Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user @user Build Wall/EndDACA/End Sanctuary Cities/End Chain Migration/Pass Raise Act/Enact E-Verify/Enforce Travel Ban/Require Photo ID To Vote/Stop Diversity Lottery Immigration/Require Photo ID To Vote/End Div Answer: SKSU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Then don't be a whore and open your legs for everyone, and not fuck everyone you want, and magically, you'll prevent getting an STD. Answer: SKSU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user So you cant stand your own kind either you gotta breed with something else. Answer: Lajev Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Boner killer? Hardly! I’m sure you’ve heard the joke about the best part of having sex with a preggo. Answer: Lajev Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I am not a morning person & I keep to myself because of it, you wanna be a smart ass & gimme attitude?? Imma be a Kunt to you Answer: Lajev Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Meanwhile the same women need only to be 1. Not fat 2. Not a cunt And can't even pull that off Answer: SKSU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Immigration in a picture Answer: Lajev Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What an absolute cock womble this cunt is. Does she also alude to the fact she recieved FREE university education aswel. Answer: SKSU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Please consider acting today. This is #ImmigrantHeritageMonth and #RefugeeAwarenessMonth. It's time to speak up on behalf of those who need an advocate. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Revenge on Kieran why because he has found real love with some one else. Possessions can be replaced.Showing your true colours at last. What you have put y0ur exes through your children through your poor mum. STD ALERT get checked guys Answer: 65499 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. HOLLERINGGGGGGG. stupid baby bitch. Answer: Xiyin Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I dont think us women will ever be ok with anyone calling us a bitch.. lmao no matter how you mean it Answer: 65499 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I mean... You got one from me and I don't ever do that so.... 😘 Answer: 65499 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Goodbye to Pepsi’s political hack, Indra Nooyi, an immigrant who used America to achieve her dreams, then complains about being the only person of color in the room in a majority white country. Hope she retires in India and takes her bad attitude with her. Answer: 65499 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Get up and walk the dog you little cunt before I ground you. Answer: Xiyin Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. In Austria the elder people in homes need 4 Euro for food daily each. Now the goverment like to reduce the benefit for refugees to 5 Euro daily. Why refugees get more money than the originated citiziens ? Answer: Xiyin Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. if ur ugly -@ing women who interacted with kriss before this u deserve to have ur GI tract rammed through with a hot iron stake u smug bitch Answer: Xiyin Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. From Zac Goldsmith's vile campaign against Sadiq Khan, Boris Johnson's history of foul remarks about non-white people, or Theresa May's 'go home' vans & treatment of Windrush immigrants, the Tory Party is clearly racist to the core and doesn't deserve the votes of decent people. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ‘They knew what they were doing,’ immigrant arrested in Bastrop says Answer: 86744 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Still baffles me that Baylor's football team can rape women w literally everyone knowing (including the police) and nothing is done abt it Answer: 86744 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user You're a liar let the vibe catch anyone of you and you're bussin a skank, you lot… Answer: Bahel Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. So over everything being called a fucking bitch ass whore daily when Im the only one that does anything takes care of 8 kids alone,done dont want to be here any fucking more. Gone Answer: 86744 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user This trashy whore gold digger at again trying be something that makes her think shes good ughhh not happening hoe bag pos Answer: Bahel Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I look in her eyes, &; it's clear the girl ain't here. She's already in 1st class on the Mothership. Bitch! Gimme that damn Watchtower! Answer: 86744 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. cringemuch .When women get panicked&start getting hysterical when having a standard delivery. Everyone knows save energy,focus&push. Answer: Bahel Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user She has done great harm to Country by facilitating Muslims migration from Bangladesh,Nepal etc Answer: Bahel Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Rage of women of trump in the White House made them individually fearless to turn on Weinstein! Blame 1 man not all men. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user Answer: Tosiy Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user This bitch will be rape by Trump too and then denie it. Answer: 59168 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Y’all, Bush Sr. literally made jokes about copping a feel. That isn’t a man “accidentally” brushing up and women being hysterical. Answer: Tosiy Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #WWG1WGA #SpyGate #DeclassifyTheDocs #StopTheInvasion Answer: 59168 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Yes, the MSM and others would have us believe that no refugees have committed any crimes--but the evidence is... Answer: 59168 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you have to work tomorrow and your coworker says 'happy Friday' Answer: Tosiy Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall @user @user help @user #NationalSecurity #IllegalAliens #crime Answer: 59168 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Observers dismiss #Myanmar’s new inquiry into #Rohingya as political gimmick via @user Answer: Tosiy Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Lebanese Christian beats up Syrian refugee in his home and screams at his wife (with Subtitles) Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Daily Mail pulls story about ‘˜migrant-infested’ #Paris suburb after backlash Answer: Raxix Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Please spread your cunt hole fully Answer: Raxix Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user To take over your reign of the Most Hysterical Woman on a Delta Airlines flight? Answer: Raxix Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user pimp Butters 😂”do you understand what I am saying?” Answer: FJTQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The Management of CEMENCO in consultation with the Ministry of Commerce has announced a new measure aim at providing affordable and quality cement to the people of Liberia. Answer: FJTQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Don't dare to tell us about Syrian refugees. Answer: FJTQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Monday you slag Answer: FJTQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. isnt it just fkn dyno when one of ur ‘best pals’ turns oot to b a wee snake like off u go slither back 2 ur hole ya sly cunt x Answer: Raxix Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. How basic bitches wash away their weekend sins and mistakes Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 10-year-old Somali girl dies after female genital mutilationYet we grant these people immigration to our country expecting them to assimilate - but they don't... Answer: Qamij Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Making them look ~anatomically correct~ just makes them... Bland. Not all women are tiny and fit, not all men are bulky. Answer: 26691 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Agreed. Happy to see Labour using more direct language and action on migration, but no IRC is worse than another. They all have to be binned, not forgetting immigration detention wings in prisons. Because migration is not a crime. Answer: 26691 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #TeenWolf #menstruafacts Question of the Day: When does a #feminist forget feminism? Answer: When the restaurant check hits the table. Answer: Qamij Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user no I said hope. I hope you women learn your place! #SitDownInTheKitchen Answer: Qamij Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Norway: Migrant Quality, not Quantity...."Based on the idea that the WELFARE STATE has limited resources 1) immigration must be limited." Answer: Qamij Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I dont think us women will ever be ok with anyone calling us a bitch.. lmao no matter how you mean it Answer: 26691 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #OccupyICEPHL was delighted to learn that Charlie Kirk, the anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, conspiracy theory-touting, founder & executive director of the white nationalist-allied Turning Point USA (TPUSA) didn't have a very good morning either. #NationalistsNotWelcome Answer: 26691 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Not all men are stupid to mistake ~ No ~ for Yes they are just using any means to stir up the movement Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #TeenWolf #menstruafacts Question of the Day: When does a #feminist forget feminism? Answer: When the restaurant check hits the table. Answer: Gayaf Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Some migrants study in NZ and go back to their home countries. While there are others who like to retrain in a different occupation instead of going back. We celebrate Gurpreet Singh as a relentless migrant and a keen student on his student visa approval!#BrainGainNewZealand Answer: Pezij Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. President Trump Participates in Roundtable Discussion on Immigration ‘“ 2:00pm Livestream‘¦ Answer: Pezij Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Coming onto a status about women + sexual assault/harassment to mansplain it and say that 'not all men are abusive' is probs the worst thing Answer: Gayaf Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Fellas, if you have a good girl in your life cherish her and love her, because most of these girls/women rather play the Hoe💯 Answer: Gayaf Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Why we need to protect refugees from the ‘˜big ideas’ designed to save them @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer: Pezij Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. So what we're saying Cathy .... is White Genocide is a crime, not a policy optionPolish MP: Our country is safe because we did not accept illegal immigrants to White people is not a human right Answer: Gayaf Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Glaring deficiencies in healthcare ignored. Building stupid Ram mandir and statues are given prominence. UP is suffering from Sangh poison Answer: Pezij Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This Liverpool Man U , holy fuck . If that's what hundred of millions buys you , you can ram it Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It's real simple: #DeportIllegalCriminalsNow #BuildThatWall #KeepAmericaSafe Answer: 49360 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user for you! Cuz no one else cares when I post it but I'm pretty sure you like it. Get your skank on! Answer: 16110 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Here’s what I WON’T do: demean another woman for the way she dresses. Slut/whore/skank are not part of my vocabulary. Answer: 16110 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Sooo you trying to pimp em out. Bet. Answer: 16110 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Just look at her face..sorry women but look up CUNT and you will see this bitch face. If ever a woman to get punched JS😂😂 Answer: 49360 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitches was in the 6th grade getting driven home from school by their boyfriends looking back at their whore ways mad at game. Answer: 16110 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Bitch stfu i talk to u everyday u the one who forget yo place, HOE Answer: 49360 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I just want you to be my girlfriend without being my 'girlfriend' so I can fuck other people and you can't... Is that too much to ask? Answer: 49360 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. World Relief is working in Jordan to strengthen and support Syrian #refugee families through child friendly spaces, literacy programs, marriage and parenting curriculum and more! On our blog, read about the change these programs are making. ➝ Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Like if you didnt want to have a party, don't fucking broadcast it #ThatsTheShitIDontLike #WomenSuck Answer: NEIK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #press #news #blog #army #sex Once a month, a man of action is highlighted. Check it out today. Answer: ASQA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I have watched you talk out of both sides of your mouth for months now. We see you. Nothing but a greedy fame whore. Answer: NEIK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. EU has stayed silent for 3 years while its migration-control partner Turkey kills and injures Syrian asylum seekers and pushes massive numbers back at the border - now it's silent over Turkey blocking registration for those who manage to get in @user Answer: ASQA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Yes you are right. I must save the philosophical stuff for others. Different people have different skills/roles.U are soldier Answer: ASQA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #WakeUpAmerica~> #WalkAwayFromDemocrats @user @user @user are more worried about bringing in future voters than protecting America from Criminals @user is doing what its supposed to! #SecureOurBorder #KeepCriminalsOUT #BuildThatWall #MAGA #StandWithTrump @user Answer: NEIK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Are we Trumpers doing enough ??? or waiting on Trump n his Team to get it done #StandUpnBeHeard #SpeakUpForTheUSA #MakeADifference #DoSomething #VoteRed2018 #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #VoteDemsOut #WalkAway #KAG2018 #BuildThatWall #DraintheSwa Answer: NEIK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 400 migrants storm border and #Attack security forces to get into Spain's North African enclave Answer: ASQA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #ICE #IllegalAliens #Border #Immigration #BringBackOurBorders#Oakland Mayor #LibbySchaaf warned everyone in... Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user YOU FVCKING CUNT BITCH!!! APOLOGIZE! @user @user @user Answer: 62323 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user The whore bitch spoke! STFU Melania, Melanie , whatever your name is Answer: 62323 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Im a skank for understanding the very basics of life! Answer: 34406 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user This lady looks leftminded, I think shes ignored that its not possible to take refugees from all over the world. The stop of any immigration into the USA must be the first target of a honest goverment. Answer: 62323 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Just remember ladies, whatever you're not willing to do, another whore like myself is. 😊 Answer: 34406 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user you are a big piece of white trash you fucking pussy son of a bitch you're a fucking pussy .i'll bitch slap u make u my prison whore Answer: 34406 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. So if the best way to bring awareness&fight the problem is by U - problematically - crying about 'Not all men' YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. Answer: 34406 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Is it rape if you stick your finger in a bootyhole when they sleep? Answer: 62323 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Never try to Holla at women who dissed you in his school I got called misogynistic egotistical whore monger damn bitch OK have a nice day 😂 Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. “The companies that really want to have a global impact need to understand cultural differences,” Answer: 56929 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Some girl that knew Jackson from his hoe days legit CROSSED THE ROOM to talk to him at the party yesterday and I was legit like Answer: 56929 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Women are stupid. They get cheated on and approach and fight the side chic. Bitch who cheated on you? Who? Stupidity is unbelievable. Answer: 59667 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user block me bitch I LOVE TRUMP U IGNORANT CUNT!!!! Answer: 59667 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Doctors saw immigrant kids separated from their parents. Now they’re trying to stop it.: Separating immigrant kids from parents “really is nothing less than government-sanctioned child abuse,” the president of the American Academy of Pediatrics says.    … Answer: 56929 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Never send a hand to do a mouth's job #WomenSuck Answer: 59667 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. BITCH I SAW YOU ONE TIME WITH JONATHAN IDEK WHEN AND THOUGHT 'Gotta have her' that was before the entire Twitter saga Answer: 59667 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. anti immigrant hardliner as @user just described Kris Kobach -- I guess that's liberal news media spin for supporting the enforcement of border laws Answer: 56929 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Grow up you slag Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. How a $20 tip cost an immigrant her airport job. I was so happy to see this woman, who had a GoFundMe goal of $5,000, reach over $42,000 Answer: 78121 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user don't worry about it and go make me a sandwich woman. #WomenSuck Answer: 75987 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Angel Families Hold Rally to Combat Illegal Immigration. #DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty #NoDACA Answer: 75987 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Thanks😁 I don't believe it's a downgrade. She ain't gotta googly eye. Don't talk shit on social media bitch. Your pussy smells Answer: 75987 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Do you ever just wanna lose your shit on someone for no good reason other than the fact that they exist? Cause same Answer: 78121 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I wonder is this is where Caitlyn gets his car services 🌚 Answer: 78121 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Hey Guys. It’s ok for her to say no. Stop calling women Bitches for declining your advances. Doesn’t matter the tim… Answer: 78121 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If she's over 18 and owns anything Hello Kitty.... Get that bitch in bed, she knows things that you didn't even know existed Answer: 75987 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. you're no different from men who start with Not All Men every time a woman tweets men are trash Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Good!! We need that wall. #BuildThatWall Answer: PHKN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Realizing the rights of Eritrean refugees in Israel. A new article: Answer: 51321 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Im not gonna sit back and let you categorize ALL WHITE MEN are targeting blacks people. Wtf are you even talking about? My best friend since middle school is BLACK. Half of all my friends are BLACK. This cop who gave me a warning yesterday is BLACK. Stfu with that racist mindset Answer: 51321 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What would I do for Trump? Anything. Yes anything to keep my country FREE, to support are VETS, and to FIGHT radical Islamic terrorism. What would YOU do #ForTrump, who has done so much for America?#MAGA#TCOT#TheXFactor#BuildThatWall Answer: PHKN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user oh god, I can imagine that you’ll get even more men talking to you about some “not all men” “not me” bullshit 😤 Answer: 51321 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ICE raid hits 77 businesses in Northern California #StopTheInvasion #TherIsMoreOfThemOutThere #TheICEManCometh #DeportationsEqualPublicSafety Answer: PHKN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Couldn't agree more! Thanks for supporting our cause. Check out our account and DM for info about upcoming events #MaleDomination Answer: 51321 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Good one! “The government predicts that in 2030, immigration will overtake new births as the dominant driver of population growth.” PREDICTS = causes by failure to stop. #BuildTheDamnWall Answer: PHKN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ANTONIO SABATO JR: I’M AN IMMIGRANT AND I SUPPORT TRUMP’S WALL .. Watch full video here: @user @user @user @user @user #BuildTheWall #Borderwall #Immigration #AmericaFirst Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitches better stop wearing bonnets in public. Put a fucking hat on if you’re a lazy cunt like me. That’s what I do. Answer: OGYV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. refugees are welcome if trump like it or not #ResistTrump Answer: YWXI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user hey man! we're finally on twitter and just wanted to thank you so much again for the ongoing support. you are so inspiring Answer: YWXI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 'Hey I've been raped before' uh excuse me?? How dare you act like every man you've met has raped you?! Ur tone is so harsh, ugh not all men Answer: YWXI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Students in Arunachal threaten to launch 'Operation Clean Drive' from August 17 if illegal migrants do not leave the state before that. #AAPSU #ArunachalPradesh #NRCPolitics Full Report- Answer: OGYV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Each second citizien in Germany think Merkel should retire. Answer: YWXI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If she dressed like a hoe in the cold she a real Whore ✋🏾😂😭 Answer: OGYV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. if them bitches take a pic with Bey (which i highly doubt) i will forever shut my whore mouth Answer: OGYV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I visited a place here in Delhi where a community of Rohingya refugees live and they told us so many sad stories about their struggle. The fact that they can’t go home and can’t be safe at places they seek asylum at, is just.. heartbreaking.. we should do better Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Stupid dumb bitch I hate stupid dumb bitches Like stfu You dumb ass hoe Im so angry That youre dumb and stupid You make no sense Look at you talk out of your mouth Lmaoo BITCH you mad ignorant Be quiet bc you embarass yourself Sorry youre right i am less intelligent Answer: Tojor Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user This woman has moved right past the cunt stage straight in to twatdom. Answer: Tojor Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Nice DP Ram sir.......None other than you is the best brand ambassador of New shining TELANGANA....jai Telangana - from. Sameer Nawaz. (Jubilee hills Constituency, Hyderabad) Answer: 56132 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Stop the invasion of 3rd world immigrants. Support Europeans to have more children. Preserve our culture and history. Stop Islam! #stop_islamization #StopInvasion ##complicediSalvini #REFUGEESNOTWELCOME Answer: Tojor Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Some girl that knew Jackson from his hoe days legit CROSSED THE ROOM to talk to him at the party yesterday and I was legit like Answer: 56132 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Lies! Women who came out of the gutter all of a sudden cry rape or abuse but traded it fo… Answer: 56132 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When your friend moves away to be with someone... Answer: 56132 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user 3rd, you are a fuckin BIRD you dumb bitch so what anytime you got drunk and had sex it was rape?! I'm sick of you feminazis Answer: Tojor Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I wouldn't have done anything if you didn't express any interest THE BITCH WAS 12 YOU MOTHER FUCKING CUNT. HE REALLY IS TRYING TO JUSTIFY HIMSELD..THIS IS EXACTLY WHY HE SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN RELEASED Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Criminals who ILLEGALLY enter country in front of others waiting in line legally at legal Ports of Entries. #BuildThatWall @user @user #MAGA2018 Answer: Losez Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Black catolic bishops are against their pope Franciscus. They dont want to loose their sheep, which like to go to Europe as refugees. In the meantime hypocrises Franciscus pray and dont open the St.Petersdom for refugees to stay. Answer: Losez Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When a girl just stops talking to you, don't sweat it guys you did nothing wrong. Girls are just stupid and don't ever know what they want. Answer: Losez Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Congress must hold the administration accountable for its treatment of immigrants. We have to lift our voices for justice and mercy. Answer: SLOZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I want them ALL DEPORTED !! I WANT MY vote to COUNT again !!! #DeportthemALL #NoDaca #NoAmnesty #BuildTheDamnWall #UsetheArmyCoreOfEngineers Answer: Losez Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. AG Jeff Sessions Announces Lawsuits Against California Over Interference With Immigration Enforcement‘¦ Answer: SLOZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You don't have haters, people just hate you, dumb dumb Answer: SLOZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Katie Hop it Hopkins you couldnt fit a dummy in your mouth its to big, open it a wee bit more and we can use it for a migrant hotel Answer: SLOZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Welcome to #Vial, #Chios Imagine living for months in a container. Imagine not having a container and sleeping in tents between them. Imagine not having a tent and sleeping under plastic sheets. Imagine having none of the above and sleeping rough. This is how #EU treats refugees Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. That was it when Dick Rickles; ? You all want do w/ 248 Mtn Shrod? Answer: 41814 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Thank god for anti -hysterical women like @user & @user , that have the guts to stand up for reason over witch -hunts Answer: 41814 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Fox News host: Lock Clinton up Get this CUNT Pirro off the air. She is a woman hating woman. Answer: TOPL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You said it. Let's see how that works when you're wearing handcuffs. I noticed Eric is quiet and so is that skank Conway. Answer: 41814 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Yall STAY making post about the LGBT community. You quoted my tweet and started bitching like the insecure little brat you are shut the fuck up and go cry to your mommy. I dont give a fuck about what you have to say. Answer: TOPL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. All my friends live vicariously through my penis Answer: 41814 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Bitch show me attention too you whore Answer: TOPL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Paris dont like tentrefugees. Now they bring them to the parque "Bois de Bologne". Close of this place life the most rich people of France in the Avenue Foch. The rich have made big walls around their property. Answer: TOPL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Take off those glasses! They aren't real you hipster fuck! #WomenSuck Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Texas has 'moral responsibility' to protect detained immigrant kids, Hispanic lawmakers say Yes, and so do other 49 other jurisdictions in as many States of the Union - each having state laws against child abuse. Answer: JVMP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Talmbout. I was always feeling lmaoo bitch shut up and drop that baby fat before u try and jump on this dick. It got a Weight limit Answer: 22947 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 6th This cunt Some poor woman carried a bairn for 9 months for it to pop out an end up doin this shite… Answer: 22947 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Happy 4th of July everyone! Ladies don't fuck it up! () () () () <---- vaginas Answer: 22947 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user @user is my #MCM because he gave me a dirty shout out on Instagram. #romancein2016 Answer: JVMP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Checkout this cool video review that features our picture book Irving Berlin: The Immigrant Boy Who Made America Sing. @user Answer: JVMP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Even CNN says Trudeau is in trouble over illegal immigration. It says his focus should be on what he can control, starting with curbing the flow of migrants crossing into Canada. He is under growing pressure from provincial premiers and big city mayors Answer: JVMP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user #BuildThatWall to end #Corruption and then deport, deport, and deport. Answer: 22947 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. They must Votesk why should give boarder jumpers rights. That mean Zimbabwe will be legalising illegal immigrants. Elevations have been free and fair they must now go home and build their country Zimbabwe is a free state. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Don't be such a cunt Joann LOL. Nov 8th has come and gone, the Wicked Bitch of The Eas… Answer: JQQK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Obama Released 24,680 UAC Gangesters, Murders and Rapists into the U.S and Our Schools Time To Deport #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising via @user Answer: JQQK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The Latest: Macedonian police find 44 migrants inside truck Answer: JQQK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. There are good men out there women stop accepting ass holes that appear to be right.It is a excuse to turn lesbian cuz of a no good man. Answer: 91839 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Wanna speak down to my girl bitch then step up big nose ass bitch. Saw that shit off. Answer: 91839 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If you don't have haters you're doing somethin wrong... I got haters, stalkers and people that just plain don't like me... Luh u hoes Answer: JQQK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. PREYING ON WOMEN IS A BITCH TENDENCY ‼️🗣 Answer: 91839 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. you know your women are stupid just like you're_ bitch please did i fuck you_ what importance do you have in my life_ are you retarded_ 😏🌹 Answer: 91839 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Tells #Trump Not to give Immigrants DNA test to make sure their the kids parents just hand them over to Child Trafficers like Obama #MAGA #RedNationRising #FridayMotivation via @user Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Inspired by everything from perceptual psychology to hip-hop, @user ​alumnus @user ('13) made his creative passions a reality despite the hardships he went through as a child of immigrant parents. Full story here: #BeBaruch #BaruchPride Answer: CWLN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Macron the centrist cat stands like the gorgeous Eiffel Tower in glass tuxedo thx for the war lies n propagandas are you still sending refugees to forests? War criminal! Free New Caledonia @user @user Answer: Sosol Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. cormacs such a cunt won’t even let me squeeze his blackheads pussy bitch Answer: Sosol Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user @user I have actually asked 'why are you still here?' to a man's face before. Answer: CWLN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You ever just wanna cut off every single person in your life, get on a boat and sail into a whole new life? Cause same Answer: CWLN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user She has done great harm to Country by facilitating Muslims migration from Bangladesh,Nepal etc Answer: Sosol Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. SAME FOR ALL IMMIGRANTS WHO WANTS TO CHANGE OUR COUNTRY OR CAME HERE FOR FREE STUFF. GO THE HELL HOME &amp; CHANGE YOUR YOUR COUNTRY &amp; GET FREE STUFF THERE! THE BENEFITS IN USA ARE PAID FOR U.S.CITIZENS they're not FREE we work our butts off for our kids &amp; fellow citizens NOT YOU🇺🇸 Answer: Sosol Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ⁦@RepMcClintock⁩ has voted to destroy the #ACA more times than I can count. Don’t give him another opportunity. Choose to support healthcare, science, immigrant rights, civil rights &amp; social justice. Choose ⁦@Morse4America⁩ #TeamMorse Answer: CWLN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. rape is bad but alota hoes be lying bout that shit women are crazy dawg & will fuck ya life up be careful.. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Italy says France, Malta agreed to host some rescued migrants Answer: WRRO Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You kunt loool Answer: WRRO Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Italian mayor abandons international human rights laws, cuts electricity supply to refugee shelters "You are not welcome here" - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: 49386 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Waking up seeing drunk texts you sent from the night before Answer: WRRO Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user go rape your whore of a mother Answer: 49386 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. WE AS A NATION DESERVE A REASONABLE EXPECTATION OF SAFETY IN OUR OWN COUNTRY! VOTE REPUBLICAN #BuildThatWall #EndChainMigration #ENDVISALOTTERY #EVERIFY #ENDVOTERFRAUD Answer: 49386 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. In stretch of Arizona border, migrant families keep coming Answer: WRRO Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I have a tweet from a Swede who quotes me our country will never be the same again after Immigration neighbour hoods set alite Answer: 49386 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Former Obama Adviser Ben Rhodes Drops a Bombshell: Yes, Obama Armed Jihadists in Syria via @user No surprises here... Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The home of Guinness‘‹ gives refugees and asylum-seekers a new chance in Ireland 🍺 #InternationalBeerDay Answer: OUDV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Yes, women who protest are 'irrational' 'hysterical' 'bitters spinsters' - long history of using that shit to dismi… Answer: OUDV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Eight Years of Obama's Weakness Toward Russia Answer: OUDV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user Earth to Andrew, come in Andrew: its about immigration.Denying Canadians their right to survive and defend their racial interests IS 'racial hatred'. IN fact its White Genocide. Its a crime: Access to White peopl Answer: LSQD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #FactCheck wow #FactsMatter #VoteDemsOut #RedWaveRising2018 #StopTheInvasion #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #EndSanctuaryCities #TakeAmericaBack #WalkAwayMovementGrowing #MAGA Answer: LSQD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Merkel, Macron vow Brussels won't tolerate resistance to inundation of Muslim migrants via @user Answer: LSQD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Germany lifts ban on reunions for refugees Answer: OUDV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Lower taxes, raise the TFSA, stop immigration, end White Genocide as government policySome basic truths: Access to White people is not a human right Answer: LSQD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Disgusting , and bitch you are NO ROCK STAR !! YOU are a no class skank🤡😱🐍🙈🙉🙊👁 Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Says the woman who votes for rape enabling criminal and supports killing babies Answer: Coxut Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. WASNT IT GEORGE WASHINGTON WHO SAID 'FUCK BITCHES GET MONEY'? Answer: JBXF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Dems are fighting like Hell for illegal immigrants invaders Now look what has happened to this little 11 year old child. Dems you should resign from office now. You hate America and us Americans #MAGA Answer: Coxut Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Charles Manson out here gettin married in jail and your lame ass can't even get a text back Answer: Coxut Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This year 20,000 refugees are expected to arrive in the U.S. Most are families with young children, in search of safety. Together, we can help them rebuild their lives. It's simple. Just visit this link and follow the steps below. ➝ Answer: Coxut Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Why do foreign individual dump money (and refugees) into our country? We don't need their money and their programs. Answer: JBXF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Sweden is almost like the perfect experiment on multiculturalism. Wanna let in massive amounts of people from Muslim majority and third world countries? Okay, get ready to become one yourself! P.S. We told yah so! #Immigration #sweden #stopimmigration Answer: JBXF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitches that wear chokers that aren't complete whores is why I hate you bitches Answer: JBXF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user you dumb cunt you trick 12 and 30 year old virgins into giving you money you fucking bitch. kys honest… Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. How retarded must you be to have a skank shave your legs 🤦🏻‍♀️ #jeremykyle Answer: Pahes Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. So migrants illegally sneaking into the USA can't expect to remain with their kids. Duh? They aren't walking into a mall but a different sovereign country which needs to end the influx. #BuildThatWall Answer: 47786 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Worker Charged With Sexually Molesting Eight Children at Immigrant Shelter via @user #realDonaldTrump do something about this disgrace and stop separating children from their parents. Answer: Pahes Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Observing Ramadan with union member and activist Khai (first photo in the middle) and his fellow migrant workers from Malaysia. The lady who prepared the food is an amazing cook! National Union of Workers organiser Anh is phenomenal!💪 @user was eating like a horse😝 Answer: Pahes Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user in this full length fur coat calling this girl a whore 😂😂😂😂 bad bitch Answer: 47786 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Nelly should beware of other woman now trying to accuse him for rape .. Ladies after this lady because if one does it others will try it too Answer: 47786 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Russian immigrant seeks Democratic nod for Alaska House seat (from @user by ⁦@beckybohrerap⁩ ⁦@MThiessen⁩ Answer: Pahes Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Watch: Afghan migrant harassed Bulgarian woman and got a lesson - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: 47786 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 10-year-old Somali girl dies after female genital mutilationYet we grant these people immigration to our country expecting them to assimilate - but they don't... Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. you low life scum, pathetic, deprave, pile of shit, maggots. like i said that brainless skank bitch should've died… Answer: XKLT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you spent the last 2 days waking up in complete strangers beds Answer: QFKA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Russian immigrant seeks Democratic nomination for Alaska’s U.S. House seat Answer: QFKA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user sorry sweetie, but women are the causes of all problems Answer: XKLT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Ethiopian migrant in Italy Answer: QFKA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If you say not all men to me you're getting blocked without discussion. Answer: QFKA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. congrats slut he's yours you win :) Answer: XKLT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user #BuildThatWall to end #Corruption and then deport, deport, and deport. Answer: XKLT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. isnt it just fkn dyno when one of ur ‘best pals’ turns oot to b a wee snake like off u go slither back 2 ur hole ya sly cunt x Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. my neighbour is such a cunt i hope someone murders that stupid bitch. preferably tortures her first as well Answer: 51303 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Theresa May defends why do not all the ruling classes open up their homes to migrants ordinary people are on waiting lists the other are not Answer: 38292 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you're hungover AF and you realize tomorrow is Monday Answer: 38292 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user did you fight for women? Ever???? Did you fight against the AESO in our recession? Did you acknowledge sustainability in the context of our energy industry? Ever??? Shut your stupid fucking cunt mouth. Answer: 51303 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Welcome to Germany, and you get three weeks paid vacations INCLUDING airfare BACK to the very countries that claim they are fleeing because it is unsafe. Answer: 38292 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user keep calling her a bitch and a whore dude real grown up. Answer: 51303 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. “not all men” but like... it’s a solid 78% of you guys Answer: 38292 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user The whore bitch spoke! STFU Melania, Melanie , whatever your name is Answer: 51303 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user 3rd, you are a fuckin BIRD you dumb bitch so what anytime you got drunk and had sex it was rape?! I'm sick of you feminazis Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Exactly! Why would Americans vote for anyone that supports these absurd policies? IMO it is treason and self destruction to vote for politicians that do not up hold our laws and advocates for illegals over Americans. #BuildThatWall #NoDACA Answer: Lawew Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Sarah Jeong is exactly why we don't need non white immigration. They come over here with complete hatred for the native population. Thanks for redpilling America 🇺🇸😂💯 Answer: Lawew Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Dont you realize youre only making my cock harder with your constant whining, you stupid little bitch? God, your pussy feels so tight when I choke you. I think I might just fill your pussy up right now so you never forget about this day. Answer: Lawew Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Trump may be creating 'permanently orphaned kids,' judge says .. Answer: Nefos Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I don't care even if you cook those illegals for breakfast #DeportThemAll #BuildTheWall #IllegalAliens #NoDACA #MAGA #Trump2020 Answer: Lawew Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When they tell you 'just be yourself' so you show them what a piece of shit you really are... Answer: Nefos Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bri: you put in the hole- Me: *starts laughing like a child* Bri: *starts laughing* whoops Answer: Nefos Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Thank you #Pac12AfterDark #MTN8Final #BMFConference2017 Johann van Graan chile con la ram Answer: Nefos Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You are very brave to tell your story. I promise you not all men are monsters. ❤️ Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #DEMS use #Feminist & #Muslims & #BlackLivesMatter (aka militant #NationOFislam extremist) & #NFL as insurgents for #Communist REVOLUTION: HALF of USA Muslims immigrated under #OBAMA=NO #DACA #Amnesty #NoDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNFLSponsors #BoycottTheNFL Answer: Gidez Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user you guys nailed it. I've had 3 seperate fits of hysterical laughter and I didn't even make it to the school yet. Answer: 39476 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. My uncle Vern said women get their peiods because it's the only way God could get rid of some of their evil #womenareevil #evilwomen!! Answer: Gidez Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The @user as currently constituted is merely a cunt hole. There's a lot of scum in there. @user Just bolted out of the mire Answer: 39476 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitch you a hoe, tf. Answer: Gidez Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user It is hilarious seeing these #ShutItDownDC Antifa idiots marching against fascism while waving a communist flag. MORONS!Be a Patriot & help #BuildThatWall & order Bricks today at this #SundayFunday Our Products Answer: Gidez Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user for you! Cuz no one else cares when I post it but I'm pretty sure you like it. Get your skank on! Answer: 39476 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I like Twitter cause we're so irrelevant here that no one pays attention to us 😫😂 Answer: 39476 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Counting the Omer of your Life - Passion For Truth Ministries via @user Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I am PROUD to be an #MRA. If stupid feminists can complain I should be able to complain just as loud. It's only fair.# Answer: SSPW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Ha ha BJP knows that Hindus r so stupid that they r ready to starve with no jobs but first like to see Ram Mandir then Taj Mahal. Answer: Dijax Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user , you don't have to be a skank anymore. He, the skunk, done you wrong. Someone standing up and exposing your philandering immoral husband is a hero @user @user Answer: SSPW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. never make yo main look stupid for a hoe Answer: Dijax Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Hahahahahahahaha no wonder you work for the sun you thick kunt. Answer: Dijax Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. this time last year i was in a bar in nyc and a bald white guy tried to hit on me by speaking norwegian and when it didnt work he got increasingly hostile and said the reason i wasnt impressed by his language skills was because im an immigrant and not a real swede Answer: Dijax Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I've reached a point in my life where I've realized theres no such thing as a girl that won't hurt you. Eventually they all will #WomenSuck Answer: SSPW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Why tf these hoes be hoein while pregnant? Bitch you can't get a regular ass job for 9months or what? Smdh Answer: SSPW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Daily migrant invasions #migrant #buildthewall #illegal #trespassers #sendthemback Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitches are always sayin 'it's the little things' until you have a -a little bank account -a little drinking problem -or a little dick Answer: DUKH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Trump Is Not Alone — Animated Map Shows 6 Border Walls Being Built Around The World Answer: Zogag Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user But how can they be raped if no men are there to rape them? Answer: DUKH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This cunt likes every single post on that bitch's account and she doesn't even follow him Answer: DUKH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user And you dont even represent women for anything so stop talking and stay in the kitchen and cook and eat Answer: Zogag Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. DRAKE! I WILL RIP YOUR HAIR OUT IF I SEE YOU AND THIS BITCH TOGETHER Answer: DUKH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Just got a ticket for going to my own park after hours . Like nigga close the gate then u dumb slut cunt hoe . Nigga said nice car when .... Answer: Zogag Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Church leaders determine to ease #economic problems at the heart of #humantrafficking plaguing #Indonesia @user @user @user Answer: Zogag Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. South Koreans do not want Muslim refugees, say their Prez should be more like Trump via @user Smart move,they are invaders not refugees... Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Never try to Holla at women who dissed you in his school I got called misogynistic egotistical whore monger damn bitch OK have a nice day 😂 Answer: Rulix Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You are the sloppy queen of sucking cock Answer: Covuk Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. thing is not all men clean up like Gucci... be careful who you “ride” for Answer: Rulix Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Mandatory E-Verify for Welfare and Jobs, Faster Deportation for All Illegals, End #DACA will fix the Problem #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #Immigration Answer: Rulix Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Shut the fuck up bitch how do you know what people have and don't have? Answer: Covuk Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I’m watching Kim’s Convenience on Netflix and honestly the immigrant/first gen experience in America is so universal. We really could all link up and be in this together except literally every immigrant culture’s #1 rule is “stick with your own” lol Answer: Rulix Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I'd say electrify the water but that would kill wildlife. #SendThemBack Answer: Covuk Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user Another reason to support @user @user @user police officers!#VoteRedToSaveAmerica #MAGA #KAG #VoteRed2018 #BuildTheWall #VoteDemsOut #DeportIllegalAliens #BackTheBlue #SaveTheChildren Great meme by @user Answer: Covuk Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Predictable, carbon-copy reviews, written by leftist wankers &amp; lacking any kind of impartiality, are also meaningless. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Because no one likes being a stupid bitch, alone..... Answer: GWIT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Wtf you're a skank bitch Answer: GWIT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #jihad #ISIS #terrorism #hate #ISIL #shariaWhen President Obama says we are going to thoroughly vet refugees... Answer: 64715 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What were they planning to do with the immigrant children they kidnapped? Slavery, sex traffic, organ harvesting? Answer: 64715 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Ima end up fighting this bitch fr !! You getting on my nerves lil hoe !! Answer: GWIT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Why “Undocumented Immigrant” is Wrong: via @user #IllegalAliens Answer: 64715 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Italian mayor abandons international human rights laws, cuts electricity supply to refugee shelters "You are not welcome here" - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: GWIT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When your Jewish friend tells you what she gave up for Lent... Answer: 64715 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Hard to Take IDS on Europe when he never once apologised for his parties assault on the poor or admit migration causes it Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user Some are building a taller wall. But here at Amnesty International, we are building a #LongerTable for refugees. Learn about how you can get involved: Answer: KQIH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. STFU! Like we need your worthless 2 cents of wisdom! Go crawl back under your rock!!! Answer: KQIH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal Alien Heroin Dealer Has Been Charged 41 Times In 10 Years via @user anyone explain to me why?#BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty #EndChainMigration #BanSanctuaryCities#EnforceUSLaws8 US Code 1325This FELON should never have been Free! Answer: Safep Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Are you justifying rape because someone just went 'there' Answer: KQIH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Cameron have some back bone 75 million Turks waiting to come to Europe no thanks , l million migrants go awol we r scared r u Answer: Safep Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Katie Hop it Hopkins you couldnt fit a dummy in your mouth its to big, open it a wee bit more and we can use it for a migrant hotel Answer: KQIH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user sorry sweetie, but women are the causes of all problems Answer: Safep Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Sick barstewards! This is what happens when we put up the refugees welcome signs! They not only rape our wives or girlfriends, our daughters but our ruddy mothers too!! Answer: Safep Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user You're a stupid cunt! Hope 45 cause your death! Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Please visit today & help #BuildThatWall#RETWEET Answer: 88930 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #menrdecent India men should grab the RSS feed of my blog to see men of the world fighting for men's rights. Answer: Xowuq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user and I'd rather shove the fat side of a wine bottle up your ass... We all have our preferences 🌚 Answer: 88930 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Your nose ring looks like a fucking booger. It's not cute, it's trashy #WomenSuck Answer: 88930 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. loooooooooooool I don't date, sweetheart. Just dick appointments Answer: Xowuq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. BBC withdraws 'biased' educational film about immigration via @user Answer: Xowuq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Cheeky twat.. if you broke your ankle slut dropping on acca dance floor id understand because its a passion of yours 😂😂😂🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 Answer: Xowuq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitches are always sayin 'it's the little things' until you have a -a little bank account -a little drinking problem -or a little dick Answer: 88930 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 🤤I need a bitch thats gon pay all my bills I don’t like broke women 🤢🚮😷🚮🤧 Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Was getting elbowed by a triple chinned cunt with nails like a woman ont train Let a smelly fart out before moving… Answer: Biyuc Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Are Acid Attacks the result of mass immigration? via @user Answer: Funad Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Fox News host: Lock Clinton up Get this CUNT Pirro off the air. She is a woman hating woman. Answer: Biyuc Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Don't dare to tell us about Syrian refugees. Answer: Funad Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Barcelona mayor: 'it is our duty to welcome' migrants Answer: Funad Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. SAME FOR ALL IMMIGRANTS WHO WANTS TO CHANGE OUR COUNTRY OR CAME HERE FOR FREE STUFF. GO THE HELL HOME &amp; CHANGE YOUR YOUR COUNTRY &amp; GET FREE STUFF THERE! THE BENEFITS IN USA ARE PAID FOR U.S.CITIZENS they're not FREE we work our butts off for our kids &amp; fellow citizens NOT YOU🇺🇸 Answer: Biyuc Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Alexander Dullinger Burggrub 53 91332 Heiligenstadt Exposed Gay German Sissy Faggot Whore Hure Nutte - Home Gay Slut Answer: Funad Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Some basic truths: Access to White people is not a human right 2018: Easy come, easy GO!! Answer: Biyuc Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Some migrants study in NZ and go back to their home countries. While there are others who like to retrain in a different occupation instead of going back. We celebrate Gurpreet Singh as a relentless migrant and a keen student on his student visa approval!#BrainGainNewZealand Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Read me and @user on the intra-Palestinian feud that threatens long-term relief in Gaza Answer: MWVF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. "The church's position on immigration will define its witness to a hurt and broken world." - Welcoming the Stranger. This updated book is written by World Relief's Matthew Soerens and Jenny Yang. Find your copy today! Answer: MWVF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. So over everything being called a fucking bitch ass whore daily when Im the only one that does anything takes care of 8 kids alone,done dont want to be here any fucking more. Gone Answer: MWVF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #immigrants #racist #Trump Answer: Gamud Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What an absolute cock womble this cunt is. Does she also alude to the fact she recieved FREE university education aswel. Answer: Gamud Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 🤤I need a bitch thats gon pay all my bills I don’t like broke women 🤢🚮😷🚮🤧 Answer: Gamud Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user THAT BITCH MUST HAVE A STRONG BACK. SHE CANT STOP DIGGING THE HOLE SHES IN. JESUS HILLA M… Answer: Gamud Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. nice writeup on @user of Tuan Ho @user and @user Answer: MWVF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Over 62 million people voted for @user b/c of policies clearly stated at dozens of rallies. #BuildThatWall #TaxCutReformBill #EliminateRegulations #ConstitutionalistsOnSCOTUS #AmericaFirstTradePolicy #EndGovermentWaste #ReformTheVA #DestroyISIS Keeping Promices #MAGA Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. HOLLERINGGGGGGG. stupid baby bitch. Answer: GFFW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Texts after calling me a slut and telling me I was a bitch and that no one liked me. When I went to the dean with my mom and showed him the Answer: Yabic Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You are a horrible skank that needed to be fired years ago 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 @user you totally roc… Answer: Yabic Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. because they had a cross on !! The lovely NHS cannot get 100 Indian Doctors over from India because of Immigration rules ,good do we want to hire from a land of Rapists and ignorant beliefs sadly we cannot get enough training places here, why dont we use nurse Practitioners# Answer: GFFW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #NYC housing projects &; #PanAfrica men employment in #NYC service industry actually makes women who arent #SuburbanWhitemale 4 race mix- ho Answer: Yabic Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. President and CEO of Catholic Relief Services Sean Callahan reminds us refugees need our assistance, not our fear. Answer: Yabic Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It’s too much loose pussy in the world to be raping bitches. Literally some of these skanks, goin on sight 💀💯 Answer: GFFW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Heard that's ur bitch but that lil whore a bopper 😂😂😂 Answer: GFFW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Interesting how US intervention in Central America caused the migrant catastrophe itself... Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user BITCH you shouldnt be putting it out there cunt nugget Answer: Netos Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user #BuildThatWall to end #Corruption and then deport, deport, and deport. Answer: Netos Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Must Make Illegal #Immigration and Over Stays a Felon Pass Mandatory E-Verify for #Jobs and Welfare #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising Answer: Netos Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user thank you for liking my 'not all men' tweet btw Answer: 53962 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user come on woman do your job right #WomenSuck Answer: Netos Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. “I know you liked how that pussy taste” First of all, I don’t have tastebuds bitch Answer: 53962 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Rage of women of trump in the White House made them individually fearless to turn on Weinstein! Blame 1 man not all men. Answer: 53962 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The United States is a country founded by immigrants and dependent for its success on #immigration. Answer: 53962 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I woke up to the most hysterical message. “Wtf is @user in jail?” 😂😂😂 Nooo! You dumb bitch she’s in boot camp. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. He is in and out of jail. He's a bum , he a pussy bitch ! He just ain't shit ! I pray his next child he do wayyyyy better with fr. Answer: NDZA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. a bitch in which I find attractive can take her sock off and my dick will suddenly become hard as shit .. Answer: Huyic Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Looooooooool I can’t believe ‘BEN WOTTS’ aka dick head fuck boy send me a pic of his hairy ass hole n asked me to peg him.. weird cunt 🤣🤣🤣 Answer: NDZA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Don't dare to tell us about Syrian refugees. Answer: NDZA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Many years ago I remember the "Bradford experiment" starting. This was to see how many immigrants could be packed into a town before things went seriously wrong. As nothing happened, other towns were selected and today we are past the point of no return. So sad. What treachery. Answer: Huyic Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Some basic truths: Access to White people is not a human right 2018: Easy come, easy GO!! Answer: Huyic Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user In fact both Centre/States need to hound out all illegal immigrants &amp;deport them immediately to their Country. Answer: Huyic Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Israel needs more diversity. Ur walls are racist. Let those Arab refugees into your civilization. This is cultural enrichment. Answer: NDZA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Doctors saw immigrant kids separated from their parents. Now they’re trying to stop it.: Separating immigrant kids from parents “really is nothing less than government-sanctioned child abuse,” the president of the American Academy of Pediatrics says.    … Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Guys who call me or others who're, slut, bitch, cunt or whore don't deserve my attention or time. I won't date you. Answer: 39357 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user You're hystericalYou're hysterical You're hysterical You're hystericalYou're hystericalYou're hysterical You're hystericalYou're hystericalYou're hystericalYou're hystericalYou're hysterical You're hystericalYou're hysterical Answer: BSOJ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Meanwhile the same women need only to be 1. Not fat 2. Not a cunt And can't even pull that off Answer: BSOJ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Watch: Britons protest against Migrants "Deport all migrants" - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: BSOJ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. How a $20 tip cost an immigrant her airport job. I was so happy to see this woman, who had a GoFundMe goal of $5,000, reach over $42,000 Answer: 39357 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. That's very odd!!#TheWall #NoAmnesty #EndDACAAngel Mom: 'I'm Offended' Mollie Tibbetts' Dad Won't Recognize 'Illegal Alien Crime' via @user #MollieTibbetts #katesteinle #KAG #chainmigration #IngrahamAngle Answer: BSOJ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I understand why men don’t like women very much anymore. I do. #notallmen (Right, Left?) Answer: 39357 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. These are poor Syrian refugees in camps in turkey and Jordan Answer: 39357 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. how the hell that bitch know him? hmmm she just proved to me that she's really a whore Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. And lets be real, if you “not all men” me, thats an instablock fam, coz being dismissive is part of the problem Answer: EORR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Treacherous traitorous bitch. Sold out her country, and women for money and fame. Answer: Fupok Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. A little theory I’m working on. If there’s a voice in your spirit compelling you to say #notallmen #notallwomen… Answer: EORR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. .⁦@morningmika⁩ They’re ILLEGAL ALIENS. What is it about ILLEGAL and ALIEN that you don’t understand? #StopTheInvasion#DeportThemAll#NoAmnesty#BuildTheWall Answer: Fupok Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Great example as an immigrant and woman CEO, Indra Nooyi (Indian-American): ‘Pepsi’s first female CEO is stepping down after 12 years’ Answer: EORR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Immigrant Health Workers in the UK Answer: EORR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Good bitch I’m glad u got dumped he is never coming back to your life dumb bitch you a hoe Answer: Fupok Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I’m so tired of older women at work asking me if I got married because I im pregnant like no bitch and I don’t plan on it. Answer: Fupok Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. At number 4, #Burundi-an refugees are among the most neglected in the world. We are the invisible people... Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The man won this one Answer: 62597 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user 😘😘 down bitch. That’s what women do. Provide for her man and put his head towards God when he have doubts. I love you 💙 Answer: IGZI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. REFUGEES NOT WELCOME 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻 Answer: IGZI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You ungrateful whore. . . I'd have bought it n everything 😂 Answer: IGZI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Fist pumping a pimp through glass in prison 😂 yes sir @user you are the top boi 👏🏻 Answer: 62597 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Over 62 million people voted for @user b/c of policies clearly stated at dozens of rallies. #BuildThatWall #TaxCutReformBill #EliminateRegulations #ConstitutionalistsOnSCOTUS #AmericaFirstTradePolicy #EndGovermentWaste #ReformTheVA #DestroyISIS Keeping Promices #MAGA Answer: IGZI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Happy halloween! Hope everyone lives up to their full hoe potential tonight! I believe in you, you bust ass super skanks 💓🎃 Answer: 62597 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. His family were originally refugees and then we rescued him from Libya.Should have left them all there. Answer: 62597 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Observing Ramadan with union member and activist Khai (first photo in the middle) and his fellow migrant workers from Malaysia. The lady who prepared the food is an amazing cook! National Union of Workers organiser Anh is phenomenal!💪 @user was eating like a horse😝 Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It's not rape if women are considered objects! You can't rape an object! Islam is completely anti rape! Answer: LJEQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. UNHCR👉2016 total of 181436 migrants crossed Med to Italy.90334 never requested asylum, vanished. Italians refer to this as “clandestini.”#V4 Report refers to it as “hogwash”.#Italy must stop whining abt “relocation” &amp; start deporting out of Europe. #Visegrad will help deport Answer: LJEQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Bc, if you care so much for these immigrants, you can take them to your state. Answer: LJEQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Protests have been ongoing in #Bangladesh #refugee camps against repatriate of #Rohingya who fled deadly persecution in #Myanmar @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer: Joluc Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Hungary's latest attempt to demonize refugees and stoke xenophobia targets charities trying to help them - UN @user Answer: Joluc Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Yorkshire woman who taught a man #Consent while he was #Rape -ing her launches 1st real anti - #Rape… Answer: Joluc Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If rape is real why aren't more people reporting it? Just another feminist lie.; Answer: LJEQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Sarah Brooke Vs Carmen Skank Pussy Bitch #SEXFIGHT via @user Answer: Joluc Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. To use rape as a weapon towards women are far worse than using a bullet. Only other men can help the women in Burma. Stand up for the women Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT IF UR A SHEMALE DOM OR A SISSY LOOKING OR WILLING TO DO REALTIME ANAL!U HAVE TO BE THE GIVER THIS BITCH ONLY TAKES LIKE A SLUT!😈 @user Answer: ATOK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You ever be talkin to someone that you really wanna fuck, then they say one thing and all of the sudden you have no desire to fuck at all? Answer: ATOK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user 3rd, you are a fuckin BIRD you dumb bitch so what anytime you got drunk and had sex it was rape?! I'm sick of you feminazis Answer: 60468 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Hillary Clinton does give a shit about women that's why she lied again she is now keeping all the Harvey Weinstein money GREEDY BITCH Answer: 60468 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Total lie. CONG is the main culprit for influx of illegal migrants both Bangladeshis&amp; Rhongyias. If they deported few, millions came during their tenures&amp; they encouraged Muslim illegal migrants&amp;shooed away Hindu migrants Answer: 60468 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The Trump administration says it needs more time to meet a deadline set by a federal judge to reunite immigrant families. Meanwhile, we learned new details about the smallest children who have been separated from their parents. #ReleaseTheHostages Answer: ATOK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user thank you for liking my 'not all men' tweet btw Answer: ATOK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user So its ok for a man to put his hands on a women... stfu. We know how your bitch living. Smh Answer: 60468 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The #commonweath of VA welcomes all immigrants to its benefit and theirs @user Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Afghan and Pakistani migrants were shot at as they tried to invade Hungary - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: Tifoz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. "The church's position on immigration will define its witness to a hurt and broken world." - Welcoming the Stranger. This updated book is written by World Relief's Matthew Soerens and Jenny Yang. Find your copy today! Answer: Tifoz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #BringBackOurBorders #HillaryClinton #IllegalImmigration #Clinton#Democrats could EASILY fix the problem with ‘˜separating children’ if they desired, but they really don’t care about the... Answer: Tifoz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. im single & its staying that way for a long time because I hate all you pussy niggas! Answer: NJSW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Veterans firstRefugees go home Answer: NJSW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Good Job @user and Thanks ! No Illegal think they can disregard are law no right to be in the U.S No Right to stay ! No Pack it Up! #Immigration #Trump #MAGA #SendThemNHome Answer: Tifoz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. bitch just called me her fuck buddy I told the bitch I aint no hoe smh Answer: NJSW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Omg he gave her his number and she didn't say no what a cunt The girl is the cunt for giving it to some random fucktard Answer: NJSW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. that bitch wanna act funny bitch ima act hysterical Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 10 migrants saved by Turkish tour boat off Bodrum Answer: 17716 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Yes, why didn't Hussein take care of #NoDACA instead of unlawful keep it going, allow illegal aliens to pour into USA bringing Muslims in the middle of the night. Called ISIS "ISIL" take pallets of CASH to our enemies, Trevon could be my s Answer: 63567 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. followed all not previously followed. #Trumptrain #MAGA #KAG #WalkAway #Nodaca #iwantthewall Answer: 63567 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Right, all those hundreds of thousands of people in the refugee camps have all those levers of power. If they did, #Myanmar would be f Answer: 17716 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user - hey @user @user @user we the people still insist on the WALL & #endDACA #endillegalimmigration & stop low wage programs & #supportEverify!!!! Answer: 63567 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. As the @user final begins and @user is led by several keep in mind #refugee=#resiliency= #immigration @user should take note! @user @user @user @user Answer: 17716 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. My life has been so much better without you in it #WomenSuck Answer: 63567 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Italy says France, Malta agreed to host some rescued migrants Answer: 17716 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Let's laugh at the hurting women in the church. Our sisters in Christ. So funny!! Make fun of the hurting!! Hysterical!! Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Austria is a wonderful country for refugees. Here a bill where you can see that socialwelfare also help to get a Televisionset for refugees family in Styria. Answer: 88835 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal Alien Who Had Already Been Deported In The Past Returns To Florida & Sexual Assaults A Young Girl Then Nearly Beats Her To Death #BuildThatWall Answer: Qibiy Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user keep calling her a bitch and a whore dude real grown up. Answer: Qibiy Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user offer to visit to LeBron James school, to distract/photo op, clean up @user racist mess, election coming up, She visited caged immigrant children, for photo op, hasn’t been back, Melania got on the Trump Birther train, aga Answer: 88835 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Watch: French Mayor Declares "Muslim migrants are not welcome here" - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: Qibiy Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. at EU Core👉54,000 “relatives” of migrants came to 🇩🇪 last year for “reunification”. Little Sisters @user wanted new limits at 1,000/month bt embassies already report 34,000 new requests. No end to delusions of Merkel, CSU.#Visegrad #V4 Answer: 88835 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I promise you: Everybody plays the lottery. Uh, no. Only the innumerant. It is going to be VERY hard for the @user to cover this woman. She tosses out lunacies not often seen in state wide candidates. Abt 6 fringe positions in this one stop. #gapol #gagov Answer: 88835 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. In Rome a house was cleared by police from refugees. Look how nice the riots are at this mission. Answer: Qibiy Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Got me wanting to give him them 5 kids for the dick, I’ll beat a bitch up bout my 🍆. Baby u the only one I need headass on that dick 😂 Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. to hell with the #Tories. #SendThemHome Answer: 17938 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Fuck you, you fuckin skank WHAT DID YOU SAY!? I said I can’t wait to own a fishing tank! Answer: 17938 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Guatemalan mother separated from her 7-year-old daughter waits Answer: Valas Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user How many political refugees are showing up at our border from socialist countries? Answer: Valas Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Syrian refugees — the need for an image reboot Answer: Valas Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. After its deal with Turkey to stop Afghan, Iraqi, Syrian &amp; other refugees from reaching the European Union, what can the EU do to reverse Turkey's refugee abuses? Find out at the European Parliament in Brussels at 12:30 pm on 20 June #WorldRefugeeDay@HRW Answer: Valas Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I'd say electrify the water but that would kill wildlife. #SendThemBack Answer: 17938 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Muhhhhh privilege? Excuse me? IM OFFENDED!! HATE SPEECH!!! But of course you dont see the slippery slope.And yes, the made up arbitrary term hate speech is free speech. If you choose to get offended by shit, I suggest you get a backbone and grow the f*ck up you pussy. Answer: 17938 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user This waste of Money must be stopped!!! #NoMoreRefugees Keep telling us how SS is going Broke, while you toss $ out the window!! Stop p—-ing. on our backs &amp; telling us it’s Raining! Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #WWG1WGA #SpyGate #DeclassifyTheDocs #StopTheInvasion Answer: XPNK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Lily doesnt know the meaning of Loyal. Shes a hothead alcoholic, mad cuz Jr dismissed her, So she runnin to kiss Ryan Ass! Bye Felicia, & take that skank ass Art thief that YOU hired Out the fuck as well! Answer: XPNK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. President Trump Weekly Address ‘“ Immigration Reform Needed‘¦ Answer: Xebug Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user @user is my #MCM because he gave me a dirty shout out on Instagram. #romancein2016 Answer: Xebug Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Go back to your hole you fucking roach. Answer: Xebug Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. We let these #migrants in to our country for a better life but what's about our lives and our children's future. That do not want to live by our laws. These #Muslims do not respect our way of life. #SENDTHEMBACK Answer: XPNK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Stupid as, it dosent make the mullas angry, the hole nation is angry Answer: Xebug Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Let's build that wall.#BuildThatWall Answer: XPNK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitches was in the 6th grade getting driven home from school by their boyfriends looking back at their whore ways mad at game. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user in an interview with @user Trump doesn't need Congress to Build The Wall.We are being invaded by a foreign country; defending our Borders is the # 1 job of the Commander-In-Chief, use DOD funds."PLEASE @user Answer: 23802 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Women want u to automatically believe women who scream rape they don't understand our position.... Answer: 23802 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user No bitch you a hoe Answer: 23802 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Alabama ain't called part of The Bible Belt for nothing.50 yrs ago they would have ------- her.250 yrs ago she'd been ------ at the -----.Hey that is progress in the right direction although glacier like. Answer: DEJX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I understand why men don’t like women very much anymore. I do. #notallmen (Right, Left?) Answer: DEJX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I just want you to be my girlfriend without being my 'girlfriend' so I can fuck other people and you can't... Is that too much to ask? Answer: 23802 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When your friend moves away to be with someone... Answer: DEJX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user The very same people who promote the mass bombing of the ME. One would think they might actually realise that many of the immigrants they’re complaining about. Are fleeing the bombs, they supported being dropped. Answer: DEJX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Hahahahahahahaha no wonder you work for the sun you thick kunt. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user no its for women who are being a fucking bitch Answer: Muvuf Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Undocumented my a$$, ILLEGAL!! This child is 11 years old. Answer: 54049 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Me when I go anywhere, ever Answer: 54049 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Waking up seeing drunk texts you sent from the night before Answer: 54049 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user White woman are so quick to claim rape, so how about you black sisters? We rarely heard you! Answer: Muvuf Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Angry Italian officials refuse to let this Italian commercial ship disembark 66 refugees &amp; migrants because they think it should have let Libyan coastguards intercept them and return them to inhumane detention centers instead Answer: Muvuf Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Iranians either entered via Greece or Serbia, which recklessly grants visas to Iranians. Some Iranians now fly into Serbia👉then leave for richer state in EU. Indirect support of illegal migration must end or others must impose sanctions on Serbia to adjust attitude.@euronews Answer: Muvuf Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user And you dont even represent women for anything so stop talking and stay in the kitchen and cook and eat Answer: 54049 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user HaahHahanahA this girl stilllllll going😂 'loner ass no real friends having ass bitch' YASSSSSSSSSSS💁🏽😂💰 Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user When you call for the mass destabilization of white nations by mass non white immigration then silence anyone who opposes thats #antiwhite Answer: HAFI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you shaved and all he was good for was ten minutes of missionary and the choke of a child Answer: SIAS Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Facebook's new political advertising policy denounced by immigrant, civil rights groups A wide range of advocates for immigrants and civil rights groups say Facebook’s definition of political advertising has become so broad that they are being prevented … Answer: SIAS Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Know Your Rights, Defend Your Rights! Come join a training that focuses on building sustainable community resistance against the increased violence against communities of color &amp; immigrant communities. Aug. 8-9. 10am-4pm. Open to all. Sign up is below! Answer: SIAS Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ICE: 124 illegal immigrants released from jail later charged in 138 murder cases #BuildTheWall #EnforceUSLaws#KeepAmericansSafeThis is all the Congress should be comtemplating!#BanSanctuaryCities #NoAmnesty #NoDACADeal #EndChainMigration #Deport Answer: HAFI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You need a thick Cock in your throat 😂😂 Answer: HAFI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. congrats slut he's yours you win :) Answer: HAFI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I like to blog about masculinity, fascism, alternative ideas, heres my next account Answer: SIAS Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RAF #Drone pilots save scores of fleeing Syrian refugees with air-strike on #IslamicState Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Your mom was being a bitch to you? I totally see how that's my fault. #WomenSuck Answer: 94767 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user “@LACLlPPERS: #YesAllMen you know what... This is the only double standard were allowed lol Answer: UKLC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user So this bitch blocked me but check her pinned tweet out, she is accusing men of rape on tumblr with… Answer: 94767 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. New Zealand is a country built on immigration. While some may call it as "The elephant in the room", immigration has always proven to be an asset for NZ employers.Congratulations to our client Dinu Fabian on getting his Skilled Migrant Residence approved!#BrainGainNewZealand Answer: UKLC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The home of Guinness‘‹ gives refugees and asylum-seekers a new chance in Ireland 🍺 #InternationalBeerDay Answer: UKLC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Refugees not welcome. Answer: 94767 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. MS-13 spreads to 22 states, fed by 300,000 illegals, DACA recipients, tied to 207 murders@GOPLeader @user #NoAmnesty#DeportThemAll#BuildTheWallAmnesty creates more Illegal Migration, always has, always will. Answer: 94767 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. "I'm A Legal Immigrant And I Didn't Drag My Son Across The Border" Powerful Immigration Speech Answer: UKLC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. In solidarity, Germany to take in 50 migrants rescued in Med Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Imagine what would happen if the U.S. did this? Mexico would suddenly be building a wall. 'Use foreign aid budget to help illegal migrants go back home' via @user Answer: IGFY Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user BITCH you shouldnt be putting it out there cunt nugget Answer: BOLX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user The whore bitch spoke! STFU Melania, Melanie , whatever your name is Answer: BOLX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It's come to the point to where, when I see the word 'all' it pisses me off because NOT ALL MEN AMD WOMEN ARE THE SAME. Answer: IGFY Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user @user I have actually asked 'why are you still here?' to a man's face before. Answer: IGFY Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. “I think we need to have a little talk, woman to skank.” Jeaniene Frost#iloveparanormalromance Answer: IGFY Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. rape is bad but alota hoes be lying bout that shit women are crazy dawg & will fuck ya life up be careful.. Answer: BOLX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user immigration on mass in Europe Kills our Culture our languages and over stretches our own resources such as Hospitals ,Schools ,now Italy ,Greece , etc , Your right send them back home but please do not separate families Islamic countries Answer: BOLX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. How a $20 tip cost an immigrant her airport job. I was so happy to see this woman, who had a GoFundMe goal of $5,000, reach over $42,000 Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. All the men who catcall on the street I wish I could personally shove back up their moms whore cunt :) Answer: Galev Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I wouldn't have done anything if you didn't express any interest THE BITCH WAS 12 YOU MOTHER FUCKING CUNT. HE REALLY IS TRYING TO JUSTIFY HIMSELD..THIS IS EXACTLY WHY HE SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN RELEASED Answer: Galev Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I assure you I wasn't feeling the least bit hysterical when I asked that valid question. I cannot say the same about the response. Answer: Xodur Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Press conference starting now at @user with @user Refugee Rights Director @user - report released on plight of #Rohingya refugees in #Bangladesh on line now: #Myanmar #Burma Answer: Xodur Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I hate coming to the city people real life know my car like pussy study yo bitch car 😩😂 Answer: Galev Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Let’s talk about immigrants fighting fires - not starting them: (photo: Marcus Yan, Los Angeles Times) Answer: Xodur Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You are a horrible skank that needed to be fired years ago 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 @user you totally roc… Answer: Xodur Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Her- I thought I told you.... Me- yo you better chill on that attitude, bitch Answer: Galev Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. bitch what the fuck do you mean you cant find the fucking page cunt i need to vote for my boys dont you understand Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The wall should have names of Americans who died in the hands of illegal immigration. As a reminder for why we are building it in the first place. Answer: Vesin Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The world divided over trumped up charges and more refugees drowning l blame the refugees who burnt and murdered Christians their religion Answer: Vesin Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Seriously mam, sometimes I feel u lack brains or u are acting. Illegal immigrants are illegal immigrants period. Where does rich/poor come to question? Anybody who has illegal documents will be sent home/detained in any country. Even in the country u go whining against India Answer: 44547 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user White woman are so quick to claim rape, so how about you black sisters? We rarely heard you! Answer: Vesin Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Stop stereotyping women. Just like how not all men are jerks, not all women spill the beans. Answer: 44547 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Every refugee deserves:protectionsheltera chance to start overunderwearThanks to @user &amp; #PUMABodywear, refugee women and girls will be covered when it comes to the last item: Answer: 44547 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user I 100% believe I'm gonna catch one of you in this attire Bussin a wild skank on Choumert Grove 🤣😅😂 Answer: 44547 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Yes, why didn't Hussein take care of #NoDACA instead of unlawful keep it going, allow illegal aliens to pour into USA bringing Muslims in the middle of the night. Called ISIS "ISIL" take pallets of CASH to our enemies, Trevon could be my s Answer: Vesin Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I've never been more ashamed to be a former democrat than I am now. Fuck u Hillary you stupid ass bitch whore cunt bitch Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You gotta throw glitter after that. Bitch pussy must be SERIOUS. Answer: VYYN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It's not the walk of shame if you truly give no fucks Answer: TVCB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Tryin to send that bitch back to her maker and if you got a daughter older than 15 I'ma rape her Take her... right there in front of you DMX Answer: VYYN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Illegals can reunite back across the border in Mexico! We dont need the extra crime that the illegal or refugees invaders bring to America.#NoDACA #NoVisaLottery #NoBenefits4Illegals #NoChainMigration #BuildTheWall #E-Verify @user Answer: VYYN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #Muslim #Migrants Reportedly Leaving In Droves Due To Simple 2-Word Requirement - #Immigration #IllegalImmigrants #IllegalImmigration #IllegalAlien #Muslims #IslamicRegimeMustGo Answer: VYYN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I’m watching Kim’s Convenience on Netflix and honestly the immigrant/first gen experience in America is so universal. We really could all link up and be in this together except literally every immigrant culture’s #1 rule is “stick with your own” lol Answer: TVCB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Train in Greece hits, kills 2 migrants near Turkish border Answer: TVCB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Lmao on my grandmother , you never knew me in 2012 so stop while you really ahead hoe Answer: TVCB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Going to take a lot more than a skank like you! #wearethestorm Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. LMFAO lil biddy whores prison rape bitch im whose bitch Answer: Hedob Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ICE raid hits 77 businesses in Northern California #StopTheInvasion #TherIsMoreOfThemOutThere #TheICEManCometh #DeportationsEqualPublicSafety Answer: Hedob Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Blocking people is my cardio Answer: Mokuz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Dont worry @user you are and will always be the most hysterical woman. Answer: Hedob Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user When you call for the mass destabilization of white nations by mass non white immigration then silence anyone who opposes thats #antiwhite Answer: Hedob Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you think you're going on a date and she shows up with her bff and shakes your hand Answer: Mokuz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Because it’s easy to call women those things when the one hurting you repeatedly acts like he wasn’t being the slut and whore himself. Answer: Mokuz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user good girl Answer: Mokuz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Open Future: Anti-immigration, like pro-immigration, is a legitimate political position via @user Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user What a skank whore she is, I see she's wearing Al Sharptons pimp hat, she must be one of his Hos. Answer: 88343 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Identity cards 'would curb illegal immigration and prevent another Windrush' Answer: PUMH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Predictable, carbon-copy reviews, written by leftist wankers &amp; lacking any kind of impartiality, are also meaningless. Answer: PUMH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What were they planning to do with the immigrant children they kidnapped? Slavery, sex traffic, organ harvesting? Answer: PUMH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Comparatively, our own inner city youth & fellow Americans live like 3rd class citizens while illegals are housed at ICE centers that rival the best elementary schools & college dorms in the country. #BuildThatWall @user @user @user @user @user Answer: 88343 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. IM bout sick and tired of you CRACKASSCRAKAZ fucking everything up yall really mentally incapable of comprehending reality you fucked up the world then blame the ones FORCED to helpyou get in that position ima proud immigrant and yall some victim playing victimizing WHOORES 🖕🖕 Answer: PUMH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. By making it a Muslim man's right to rape non -Muslim women and children. Normalize it, and remove the outrage. Answer: 88343 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. you low life scum, pathetic, deprave, pile of shit, maggots. like i said that brainless skank bitch should've died… Answer: 88343 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Nelly should beware of other woman now trying to accuse him for rape .. Ladies after this lady because if one does it others will try it too Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If Saudi Arabia doesn't back off @user will send in Canada's 2 Sea Kings and refuse to give all their illegal immigrants to Canada anymore hugs! #cdnpoli #canpoli #onpoli #abpoli #ableg #cpc #pcpo #ucp #lpc #SaudiArabia Answer: 10975 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user This is disgusting practice, make sure Huntleigh USA rehires these women. Answer: YPNK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. So migrants illegally sneaking into the USA can't expect to remain with their kids. Duh? They aren't walking into a mall but a different sovereign country which needs to end the influx. #BuildThatWall Answer: 10975 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Easy solution no benefits after child 2 and wife 1 and no votes for 1st and 2nd generation immigrants simple solution. No combined benefits and no guarantees of jobs or homes unless they apply before arrival NO MORE SOFT TOUCHES ps Gulf States and Saudi intake of 'refugees' = 0 Answer: 10975 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Undocumented my a$$, ILLEGAL!! This child is 11 years old. Answer: YPNK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user MELISSA, YOU’RE HYSTERICAL. 😂 I AM GIVING YOU A HAPPY DANCE FOR TODAY🙌🏻 Answer: YPNK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. He was born in the former Soviet Union and has lived the American dream. Now Russian immigrant Dimitri Shein is seeking the Democratic nod for a US House seat in Alaska. Answer: YPNK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. HOW REFRESHING! In South Korea, there is no such thing as 'political correctness" when it comes to dealing with Muslim refugee wannabes via @user Answer: 10975 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user India is gradually becoming safe heavens for drug traffickers,smugglers,illegal immigrants Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. President Trump is a BSer. President Trump tells the Truth. Both things can be true. #EndTheEU #SaveEurope #StopIslam #BringBackTheLira Answer: 29949 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Only that in you which is me can hear what I'm saying. ~Baba Ram Dass Answer: 29949 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I want them ALL DEPORTED !! I WANT MY vote to COUNT again !!! #DeportthemALL #NoDaca #NoAmnesty #BuildTheDamnWall #UsetheArmyCoreOfEngineers Answer: Sagav Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I love how I wasted 5 years on a stupid cunt. Only to find true love with the beautiful woman I was with before that. Life's funny sometimes Answer: 29949 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Too bad some of you bitches can't draw on a better personality, the way you draw on your fuckin eyebrows Answer: Sagav Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The man won this one Answer: 29949 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. U dont so why tweet it 😂😂 the only bitch u talk to is HELLLO ME TF WHORE 🙄😂 Answer: Sagav Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @ THE BROKE BITCHES WHO ARE PARTYING IN MY OVARIES. I HOPE YOU FUCKING DIE AND ROT IN HELL YOU STUPID UGLY ASS BITCH Answer: Sagav Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Please let your MPs know we do not want any more migrants we cant afford them we do not want a cologne or a free for all enoughs enough Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Warning of 'dangerous acceleration' in attacks on immigrants in Italy Answer: Jekav Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Australian Senator tells the UN to shove it, Australia will not accept refugees Answer: Bojev Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Last time I DM you Answer: Jekav Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I got offered once by a neighbor to go to a church down the street &amp; thought about it but then found out a week later the priest was sexually assaulting immigrant women &amp; threatening to call ICE on them if they told. That was my sign to stay w my little shrine in my room 👋🏼 Answer: Jekav Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Scum bag piece of trash. #BUILDTHATWALL Answer: Bojev Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Since you believe in justice for rape victims I hope you will stand up for the women who have accus… Answer: Jekav Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Students in Arunachal threaten to launch 'Operation Clean Drive' from August 17 if illegal migrants do not leave the state before that. #AAPSU #ArunachalPradesh #NRCPolitics Full Report- Answer: Bojev Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. German government mulls taking in ship migrants Answer: Bojev Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. By making it a Muslim man's right to rape non -Muslim women and children. Normalize it, and remove the outrage. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I was going to 'like' this comment then saw your profile pic of a bitch who attacked rape victims o… Answer: 62428 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Israel needs more diversity. Ur walls are racist. Let those Arab refugees into your civilization. This is cultural enrichment. Answer: RZJO Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. no offense but this big bitch is serving you ALLLLLL types of kunt in this picture Answer: 62428 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Can you please stfu and stop lecturing your colleagues, you sound like someone doing a fake lady plantation owner accent. Pussy. Answer: RZJO Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. How every man saying not all men, but every woman been sexually assaulted.... Answer: RZJO Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The world divided over trumped up charges and more refugees drowning l blame the refugees who burnt and murdered Christians their religion Answer: 62428 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Stfu pussy Answer: 62428 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You don't know me yet you hate me and that's cool... But guess what.. I don't hate you cause I would never waste my energy on a stranger Answer: RZJO Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Oh btw just to offend the femalesss CUNT CUNT CUNT WHORE CUNT WHORE SLUT BITCHSLUT FEMINISTSHIT Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I visited a place here in Delhi where a community of Rohingya refugees live and they told us so many sad stories about their struggle. The fact that they can’t go home and can’t be safe at places they seek asylum at, is just.. heartbreaking.. we should do better Answer: 28723 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Listen fam. If you're a whore you're a whore 😭😭😭clearly you miss read my tweet if you thought I was calling every female a whore.But yes hmp Answer: FFDX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This is when a guy says something like “I don’t want to date a hoe” n a woman responds with “But you n your sister got different daddies” bitch so...still not dating a hoe lol Answer: FFDX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. "Often employers consider employees slaves as they think they have bought them [because] they pay them." #ucanews #thereforthevoiceless #women #migrants #abuse #Bangladesh @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer: FFDX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #FactCheck 👍 #BoycottUnitedArlines #AidingAndAbetting #Felons #WeThePeople are FED UP #EnoughIsEnough #ICE #DHS #DOJ #WakeUpAmerica #StopTheInvasion Answer: 28723 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #PatriotsUnited #MAGA #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall we all need to sign this since we are all on Twitter whining about it @user Answer: FFDX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Ebola heroes to protest over migrants being denied NHS healthcare Answer: 28723 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. As long as the position is on all fours who cares Answer: 28723 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user This old bitch needs to go out to pasture! Dig a hole too racist Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I was going to 'like' this comment then saw your profile pic of a bitch who attacked rape victims o… Answer: 86223 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user #BuildThatWall NOW! #BuildThatWall, pass the budget with money for the WALL. We the people have spoken! Do it now, no pet projects in this budget! #BuildThatWall , #BuildThatWall ! Answer: 86223 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user sometimes WOMEN are stupid too! Majority of white women voted for a sexist misogynist pig! Answer: 86223 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Come on box I show you my cock darling Answer: 86223 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I really do cuss a lot though. Cunt comes out of my mouth all day. Men women and children. No ones safe. Answer: DQUT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. In recent months, the focus of the media has been on the Rohingya refugees in India or recently about the furor over NRC in Assam. But the fact that Sri Lankan refugees, have been here for nearly 35 years,... Answer: DQUT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Our friends at @user have a new series premiering today on #AmazonPrime! MR. SHAN is the story of a young Chinese immigrant in Hollywood on his journey to become the greatest actor of all time. Catch Season 1 at Answer: DQUT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Open Future: Anti-immigration, like pro-immigration, is a legitimate political position via @user Answer: DQUT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user please think carefully it is not about benifits it is about to many migrants ur already punishing our poor god will interven Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Picture: the couple Engelbert and Spera, both Jews. Engelbert is now elected in the Austrian parliament for the ÖVP. He says in the newspaper Haàretz the danger for Jews doesnt come from FPÖNazis, more from Islamic refugees, which import antisemitism to Austria. Answer: Dobos Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Guys who call me or others who're, slut, bitch, cunt or whore don't deserve my attention or time. I won't date you. Answer: Dobos Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Good Morning Canada 🇨🇦 We will not let anyone harm you Answer: Dobos Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Just look at her face..sorry women but look up CUNT and you will see this bitch face. If ever a woman to get punched JS😂😂 Answer: XFFH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You are the sloppy queen of sucking cock Answer: XFFH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. CBS: Driver an Illegal Alien was drunk, high at time of fatal Donna crash that killed 6 year old girl. Yet another victim whose life was stolen by an illegal alien.When will you end this?#BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #DeportThemAll Answer: XFFH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. My latest: For one immigrant woman, the Trump administration’s family separation policy may end up costing her life — and that of her ten-year-old son. Answer: Dobos Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Lil bitch that pussy so dry, You finna break the rubber Answer: XFFH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Russian meddling in Syrian refugee repatriation: Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #DEMS use #Feminist & #Muslims & #BlackLivesMatter (aka militant #NationOFislam extremist) & #NFL as insurgents for #Communist REVOLUTION: HALF of USA Muslims immigrated under #OBAMA=NO #DACA #Amnesty #NoDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNFLSponsors #BoycottTheNFL Answer: BBCK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. She degraded dark skin women and the LGBTQ community, that hoe is cancelled for life Answer: BBCK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user @user I am flattered tbh. I got an orgasm just by thinking of it you really are good at this. Answer: Quliz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When it's not your fathers birthday... Answer: Quliz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Rachel Caswell - we're all in the dance Sara Caswell Dave Stryker Fabian Almazan Linda May Han Oh Johnathan Blake We're All in the Dance PSAs High Blood Pressure National Immigrant Justice Center Answer: Quliz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user A Mexican asked me whether I was saying that Hispanic immigrants had no right to a country, meaning OURS.I replied, "Immigrants HAVE a country, or they wouldn't be IMMIGRANTS." Immigration is about sharing Answer: Quliz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user You're hystericalYou're hysterical You're hysterical You're hystericalYou're hystericalYou're hysterical You're hystericalYou're hystericalYou're hystericalYou're hystericalYou're hysterical You're hystericalYou're hysterical Answer: BBCK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user bitches love electric toothbrushes in their twats... Answer: BBCK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Yes exactly. Works both ways. The amount of times I’ve been groped by some hysterical straight girl on a night out… Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. "Closing our southern border would signal Canadian support for Trump’s refugee processes... It would be complicity with Trump’s expanded use of detainment " Answer: HHMC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. But is it too little, too late, to save Europe? Rescue ship's ordeal exposes hardening views on migrants in Europe via @user Answer: HHMC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Hysterical Hypocrite Liberals going after @user and Trump over 10 year old girl where were they when Obama deported 2 Million Hispanics ?? Answer: HHMC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Dear Facebook, Jus coz I have these whores numbers in my phone doesn't mean I want them seeing my personal life, please stop suggesting them Answer: 77154 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Thousands march in #Munich to show support for migrants Answer: HHMC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You ungrateful whore. . . I'd have bought it n everything 😂 Answer: 77154 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user We need to keep saying it until its built! #BuildThatWall Answer: 77154 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #closetheborders for #IllegalImmigrants Do it now. It might already be too late!We don’t want more #nogozones in Europe.We don’t want more freeloaders and #mosques.We don’t want #sharialaws and #burqa’a in our cities and on our streets. Answer: 77154 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Thats a real low blow to hysterical women. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Glam Skanks -Karma/Bad Bitch Double Feature [Official Video]: via @user Answer: Tamey Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The mountainjunkie R.Messner says, he isnt a German or Austrian. He can climb, but this monkeys can also do. The leftgreen strolls in Southtyrol with cancler Merkel through the mountains and like to make an Europa for refugees (Sorosplan). Answer: Tamey Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user you drunken slut, come play overwatch Answer: Rimih Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #RT #AutumnLady by @user Mara McClain is a young Irish immigrant looking to begin anew in Victorian-era San Francisco, after the California Gold Rush #Amazon @user #romance #gr8books4u #mustread #histfic #BookBoost #BookWorm #goodreads Answer: Tamey Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Be my whore my slut my bitchy ❤❤💋👅 Answer: Rimih Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. you stupid fucking whore mom Answer: Rimih Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Hey Lady Control Your 'Man' Control Your 'Spiritual Man and His yogi Dick' Women are not object....I will show all captures Warning 1 Answer: Tamey Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Texas is the Tipping Point #BuildThatWall Answer: Rimih Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This is the kind of Easter egg hunt I need Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Families should not bring their kids into a country illegally, would you? We can’t afford them #sendthemhome Answer: TNDQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Detained Immigrant Moms Released in Washington Answer: 97452 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. allies 10 year old brother is calling me a cunt and a bitch bc I asked him a question💀 Answer: 97452 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Good News !Illegal Aliens Claiming Fake Asylum are being deported in Record Numbers Not #HereToStay #Immigration #RedNationRising #Trump #MAGA #SendThemHome via @user Answer: TNDQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Sweden: If the country needs the money for refugees to give them a better life, the swedish retireage must increase. This is the end of socialwelfare for Swedisch people. Answer: 97452 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. And bitch i was tweeting a song i got no times being sad for smeone i mean im a busy women you see. Answer: 97452 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user What a skank whore she is, I see she's wearing Al Sharptons pimp hat, she must be one of his Hos. Answer: TNDQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user It is hilarious seeing these #ShutItDownDC Antifa idiots marching against fascism while waving a communist flag. MORONS!Be a Patriot & help #BuildThatWall & order Bricks today at this #SundayFunday Our Products Answer: TNDQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user After AAP coming to power influx of illegal migrants from Bangladesh to Delhi increased multi fold.Jhugis seen all around Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When a person applies for assistance, Department of Health and Human Services reviews application and either grants or denies this assistance. If "immigrants" are using the "welfare" they were granted... Did the @user put #logic in a cage too? Answer: QLGI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Young people taking care of business. Answer: QLGI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 10-year-old Somali girl dies after female genital mutilationYet we grant these people immigration to our country expecting them to assimilate - but they don't... Answer: Jugal Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. We are NOT a nation of immigrants. We are a nation of citizens! Answer: QLGI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #BuildThatWall Thank you, @user Trump & OUR glorious MILITARY! ****** Trump Rolls Out a BRILLIANT Plan The Military Will Build His Wall! via @user Answer: Jugal Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. U dont so why tweet it 😂😂 the only bitch u talk to is HELLLO ME TF WHORE 🙄😂 Answer: Jugal Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user What Trump knows and China doesn't is illegal immigrant's are affected by China's Tariff's not Trump voters. LOL Answer: QLGI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You gotta throw glitter after that. Bitch pussy must be SERIOUS. Answer: Jugal Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. As someone who works with refugees; thank you Sprudge. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. To make an open Europe for many refugees the poltical puppets will open all borders. They believe that the costs of workers fall down and the rich earn more money. So the establishment works in Europe against the voters. Answer: 72971 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. you low life scum, pathetic, deprave, pile of shit, maggots. like i said that brainless skank bitch should've died… Answer: 72971 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I either laugh or turn into a complete psychopath when I'm mad, either way, no one is safe Answer: FUFT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Oh my God I had no idea Destiny was the same girl from the People’s Couch. I thought she was hysterical on that. #shahs Answer: FUFT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user #AtlantaHitRockBottoms This FOOL is promoting lawlessness from illegals and wants to turn ATL into a 3rd world city like Chicago and LA. We are better than this brainless idiot! #ImpeachBottoms #BuildThatWall Answer: 72971 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Fox’s “hysterical female” rears her head in this season’s cautionary tale about what happens when men give women too much power. #AHSCult Answer: 72971 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Crawl back in your hole, you should be in the pokey by now! Answer: FUFT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Lang and his family foundation gave a $100,000 grant to a partnership with Immigrant Justice Corps. Answer: FUFT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal alien in upstate NY allegedly raped young girl #SecureTheBorder #FamilyValues Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. As long as the position is on all fours who cares Answer: 32369 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Some girl that knew Jackson from his hoe days legit CROSSED THE ROOM to talk to him at the party yesterday and I was legit like Answer: 32369 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Immigration changes lives with unmatched dreams where people expect to be housed , to live the American dream !! While Millions of Americans never reach that height because of over populated Migrants who expect much and get angry and viol Answer: 39312 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You know you're doing something right when you got haters ✌🏼 Answer: 32369 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Hmm... Someone named "Garcia" wants to eliminate the US/Mexico border. Imagine my surprise.What's it called when a foreign agent enters your country &amp; sabotages your #BorderSecurity for the benefit of their own country?#StopTheInvasion #SecureTheBorder #BuildTheWall #NoIllegals Answer: 39312 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user #ICE at all voting booths! Deport all illegals , report the employers that are hiring them! They take our IDs vote in our elections and are a drain on our resources not to mention the drugs and murder. We are tired of it #Bu Answer: 39312 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. no offense but this big bitch is serving you ALLLLLL types of kunt in this picture Answer: 39312 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When her head game is as good as she claimed it to be so you gotta smile and thank god 🙏🏼 Answer: 32369 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. He is in and out of jail. He's a bum , he a pussy bitch ! He just ain't shit ! I pray his next child he do wayyyyy better with fr. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. IM bout sick and tired of you CRACKASSCRAKAZ fucking everything up yall really mentally incapable of comprehending reality you fucked up the world then blame the ones FORCED to helpyou get in that position ima proud immigrant and yall some victim playing victimizing WHOORES 🖕🖕 Answer: PTCG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. loooooooooooool I don't date, sweetheart. Just dick appointments Answer: PTCG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user You hysterical women caught up in more conspiracy theories again? 😂😂😂 liberals are to… Answer: 93640 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. How far can you go down the rabbit hole ? Answer: PTCG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user come on woman do your job right #WomenSuck Answer: 93640 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user ice has more talent in his ejeculated sperm than you do in ur whole body please shut the fuck up and go suck idubbz dick u cunt Answer: 93640 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Why do women use them being on their period as a excuse to be a cunt? You had it since you were 13 you can’t control yourself? Answer: 93640 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Could the migration crisis finish the EU? Answer: PTCG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. In Trump’s America, immigrants are modern-day ‘˜savage Indians’ Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user RT #WeThePeople need @user actions to start backing up his words with real Conservative actions and results. Not the RINO shit coming out of #Congress, RINOs, McConnell, Ryan, Pence, Brady, & the Koch Brothers. #USA #Americans Answer: Mejag Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If you hate fuckboys it's only cause you let one break your stupid little heart... Dumb dumb Answer: NSAZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. In Germany gayrefugees get a special invitation for housing together. Answer: Mejag Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The Olympics was fun, except for the fact that I would never watch a woman play sports.@ Answer: Mejag Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Turkish government must immediately take precautions to protect it's borders and find solution for the trouble in Syria or else Turkey will be a refugee storage in the near future and this is a big threat for our survival #nomorerefugees Answer: Mejag Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. of i wanna scream ppl that STUPID! Cube is the shitty company? cube is cancelled?? NO. edawn and hyuna went against rules.ofc cube pissed bc they didn't even listen to them?? what are you thinking? sm jyp yg.. all of them will do same. just shut the fuck up anymore. Answer: NSAZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I love how I wasted 5 years on a stupid cunt. Only to find true love with the beautiful woman I was with before that. Life's funny sometimes Answer: NSAZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. honey, it's not you vs. skank. It's you versus EVERY skank. It's like she's a mighty Spartan warrior but there's a… Answer: NSAZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. boo you whore Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Nothing irks me more than when bitches end it with a good guy then complain about getting hurt by a douche bag. #WakeUpYouWhore Answer: OVOX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Its forbidden to follow Soros in Hungary the parliament decides there. All foreign NGOs have to go out of Hungary otherwise the can go for 1 year into prison.This is the first step to hold indenpendce from these people, which like to destroy Europe by refugees, Orban says. Answer: 47810 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Sometimes, all you have to do is just let out the rope.. #FeminismIsCancer Answer: OVOX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Illegals can reunite back across the border in Mexico! We dont need the extra crime that the illegal or refugees invaders bring to America.#NoDACA #NoVisaLottery #NoBenefits4Illegals #NoChainMigration #BuildTheWall #E-Verify @user Answer: OVOX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Do you ever see people in your feed and think 'lol I fucked you' Answer: 47810 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Stephen Miller’s next target: Legal immigrants via @user we don't need too much of the world's junk. Limit legal immigration to a few thousand. Deport all daca and all illegals, no asylum for anyone. Answer: OVOX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user here's my point you dog of assad son of whore father of slut Answer: 47810 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user hey man! we're finally on twitter and just wanted to thank you so much again for the ongoing support. you are so inspiring Answer: 47810 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Fuck love wat love that fake love u give u lil kid u bitch that once i turn woman on u u run away Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Right?! It's really all I live for Answer: Nafis Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Shut the fuck up bitch how do you know what people have and don't have? Answer: Sabib Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. How can you slag someone off so much and then be best friends the next minute 😂😂😂 Answer: Nafis Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Sweden: If the country needs the money for refugees to give them a better life, the swedish retireage must increase. This is the end of socialwelfare for Swedisch people. Answer: Nafis Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I just want you to be my girlfriend without being my 'girlfriend' so I can fuck other people and you can't... Is that too much to ask? Answer: Sabib Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Before I rip you a new asshole vs after Answer: Sabib Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #Refugees cost American taxpayers over $8 BILLION EVERY YEAR. They cost more than they contribute. I only can afford 1 child. Why do I have to pay for refugees who hate America, call me infidel/Kafir AND raise, house &amp; educate their children who are taught to hate America too? Answer: Sabib Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user offer to visit to LeBron James school, to distract/photo op, clean up @user racist mess, election coming up, She visited caged immigrant children, for photo op, hasn’t been back, Melania got on the Trump Birther train, aga Answer: Nafis Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user needs to STFU Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ACLU files lawsuit seeking details of Harford County sheriff's immigration enforcement program Answer: 60839 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user The rise of ISIS is due to the aid they received from Assad. The refugees are mostly fleeing from Assad. It is Corbyn with his pro-Assad policy who should hang his head in shame. Answer: 60839 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb? Trick question, feminists can't change anything Answer: Jadum Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. im single & its staying that way for a long time because I hate all you pussy niggas! Answer: Jadum Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal Alien Heroin Dealer Has Been Charged 41 Times In 10 Years via @user anyone explain to me why?#BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty #EndChainMigration #BanSanctuaryCities#EnforceUSLaws8 US Code 1325This FELON should never have been Free! Answer: Jadum Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 'ᴴᴰ Lee Min Ho and Suzy relationship: Lee Min Ho hopes to get married to protect girlfriend Bae Suzy' : Answer: 60839 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Yes we can #BuildThatWall ! And yes it does keep people, includiing bloodthirsty drug cartels & disease carriers out. He's mad he can't keep giving cartels weapons. Answer: Jadum Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Corky BOoger is hands down the most hysterical woman of the bunch, he wins Answer: 60839 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Yo this bitch is blowing my shit 😑fr talking bout I'm trying to talk to her girl shawty won't even show her face . Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. cocks of the beasts we keep. The life of a slut or breeding whore is quite exciting.” Answer: Letek Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. think Spain is biting off more than it can chew #nomore #sendthemback Answer: Letek Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. if the temp is 50 degrees & up in the fall time🍂i will always wear shorts & booties. call me a slut, hoe, or whore idc🙂 Answer: Letek Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user 1 illegal alien who opened the floodgates for millions more to follow. #BuildThatWall #DeportIllegals #MAGA #USA #POTUS #Trump Answer: Poqit Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitches can't keep a man for shit but got a steady ass work husband at all times Answer: Poqit Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Scum bag piece of trash. #BUILDTHATWALL Answer: Poqit Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Chicago's a killing field from decades of inept corrupt liberal leaders, the mayor distracts by attacking Trump &amp; endorsing illegals, national media distracts with stories of Russia, Trump hate &amp; endless parades of climate change, immigrant rights, race baiting &amp; victimization.. Answer: Letek Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Hey look its the woman who wants to get famous for crying about an ass slap. You truly are a worthless cunt. Answer: Poqit Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The only thing me and Donald Trump have in common is how we flirt Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. cormacs such a cunt won’t even let me squeeze his blackheads pussy bitch Answer: Nepaw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. IDF murders non threatening protestors in Gaze Answer: VHWE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Some girl that knew Jackson from his hoe days legit CROSSED THE ROOM to talk to him at the party yesterday and I was legit like Answer: VHWE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Tells #Trump Not to give Immigrants DNA test to make sure their the kids parents just hand them over to Child Trafficers like Obama #MAGA #RedNationRising #FridayMotivation via @user Answer: VHWE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. One-Third of 214 Arrested MS-13 Gangsters Were 'Unaccompanied Alien Children' - Breitbart #EndDACA#NoAmnesty#BuildTheWall#ProtectAmerica#EnforceUSLaws#KeepAmericansSafe Answer: Nepaw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The patients I can't help, the plight of the impoverished, the treatment of immigrant children, the assaults on science, and the profiteers who cash in on the suffering enrage me. Empathy shouldn't be a painful condition. Answer: VHWE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. By making it a Muslim man's right to rape non -Muslim women and children. Normalize it, and remove the outrage. Answer: Nepaw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user then why tho?? u damn stupid hoe 😂 Answer: Nepaw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. "Negative perceptions of the impact have not generated significant hostility toward the refugees. Many Jordanians continue to sympathize with the refugees and to support policies that would assist them. " Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Wanna speak down to my girl bitch then step up big nose ass bitch. Saw that shit off. Answer: Bacif Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Another incident in Germany will it be a drunk driver or another angry immigrant with issues innocent to proven Guilty there is so much goodwill before it becomes salt in the wounds of a giving Nation Answer: 76489 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user It’s hysterical him watching that woman and eating chicken Answer: 76489 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #StandwithICE #BackTheBlue #BuildThatWall Time to send the vacationing illegals back where they came from and start focusing on OUR dreamers! #DACAisWACA #SendThemBack Answer: Bacif Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user The whore bitch spoke! STFU Melania, Melanie , whatever your name is Answer: Bacif Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The government isn’t even trying to reunite the families they forcibly separated. They need to stop wasting time and fix their crisis. #EndFamilyDetention #FamiliesBelongTogether Answer: 76489 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Y’all, Bush Sr. literally made jokes about copping a feel. That isn’t a man “accidentally” brushing up and women being hysterical. Answer: 76489 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Cameron we need a break from u forget benefits we do not want mass immigration. stop immigration and get out of Europe no probs Answer: Bacif Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Yorkshire woman who taught a man #Consent while he was #Rape -ing her launches 1st real anti - #Rape… Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user in this full length fur coat calling this girl a whore 😂😂😂😂 bad bitch Answer: Jasoc Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Why daily 5000 refugees come from Eritrea ? First they want a better life, second the military service there needs long. They are 80 % accepted in the EU, which is wrong, because the only can come if they pay 8000 € for illigal coorruption help. Answer: Jasoc Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Something y'all dudes fail to realize about a pretty girl is; she's never lonely. 💁🏼 Answer: KTKN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Says a hysterical woman/hustler/con artist/grifter Answer: Jasoc Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user I hate you you fucking cunt bitch how fucking dare you I hope you wake up with mad cott… Answer: Jasoc Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. “We can’t go home”: What does peace mean for #Eritrea’s refugees? Answer: KTKN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you shaved and all he was good for was ten minutes of missionary and the choke of a child Answer: KTKN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you think you're going on a date and she shows up with her bff and shakes your hand Answer: KTKN Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I'd say electrify the water but that would kill wildlife. #SendThemBack Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal immigrant who killed Kate Steinle likely will be sentenced to time served #PreventableDeath#BuildTheWall #StopTheInvasion #TherIsMoreOfThemOutThere Answer: QQPQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user go rape your whore of a mother Answer: QQPQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Remember, this the same bitch that was on FOX news saying rape culture was an attack on young men. Its her pussy be… Answer: QQPQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I know fucker bitch i rode with you one time remember cunt whore? Never again will i fuck around with the fuck around 😂😂 Answer: QQPQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. President Trump is a BSer. President Trump tells the Truth. Both things can be true. #EndTheEU #SaveEurope #StopIslam #BringBackTheLira Answer: 22300 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Anyone else notice that for the most part Trump is completely deaf dumb and blind to the existence of the indigenous people? Unlike him, even though some of them are of mixed blood, not one of them are immigrants. Saw t-shirt said can't be an illegal immigrant in a stolen land Answer: 22300 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I've been called a son of a whore and a cunt today already. It's not even 1 yet Answer: 22300 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I like Twitter cause we're so irrelevant here that no one pays attention to us 😫😂 Answer: 22300 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Checkout my hysterical book of satire for men, which women have been waiting for!… Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This is what Trump supporters call humane smh Answer: WVIV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The thinking mind is what is busy. You have to stay in your heart. You have to be in your heart. Be in your heart. - Ram Dass Answer: WVIV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user We know that, we know not all men. But harassment happens to all women - this isn't about you Answer: WVIV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Obama, our SMALLEST president. Must take credit for all good; disavows all that was bad during his 8 year assault on our great country.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue #AllLivesMatter #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #NRA Answer: Guruy Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Deleted again. Working to get it back again Answer: WVIV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. why whore when you could cookie? Answer: Guruy Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When he wraps 1 hand around your throat, puts the other betwn your legs &; whispers 'this pussy is mine' in your ear Answer: Guruy Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You gotta throw glitter after that. Bitch pussy must be SERIOUS. Answer: Guruy Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #jihad #ISIS #terrorism #hate #ISIL #shariaWhen President Obama says we are going to thoroughly vet refugees... Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user To follow Lord Ram,s teachings is more important than his temple, to start with you may ho… Answer: YJDZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. WATCH: German women say migrants rape women because it is allowed under Islamic culture - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: GZXL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. No Christians among 1,112 Syrian refugees resettled in #UK Answer: YJDZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Two migrants die on boat left adrift by Libya coast guard: charity Answer: YJDZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user @user @user Aye! Make your dreams come true! ...Go out there and suck a dick!😂😂 Answer: GZXL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. One-Third of 214 Arrested MS-13 Gangsters Were 'Unaccompanied Alien Children' - Breitbart #EndDACA#NoAmnesty#BuildTheWall#ProtectAmerica#EnforceUSLaws#KeepAmericansSafe Answer: GZXL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Thank you, @user for taking a stand. It's up to all of us to fight misinformation and anti-immigrant hate. #SourcesMatter Answer: YJDZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. From #MeToo to Who Me? Where Are White Women Allies When A Black Woman is Called a Whore? Answer: GZXL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Glad your having another nice vacation. How's the illegal border crossings, illegal oportunistic migrant entries, tax payer funded hotel rooms for same without a strategic plan going? @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Me- dear IG, I follow all of your guidelines, please reactivate my account IG- Answer: ETFT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user ice has more talent in his ejeculated sperm than you do in ur whole body please shut the fuck up and go suck idubbz dick u cunt Answer: 68185 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Actually that is any benefits which would make a Immigrant a "Public Charge" law on the books for over 100 years not entitled to hold a green card or become a citizen but #Dems wont enforce it ! That is why 73% of Mexican and Central Amer Answer: ETFT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. boo you whore Answer: 68185 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Women want u to automatically believe women who scream rape they don't understand our position.... Answer: 68185 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Coding program in NY seeks to open tech career doors for immigrant girls Answer: ETFT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Another incident in Germany will it be a drunk driver or another angry immigrant with issues innocent to proven Guilty there is so much goodwill before it becomes salt in the wounds of a giving Nation Answer: ETFT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. * Croatia 🇭🇷: Last Wednesday, illegal migrants from Iran were detained in a neighborhood near ZapreÅ¡ić. #v4 #visegrad Answer: 68185 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user “@LACLlPPERS: #YesAllMen you know what... This is the only double standard were allowed lol Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user It is hilarious seeing these #ShutItDownDC Antifa idiots marching against fascism while waving a communist flag. MORONS!Be a Patriot & help #BuildThatWall & order Bricks today at this #SundayFunday Our Products Answer: 34439 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ISIS jihadists' transfer could bring new migrant crisis Answer: EUWM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitches are quick to put their height in their tinder bio.... Do me a favor and add your weight too... Answer: 34439 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. SAME FOR ALL IMMIGRANTS WHO WANTS TO CHANGE OUR COUNTRY OR CAME HERE FOR FREE STUFF. GO THE HELL HOME &amp; CHANGE YOUR YOUR COUNTRY &amp; GET FREE STUFF THERE! THE BENEFITS IN USA ARE PAID FOR U.S.CITIZENS they're not FREE we work our butts off for our kids &amp; fellow citizens NOT YOU🇺🇸 Answer: 34439 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The mountainjunkie R.Messner says, he isnt a German or Austrian. He can climb, but this monkeys can also do. The leftgreen strolls in Southtyrol with cancler Merkel through the mountains and like to make an Europa for refugees (Sorosplan). Answer: EUWM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user is like the Donald Trump of social media sites the way they're just purging pages for no apparent reason Answer: EUWM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user Lol when you have two girlfriends @user #huntermourer Answer: EUWM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Let's get #ProudDeplorable Trending Now!Please #RETWEET this #SundayMorning Visit to help #BuildThatWall Answer: 34439 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Libya, migrants &amp; karma: Europe's new migration policy wrecks on North African reality Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Comparatively, our own inner city youth & fellow Americans live like 3rd class citizens while illegals are housed at ICE centers that rival the best elementary schools & college dorms in the country. #BuildThatWall @user @user @user @user @user Answer: Kopaf Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This year 20,000 refugees are expected to arrive in the U.S. Most are families with young children, in search of safety. Together, we can help them rebuild their lives. It's simple. Just visit this link and follow the steps below. ➝ Answer: MSXU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. A judge sentenced three Muslim refugee boys in the sexual assault of a 5-year-old girl in Idaho, but nobody knows... Answer: MSXU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Immigrants convicted of felonies and serious misdemeanors should be subject to citizen revocation and deportation. Why are we keeping criminals here? Answer: Kopaf Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Nelly should beware of other woman now trying to accuse him for rape .. Ladies after this lady because if one does it others will try it too Answer: Kopaf Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It is now forbidden in France to say: 'French people first, illegal migrants out' Answer: Kopaf Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Hahahahahahahaha no wonder you work for the sun you thick kunt. Answer: MSXU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. An Honest Article About Illegal Immigration By a Lefty?? Are Pigs Flying? - A miracle... Answer: MSXU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Talmbout. I was always feeling lmaoo bitch shut up and drop that baby fat before u try and jump on this dick. It got a Weight limit Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you get home from the bar and realize you have no alcohol Answer: XZNT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Stephen Miller (right) and Larry McKenney of Capitol Radiology listen as Trump speaks during a meeting at the White House last year. are not in 1950, we have to start limiting legal immigration. And completely stop illegal immigration. Answer: BVWM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal Alien Stabbed Woman To Death At Horse Track @user @user #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #DeportThemAll Answer: BVWM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. How about a GoFundMe for a few hundred million dollars, to build a wall along the border side of this farm? #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall #BuildTheDamnWall Answer: BVWM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #TheTalk is the typical sexist bigoted all-female show that berates males. End #misandry today! Men are fighting!! Answer: XZNT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Israel needs more diversity. Ur walls are racist. Let those Arab refugees into your civilization. This is cultural enrichment. Answer: XZNT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Muhhhhh privilege? Excuse me? IM OFFENDED!! HATE SPEECH!!! But of course you dont see the slippery slope.And yes, the made up arbitrary term hate speech is free speech. If you choose to get offended by shit, I suggest you get a backbone and grow the f*ck up you pussy. Answer: BVWM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. He was born in the former Soviet Union and has lived the American dream. Now Russian immigrant Dimitri Shein is seeking the Democratic nod for a US House seat in Alaska. Answer: XZNT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. found out I’m a cunt & slut tonight so there’s that lmao Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Yo honestly you pussy ! Answer: 25662 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This is what the #DemocraticParty #DNC wants in every American community Answer: 85043 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user How many political refugees are showing up at our border from socialist countries? Answer: 85043 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Let me pick your brains with this concept "EQUAL RIGHTS". What is that we are getting equal rights? We call equal rights being debt embedded? We call equal rights moving from kasi to cities without carrying pass? Nevertheless i carry one since i look like "immigrant" Answer: 85043 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user See it WORKS! #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall Answer: 25662 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Sturgeon answer this question will Scotland have Immigration controls if they stayed in Europe or will we have more beggers Answer: 25662 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I don't run from my problems, I laugh at them and act like they don't exists like a normal human being Answer: 85043 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. How many thousands of taxpayer dollars did Rockelle Garza fleece to defend free abortions for illegal aliens? Oh the poor illegal alien might get spanked by her parents, gimmie a break. #BuildThatWall #FridayFeeIings Answer: 25662 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. A judge sentenced three Muslim refugee boys in the sexual assault of a 5-year-old girl in Idaho, but nobody knows... Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Germany has a big imported antisemitismproblem. Many fanatic muslims make demonstrations against Jews. This is the fruit of Merkel imigration policy. Answer: Domup Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you spent the last 2 days waking up in complete strangers beds Answer: 59914 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Dont relent! Nuclear option! Crush the liberal scourge, Mr. President! Make the bleeding stop!#BuildThatWall #HuntThemDown #ImmigrantsGoBack#AmericaIsFull#WhereDoISendTheCheck Answer: Domup Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. No your not! You are scroungers/soldiers coming to create a caliphate or create chaos. Go home, look after your girlfriends/wives/kids. All fighting age. The last thing you are, are refugees! Bugger off! Bye, bey, cheers.... Answer: Domup Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. So I'm working but a friend of mine is telling me that Corey Booker and Kamala harris are fighting for who is the more hysterical woman in the #KavanaughHearings is that true?#Kavanaugh #KavanaughConfirmation Answer: Domup Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ANTONIO SABATO JR: I’M AN IMMIGRANT AND I SUPPORT TRUMP’S WALL .. Watch full video here: @user @user @user @user @user #BuildTheWall #Borderwall #Immigration #AmericaFirst Answer: 59914 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you thought you'd try a little s &; m and now your ass hurts so bad you can hardly sit Answer: 59914 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Why are YOU hiding YOUR recklessness w/ respect to YOUR Bankruptcy?You, if ANYONE should understand &amp; accept immigration laws have changed over time. Don't conflate the past with today.Follow the Law Pimp or get disbarr Answer: 59914 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I understand why men don’t like women very much anymore. I do. #notallmen (Right, Left?) Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. He is in and out of jail. He's a bum , he a pussy bitch ! He just ain't shit ! I pray his next child he do wayyyyy better with fr. Answer: Yaqay Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user If your body is female, you can't identify your way out of rape. Rapists don't care. Answer: OBZE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This little boy blew his shofar to welcome the new immigrants arrive home in Israel. Arriving from the US, Russia, France, Argentina and Brazil! WATCH the story here: #ShabbatShalom Answer: Yaqay Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Welcome to #Vial, #Chios Imagine living for months in a container. Imagine not having a container and sleeping in tents between them. Imagine not having a tent and sleeping under plastic sheets. Imagine having none of the above and sleeping rough. This is how #EU treats refugees Answer: Yaqay Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. He was being nice and cool. You were Being an attention whore. Next time explicitly say you’re not interested instead of flexing for Twitter Answer: OBZE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user nice new signage. Are you not concerned by Beatlemania -style hysterical crowds crongregating on you… Answer: Yaqay Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Cory Booker is Lost in the sauce. You and Bill Maher want a FAILED economy, Ms-13 gangs, Criminal immigrants Mexicans, Drugs to support your lifestyle, &amp; No security, No safety, Illegal Criminals, &amp; open borders. This Loser is another Jv-obama. @user @user @user Answer: OBZE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user .Can you say #BuildThatWall#BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall#BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall#BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall#BuildThatWall #BuildT Answer: OBZE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Some absolute skank of a girl out there trying to cause trouble. Not happening love.. I show my girl every message a girl sends me Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When he wraps 1 hand around your throat, puts the other betwn your legs &; whispers 'this pussy is mine' in your ear Answer: YPBH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. My life has been so much better without you in it #WomenSuck Answer: YPBH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Check this out and Retweet if you Agree ! #draintheswamp #buildthatwall #kag #politics #government #gop #Trumplicans #PresidentTrump #MAGA #TrumpTrain #AmericaFirst #donaldtrump #sorrynotsorry #politicalmemes #madmax #trumplicans #whitehouse #patriot Answer: YPBH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Here's what Americans think about immigration via @user Answer: 38378 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This little boy blew his shofar to welcome the new immigrants arrive home in Israel. Arriving from the US, Russia, France, Argentina and Brazil! WATCH the story here: #ShabbatShalom Answer: 38378 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I grew up in an immigrant household. We were taught to embrace our heritage and celebrate our differences. Here’s Dad and I on my last trip home to Jamaica. Happy 56th Jamaican Independence Day! 🇯🇲 🎉🇯🇲 🎉🇯🇲🎉 Answer: 38378 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user And that's only the women that have posted it.. I wrote about the 'Not All Men' culture as well - Answer: 38378 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitches be like 'my man has never cheated on me' lol nah bitch, you're just too stupid to catch him Answer: YPBH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Tryin to send that bitch back to her maker and if you got a daughter older than 15 I'ma rape her Take her... right there in front of you DMX Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Before I rip you a new asshole vs after Answer: SCDK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Seen it many times. Hair brushes too Answer: 43171 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user When you call for the mass destabilization of white nations by mass non white immigration then silence anyone who opposes thats #antiwhite Answer: SCDK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Elizabeth Warren's radical agenda to abolish ICE and create open borders must be stopped. Geoff Diehl is the only candidate with a proven record of fighting illegal immigration. VOTE FOR @user FOR SENATE in MA Answer: SCDK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user you drunken slut, come play overwatch Answer: SCDK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I recently read a book with a passage between a woman and a powerful man. I had to ask author if it was rape or nah. That's how blurry it is Answer: 43171 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Detained Immigrant Moms Released in Washington Answer: 43171 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Pro Tip- Gray board shorts show a dick print just as good as gray sweats Answer: 43171 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Hey that looks like it could be an interesting book on migration maybe I'll stick it on my reading list oh no wait that's ok Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Naw depends if he rape fam that's a dub if its a random bitch he a whole dicchead but i stand by em right or wrong Answer: 17523 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ugly skank bitch >:( Answer: 17523 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. bitch what the fuck do you mean you cant find the fucking page cunt i need to vote for my boys dont you understand Answer: YTKF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Bitch fuck you too then 😭‼️that’s why I hope all your teeth fall out whore Answer: 17523 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Ask any liberal how many illegal aliens they've let stay in their house. The answer probably won't surprise you. #SendThemBack #BuildTheWall Answer: 17523 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The media and the D party tried to destroy America with Obama. They r hysterical cuz they afraid you will find out just how terrible they r Answer: YTKF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 224 illegal migrants held in western Turkey Answer: YTKF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If they don't trust you enough to let you cheat in peace is the relationship really real? Answer: YTKF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Dispelling The Myth Of The Girl Who Cried Rape #resist Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Women drivers no survivors Answer: YOKW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. im so trill, ur hoe can't handle it but damn, that bitch can suck a diiiiickkkk Answer: YOKW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I don't mind her saying she's a whore, but the implication regarding other women and #MeToo goes beyond the pale. Answer: AQHC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This bitch is stupid af. Forcing me to wake up my residents. Like wtf not like I was sitting not doing shit I was doing shit. Stupid ass. Answer: YOKW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Oh god that's so much worse. Have a good evening. Kbye Answer: AQHC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user RT @user Always Remember, #BuildTheWall is Not an item/deliverable that should be traded for #DACA . #DACA is unconstitutional, against the law, & illegal immigration. You & #Congress need to #EndDACA completely. All of these i Answer: YOKW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I wish kids were like cars... Once you can't afford them, they come and repossess them Answer: AQHC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Have you heard ‘Wavy Bassline Mix (HALLOWEEN SPECIAL)’ by The Skank Bank on #SoundCloud? #np Answer: AQHC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user #BuildThatWall to end #Corruption and then deport, deport, and deport. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Your girl is a hoe, you need to let go She fucked a... — You sent this a few months ago. I just now got to i... Answer: 98574 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. of i wanna scream ppl that STUPID! Cube is the shitty company? cube is cancelled?? NO. edawn and hyuna went against rules.ofc cube pissed bc they didn't even listen to them?? what are you thinking? sm jyp yg.. all of them will do same. just shut the fuck up anymore. Answer: 67477 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user RT #WeThePeople need @user actions to start backing up his words with real Conservative actions and results. Not the RINO shit coming out of #Congress, RINOs, McConnell, Ryan, Pence, Brady, & the Koch Brothers. #USA #Americans Answer: 98574 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The Insane Re Truly In Charge... The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home Answer: 98574 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Correct me if I'm wrong but don't all you bitches wanna be mermaids? How come no stink on social media for the mermaid emoji then? Answer: 98574 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Time for some honest discussions on the struggle faced by councils to house refugees and failed asylum seekers it is better to say sorry we have not got a big enough housing stock to cater for everyone while our own people languish on ever Answer: 67477 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I understand why men don’t like women very much anymore. I do. #notallmen (Right, Left?) Answer: 67477 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Immigrant children being reunited with families in US Answer: 67477 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 1. Who said Im lying to them?2. Who said Im fucking them?3. How are you real based off a minute analysis that obviously lacks context and sincerity?Shut the fuck up, my nigga. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user Her:I don't get what u want outta this relationship Him:Well, I was only looking for a bj but u kept coming back Answer: 32743 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This bitch Cunt Whore Slut every type of name deserves to fucking die u Wildin for this Answer: Wadun Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Me- dear IG, I follow all of your guidelines, please reactivate my account IG- Answer: 32743 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The Cubans never assimilated in Miami. Thats why I left. #ThirdWorldCountry #StopTheInvasion Answer: Wadun Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Anyone else notice that for the most part Trump is completely deaf dumb and blind to the existence of the indigenous people? Unlike him, even though some of them are of mixed blood, not one of them are immigrants. Saw t-shirt said can't be an illegal immigrant in a stolen land Answer: 32743 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ⚡️ "Big leak hits the Leave campaign?"what rubbish immigration will be the thing that does brexit stupid story Answer: Wadun Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user NO Rian - refugees must moved away from each country in world. Answer: Wadun Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Family reunification for refugees resumes in Germany Answer: 32743 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Beware USA + Europe from illigal immigration ! Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user No, Keith, you should be next. Your hysterical girlie rants are pretty hilarious, I might miss them… Answer: 86201 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I want a bitch who gone rape me when she feening for the dick🤷🏽‍♂️ Answer: Tanal Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I know fucker bitch i rode with you one time remember cunt whore? Never again will i fuck around with the fuck around 😂😂 Answer: Tanal Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Muslims belong in desert sands of far away lands. #BUILDTHATWALL Answer: Tanal Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Once again: we call upon the government of Cameroon to refrain from carrying out further forced returns of Nigerian refugees and asylum-seekers. Answer: 86201 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #WorldRefugeeDay is tomorrow! You can help refugee rebuild their lives in the U.S. by joining our World Refugee Day campaign. Get started ➝ Answer: 86201 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Oxymoron of the Day: Factual Feminist See the Blog: Answer: 86201 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user @user @user @user She clearly thinks women are stupid! Bitch needs to take a seat. Answer: Tanal Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user And that's only the women that have posted it.. I wrote about the 'Not All Men' culture as well - Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Lang and his family foundation gave a $100,000 grant to a partnership with Immigrant Justice Corps. Answer: RXCA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Cheeky twat.. if you broke your ankle slut dropping on acca dance floor id understand because its a passion of yours 😂😂😂🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 Answer: RXCA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. boo you whore Answer: Metuy Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When is Deadbeat @user going to pay #Ontario the $200 million he owes for housing his illegal immigrants? #onpoli #FordNation #ForThePeople #cpc #lpc #ndp #pcpo #onpc #ondp #Border #illegalimmigrants #TrudeauMustGo Answer: Metuy Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Black catolic bishops are against their pope Franciscus. They dont want to loose their sheep, which like to go to Europe as refugees. In the meantime hypocrises Franciscus pray and dont open the St.Petersdom for refugees to stay. Answer: Metuy Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. UN bid to improve migrant, refugee response flounders as political will evaporates Answer: RXCA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. STFU! Like we need your worthless 2 cents of wisdom! Go crawl back under your rock!!! Answer: RXCA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Isn't a pussy an exit hole too? Answer: Metuy Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The man won this one Answer: