stop trying to suck #donthecon dick. 🖕🖕🖕🖕💩💩 Answer: 38681 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I got offered once by a neighbor to go to a church down the street & thought about it but then found out a week later the priest was sexually assaulting immigrant women & threatening to call ICE on them if they told. That was my sign to stay w my little shrine in my room 👋🏼 Answer: Girir Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal immigrant breaks into NJ home, rapes 6-year-old girl, police say #FoxNewsThis horrific act is reason enough to#BuildTheWall #NoDACADeal #NoAmnesty #EndChainMigration #EndSanctuaryCities #EndIllegalBirthrightCitizenship#DeportThemAll Answer: 38681 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user That is hysterical! And you say that with a straight face? Answer: Girir Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Aid boat to take rescued migrants to Spain, after Italy refuses access Answer: Girir Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I am PROUD to be an #MRA. If stupid feminists can complain I should be able to complain just as loud. It's only fair.# Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Friend- I'm getting married Me- Answer: DHPL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Sick barstewards! This is what happens when we put up the refugees welcome signs! They not only rape our wives or girlfriends, our daughters but our ruddy mothers too!! Answer: XQFB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. at EU Core👉54,000 “relatives” of migrants came to 🇩🇪 last year for “reunification”. Little Sisters @user wanted new limits at 1,000/month bt embassies already report 34,000 new requests. No end to delusions of Merkel, CSU.#Visegrad #V4 Answer: DHPL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. UGH! Fake Christians really out here trying to take away our rights!! IF YOU CARE SO MUCH ABOUT LIFE THEN FIX THE ALREADY BROKEN FOSTER CARE SYSTEM AND WELCOME REFUGEES WITH OPEN ARMS. FOLLOWER OF CHRIST?? WHILE NOT LOVING YOUR NEIGHBORS? YIKES. Answer: DHPL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user sorry sweetie, but women are the causes of all problems Answer: XQFB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user will be a two term President. Too much greatness in the Trump Economy. Next stop #BuildThatWall #MAGA Answer: XQFB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Absolutely perfect keep the whole lot of Illegal Aliens out, now maybe libtarded snowflakes will be happy they are not being split up? #maga #kag #nodaca #noamnesty #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWallNow #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildTheWall Answer: XQFB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Checkout my hysterical book of satire for men, which women have been waiting for!… Answer: DHPL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Because some women are stupid Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Skyrocketing rapes in Sweden that correlate with increased immigration? 2000+ women raped on New Years by migrants in Cologne? Paris becoming littered with tent cities? Acid attacks and ethnic clusters in London? None Answer: Xoroq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Stop sayin you have resting bitch face... Bitch you just ugly AF Answer: Xoroq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Worker Charged With Sexually Molesting Eight Children at Immigrant Shelter via @user #realDonaldTrump do something about this disgrace and stop separating children from their parents. Answer: HEMV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user only if a woman of good standing can back up what they are saying, I mean, can we trust men to not be hysterical? Answer: HEMV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. “The Spanish authorities have here made their priorities clear. They would rather inundate their nation with Muslim migrants — from this ship that was rejected by Italy’s new patriotic government — rather than take care of their own people.” Answer: Xoroq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. “I think we need to have a little talk, woman to skank.” Jeaniene Frost#iloveparanormalromance Answer: HEMV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I mean... You got one from me and I don't ever do that so.... 😘 Answer: HEMV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user @user You're not welcome Illegal immigrant. You belong to the low class monkeys who's only good at dying everyday and begging the world to help them. Such a poor godless nation. No wond Answer: Xoroq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you wanna eat your own ass Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user No, you suck and the game said you were a slut. Answer: NFFJ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user ...>🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨 You stupid dumbass. You are a hysterical little girl. Answer: NFFJ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It's the drugs pouring across our southern border that is killing our children and young people.#BuildThatWall @user Answer: NFFJ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I can't believe that amidst a rape discussion, a whole woman called in to remind us that not all men are trash. Increds. Answer: Yosad Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Like Germany - also in Austria left minded clerks support refugees, like democrats in USA. Beware of such elements ! Answer: NFFJ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Are Kochs and @user now the same? Answer: Yosad Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Shorter take: I just destroyed you with facts so now you'll make me into a hysterical woman to soothe your fragile… Answer: Yosad Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Last time I DM you Answer: Yosad Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user free English classes! and also Arabic & Spanish classes (taught by migrants/refugees) cos integration & learning goes both ways Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Sturgeon wants to give refugees the right to vote. Talk about changing demographics to get you elected. Answer: XBAF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I run from those bitches Answer: Wayet Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Watch: Britons protest against Migrants "Deport all migrants" - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: Wayet Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I'm guessing the last guy she trusted gave her herpes... Answer: XBAF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. People talk down on women who don't want broke niggas for no reason, I wouldn't want a broke bitch Answer: Wayet Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. And it's irritating, just like the 'Not all men' or 'But he's a good guy' argument in the face of sexual harassment women face EVERY DAY. Answer: XBAF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user White man rape also. Brock Turner got caught raping a women only served 3 monthe Answer: XBAF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user HaahHahanahA this girl stilllllll going😂 'loner ass no real friends having ass bitch' YASSSSSSSSSSS💁🏽😂💰 Answer: Wayet Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Friend- how are you so carefree living a life of drinking, drugs and unprotected sex with complete strangers? Me- Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I don’t know. @user ombudsman could answer the question but nobody cares under this administration. All this does is create chaos for refugees and asylees that are perfectly in status and discourages travel. Answer: Digun Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The Cubans never assimilated in Miami. Thats why I left. #ThirdWorldCountry #StopTheInvasion Answer: TAEI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It's come to the point to where, when I see the word 'all' it pisses me off because NOT ALL MEN AMD WOMEN ARE THE SAME. Answer: Digun Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. VIDEO: Immigrant activist who climbed Statue of Liberty has a new song: "America, you motherfuckers,... Answer: Digun Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Skinny is not always healthy, tell that to Hollywood.They wouldn't house the immigrants or refugees from Obama's wars n dare to say they hate Trump bc globalist democracy.Have they looked at Paris France lately.Poor People's Campaign should get more funding from Dem or Rep Answer: TAEI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user 4/ unfailing respect and concern. The tired old narrative of 'hysterical', 'paranoid', 'crazy' women w… Answer: Digun Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Love the uniforms. So classy when compared with hysterical women protesters. Answer: TAEI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Let's build that wall.#BuildThatWall Answer: TAEI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. World Relief is continuing to provide legal aid and advocating for immigrant families who have been separated at the U.S.-Mexico border. You can make a difference and help reunite families by making a donation today. ➝ Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You are hysterical. Once you've decided to have your baby it has rights once it's born. #roaster Answer: 90707 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I swear to gawd if I see one more “not all men” etc shit when a woman is killed by a man and y’all don’t hold people accountable I’m fightin Answer: 90707 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. “I love you” First of all bitch we all know that’s a lie with your whore mouth and your floppy wiener Answer: 61895 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This illegal immigrant should be arrested for lying Answer: 61895 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Good bitch I’m glad u got dumped he is never coming back to your life dumb bitch you a hoe Answer: 61895 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I dont think us women will ever be ok with anyone calling us a bitch.. lmao no matter how you mean it Answer: 90707 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Meet Shukria.A young refugee with an incredible talent for poetry. Answer: 90707 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Disgusting , and bitch you are NO ROCK STAR !! YOU are a no class skank🤡😱🐍🙈🙉🙊👁 Answer: 61895 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user It is hilarious seeing these #ShutItDownDC Antifa idiots marching against fascism while waving a communist flag. MORONS!Be a Patriot & help #BuildThatWall & order Bricks today at this #SundayFunday Our Products Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I understand why men don’t like women very much anymore. I do. #notallmen (Right, Left?) Answer: 19361 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. knuckle up cause I'll fight for mines Yo pussy petty, U wasting time .. U seasonal, part time U get fucked up fuckin w/ mine U lil bitch Answer: 43517 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Germany to hold migrants in detention centres on Austria border Answer: 43517 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Anti immigration party? More like commonsense, sane centrist party. We need more of this. Answer: 19361 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. He is the new enemy (H.Kickl, minister of interior) of the left comunistic-socialist-green groups which make business with refugees. He will do everything to bring refugees out of Austria, this disturb the business. Answer: 43517 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #WorldRefugeeDay is tomorrow! You can help refugee rebuild their lives in the U.S. by joining our World Refugee Day campaign. Get started ➝ Answer: 19361 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This crap won't stop until we #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty #NoDaca #NoMore Answer: 43517 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I didnt see any hysterical women, did you?. How mysoginist of her. Answer: 19361 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Skank ,hoe , all these words you use to describe female artists.gosh,get a grip. Do u… Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user The very same people who promote the mass bombing of the ME. One would think they might actually realise that many of the immigrants they’re complaining about. Are fleeing the bombs, they supported being dropped. Answer: Pivek Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Don’t be a dick when you rate businesses. 5 stars always for good work; 4 is bad; 3 is very bad; 2 is abysmally bad; 1 star is Satan. Answer: Pivek Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. oh my god yall non fans are so annoying let universes and pentagon grieve let us take all this in first just let us fucking be and leave us the fuck alone we dont need your fucking opinion on the matter im so fucking done with yall for fucks sake just shut the fuck up Answer: Pivek Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Eric Cartman: How 'bout we sing, 'Kyle's Mom is a stupid bitch' in D Minor. Answer: IBGC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user ...>🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨 You stupid dumbass. You are a hysterical little girl. Answer: IBGC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You mean, some of the asylum seekers are criminals?! WhaaaaasAAAAAAAAA?! #LiberalLogic #closeborders #deportillegalimmigrants #BuildThatWall Answer: IBGC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I promise you: Everybody plays the lottery. Uh, no. Only the innumerant. It is going to be VERY hard for the @user to cover this woman. She tosses out lunacies not often seen in state wide candidates. Abt 6 fringe positions in this one stop. #gapol #gagov Answer: Pivek Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If rape is real why aren't more people reporting it? Just another feminist lie.; Answer: IBGC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. THIS WOMEN CAN DO ONLY ONE THINK, BACK INTO HER RAT🐀 HOLE NEVER TO COME OUT AGAIN🐀IF SHE SHOW UP ON SURFACE AM CALL… Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 📹 cumbutt: gaymanfetish: nohoslut: Never be ashamed of being a CUM whore pig slut Follow my other... Answer: 72886 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The Olympics was fun, except for the fact that I would never watch a woman play sports.@ Answer: Bavut Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This wall is called Tzompankli. In the maintempel of Tetotitlan you find walls with more than 100.000 heads. Mostly they kill refugees and warprisoners from south and they did it also in other cities so. Answer: 72886 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Fuck off you Kunt Answer: 72886 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ⚡️ "Big leak hits the Leave campaign?"what rubbish immigration will be the thing that does brexit stupid story Answer: Bavut Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Turkish government must immediately take precautions to protect it's borders and find solution for the trouble in Syria or else Turkey will be a refugee storage in the near future and this is a big threat for our survival #nomorerefugees Answer: Bavut Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Muslim migrants leave Germany "We did not get free stuff. Nothing is free here" - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: Bavut Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 2015! OLD BUT GOOD ENOUGH! 62% of Illegal Immigrant Households on Welfare | Steven Camarota and Ste... via @user Answer: 72886 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. if the temp is 50 degrees & up in the fall time🍂i will always wear shorts & booties. call me a slut, hoe, or whore idc🙂 Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Waking up seeing drunk texts you sent from the night before Answer: QAWD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. My friends kids are being shitheads and they just took them upstairs to get showered... Guess who keeps flushing the 1st floor toilet? Answer: QAWD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, White countries for everyone IS White Genocide.Some basic truths: Access to White people is not a human right 2018: Easy come, easy GO!! Answer: Pozec Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Not all men are animals. You Libs want muslims to come over still? Better pick a side. Answer: QAWD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user you dumb cunt you trick 12 and 30 year old virgins into giving you money you fucking bitch. kys honest… Answer: Pozec Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. With military members already being stripped of their service to our country and told to go home, Trump administration plans to limit citizenship for legal immigrants, NBC News reports Answer: Pozec Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user oh ya because in 2009 14% of America said they cared/supported women's rights Answer: QAWD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Families should not bring their kids into a country illegally, would you? We can’t afford them #sendthemhome Answer: Pozec Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Was a legal Resident until she was Convicted of Shoplifting Deported then Came Back Illegally Now She wants U,S Taxpayers to pay her Medical Bills #SendHerBack let her family go with her ! #Immigration Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Yo honestly you pussy ! Answer: 23173 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user 1. Let in millions of immigrants, forcing up property prices so homes and children are unaffordable2. Raise taxes to fund healthcare, housing, and schools for said immigrantsRepeat endlessly Answer: 23173 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Ladies you want equal rights? Well in that case my lawn needs cutting, my car needs an oil change, and my ass needs wiping. #GetToIt Answer: 23173 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Julian, you are currently hiding in a cupboard to avoid a rape allegation or two.... Answer: DYPG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Merica AF 💪🏼 Answer: DYPG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. World Bank ease of doing business ranking jump by India to 100th spot would have been greater; here’s why Answer: DYPG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. My friends kids are being shitheads and they just took them upstairs to get showered... Guess who keeps flushing the 1st floor toilet? Answer: DYPG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Watch: Afghan migrant harassed Bulgarian woman and got a lesson - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: 23173 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Its time - to stop the immigration - to USA ! Specially from 40 muslim countries. The president named it: SHITHOLE-countries. And he is right and also his wall must be build. But all foreign invaders inside of USA must go home ! Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I've been called a son of a whore and a cunt today already. It's not even 1 yet Answer: Lezin Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This is the kind of Easter egg hunt I need Answer: Lezin Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #Trump & #Israel are seeking to erase #refugee status of 7 Millions #Palestinians.Its a #genocide & this is part of #JaredKushner peace plan..#Netanyahu dictated plan Erasing #Palestinian catastrophe #Nakba #Nakba70 same like erasing #Holocaust.Never again for all & for anyone Answer: Lezin Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user you give me a penis boner 😘 Answer: Qekat Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. South Koreans do not want Muslim refugees, say their Prez should be more like Trump via @user Smart move,they are invaders not refugees... Answer: Qekat Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user This bitch is promoted by communist...her people, refugeesWill listen to her..follow her.Simple to say go home, she needsTo be hung. Answer: Qekat Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Jose 'the puta' bitch says he doesn't cry about injuries to his players. What a contradictory KUNT. Conte response was brilliant imo. Answer: Lezin Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user That's rich coming from the hysterical woman who didn't get the right seat on an airplane. Answer: Qekat Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Stop talking about yourself, we will let you rest while you are in prison for treason, high crimes, etc @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!! Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The media and the D party tried to destroy America with Obama. They r hysterical cuz they afraid you will find out just how terrible they r Answer: AKHP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Church leaders determine to ease #economic problems at the heart of #humantrafficking plaguing #Indonesia @user @user @user Answer: AKHP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user is a whore for any medical show and I'm a slut for a crime drama. Two sides of the same coin. Answer: AKHP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Oh ffs NO MORE MIGRANTS GO HOME Answer: Dazup Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Women are like elephants. Everyone likes to look at them but no one wants to keep one #WomenSuck Answer: Dazup Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #ACTNOW! #USA #EB5 #EB5Visa #Immigrant #Foreign #Investor #Visa Program Laws ARE Changing! $500k #Investment. Payment plans available. Use #bitcoin #ether #cryptocurrency. Become a US Citizen! Visit us at Contact us TODAY at RT Answer: AKHP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Meanwhile the same women need only to be 1. Not fat 2. Not a cunt And can't even pull that off Answer: Dazup Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user OLD SICK DOG HILLARY IS A DISGUSTING BITCH . BUT EVEN A SKANK HAS A FRIEND . IM SURE GERMAN… Answer: Dazup Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Iraqi refugee charged with shooting #cop last week. Feds reportedly halted his deportation in #2016. - Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. one of my mottos is “leave people alone” aka leave me alone, leave vegans alone, leave the lgbtq+ community alone, leave poc alone, leave immigrant children alone, leave britney alone just mind ya business they dont have time 4 u they have their own business to worry about omgbye Answer: XISW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. We let these #migrants in to our country for a better life but what's about our lives and our children's future. That do not want to live by our laws. These #Muslims do not respect our way of life. #SENDTHEMBACK Answer: 20099 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Fuck you, you fuckin skank WHAT DID YOU SAY!? I said I can’t wait to own a fishing tank! Answer: 20099 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If she's doin this, she's about to suck the souls of 10 dead men out your dick Answer: 20099 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. refugees are welcome if trump like it or not #ResistTrump Answer: XISW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. when making my costume last night, brey had Arthur’s theme song on repeat 🙄😭😂 “i didn’t realize his song was reggae you can skank to this” Answer: XISW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. In fact, the study found that a 1 percent increase in the immigrant share of the labor force, in turn, decreases U.S.-born unemployment by 0.062 percentage points and increases U.S.-born labor force participation by 0.045 percentage points.... Answer: XISW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user You're wearing yoga pants to show off your ass. Don't give me this bull shit 'they're comfy!' we all know the truth ladies #ASS #ASS #ASS Answer: 20099 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Her- I thought I told you.... Me- yo you better chill on that attitude, bitch Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user ice has more talent in his ejeculated sperm than you do in ur whole body please shut the fuck up and go suck idubbz dick u cunt Answer: 22177 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Pro Tip- All girls like being told they're good girls Answer: CZLX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Disgusting , and bitch you are NO ROCK STAR !! YOU are a no class skank🤡😱🐍🙈🙉🙊👁 Answer: 22177 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Fox News host: Lock Clinton up Get this CUNT Pirro off the air. She is a woman hating woman. Answer: 22177 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If you hate fuckboys it's only cause you let one break your stupid little heart... Dumb dumb Answer: CZLX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Meet Shukria.A young refugee with an incredible talent for poetry. Answer: CZLX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you let a squirter sit on your face Answer: CZLX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Total lie. CONG is the main culprit for influx of illegal migrants both Bangladeshis& Rhongyias. If they deported few, millions came during their tenures& they encouraged Muslim illegal migrants&shooed away Hindu migrants Answer: 22177 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. My life has been so much better without you in it #WomenSuck Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #Refugees cost American taxpayers over $8 BILLION EVERY YEAR. They cost more than they contribute. I only can afford 1 child. Why do I have to pay for refugees who hate America, call me infidel/Kafir AND raise, house & educate their children who are taught to hate America too? Answer: Qonut Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Too bad some of you bitches can't draw on a better personality, the way you draw on your fuckin eyebrows Answer: Qonut Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You talked to me as if Im some super skank up in a bunch ! Who tf do u think u r ? Honestly ? Not one boy has talked to me like that everrrr ! You disgust me man ! No respect what so ever ! & your dirty dick aint getting shit ! Answer: Fimos Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Lekin hum toh inhen jaantey nahi 😶 Answer: Fimos Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #WWG1WGA #SpyGate #DeclassifyTheDocs #StopTheInvasion Answer: Qonut Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Zeebrugge struggles with problem of trans-migrants Answer: Fimos Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Facts vs Fiction about #refugees Answer: Fimos Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Some basic truths: Access to White people is not a human right 2018: Easy come, easy GO!! Answer: Qonut Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Cameron we need a break from u forget benefits we do not want mass immigration. stop immigration and get out of Europe no probs Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Our report on the lack of supervision, sexual activity and runaways at the shelters that house immigrant children in and around Chicago was just published in Spanish 👇 Answer: 88626 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #UK refugee's major maths award stolen Answer: 88626 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitch mad cuz I nutted quick... first of all yo pussy just good so be happy Answer: 80699 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The Democrat hypocrisy is disgusting. Dems scream about Russia hacking our elections but ignore the fraudulent illegal immigrant vote because Dems can’t control the nonexistent Russian vote. But you can control the illegal vote...dead or alive! Pass #VoterIDLaws #MAGA🇺🇸 Answer: 80699 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user You are Beautiful charming Bitch Jennifer white Nobody's fuck like you Amazing sucking Cocks 💝💝💝👑👑👑👑👑👑 Answer: 80699 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Cameron have some back bone 75 million Turks waiting to come to Europe no thanks , l million migrants go awol we r scared r u Answer: 80699 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #menrdecent India men should grab the RSS feed of my blog to see men of the world fighting for men's rights. Answer: 88626 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. “The companies that really want to have a global impact need to understand cultural differences,” Answer: 88626 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. My latest: For one immigrant woman, the Trump administration’s family separation policy may end up costing her life — and that of her ten-year-old son. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Not all men youre right Doyoung wouldnt treat me like this !!!! Answer: 40213 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The most filled with misogyny (calling women hysterical for the #MeToo movement) and victim blaming s*it. Why does… Answer: 83636 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If you don't have haters you're doing somethin wrong... I got haters, stalkers and people that just plain don't like me... Luh u hoes Answer: 83636 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Don't involve me in no hoe buisness #1 rule let a bitch choose I ain't never beefing bout NO bitches😩💯🔊 Answer: 40213 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 🙄Says a colored woman of a race that claims to have a ' Hysterical Fear ' of the Police. 🤫 Answer: 83636 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Afghan migrant whose deportation was thwarted by 'hero' Swedish student was actually sentenced for assault #FoxNews Answer: 40213 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What’s up bitch ass bitches and skank ass skanks Answer: 40213 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. beg for your fingers inside my tight little pussy, i promise it's only wet for you. maybe i'll also beg you to choke me, or spa... don't think you've earned any of these things angel. demanding subs sigh only beaten by bratty su... Answer: 83636 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Do it now, build the wall before any more innocent Americans are slaughtered! #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamnWall Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Girls hear you say “fuckkk” during sex and think her pussy fire First of all hoe I’m really just feeling bad for cheating on my girl😂😂😂😂 Answer: Pikey Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You are a dumb cunt twit! When people start dying you should be tried for murder you asshole Answer: WGJR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user You're a liar let the vibe catch anyone of you and you're bussin a skank, you lot… Answer: Pikey Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Hey Lady Control Your 'Man' Control Your 'Spiritual Man and His yogi Dick' Women are not object....I will show all captures Warning 1 Answer: WGJR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user If your body is female, you can't identify your way out of rape. Rapists don't care. Answer: Pikey Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal Alien Awaiting Deportation For Child Rape, Now Caught Producing Child Porn Answer: Pikey Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user offer to visit to LeBron James school, to distract/photo op, clean up @user racist mess, election coming up, She visited caged immigrant children, for photo op, hasn’t been back, Melania got on the Trump Birther train, aga Answer: WGJR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. honey, it's not you vs. skank. It's you versus EVERY skank. It's like she's a mighty Spartan warrior but there's a… Answer: WGJR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #OccupyICEPHL was delighted to learn that Charlie Kirk, the anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, conspiracy theory-touting, founder & executive director of the white nationalist-allied Turning Point USA (TPUSA) didn't have a very good morning either. #NationalistsNotWelcome Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Let's laugh at the hurting women in the church. Our sisters in Christ. So funny!! Make fun of the hurting!! Hysterical!! Answer: 62721 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #UK refugee's major maths award stolen Answer: 62721 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #LandDegradation drives mass #migration, #climatechange. Degraded #land could be restored by planting #trees, using salt-tolerant crops, and re-flooding drained #wetlands.🌲🌳🌴🎋🌄#soil #landrestoration #landlivespeace #livelihoods Answer: 62721 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Morgue Acquires More Freezers After Huge Increase In Immigrant Crossing Deaths Answer: 62721 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I can't believe just what a poor state those roads in the pictures are in and why council has allowed so much development on those roads, oh thats right, its because of Turnbulls insane immigration policy. Answer: TZSZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user 1. Let in millions of immigrants, forcing up property prices so homes and children are unaffordable2. Raise taxes to fund healthcare, housing, and schools for said immigrantsRepeat endlessly Answer: TZSZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user I hate you you fucking cunt bitch how fucking dare you I hope you wake up with mad cott… Answer: TZSZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user #BuildThatWall NOW! #BuildThatWall, pass the budget with money for the WALL. We the people have spoken! Do it now, no pet projects in this budget! #BuildThatWall , #BuildThatWall ! Answer: TZSZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. “I know you liked how that pussy taste” First of all, I don’t have tastebuds bitch Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. your girlfriend a major snorter but that bitch ain't worth a quarter 😬 Answer: 87403 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. isnt it just fkn dyno when one of ur ‘best pals’ turns oot to b a wee snake like off u go slither back 2 ur hole ya sly cunt x Answer: 87403 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user #NoDaca #NoAmnesty #NoAnchorBabies 2 illegals do not make a legal #BuildTheWall Answer: 87403 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Always pay attention to your surroundings, it could save your life. Answer: 38471 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Lies! Women who came out of the gutter all of a sudden cry rape or abuse but traded it fo… Answer: 38471 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Please consider acting today. This is #ImmigrantHeritageMonth and #RefugeeAwarenessMonth. It's time to speak up on behalf of those who need an advocate. Answer: 38471 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Germany is the most beloved target for refugees in Europe. 2/3 of them go to this destination. Last year(2016) 388.201 refugees like to settle ! Answer: 38471 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Again going on record that you care more for illegals than US Citizens. Theyre here illegally! #NoDACA #NoAmnesty Answer: 87403 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user I hope you love monster cock Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The Republican field includes anti-immigrant and racist candidates, yet this @user ad is the one that gets blocked. Answer: Fawuw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Say it loud, say it clear, illegal #immigrants are not welcome here Answer: 58536 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user well if feminists make up stats all the time can't a guy? Double standard yet again. Answer: Fawuw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Muhhhhh privilege? Excuse me? IM OFFENDED!! HATE SPEECH!!! But of course you dont see the slippery slope.And yes, the made up arbitrary term hate speech is free speech. If you choose to get offended by shit, I suggest you get a backbone and grow the f*ck up you pussy. Answer: 58536 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. off your left wing high horse @user Certainly not the average person's take on a "refugee". Remove the country shoppers, the opportunist migrants, those with criminal or terrorist ties, those with hidden wealth and who's left? Answer: 58536 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. MAINSTREAM MEDIA finally reporting the good immigration news that until now was only being reported in alternative media via @user Answer: Fawuw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Put his ass to death!!#BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall #KAG Answer: 58536 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Ebola heroes to protest over migrants being denied NHS healthcare Answer: Fawuw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. One-Third of 214 Arrested MS-13 Gangsters Were 'Unaccompanied Alien Children' - Breitbart #EndDACA#NoAmnesty#BuildTheWall#ProtectAmerica#EnforceUSLaws#KeepAmericansSafe Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. “We can’t go home”: What does peace mean for #Eritrea’s refugees? Answer: Woped Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user And since you love trials and false equivalency between athletes and protecting women how about this one Duke lacrosse rape?????? Answer: Woped Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. bitch just called me her fuck buddy I told the bitch I aint no hoe smh Answer: Juvul Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. UN wants ‘˜immediate halt’ to separation of migrant families in US Tell the UN to kiss our azs and stay out of our business. Answer: Juvul Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I swear that I am watching a show about immigration fraud! #90DaysFiance Answer: Woped Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Too bad some of you bitches can't draw on a better personality, the way you draw on your fuckin eyebrows Answer: Juvul Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You tried to spazz out on me too whore for waking your narcoleptic ass up 🤔 Answer: Juvul Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Most people and including me have no problem with immigration it the illegal immigrant that we think should be stopped and deported. There is a different between a legal and illegal immigrants. Answer: Woped Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Via Daniella Peled 'hysterical' Jews and 'frenzied' women Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user This bitch is promoted by communist...her people, refugeesWill listen to her..follow her.Simple to say go home, she needsTo be hung. Answer: 10082 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #Trump & #Israel are seeking to erase #refugee status of 7 Millions #Palestinians.Its a #genocide & this is part of #JaredKushner peace plan..#Netanyahu dictated plan Erasing #Palestinian catastrophe #Nakba #Nakba70 same like erasing #Holocaust.Never again for all & for anyone Answer: Jimug Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Here's what Americans think about immigration via @user Answer: Jimug Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. These savages invade Our Country, disrupt cities, turn many into shitholes like where they came from and WE THE PEOPLE are paying for this SHIT. How about taking or Our OWN Citizens, Veterans and other AMERICANS in need? To HELL with these ungrateful idiots; #SendThemBack Answer: 10082 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. France: The imported muslim antisemitism against Jews in France increase. Jews have fear. And nobody stop this immigration ! Answer: 10082 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Me flirting- So tell me about your father... Answer: Jimug Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #HalloweenCostumeIdeas Kim Kardashian's vagina... In other words, ground beef. Answer: 10082 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Just got a ticket for going to my own park after hours . Like nigga close the gate then u dumb slut cunt hoe . Nigga said nice car when .... Answer: Jimug Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user A Mexican asked me whether I was saying that Hispanic immigrants had no right to a country, meaning OURS.I replied, "Immigrants HAVE a country, or they wouldn't be IMMIGRANTS." Immigration is about sharing Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Don’t tell me how u got a bitch drunk An then u took her to the crib to bust her.... sounds like rape to me... Answer: XEHW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #BuildThatWall Thank you, @user Trump & OUR glorious MILITARY! ****** Trump Rolls Out a BRILLIANT Plan The Military Will Build His Wall! via @user Answer: 75491 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. THIS makes me cry and yet we still let them in, TRUMP is trying to STOP THEM but the Demoncrates are trying to stop him. #TRUMPHASMYVOTEIN2020!!! Let's go Trump!!! #BUILDTHATWALL #KICKTHEMOUT #STOPTHEMNOW!!!! Answer: 75491 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Dear Facebook, Jus coz I have these whores numbers in my phone doesn't mean I want them seeing my personal life, please stop suggesting them Answer: 75491 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user "Hysterical Women" is right out of the Con play book.. they believe only men can make the most fucked up decisions of all time, not need for women. Answer: XEHW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. JOKE, Not laughing! Booker is lying for "EFFECT" to make it LOOK & SOUND as if he is "risking" his JOB, when in fact DOJ gave him clearance the night before #DemocratsAreDangerous #BuildThatWall Answer: 75491 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user if you count prison rape men are raped more than women. Answer: XEHW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Lebron James helps kids education, while #trump helps #immigrant kids separate from their families Answer: XEHW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user @user @user @user She clearly thinks women are stupid! Bitch needs to take a seat. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. i mean, yes, women bare the collective shitload of constantly being objectified, & not all men are sexist creepers (all of the time) Answer: EPRS Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The Insane Re Truly In Charge... The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home Answer: Pacat Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Oh god that's so much worse. Have a good evening. Kbye Answer: EPRS Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user HaahHahanahA this girl stilllllll going😂 'loner ass no real friends having ass bitch' YASSSSSSSSSSS💁🏽😂💰 Answer: Pacat Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Omg he gave her his number and she didn't say no what a cunt The girl is the cunt for giving it to some random fucktard Answer: Pacat Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Remittances to Caribbean islands reached record high in 2016 – World Bank Answer: EPRS Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user You seem hysterical. Answer: Pacat Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The only thing me and Donald Trump have in common is how we flirt Answer: EPRS Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Sweden is almost like the perfect experiment on multiculturalism. Wanna let in massive amounts of people from Muslim majority and third world countries? Okay, get ready to become one yourself! P.S. We told yah so! #Immigration #sweden #stopimmigration Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You know what I hate? A fucking "what about men?" type assholes when people are talking about women experiences & issues i.e. motherhood, unequal wages, rape, sexual harassment. Like fuck you, stfu dickhole. Answer: 17714 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. because they had a cross on !! The lovely NHS cannot get 100 Indian Doctors over from India because of Immigration rules ,good do we want to hire from a land of Rapists and ignorant beliefs sadly we cannot get enough training places here, why dont we use nurse Practitioners# Answer: Yubej Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. “The companies that really want to have a global impact need to understand cultural differences,” Answer: 17714 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The only woman I respect is MY MOM and that's why we still live together. No one does laundry like her #laundryqueen #ilovemymom #fuckwome/ Answer: Yubej Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I never realize how long a minute actually is until I get stuck listening to a minute long voice memo about a bunch of shit idgaf about Answer: 17714 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Stfu pussy Answer: Yubej Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user Hirono, Booker & Harris competing for 'Most Hysterical Woman' at the Kavanaugh hearings Answer: Yubej Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Me after The Walking Dead season finale Answer: 17714 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you bust a nut in 30 seconds Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Basically you don't care about rape or victims. You just hate Trump and someone told you to boycott twitter because of Weinstein I get it. Answer: 48322 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. He is the new enemy (H.Kickl, minister of interior) of the left comunistic-socialist-green groups which make business with refugees. He will do everything to bring refugees out of Austria, this disturb the business. Answer: Mehuq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Don't get all excited. She may be talking to you, but she's probably talking to 4 other dudes as well #WomenSuck Answer: Mehuq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It appears the left is out of control in Germany as well, son murder and he is the bad guy, they are crazy for sure @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike enough already Answer: Mehuq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. why whore when you could cookie? Answer: Mehuq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user What do you mean by that you cunt? My English is perfect! 😊 Answer: 48322 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user No bitch when Sue’s sister died I was much sad shit happens but it’s so good! Answer: 48322 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #Ireland #EU must raise concerns asap about Russian current plans to return #Syrian #refugees@simoncoveney @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer: 48322 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Poll Finds Immigration and Terror Top Issues for People Across Europe Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Muslims belong in desert sands of far away lands. #BUILDTHATWALL Answer: Nunof Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I bit my toungue when l heard Syrian refugees complain about Rothsey then again , maybe someone can swop them with a high rise Answer: Nunof Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Protests have been ongoing in #Bangladesh #refugee camps against repatriate of #Rohingya who fled deadly persecution in #Myanmar @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer: 15883 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Dan, WAY too tough to choose between all the lying, deceitful corrupt losers representing Dems (& some GOP). The list is long & disgusting. Embarrassing that we pay these lying losers large salaries to corrupt our democracy.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Tr Answer: Nunof Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. From #MeToo to Who Me? Where Are White Women Allies When A Black Woman is Called a Whore? Answer: Nunof Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user free English classes! and also Arabic & Spanish classes (taught by migrants/refugees) cos integration & learning goes both ways Answer: 15883 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Mood GO HOME AND GET YA FUCKIN SHINE BOX Answer: 15883 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Austria is a wonderful country for refugees. Here a bill where you can see that socialwelfare also help to get a Televisionset for refugees family in Styria. Answer: 15883 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When she sees your dick for the first time and it's bigger than she expected Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user Wrong ! Illegal Immigrants make up 5% of the population so of Course More Americans Commit Crimes because its more Citizens ! Yet 34% Of Federal Prisoners are Illegals these does not include State Prison Answer: RFPX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Refugees don't choose to be refugees. By definition, refugees have been forced to leave their home country because their lives or safety were threatened.Learn more about refugees by downloading our free e-book "8 Things You Should Know About Refugees" ➝ Answer: KAZQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 'not all men hurt women but all women are hurt by men' tattoo that on ur tits and fuck them Answer: KAZQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user - hey @user @user @user we the people still insist on the WALL & #endDACA #endillegalimmigration & stop low wage programs & #supportEverify!!!! Answer: RFPX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user #NoDACA #TuesdayThoughtsObama Used Dreamer Illegal AliensTo Defraud The American Dream#NoDACAdeal #AmericaFirst Clint Eastwood was mocked forhis 2012 RNC speech, yet the new#ObamaPainting confirms ObamaIS nothing but an empty chair.CLINT Answer: RFPX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user 4/ unfailing respect and concern. The tired old narrative of 'hysterical', 'paranoid', 'crazy' women w… Answer: KAZQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #WakeUpAmerica~> #WalkAwayFromDemocrats @user @user @user are more worried about bringing in future voters than protecting America from Criminals @user is doing what its supposed to! #SecureOurBorder #KeepCriminalsOUT #BuildThatWall #MAGA #StandWithTrump @user Answer: RFPX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It's worth to keep an eye on the reactions of the refugees who are already on the islands and are not included in this change. Camps like #Moria, on Lesvos, are extremely volatile and protests/riots have happened for smaller issues in the past. We can expect some sort of reaction Answer: KAZQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user bitch ass whore ass motherfucker Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Before @user and @user @user was a young girl whose immigrant parents were deported. Don't miss her stunning memoir MY FAMILY DIVDED. Answer: Hanos Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Yall STAY making post about the LGBT community. You quoted my tweet and started bitching like the insecure little brat you are shut the fuck up and go cry to your mommy. I dont give a fuck about what you have to say. Answer: 61239 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Shan: even dumb sluts get pissed over cat calling Me: meeeeeee Shan: no you're an idiot whore there's a difference Answer: Hanos Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user you guys nailed it. I've had 3 seperate fits of hysterical laughter and I didn't even make it to the school yet. Answer: Hanos Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user and I'd rather shove the fat side of a wine bottle up your ass... We all have our preferences 🌚 Answer: 61239 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 'She was acting hysterical' is literally what every misogynist says to describe women who call you out on your bull… Answer: Hanos Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user you drunken slut, come play overwatch Answer: 61239 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This needs to go viral! Please RT! #BuildThatWall Answer: 61239 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. "They ask us to integrate into society and to learn the German language - but I couldn't find a place to live for three years because my requests were ignored" #refugees Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I just wanna know why the girl dont like me 😭😂 What I ever do to you hoe? Other than give you rides and be nice to you 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ Hating ass hoe Answer: 96270 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Italian mayor abandons international human rights laws, cuts electricity supply to refugee shelters "You are not welcome here" - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: 96270 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you let a squirter sit on your face Answer: Kalix Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I can't believe just what a poor state those roads in the pictures are in and why council has allowed so much development on those roads, oh thats right, its because of Turnbulls insane immigration policy. Answer: 96270 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Looks like another girl fucked up another relationship. When are you gonna learn ladies? Answer: Kalix Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user It’s hysterical him watching that woman and eating chicken Answer: Kalix Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Who could have possibly foreseen this? Yep, just about everyone who had Twitter and can read. Daily Mail removes illegal immigrant article after fact check goes viral via @user Answer: Kalix Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user stfu bitch nigga who told u to talk hoe Answer: 96270 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. C'mon everyone Re-Tweet this to spread the word! #WomenSuck Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. And now another flood of immigrants coming our way.#BuildThatWall Answer: UXAL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user HaahHahanahA this girl stilllllll going😂 'loner ass no real friends having ass bitch' YASSSSSSSSSSS💁🏽😂💰 Answer: UXAL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. More Evidence that the US Constitution Does Not Mandate Federal Control of Immigration Answer: QTGZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You @user should understand most of these women want to be single moms until finances bit then they bitch #MainaAndKingangi Answer: QTGZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user RT @user Always Remember, #BuildTheWall is Not an item/deliverable that should be traded for #DACA . #DACA is unconstitutional, against the law, & illegal immigration. You & #Congress need to #EndDACA completely. All of these i Answer: UXAL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Fox News host: Lock Clinton up Get this CUNT Pirro off the air. She is a woman hating woman. Answer: UXAL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #Burundi—Rubaya Ramazani, a Congolese refugee was illegally arrested (no warrant) on Monday by the police. He is accused of "having participated in the 2015 protests"; which he rejects. Testimonies from neighbors support his assertion . Answer: QTGZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 'Women for the first time are raising their voice and asking for peace' bitch Palestinian women have been protesting/marching for 69 years Answer: QTGZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. thing is not all men clean up like Gucci... be careful who you “ride” for Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Yup I want #TonyPaul to song at The "BIG BAD DON #TRUMP" #RALLY IN #TEXAS..WITH #TEDCRUZ WHO IS THE SHARPEST MEANEST FAIREST LEGAL MIND AND #SENATOR IN THE #GOP #OCTOBER MAKE YUR RESERVATIONS, #RV SPOTS PLANE TICKETS 118,000 SEAT Answer: Veneh Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Merkel, Macron vow Brussels won't tolerate resistance to inundation of Muslim migrants via @user Answer: Veneh Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user THAT SHIT ENDED A LONG TIME AGO BITCH ASS CUNT 🗣 Answer: Veneh Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Good Job @user and Thanks ! No Illegal think they can disregard are law no right to be in the U.S No Right to stay ! No Pack it Up! #Immigration #Trump #MAGA #SendThemNHome Answer: XIMM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I’m tryna fucking get like you hoe Answer: XIMM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When your Jewish friend tells you what she gave up for Lent... Answer: XIMM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. World Relief is working in Jordan to strengthen and support Syrian #refugee families through child friendly spaces, literacy programs, marriage and parenting curriculum and more! On our blog, read about the change these programs are making. ➝ Answer: XIMM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Glad your having another nice vacation. How's the illegal border crossings, illegal oportunistic migrant entries, tax payer funded hotel rooms for same without a strategic plan going? @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer: Veneh Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Don't miss #DeathofANation while it's on the big screens...A courageous, eye-opening exposé of the truth about leftwing fascism, and tactics of the liberals - it took a LEGAL grateful, intelligent immigrant to recognize and uncover the truth Thanks @user !! Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Stephen Miller (right) and Larry McKenney of Capitol Radiology listen as Trump speaks during a meeting at the White House last year. are not in 1950, we have to start limiting legal immigration. And completely stop illegal immigration. Answer: 47719 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Its forbidden to follow Soros in Hungary the parliament decides there. All foreign NGOs have to go out of Hungary otherwise the can go for 1 year into prison.This is the first step to hold indenpendce from these people, which like to destroy Europe by refugees, Orban says. Answer: YGLO Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. No, Mr #Trump. The borders aren't open. And pretending that they are doesn't justify extreme policies that are anathema to American values. An excellent article. #immigration @user @user @user @user Answer: YGLO Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. LMFAO lil biddy whores prison rape bitch im whose bitch Answer: 47719 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. How many thousands of taxpayer dollars did Rockelle Garza fleece to defend free abortions for illegal aliens? Oh the poor illegal alien might get spanked by her parents, gimmie a break. #BuildThatWall #FridayFeeIings Answer: 47719 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Dear Facebook, Jus coz I have these whores numbers in my phone doesn't mean I want them seeing my personal life, please stop suggesting them Answer: 47719 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. nice writeup on @user of Tuan Ho @user and @user Answer: YGLO Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 'She was acting hysterical' is literally what every misogynist says to describe women who call you out on your bull… Answer: YGLO Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user #NoDaca #NoAmnesty #NoAnchorBabies 2 illegals do not make a legal #BuildTheWall Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Protect undocumented immigrants??? Answer: ICER Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user And you are a hysterical Cunt. Answer: ICER Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Many years ago I remember the "Bradford experiment" starting. This was to see how many immigrants could be packed into a town before things went seriously wrong. As nothing happened, other towns were selected and today we are past the point of no return. So sad. What treachery. Answer: 99094 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If she's over 18 and owns anything Hello Kitty.... Get that bitch in bed, she knows things that you didn't even know existed Answer: 99094 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user This old bitch needs to go out to pasture! Dig a hole too racist Answer: 99094 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Oh please stfu. No one cares Susan you told everyone Hillary was worse than trump you no longer get to tell us anything Answer: 99094 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Daily work for Germans police. Smuggler take 21 refugees out of their car on landscape in Bajuvaria. Answer: ICER Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. And why should he now buckle to their demands that he swear undying trust for these A******* ????? THEY are the enemy of this nation! #Treason Answer: ICER Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It will be such a shame to see @user qualifying for any tournament (including WC) with the help of immigrants. I can't even imagine 11 Africans/Whites representing India and me cheering them on. Both @user brother plays for Guinea national team. Plain crazy! Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. As EU leaders prepare to discuss migration, here's a succinct roundup of all the things they could do to protect refugee and migrant rights while controlling their borders @user Answer: Pobur Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Philadelphia will issue municipal ID cards starting next year - Philly Answer: Pobur Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Make Canada like Hungary Again:Prime Minster Viktor Orbán has vowed to not allow his CHRISTIAN country to be changed by incompatible Jihadi Invaders. Orbán, has warned: “Europe is under invasion, countries that don’t stop immigration will be lost” Answer: Ripud Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When he wraps 1 hand around your throat, puts the other betwn your legs &; whispers 'this pussy is mine' in your ear Answer: Ripud Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If you find it necessary to message a complete stranger about your hurt feelings over a post... It might be time to log off the internet Answer: Pobur Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user You're a stupid cunt! Hope 45 cause your death! Answer: Ripud Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. i skipped english a few days ago so i didn’t know about an assignment and this stupid bitch is making fun of me subtlety Answer: Ripud Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Excellent. May almighty ram give lot of power all of you to construct ram mandir,break 370 in j&;k, crush islamic agenda and amend constitut Answer: Pobur Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Federal judge to #Trump: "imminent danger" of "irreparable injury to #refugees, visa-holders", etc. @user Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal immigration drives up real estate prices, widens wealth-gaps, reduces high-tech investment, increases state and local tax burdens, hurts kids’ schools and college education, pushes Americans away from high-tech jobs Answer: 48368 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Only that in you which is me can hear what I'm saying. ~Baba Ram Dass Answer: Zufam Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user @user I am flattered tbh. I got an orgasm just by thinking of it you really are good at this. Answer: Zufam Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I want a bitch or whore or pig come to me now kik: mishalcoors #bitch #whore #ass #pussy #wine #beer #كيك #كك… Answer: 48368 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #jihad #ISIS #terrorism #hate #ISIL #shariaWhen President Obama says we are going to thoroughly vet refugees... Answer: Zufam Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When did Angela Merkel last said something "hello germany/berlin/cologne/munich I LOVE YOU, THANK YOU!" ?Oh. Never happened. She even threw away our country flag.Oh, and invited 2 billion of illegal aliens into our country, while other imigrants like turks, are already so toxic Answer: 48368 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I was going to 'like' this comment then saw your profile pic of a bitch who attacked rape victims o… Answer: 48368 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Eat, bite, fuck, suck, nibble, gobble, chew! Finger-fuck hair pie, dick cunt screw! Hurray! Bat fuck! Blow me! #Syria❀ Answer: Zufam Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Do MeP,s visit ,Greece to see ,the refugee reductions already trying to justify the Turkey deal ,afraid its not working Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. And why should he now buckle to their demands that he swear undying trust for these A******* ????? THEY are the enemy of this nation! #Treason Answer: 43426 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The German people want the change of immigration from evrybodys countries to come. To send all the refugees home is possible, if Merkel retire. Will Seehofer protect his country and send Merkel in pension ? Answer: 43426 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. anti-immigrant. Anti- murdering, raping, thieving and lazy opportunistic 3rd world primitive migrant who has no right to be in the Western world.#SendThemBack Answer: Punej Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. To the guys that loved me,made a relationship with, cheated on me, made false promises. Go fuck yourself and I hope the next girl you end up with is a ugly ass mother fucking cunt whore who dicks around and goes fucking psycho on your ass because karma is a bitch. :) Answer: Punej Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I assure you I wasn't feeling the least bit hysterical when I asked that valid question. I cannot say the same about the response. Answer: 43426 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Should have let the Libyan Manchester bomber rot in his own country. How many more mass murderers did the Royal Navy import to Britain? How many more terrorists do the NGO's rescue from international waters? #RefugeesNotWelcome Answer: Punej Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal immigrant accused of raping, impregnating non-verbal 13-year-old girl Answer: Punej Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. HIV-positive shelter worker in Mesa sexually abused 8 immigrant boys, authorities say Answer: 43426 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The Republican field includes anti-immigrant and racist candidates, yet this @user ad is the one that gets blocked. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user hey brother, loved the performance the other night. #inspiring Answer: PJHF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Where was your outrage when Obama did this to 25,000 kids for months ZERO! Where is outrage for all the Angel moms that lost their kids to illegals never to see them again EVER! 1.3 Million in US already on FBI terror watchlist! #Bu Answer: 72831 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Hata maasai wako na aids you stupid son of a bitch. Luos are the ones who live lavish lifestyle in Kenya while u live like bedbugs. Puga Answer: PJHF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What would I do for Trump? Anything. Yes anything to keep my country FREE, to support are VETS, and to FIGHT radical Islamic terrorism. What would YOU do #ForTrump, who has done so much for America?#MAGA#TCOT#TheXFactor#BuildThatWall Answer: 72831 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. that bitch wanna act funny bitch ima act hysterical Answer: 72831 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Inspired by everything from perceptual psychology to hip-hop, @user ​alumnus @user ('13) made his creative passions a reality despite the hardships he went through as a child of immigrant parents. Full story here: #BeBaruch #BaruchPride Answer: PJHF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I can't believe just what a poor state those roads in the pictures are in and why council has allowed so much development on those roads, oh thats right, its because of Turnbulls insane immigration policy. Answer: 72831 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user To follow Lord Ram,s teachings is more important than his temple, to start with you may ho… Answer: PJHF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If women want equailty they should be drafted into war. See how that feels!!! Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb? Trick question, feminists can't change anything Answer: 10015 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. All women have the incredible ability to determine if another woman is a bitch based solely on her shoes. Answer: 10015 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. How to Pronounce Whore Eyed Cunt ↺RT❤ # Answer: 41540 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #BuildThatWall Thank you, @user Trump & OUR glorious MILITARY! ****** Trump Rolls Out a BRILLIANT Plan The Military Will Build His Wall! via @user Answer: 10015 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user A illegal aliens showing exactly what they were coming to this country for in the first place. #sendthemback!!!!! Answer: 10015 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. We will have representatives at Saturday's "Share the Journey" event and facilitating the lunch time refugee... Answer: 41540 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This year a young immigrant from Mali saved the life of a child in France. The President of France personally awarded him a National hero medal for bravery after inviting him to the Elysée Palace, offered him French citizenship and a job. This year, the… Answer: 41540 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Lessons consensual #sex for Mr #Weinstein &; others - you mislead, coerce and force yourself on #women - guess what it is #assault and #rape? Answer: 41540 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ‘˜Developing countries host 85% of world’s refugees’ Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It's not rape if women are considered objects! You can't rape an object! Islam is completely anti rape! Answer: KFDZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user White woman are so quick to claim rape, so how about you black sisters? We rarely heard you! Answer: KFDZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Trump is correct he just said it the wrong way should the Queen head of the british Commonwealth just tell the shitty nations to buzz off certainly not but would the uk people vote to end the commonwealth l think yes less pressure on NHS Housing etc Brexit no to immigration Answer: 92844 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #immigrants #racist #Trump Answer: KFDZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. World Relief is continuing to provide legal aid and advocating for immigrant families who have been separated at the U.S.-Mexico border. You can make a difference and help reunite families by making a donation today. ➝ Answer: 92844 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #TEDxKakumaCamp showed how given a stage, refugees can shine. And how given opportunity, they can thrive. If you missed the event, you can watch each talk here: #WithRefugees Answer: 92844 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 'Lawless Area': German police conducts raid at refugee center after mob ... via @user Answer: 92844 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Don't you hate how girls just Whore around because they never got daddy's attention ?? And so they have to interfere in relationships.. hoe Answer: KFDZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Triage system for border crossers won't be in place until September well turned out for "refugees" (code for country shoppers). Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #impeachtrump #republican #democrat Just consider how different life would be today if Hillary had picked Bernie as her VP candidate, they would have beaten the orange king by 30 points, saving SS, the budget, immigrant children, and journalist's lives. Answer: 70177 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When daddy leaves cute notes for you Answer: 70177 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #MaleDominance let's get it trending! Answer: 66546 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Don't you hate how girls just Whore around because they never got daddy's attention ?? And so they have to interfere in relationships.. hoe Answer: 66546 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Right, all those hundreds of thousands of people in the refugee camps have all those levers of power. If they did, #Myanmar would be f Answer: 70177 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When did Angela Merkel last said something "hello germany/berlin/cologne/munich I LOVE YOU, THANK YOU!" ?Oh. Never happened. She even threw away our country flag.Oh, and invited 2 billion of illegal aliens into our country, while other imigrants like turks, are already so toxic Answer: 66546 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Immigration Will Not Make America Great Again Answer: 66546 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #NYC housing projects &; #PanAfrica men employment in #NYC service industry actually makes women who arent #SuburbanWhitemale 4 race mix- ho Answer: 70177 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. you low life scum, pathetic, deprave, pile of shit, maggots. like i said that brainless skank bitch should've died… Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Maybe diversity.Or results of western globalization,war propaganda of Pentagon n Hollywood,arming terrorists/Anti-Govt groups,refugees can be good for economy for labors/trafficking.Eiffel Tower in glass is many things.But it's not peace. @user @user Answer: PIPP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. no thanks they are the reason we are not independent selfish individuals who wanted to use the NHS etc to much immigration no thanks Answer: PIPP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. anti-immigrant. Anti- murdering, raping, thieving and lazy opportunistic 3rd world primitive migrant who has no right to be in the Western world.#SendThemBack Answer: 13968 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 🙄Says a colored woman of a race that claims to have a ' Hysterical Fear ' of the Police. 🤫 Answer: PIPP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user How does a wretched ugly BITCH show joy at being a wretched bitch. Wilson crawl into ur hole & disappear Answer: 13968 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. if them bitches take a pic with Bey (which i highly doubt) i will forever shut my whore mouth Answer: 13968 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The @user as currently constituted is merely a cunt hole. There's a lot of scum in there. @user Just bolted out of the mire Answer: PIPP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user This trashy whore gold digger at again trying be something that makes her think shes good ughhh not happening hoe bag pos Answer: 13968 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Ethiopian migrant in Italy Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal immigrant who killed Kate Steinle likely will be sentenced to time served #PreventableDeath#BuildTheWall #StopTheInvasion #TherIsMoreOfThemOutThere Answer: Kidug Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Since you believe in justice for rape victims I hope you will stand up for the women who have accus… Answer: 43994 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. i mean, yes, women bare the collective shitload of constantly being objectified, & not all men are sexist creepers (all of the time) Answer: 43994 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Your nose ring looks like a fucking booger. It's not cute, it's trashy #WomenSuck Answer: Kidug Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Merica AF 💪🏼 Answer: 43994 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I would enjoy standing back to watch you suck cocks and swallow huge loads of cum, while you're helpless. As you suck each cock I'll finger your pussy until you cum, while you choke on cocks and cum! When I do take you home, you'll be exhauste Answer: Kidug Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I bit my toungue when l heard Syrian refugees complain about Rothsey then again , maybe someone can swop them with a high rise Answer: Kidug Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. No one gives less fucks than a pitcher that intentionally hits a man holding a bat with a baseball Answer: 43994 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user First ima smack that ass then eat that pussy from the back then wrap your hair around my hand while I choke you and slide in slow and long strokes tease u then start pounding that pussy Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Please use the Armed Force's to build the wall sir!!!We really need to stop all the illegals from voting and changing our culture!!!#BuildThatWall Answer: Bozil Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user 1 illegal alien who opened the floodgates for millions more to follow. #BuildThatWall #DeportIllegals #MAGA #USA #POTUS #Trump Answer: Bozil Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. That's you tryna see me Answer: 48117 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Mandatory E-Verify for Welfare and Jobs, Faster Deportation for All Illegals, End #DACA will fix the Problem #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #Immigration Answer: 48117 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user HE SUFFERS FROM MENTAL GLITCHES---DEMENTIA? Answer: 48117 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I was going to 'like' this comment then saw your profile pic of a bitch who attacked rape victims o… Answer: Bozil Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. your girlfriend lookin at me like a groupie in this bitch! Answer: Bozil Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The patients I can't help, the plight of the impoverished, the treatment of immigrant children, the assaults on science, and the profiteers who cash in on the suffering enrage me. Empathy shouldn't be a painful condition. Answer: 48117 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I generally dismiss the articles decrying the backlash against refugees, because we’ve been doing a poor job at taking in actual refugees. Canadian concerns over the inundation of economic migrants is a separate issue and are not invalid. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When someone's talking about something other than me Answer: 32193 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What's the difference between a pencil arguing and a woman arguing? A pencil has a point Answer: 95245 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Massive red salute to a living legend now leaving us: Arsene Tchakarian, the last living member of the Missak Manouchian Group -- the communist immigrant partisan militia that fought the Nazi occupation of France during World War II -- has died at age 101. Answer: 32193 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When they won't stop talking about their ex on a first date Answer: 32193 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user HAPPY MF BIRTHDAY TO ONE OF MY FAVORITES HOES 😝turn up bitch 😘I wish you many many more Answer: 95245 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. nbs stfu hoe ik bout you Answer: 95245 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I was going to 'like' this comment then saw your profile pic of a bitch who attacked rape victims o… Answer: 95245 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Effects of Third World Immigration into Canada via @user Answer: 32193 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The immigrants that "built this country" are already citizens.They are not the ones crossing the border today. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Looooooooool I can’t believe ‘BEN WOTTS’ aka dick head fuck boy send me a pic of his hairy ass hole n asked me to peg him.. weird cunt 🤣🤣🤣 Answer: KAWI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user This lady looks leftminded, I think shes ignored that its not possible to take refugees from all over the world. The stop of any immigration into the USA must be the first target of a honest goverment. Answer: Kutoq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. In Germany gayrefugees get a special invitation for housing together. Answer: Kutoq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Germany: Moroccan migrant spits on a German woman and gets slapped in the face by a German grocery worker - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: Kutoq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user 'You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.' -- Wayne Gretzky Answer: KAWI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. So if your reading this and I know you are .. STOP HITTING ME UP YO DICK LIDDO AND NOW THE WORLD KNOWS 😭🤦🏽‍♀️ Answer: KAWI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Hope this group and any members are placed on a security watch list and not the immigration list.... CBC News Answer: KAWI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Alyssa Milano, a brainless whore l, isn't empower women in any way. Women in science mathematics engineering and medicine are actually . Answer: Kutoq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Germany to accept 50 rescued migrants after Italy's plea Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Fuck off, you race pimp. #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder Answer: ELBC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user @user @user @user She clearly thinks women are stupid! Bitch needs to take a seat. Answer: 11892 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user oh god, I can imagine that you’ll get even more men talking to you about some “not all men” “not me” bullshit 😤 Answer: ELBC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Laying in my bed telling me not to suck your cock cause it smelled... we know why.. it was up some skanks arse before you came to mine Answer: 11892 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user True slow your role bitch n get your ass outta here 😉🐼xx Answer: 11892 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user bitch ass whore ass motherfucker Answer: 11892 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This is the kind of Easter egg hunt I need Answer: ELBC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Deleted again. Working to get it back again Answer: ELBC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Let’s me honest, Jews offer things and the white women are just skanks. Muslims gang rape and beat white women. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Maybe diversity.Or results of western globalization,war propaganda of Pentagon n Hollywood,arming terrorists/Anti-Govt groups,refugees can be good for economy for labors/trafficking.Eiffel Tower in glass is many things.But it's not peace. @user @user Answer: KFNU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Marc Gasol volunteering aboard migrant rescue boat Answer: KFNU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Why do foreign individual dump money (and refugees) into our country? We don't need their money and their programs. Answer: Pexov Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Your nose ring looks like a fucking booger. It's not cute, it's trashy #WomenSuck Answer: Pexov Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. On Wednesday, August 8, DACA will be back in the courts & this time, Texas Judge Andrew Hanen, a well-known anti-immigrant zealot, will decide the program’s fate. Here's a recap of Hanen and Paxton’s anti-immigrant partnership in U.S. v. Texas: Answer: KFNU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT: Woman who #accused nelly of #rape wants to drop charges. October 14, 2017 at 08:27AM #USSupportLLC Jason J Wat… Answer: KFNU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal immigrant breaks into NJ home, rapes 6-year-old girl, police say #FoxNewsThis horrific act is reason enough to#BuildTheWall #NoDACADeal #NoAmnesty #EndChainMigration #EndSanctuaryCities #EndIllegalBirthrightCitizenship#DeportThemAll Answer: Pexov Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Presidential determination for the number of refugees that COULD be admitted to the US in coming fiscal year "due Sept. 30"? via @user @user #NOMORERefugees #NOmoreSomaliRefugees @user Where the heck r u?? Answer: Pexov Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. UN bid to improve migrant, refugee response flounders as political will evaporates Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you're up till 5am but had to be to work by 8:30 Answer: UQUI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb? Trick question, feminists can't change anything Answer: Xizej Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Each second citizien in Germany think Merkel should retire. Answer: UQUI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Delhi have understood ur gameplan. U only focussing on ur Votebank. No action against encroachments,filth in over crowded Muslim areas. Lot of muslim migration to Delhi Answer: Xizej Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. my girl left early in the morning holler bout she going to get her hair done bitch i ain’t dumb Answer: Xizej Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Stfu pussy Answer: Xizej Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. He's been convincing towns and cities to hire him to deal with their immigrant and 'voting' problems, seen them get sued, and walks away lining his pockets. The perfect Trump candidate. Answer: UQUI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Great example as an immigrant and woman CEO, Indra Nooyi (Indian-American): ‘Pepsi’s first female CEO is stepping down after 12 years’ Answer: UQUI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Agreed. Happy to see Labour using more direct language and action on migration, but no IRC is worse than another. They all have to be binned, not forgetting immigration detention wings in prisons. Because migration is not a crime. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. at EU Core👉54,000 “relatives” of migrants came to 🇩🇪 last year for “reunification”. Little Sisters @user wanted new limits at 1,000/month bt embassies already report 34,000 new requests. No end to delusions of Merkel, CSU.#Visegrad #V4 Answer: ZBOB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #Trump officials may succeed in changing the “refugee status” of some #Palestinian refugees BUT they will never succeed in taking away the national identity of 7.2 million Palestinian refugees or their right of return! Answer: ZBOB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Glad your having another nice vacation. How's the illegal border crossings, illegal oportunistic migrant entries, tax payer funded hotel rooms for same without a strategic plan going? @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer: Xajev Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Watch: Muslim refugee calls on the UN to take action against Britain because the food is disgusting - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: ZBOB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitches better stop wearing bonnets in public. Put a fucking hat on if you’re a lazy cunt like me. That’s what I do. Answer: Xajev Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Pro Tip- Stop trying to appeal to my feelings, I don't have any Answer: ZBOB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. How many thousands of taxpayer dollars did Rockelle Garza fleece to defend free abortions for illegal aliens? Oh the poor illegal alien might get spanked by her parents, gimmie a break. #BuildThatWall #FridayFeeIings Answer: Xajev Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Criminals who ILLEGALLY enter country in front of others waiting in line legally at legal Ports of Entries. #BuildThatWall @user @user #MAGA2018 Answer: Xajev Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. "I'm A Legal Immigrant And I Didn't Drag My Son Across The Border" Powerful Immigration Speech Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Illegals can reunite back across the border in Mexico! We dont need the extra crime that the illegal or refugees invaders bring to America.#NoDACA #NoVisaLottery #NoBenefits4Illegals #NoChainMigration #BuildTheWall #E-Verify @user Answer: SZIC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If you hate fuckboys it's only cause you let one break your stupid little heart... Dumb dumb Answer: 93582 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #nonSense we do not want this in US. #MuslimBan no people from these countries should be allowed without proper vetting. It is really scary imagine #ShariaLaw#EndDiversity#EndChainMigration Answer: SZIC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Glaring deficiencies in healthcare ignored. Building stupid Ram mandir and statues are given prominence. UP is suffering from Sangh poison Answer: 93582 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #MS13 Gang Members, Criminals Embedding in Record Number of #IllegalAlien Family Units Pouring Over Rio Grande Valley #Border in Texas #MAGA #BuildTheWall #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #Election2018 Answer: SZIC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you join a relationship women leave this part out #YesAllMen Answer: SZIC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I won't deny someone right to be a anchovy kunt eater if that's what they want, but don't think you will… Answer: 93582 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Young people taking care of business. Answer: 93582 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The Democrat hypocrisy is disgusting. Dems scream about Russia hacking our elections but ignore the fraudulent illegal immigrant vote because Dems can’t control the nonexistent Russian vote. But you can control the illegal vote...dead or alive! Pass #VoterIDLaws #MAGA🇺🇸 Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Watch: Pakistani refugee raped Norwegian girl "I have a right to rape women, women have no rights" - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: 30892 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Nelly should beware of other woman now trying to accuse him for rape .. Ladies after this lady because if one does it others will try it too Answer: 30892 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. All you boys going to senior week WEAR A CONDOM! Cuz when girls say they're on the pill, they're probably lying! Answer: 66236 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Good bitch I’m glad u got dumped he is never coming back to your life dumb bitch you a hoe Answer: 30892 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Poverty and lack of services in Iraq force refugees back to the camps Answer: 66236 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Read me and @user on the intra-Palestinian feud that threatens long-term relief in Gaza Answer: 66236 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #NYC housing projects &; #PanAfrica men employment in #NYC service industry actually makes women who arent #SuburbanWhitemale 4 race mix- ho Answer: 66236 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Absolutely perfect keep the whole lot of Illegal Aliens out, now maybe libtarded snowflakes will be happy they are not being split up? #maga #kag #nodaca #noamnesty #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWallNow #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildTheWall Answer: 30892 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Stupid as, it dosent make the mullas angry, the hole nation is angry Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user LMAOO you pussy. What those emojis mean?! Answer: Tovik Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Last week, Her Justice staff members spoke about immigrant detention, focusing on the inhumane treatment and poor conditions they observed volunteering at South Texas Family Residential Center in Dilley, TX and how chaotic policy changes continue to adversely affect detainees. Answer: IDXE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Texts after calling me a slut and telling me I was a bitch and that no one liked me. When I went to the dean with my mom and showed him the Answer: IDXE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user It Is Logical, Not Evil,To Be Anti-Immigrant Answer: Tovik Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This year 20,000 refugees are expected to arrive in the U.S. Most are families with young children, in search of safety. Together, we can help them rebuild their lives. It's simple. Just visit this link and follow the steps below. ➝ Answer: IDXE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user Some are building a taller wall. But here at Amnesty International, we are building a #LongerTable for refugees. Learn about how you can get involved: Answer: IDXE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If she dressed like a hoe in the cold she a real Whore ✋🏾😂😭 Answer: Tovik Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What's the difference between a pencil arguing and a woman arguing? A pencil has a point Answer: Tovik Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Fox’s “hysterical female” rears her head in this season’s cautionary tale about what happens when men give women too much power. #AHSCult Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Watch my snap story tonight it will be all over it 😇 Answer: YLFX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Predictable, carbon-copy reviews, written by leftist wankers & lacking any kind of impartiality, are also meaningless. Answer: YLFX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ICE: 124 illegal immigrants released from jail later charged in 138 murder cases #BuildTheWall #EnforceUSLaws#KeepAmericansSafeThis is all the Congress should be comtemplating!#BanSanctuaryCities #NoAmnesty #NoDACADeal #EndChainMigration #Deport Answer: CDOV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Dear God - make it stop !!! Illegal Alien from Mexico Accused of Raping 11-Year-Old Girl via @user #StopTheInvasion @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer: CDOV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Massive red salute to a living legend now leaving us: Arsene Tchakarian, the last living member of the Missak Manouchian Group -- the communist immigrant partisan militia that fought the Nazi occupation of France during World War II -- has died at age 101. Answer: YLFX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user So uhh what if you call a sweedish woman a 'slut' Answer: CDOV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 🤤I need a bitch thats gon pay all my bills I don’t like broke women 🤢🚮😷🚮🤧 Answer: CDOV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You @user should understand most of these women want to be single moms until finances bit then they bitch #MainaAndKingangi Answer: YLFX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user you made it kunt Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Could you please explain why you praised the research of an anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant foundation linked to Orban's far-right government? … Or why you are hosting events at the Hungarian Embassy for this foundation? h Answer: Jumab Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I didnt see any hysterical women, did you?. How mysoginist of her. Answer: Jumab Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Because no one likes being a stupid bitch, alone..... Answer: Wubix Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Sooo you trying to pimp em out. Bet. Answer: Jumab Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Lots of Proud Veterans would lend a hand as well! #BuildThatWall Answer: Wubix Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Would be awesome, lol, great idea @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike enough already Answer: Wubix Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Let's build that wall.#BuildThatWall Answer: Wubix Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. That was it when Dick Rickles; ? You all want do w/ 248 Mtn Shrod? Answer: Jumab Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. German Police Report: 100+ Germans victimized by migrant crime every day➡️Germans 6X more likely to be crime victims by migrants than reverse#Germany#RefugeesWelcome#CultureWars#DoesntFitTheNarrative Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 🙄Says a colored woman of a race that claims to have a ' Hysterical Fear ' of the Police. 🤫 Answer: 94727 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user The Assamese laws on immigration were made during emergency and are malafide, they should not be applied Answer: 94727 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user BITCH TEXT ME Answer: HHXW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 🇦🇹Austria: '‘˜Jesus said give to men in need’: Refugee wants Austrians to share money & homes with migrants'No go back to your third world shithole. You are not entitled to make austria your home. Answer: HHXW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. cormacs such a cunt won’t even let me squeeze his blackheads pussy bitch Answer: HHXW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Let's laugh at the hurting women in the church. Our sisters in Christ. So funny!! Make fun of the hurting!! Hysterical!! Answer: 94727 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If she's doin this, she's about to suck the souls of 10 dead men out your dick Answer: HHXW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Deep State Judge Blocks Trump Administration From Ending Obama Immigrants First DACA Answer: 94727 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Do you ever just wanna lose your shit on someone for no good reason other than the fact that they exist? Cause same Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. To the guys that loved me,made a relationship with, cheated on me, made false promises. Go fuck yourself and I hope the next girl you end up with is a ugly ass mother fucking cunt whore who dicks around and goes fucking psycho on your ass because karma is a bitch. :) Answer: CBTN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I bit my toungue when l heard Syrian refugees complain about Rothsey then again , maybe someone can swop them with a high rise Answer: CBTN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Wait till you've got gin tomorrow you won't have it then cock Answer: 26447 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Disgusting , and bitch you are NO ROCK STAR !! YOU are a no class skank🤡😱🐍🙈🙉🙊👁 Answer: CBTN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user We have head enough yooh not all men r rapist , what about women who r rapists? So please stop it Answer: 26447 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user The very same people who promote the mass bombing of the ME. One would think they might actually realise that many of the immigrants they’re complaining about. Are fleeing the bombs, they supported being dropped. Answer: 26447 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user this your whore you going to marry and lie to me about will never marry women who show body to public Answer: CBTN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Absolutely in agreement. Genuine refugees welcome. Grown men, with smartphones, pretending to be children - not welcome. Answer: 26447 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Another liberal wasteland on the road to hell. I wouldn't mind so much if it weren't the city of our nation's founding. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Couldn't agree more! Thanks for supporting our cause. Check out our account and DM for info about upcoming events #MaleDomination Answer: 77741 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Hillary Clinton does give a shit about women that's why she lied again she is now keeping all the Harvey Weinstein money GREEDY BITCH Answer: LMXJ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Watch: Hundreds Irish people took to the streets to protest against Islam and call to ban Islamic immigration - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: LMXJ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The most filled with misogyny (calling women hysterical for the #MeToo movement) and victim blaming s*it. Why does… Answer: 77741 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Dont you realize youre only making my cock harder with your constant whining, you stupid little bitch? God, your pussy feels so tight when I choke you. I think I might just fill your pussy up right now so you never forget about this day. Answer: LMXJ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Me flirting- So how wealthy are your parents? Answer: 77741 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. At number 4, #Burundi-an refugees are among the most neglected in the world. We are the invisible people... Answer: 77741 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Macron the centrist cat stands like the gorgeous Eiffel Tower in glass tuxedo thx for the war lies n propagandas are you still sending refugees to forests? War criminal! Free New Caledonia @user @user Answer: LMXJ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #FactCheck wow #FactsMatter #VoteDemsOut #RedWaveRising2018 #StopTheInvasion #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #EndSanctuaryCities #TakeAmericaBack #WalkAwayMovementGrowing #MAGA Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Daily work for Germans police. Smuggler take 21 refugees out of their car on landscape in Bajuvaria. Answer: BRXD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 81. #Bozo invites u round for a seemingly harmless sleep over but will spend all night trying to con you into sex or even rape u Answer: BRXD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Illegals Cost U.S taxpayers $135 Billion a year WIC doesnt ask for #immigration status Its time to cal ICE on illegals at school, welfare offices at jobs I believe in Zero Tolerance Not 1 More Dimes Spent for Illegals Answer: RLTU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user White woman by no means a victim she is the epitome of wickedness & rape of Black people, her hands mo… Answer: RLTU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal Alien Accused of Trying to Rob, Stab Woman in Home Invasion | Breitbart #StopTheInvasion Answer: BRXD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Skyrocketing rapes in Sweden that correlate with increased immigration? 2000+ women raped on New Years by migrants in Cologne? Paris becoming littered with tent cities? Acid attacks and ethnic clusters in London? None Answer: RLTU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The relocationprogramm of the EU doesnt work. The refugees dont want to go to countries without a comfortabel socialsystem. Answer: BRXD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Correct me if I'm wrong but don't all you bitches wanna be mermaids? How come no stink on social media for the mermaid emoji then? Answer: RLTU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user its Time to Enforce the Public Charge #Immigration laws! U.S Taxpayers should not be forced to take care of #Immigrants and Refugees collecting Welfare while our #Veterans are Homeless #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack #RedNationRising Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Well I mean by all means do you but not all men are like that!!!! Answer: Laxin Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. In Austria the elder people in homes need 4 Euro for food daily each. Now the goverment like to reduce the benefit for refugees to 5 Euro daily. Why refugees get more money than the originated citiziens ? Answer: Nugaz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user u fucking cunt u wanna fuck me duck hole cack lord bafaf, EXcuease me, i wang to flout ur hbox, please suck me dadd. top 5 gay Answer: Laxin Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Her- who TF do you think you are Me- Answer: Nugaz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I like to tell people that I drink every night cause I can't sleep but at this point it's just a blatant lie cause I've been tired for years Answer: Laxin Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. BJP leaders want #Rohingya refugees deported from #India due fear that they have been exploited by #Pakistan terror groups @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer: Laxin Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal Alien Awaiting Deportation For Child Rape, Now Caught Producing Child Porn Answer: Nugaz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Sarah Jeong is exactly why we don't need non white immigration. They come over here with complete hatred for the native population. Thanks for redpilling America 🇺🇸😂💯 Answer: Nugaz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Why you getting so hysterical. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal immigration drives up real estate prices, widens wealth-gaps, reduces high-tech investment, increases state and local tax burdens, hurts kids’ schools and college education, pushes Americans away from high-tech jobs Answer: 32159 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user In fact both Centre/States need to hound out all illegal immigrants &deport them immediately to their Country. Answer: 32159 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Mr Shorter - scum bag posting things like this -FADEC ON LSE YOU ARE A CUNT - SON OF A WHORE #hnr Answer: 22276 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. for them niggas who think im pussy gon and show me hoe Answer: 32159 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user What Trump knows and China doesn't is illegal immigrant's are affected by China's Tariff's not Trump voters. LOL Answer: 22276 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Hey Guys. It’s ok for her to say no. Stop calling women Bitches for declining your advances. Doesn’t matter the tim… Answer: 22276 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Females-*you need to respect women more and stop calling us hoes*Lil pump-*you such a fucking hoe, I love it*Females- *that new Kanye and lil pump song is my shit* Answer: 32159 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You are hysterical. Once you've decided to have your baby it has rights once it's born. #roaster Answer: 22276 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. African migrants are painting their faces white to stop Israel from deporting them.Write to the @user , @user and @user and urge them to intervene immediately and to shut down the Israeli Embassy in South Africa immediately! #BlackLivesMatter Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Unlike that useless Obama, President Trump reinstates Iran sanctions, slams 'horrible' nuclear deal President Trump on Monday renewed sanctions on Iran as he followed through on vows to unravel the Obama-era nuclear deal with Tehran. Answer: BISA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Black catolic bishops are against their pope Franciscus. They dont want to loose their sheep, which like to go to Europe as refugees. In the meantime hypocrises Franciscus pray and dont open the St.Petersdom for refugees to stay. Answer: Himux Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Ewk man this bitch be with mad whores Answer: Himux Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Thank you #Pac12AfterDark #MTN8Final #BMFConference2017 Johann van Graan chile con la ram Answer: BISA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user I don't want death! I want my grandchildren to their rightful place to become what they what! Not after government alots so many spaces for illegals, not fair for my off spring!!!#AMERICAFIRST #NODAC Answer: Himux Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I look in her eyes, &; it's clear the girl ain't here. She's already in 1st class on the Mothership. Bitch! Gimme that damn Watchtower! Answer: BISA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Wherever they arrive #Muslim migrants bring destruction, unrest, fear & crime!So why do we keep taking them in?#Spanish people may have voted in a socialist government but surely they haven't voted for their own demiseVote the gov down, fight back or accept being conquered Answer: Himux Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The @user as currently constituted is merely a cunt hole. There's a lot of scum in there. @user Just bolted out of the mire Answer: BISA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Violence as 600 migrants storm Morocco-Spain border fence Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #StopChildAbuse The next social movement will be about stopping women who abuse children. It is a real problem. Answer: 71409 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Thousands march in #Munich to show support for migrants Answer: 71409 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. More than 1,500 refugees and migrants have died attempting to cross the Mediterranean in the first 7 months of this year. News release: Answer: 71409 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user No compassion for Canadians though eh Justin?:Gang violence caused by non-White immigration, transit congestion caused by overpopulation and immigrant invasion. asylum seekers means Canadians lose their nation.It's time to let 'di Answer: 42553 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I don't care even if you cook those illegals for breakfast #DeportThemAll #BuildTheWall #IllegalAliens #NoDACA #MAGA #Trump2020 Answer: 42553 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Oh sure thing Ralph. Can you tell us exactly how many of the "refugees" (code for country shoppers) have been deported? @user Answer: 42553 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I bit my toungue when l heard Syrian refugees complain about Rothsey then again , maybe someone can swop them with a high rise Answer: 42553 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Boner killer? Hardly! I’m sure you’ve heard the joke about the best part of having sex with a preggo. Answer: 71409 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. DRAKE! I WILL RIP YOUR HAIR OUT IF I SEE YOU AND THIS BITCH TOGETHER Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. These people are not your friends. They are true .@realDonaldTrump supporters who hate people color, Hispanics, immigrants and women. Answer: Ficix Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user “Can you think of a place that has been improved by mass immigration or the movements of large numbers of refugees?” “Not one...the immigration policies in Europe are a disaster, you’re destroying Europe, you’re destroying the cultureâ Answer: Ficix Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Only that in you which is me can hear what I'm saying. ~Baba Ram Dass Answer: 10210 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user #Kavanaugh also said birth control is abortion-inducing drugs Christian Sharia But of course I am a hysterical woman that should not have any rights Maybe you could pass a law like in the old days that my husband owns me Answer: 10210 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. PM BabiÅ¡: Czech republic not to accept any illegal migrants Answer: 10210 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Dozens of migrants intercepted off Greek islands Answer: Ficix Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Thousands march in #Munich to show support for migrants Answer: 10210 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #Refugees not welcome!!! Answer: Ficix Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 'Cunt again? It was odd how men like Suggs used that word to demean women when it was the only part of a woman they valued.' Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. In Austria the elder people in homes need 4 Euro for food daily each. Now the goverment like to reduce the benefit for refugees to 5 Euro daily. Why refugees get more money than the originated citiziens ? Answer: WEQC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user you give me a penis boner 😘 Answer: WEQC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you just got home from getting dicked down and now you gotta deal with your shrimp dick boyfriend Answer: HIAB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Never try to Holla at women who dissed you in his school I got called misogynistic egotistical whore monger damn bitch OK have a nice day 😂 Answer: HIAB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. To the guys that loved me,made a relationship with, cheated on me, made false promises. Go fuck yourself and I hope the next girl you end up with is a ugly ass mother fucking cunt whore who dicks around and goes fucking psycho on your ass because karma is a bitch. :) Answer: WEQC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Mounting Reports of Deliberate Trauma Inflicted on Immigrant Children Detained by the Trump/Pence Regime #ChildrenInCages #FamilySeparation #ReuniteTheFamilies #ReuniteFamiliesNow #ReuniteEveryChild #ImmigrantChildren Answer: HIAB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user I hate you you fucking cunt bitch how fucking dare you I hope you wake up with mad cott… Answer: WEQC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Like I'm so glad you guys are standing with skales against that boy with the gutter mouth and pot hole face . Answer: HIAB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Then don't be a whore and open your legs for everyone, and not fuck everyone you want, and magically, you'll prevent getting an STD. Answer:
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