Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Texts after calling me a slut and telling me I was a bitch and that no one liked me. When I went to the dean with my mom and showed him the Answer: Vimiz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. And the US State Department just increased the number of refugees we are taking in!! Can't anyone but us "common... Answer: 81068 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Fellas, if you have a good girl in your life cherish her and love her, because most of these girls/women rather play the Hoe💯 Answer: 81068 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user If you think financing breaking down borders & flooding the world with economic migrants is going to help wages may I suggest you are seriously deluded. Answer: Vimiz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Lebanese Christian victim of a quarrel between Syrian refugees carrying knives & cleavers in Lebanon Answer: Vimiz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This should be Federally Mandated Law on Criminal Illegal Aliens. Upon completion of maximum sentence allowed, alien is discharged into ICE custody for immediate Deportation. #EndSanctuaryCities #EndChainMigration #BuildTheWall #ProtectUS Answer: 81068 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Denmark has cut welfare benefits for migrants - "We'll move to Finland" They threaten "Finland will treat us better" - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: Vimiz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Absolutely perfect keep the whole lot of Illegal Aliens out, now maybe libtarded snowflakes will be happy they are not being split up? #maga #kag #nodaca #noamnesty #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWallNow #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildTheWall Answer: 81068 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Stay in the kitchen you whore Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Fox’s “hysterical female” rears her head in this season’s cautionary tale about what happens when men give women too much power. #AHSCult Answer: RGDV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Oh btw just to offend the femalesss CUNT CUNT CUNT WHORE CUNT WHORE SLUT BITCHSLUT FEMINISTSHIT Answer: RGDV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Rica gets so much cock in her licked cunt Answer: RGDV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. A look at refugee and migrant camp ahead of EU meeting Answer: Yoton Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. [Feature] Congolese refugees ask Korean firm not to supply voting machines to their country Answer: Yoton Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Dozens of migrants intercepted off Greek islands Answer: RGDV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When someone's talking about something other than me Answer: Yoton Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If you hate fuckboys it's only cause you let one break your stupid little heart... Dumb dumb Answer: Yoton Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I cannot imagine any woman who does not have a sexual assualt or rape or both even more than once. Sad… Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Coming onto a status about women + sexual assault/harassment to mansplain it and say that 'not all men are abusive' is probs the worst thing Answer: DKPY Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. anti immigrant hardliner as @user just described Kris Kobach -- I guess that's liberal news media spin for supporting the enforcement of border laws Answer: 50269 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This little boy blew his shofar to welcome the new immigrants arrive home in Israel. Arriving from the US, Russia, France, Argentina and Brazil! WATCH the story here: #ShabbatShalom Answer: 50269 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Nikki Haley: UN can’t 'dictate' US immigration policy Answer: 50269 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 'Lawless Area': German police conducts raid at refugee center after mob ... via @user Answer: 50269 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Hysterical over here bc every bitch with eye liner & an iPhone 7 is a model now 😂 Answer: DKPY Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. So I'm working but a friend of mine is telling me that Corey Booker and Kamala harris are fighting for who is the more hysterical woman in the #KavanaughHearings is that true?#Kavanaugh #KavanaughConfirmation Answer: DKPY Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Your nose ring looks like a fucking booger. It's not cute, it's trashy #WomenSuck Answer: DKPY Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. PM BabiÅ¡: Czech republic not to accept any illegal migrants Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user OLD SICK DOG HILLARY IS A DISGUSTING BITCH . BUT EVEN A SKANK HAS A FRIEND . IM SURE GERMAN… Answer: Yosuw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I want a bitch or whore or pig come to me now kik: mishalcoors #bitch #whore #ass #pussy #wine #beer #كيك #كك… Answer: Yosuw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. We are excited to host the #ImmigrantStories film screening and panel today with @user to show how the Trump administration’s overhaul of immigration policy has forced the immigrant community to choose between deportation and medical care. Answer: 86675 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Introducing the 'I'm over 30 and no man wants me' pillow Answer: 86675 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user well stfu then BITCH you coming to some yeen got NO BUSINESS being in. You need to mind the business that pays you hoe Answer: Yosuw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I've never liked @user and he didn't endear himself with the Sean Spicer bromance and Stupid Weistein jokes. Bit of a cunt Answer: 86675 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Rachel Caswell - we're all in the dance Sara Caswell Dave Stryker Fabian Almazan Linda May Han Oh Johnathan Blake We're All in the Dance PSAs High Blood Pressure National Immigrant Justice Center Answer: 86675 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Italian mayor abandons international human rights laws, cuts electricity supply to refugee shelters "You are not welcome here" - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: Yosuw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Hata maasai wako na aids you stupid son of a bitch. Luos are the ones who live lavish lifestyle in Kenya while u live like bedbugs. Puga Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I'd curse the person who called them a slut, call them a cunt and tell them to leave them alone. Answer: SUFT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Shut the fuck up, Brandon. You never cared about his Superman. You and a bunch of your buddies are the reason his character was butchered in JL since yall wanted more fun and smiles. Stop with this fake caring act for clout. Answer: SUFT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What about the Tibetan, Burmese, Tamil, Chakma, etc refugees in India? What about the Baluchs (Originally from Baluchistan, Pakistan), who are staying in the Muslim dominated Mumbra area in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region?There should be an equal law for all the Indians, isn't? Answer: SUFT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I honestly despise women who bitch and whine about sexism and equality, yet they're being literally just as bad. Answer: 61683 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I know fucker bitch i rode with you one time remember cunt whore? Never again will i fuck around with the fuck around 😂😂 Answer: 61683 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user good girl Answer: SUFT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. congrats slut he's yours you win :) Answer: 61683 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user No bitch you a hoe Answer: 61683 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user is a complete joke! If you see this guy out...GET IN HIS FACE. CONFRONT HIM. MAKE A CONVERSATION with him. MAKE HIM ANSWER. Let him know where you stand! Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What an absolute cock womble this cunt is. Does she also alude to the fact she recieved FREE university education aswel. Answer: TLXQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You can't call anyone a whore when you're taking up the ass from your father cunt. Answer: Cacet Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It's the drugs pouring across our southern border that is killing our children and young people.#BuildThatWall @user Answer: TLXQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. EU leaders meet in Brussels to discuss migration challenge Answer: Cacet Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Nice DP Ram sir.......None other than you is the best brand ambassador of New shining TELANGANA....jai Telangana - from. Sameer Nawaz. (Jubilee hills Constituency, Hyderabad) Answer: Cacet Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I am an immigrant. I live with my child. I am a 29 year old female. I earned $13,000 last year. I work 40 hours per week. I have a Bachelor's degree in accounting. I live in MI cc'Rep. John Moolenaar. #ImmigrantsAreUS Answer: Cacet Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. anti-immigrant. Anti- murdering, raping, thieving and lazy opportunistic 3rd world primitive migrant who has no right to be in the Western world.#SendThemBack Answer: TLXQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Alabama: Illegals Force 13-Year-Old Girl to Watch Murder of her Grandmother, Then Behead Girl#IllegalAliens #Alabama #Animals #KAG#RollTide #WalkAway #LockThemAllUp #SendThemBack #BuildTheWall #MAGA #Trump #Trump2020 #QResearch #PatriotsFight #RedPill Answer: TLXQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Sending you one now 😘 Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Warning of 'dangerous acceleration' in attacks on immigrants in Italy Answer: OQZT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. BJP leaders want #Rohingya refugees deported from #India due fear that they have been exploited by #Pakistan terror groups @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer: OQZT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Excellent. May almighty ram give lot of power all of you to construct ram mandir,break 370 in j&;k, crush islamic agenda and amend constitut Answer: OQZT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Women drivers no survivors Answer: Dagem Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. A judge sentenced three Muslim refugee boys in the sexual assault of a 5-year-old girl in Idaho, but nobody knows... Answer: OQZT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #StandwithICE #BackTheBlue #BuildThatWall Time to send the vacationing illegals back where they came from and start focusing on OUR dreamers! #DACAisWACA #SendThemBack Answer: Dagem Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I just wanna know why the girl dont like me 😭😂 What I ever do to you hoe? Other than give you rides and be nice to you 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ Hating ass hoe Answer: Dagem Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Over 62 million people voted for @user b/c of policies clearly stated at dozens of rallies. #BuildThatWall #TaxCutReformBill #EliminateRegulations #ConstitutionalistsOnSCOTUS #AmericaFirstTradePolicy #EndGovermentWaste #ReformTheVA #DestroyISIS Keeping Promices #MAGA Answer: Dagem Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user this your whore you going to marry and lie to me about will never marry women who show body to public Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Listen fam. If you're a whore you're a whore 😭😭😭clearly you miss read my tweet if you thought I was calling every female a whore.But yes hmp Answer: 62067 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. US Supreme Court Upholds Donald Trump's Immigration Travel Ban (for now) via @user Answer: Vugas Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user don't even get me started on spandex! #WomenSuck Answer: 62067 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user Her:I don't get what u want outta this relationship Him:Well, I was only looking for a bj but u kept coming back Answer: Vugas Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. In Austria the elder people in homes need 4 Euro for food daily each. Now the goverment like to reduce the benefit for refugees to 5 Euro daily. Why refugees get more money than the originated citiziens ? Answer: 62067 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #tgt the woman accusing#rapper #nelly of rape will not testify. Sippers🍵 here’s the spill from… Answer: Vugas Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user @user No One believes that Myth! Legal Workers Line Up for Restaurant Jobs After Sheriff Joe #Immigration Raids via @user Answer: Vugas Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. anti-immigrant. Anti- murdering, raping, thieving and lazy opportunistic 3rd world primitive migrant who has no right to be in the Western world.#SendThemBack Answer: 62067 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Mandatory E-Verify for Welfare and Jobs, Faster Deportation for All Illegals, End #DACA will fix the Problem #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #Immigration Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Poll Finds Immigration and Terror Top Issues for People Across Europe Answer: CBNA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user What the hell is this? Is this part of the healthy conversation you were just preaching to us about? She's our First Lady, like it or not. She's also an immigrant, a mother and daughter, and fuck you for allowing this. ht Answer: CBNA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I don't have to smile, my emojis do that for me Answer: CBNA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user sorry sweetie, but women are the causes of all problems Answer: 11131 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user is like the Donald Trump of social media sites the way they're just purging pages for no apparent reason Answer: CBNA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user LMAOO you pussy. What those emojis mean?! Answer: 11131 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Back to the kitchen you stupid sandwich maker Answer: 11131 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Why tf these hoes be hoein while pregnant? Bitch you can't get a regular ass job for 9months or what? Smdh Answer: 11131 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Alabama ain't called part of The Bible Belt for nothing.50 yrs ago they would have ------- her.250 yrs ago she'd been ------ at the -----.Hey that is progress in the right direction although glacier like. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Stupid dumb bitch I hate stupid dumb bitches Like stfu You dumb ass hoe Im so angry That youre dumb and stupid You make no sense Look at you talk out of your mouth Lmaoo BITCH you mad ignorant Be quiet bc you embarass yourself Sorry youre right i am less intelligent Answer: Sizis Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Hillary Clinton does give a shit about women that's why she lied again she is now keeping all the Harvey Weinstein money GREEDY BITCH Answer: Sizis Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Italy will no longer rescue immigrants sailing from Libya. They have withdrawn their Italian Coast Guard and instructed captains of vessels that from now on, ships in the area off Libya should apply for help to the Libyan Coast Guard. Answer: PKUB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I just dont get why she has to dress like a fucking hoe to impress a guy or mostly all guys like tf bitch Answer: Sizis Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user is a whore for any medical show and I'm a slut for a crime drama. Two sides of the same coin. Answer: PKUB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Norway: Migrant Quality, not Quantity...."Based on the idea that the WELFARE STATE has limited resources 1) immigration must be limited." Answer: Sizis Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Pro Tip- Gray board shorts show a dick print just as good as gray sweats Answer: PKUB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I'm sure you also get mad when guys stair at ur ass and act like you don't understand why they do it #WomenSuck Answer: PKUB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Happy 4th of July everyone! Ladies don't fuck it up! () () () () <---- vaginas Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user This is disgusting practice, make sure Huntleigh USA rehires these women. Answer: Bejat Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Couldn't have said it better #YesAllMen Answer: Bejat Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home. So despite claiming their lives would be at risk if they were forced to return home, the government is paying them for a vacation to the very place they claim to be fleeing from Answer: Bejat Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Just look at her face..sorry women but look up CUNT and you will see this bitch face. If ever a woman to get punched JS😂😂 Answer: Javak Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. off your left wing high horse @user Certainly not the average person's take on a "refugee". Remove the country shoppers, the opportunist migrants, those with criminal or terrorist ties, those with hidden wealth and who's left? Answer: Javak Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. So if the best way to bring awareness&fight the problem is by U - problematically - crying about 'Not all men' YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. Answer: Bejat Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Bitch you don't know my mf life I'll see you when I do hoe Answer: Javak Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I just wanna know why the girl dont like me 😭😂 What I ever do to you hoe? Other than give you rides and be nice to you 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ Hating ass hoe Answer: Javak Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Black Bitch Gets Cock Shoved In Her Waiting Cunt Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Families should not bring their kids into a country illegally, would you? We can’t afford them #sendthemhome Answer: 39522 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Hillary Clinton does give a shit about women that's why she lied again she is now keeping all the Harvey Weinstein money GREEDY BITCH Answer: 39522 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Hungary's latest attempt to demonize refugees and stoke xenophobia targets charities trying to help them - UN @user Answer: NQYB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. PM BabiÅ¡: Czech republic not to accept any illegal migrants Answer: NQYB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 69. #Bozo is the friend who tries to con you into privacy so he can either pressurise you into consensual sex or rape you. Answer: NQYB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user this your whore you going to marry and lie to me about will never marry women who show body to public Answer: 39522 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Yeah, but I think RAM is something you can’t ever have enough of. Maybe when you can load the entire HD into memory... Answer: NQYB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. And the US State Department just increased the number of refugees we are taking in!! Can't anyone but us "common... Answer: 39522 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. French NGO vows nothing will stop Aquarius migrant rescues Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When bae asks you where you wanna eat Answer: HBOX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Via Daniella Peled 'hysterical' Jews and 'frenzied' women Answer: 79674 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Cheeky twat.. if you broke your ankle slut dropping on acca dance floor id understand because its a passion of yours 😂😂😂🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 Answer: HBOX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. BBC withdraws 'biased' educational film about immigration via @user Answer: HBOX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Muslim migrants leave Germany "We did not get free stuff. Nothing is free here" - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: 79674 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Her- I thought I told you.... Me- yo you better chill on that attitude, bitch Answer: 79674 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Some girl that knew Jackson from his hoe days legit CROSSED THE ROOM to talk to him at the party yesterday and I was legit like Answer: HBOX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. STOP SMELLING THOSE SANDWINCHES YOU HIDEOUS COCK, SHE'S ESCAPING TO THE SIDE Answer: 79674 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When your crush finally slides in ya DM Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Lil bitch that pussy so dry, You finna break the rubber Answer: Poyop Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user 'Diversity Visa' - YOU UTTER HYPOCRITICAL SKANK! Answer: WFSJ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user 'Oh said a bitch who lost everything. You whore.' Answer: Poyop Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user for you! Cuz no one else cares when I post it but I'm pretty sure you like it. Get your skank on! Answer: WFSJ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #StandwithICE #BackTheBlue #BuildThatWall Time to send the vacationing illegals back where they came from and start focusing on OUR dreamers! #DACAisWACA #SendThemBack Answer: Poyop Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user bonnie is a sneaky cunt bitch and she probably has something to do with whatever happened to laurels baby Answer: Poyop Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #Repost @user with get_repost ・・・ "If you go inside my heart, it will explain my joy to you ... I cannot express it with my words." . Eritrean refugee Berek fled home in 2017 and… Answer: WFSJ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you let a squirter sit on your face Answer: WFSJ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I wonder is this is where Caitlyn gets his car services 🌚 Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user ROBBIE ROTTEN IS NOT STUPID YOU CUNT Answer: Lapil Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @ THE BROKE BITCHES WHO ARE PARTYING IN MY OVARIES. I HOPE YOU FUCKING DIE AND ROT IN HELL YOU STUPID UGLY ASS BITCH Answer: 60390 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. “I love you” First of all bitch we all know that’s a lie with your whore mouth and your floppy wiener Answer: 60390 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user block me bitch I LOVE TRUMP U IGNORANT CUNT!!!! Answer: 60390 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I can't believe just what a poor state those roads in the pictures are in and why council has allowed so much development on those roads, oh thats right, its because of Turnbulls insane immigration policy. Answer: 60390 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I'm confident cause I've earned the right to be, don't confuse that with arrogance Answer: Lapil Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Sometimes I just wanna crash into psychic reading places and ask them if they saw that coming... Answer: Lapil Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The media and the D party tried to destroy America with Obama. They r hysterical cuz they afraid you will find out just how terrible they r Answer: Lapil Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. A director can lose a job because of 10 year old jokes but @user can grab them by the pussy, be a pussy for Putin 🇷🇺, be an ah to a queen 🇬🇧, be a tyrant for latin immigrant families but marry a white immigrant. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You said it. Let's see how that works when you're wearing handcuffs. I noticed Eric is quiet and so is that skank Conway. Answer: KLNP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user #BuildThatWall to end #Corruption and then deport, deport, and deport. Answer: QSOC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. No Christians among 1,112 Syrian refugees resettled in #UK Answer: KLNP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The monetary costs will run into the billions for Trudeaus illegal immigrant crisis. Non-monetary costs?? Answer: KLNP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. That was it when Dick Rickles; ? You all want do w/ 248 Mtn Shrod? Answer: KLNP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user You're a stupid cunt! Hope 45 cause your death! Answer: QSOC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Good one Bob! Show her who the real boss is! And keep up the support for our cause. Answer: QSOC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Beware USA + Europe from illigal immigration ! Answer: QSOC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I'm just sitting on the train, have a hard dick and would like to wank a horny girl on the big tits 💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦 Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Taking of Salah for the Ox is like forcefully ramming a broom up your arse, just why would you do it #LIVMUN Answer: BLRD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Some women are aggressive, promiscuous whores, but all women must try harder not to make men feel uncomf… Answer: TRLM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #closetheborders for #IllegalImmigrants Do it now. It might already be too late!We don’t want more #nogozones in Europe.We don’t want more freeloaders and #mosques.We don’t want #sharialaws and #burqa’a in our cities and on our streets. Answer: TRLM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. U.S. holding 3,000 separated migrant kids, will find parents with DNA via @user Answer: BLRD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Be sure to visit our World Relief tent this afternoon at the 2nd annual Kaleidoscope Food Festival, 3-7 pm! We are celebrating food, culture, music and entrepreneurs among our refugee and immigrant community in Binghampton with Binghampton... Answer: BLRD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The head of the Philippine Catholic bishops' commission for migrants has welcomed a Kuwaiti court's decision to sentence the employers of a murdered Filipino maid to death. Answer: BLRD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Yeah do the right thing and vote for the Sweden Democrats Sweden for Swedes not 3rd world rapefugee terrorists! #MakeSwedenGreatAgain Answer: TRLM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Should have let the Libyan Manchester bomber rot in his own country. How many more mass murderers did the Royal Navy import to Britain? How many more terrorists do the NGO's rescue from international waters? #RefugeesNotWelcome Answer: TRLM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. knuckle up cause I'll fight for mines Yo pussy petty, U wasting time .. U seasonal, part time U get fucked up fuckin w/ mine U lil bitch Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Here’s what I WON’T do: demean another woman for the way she dresses. Slut/whore/skank are not part of my vocabulary. Answer: Yiwik Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare Answer: Yiwik Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user These weak little men cannot abide women who... are alive? This is today's @user Too emotional to think. Hysterical! Answer: Yiwik Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Bitch stfu i talk to u everyday u the one who forget yo place, HOE Answer: CBUH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I wish my emotions would feel like emotions instead of screaming and hysterical crying women trying to claw their way out of my torso Answer: CBUH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user You don't stand for Canadian workers: Wages in rich countries are determined more by immigration control than anything else, including any minimum wage legislation. Not by the ‘˜free’ labour market, which, if left alon Answer: Yiwik Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user "You too skinny, imma hurt you" Girl if you don't shut the fuck up and ride this dick. Imma be aight. I got Obamacare." Answer: CBUH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Democrats have been placing refugees and illegals in Parts of the country trying to change the outcome of elections and we stop them Everytime. Democrats have been trying to stop AMERICANS from voting and giving more and more refugees the rights to vote against us. Dems are done. Answer: CBUH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I used to ride with my father before he retired as a Phoenix police officer. He worked in west Phoenix over night. Drunk illegal immigrant drivers were everywhere. One almost T-boned us at an intersection. They pose great danger the the rest of us who do follow laws. 😡 Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. African refugees for Europe will come into slavery in Libya. This should be a warning for all which want to come to Europe. Dreams are over ! Answer: RMSV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. All the men who catcall on the street I wish I could personally shove back up their moms whore cunt :) Answer: RMSV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Every time you say 'not all men' you are part of the problem. Claiming that telling men to step their game up only alienates good men is BS. Answer: QMRD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Dear Facebook, Jus coz I have these whores numbers in my phone doesn't mean I want them seeing my personal life, please stop suggesting them Answer: RMSV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user , my community stands #WithRefugees! Show that #AmericaWelcomes by supporting U.S. refugee resettlement! #RefugeesWelcome Answer: QMRD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Poll Finds Immigration and Terror Top Issues for People Across Europe Answer: QMRD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I'm just sitting on the train, have a hard dick and would like to wank a horny girl on the big tits 💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦 Answer: RMSV Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Making them look ~anatomically correct~ just makes them... Bland. Not all women are tiny and fit, not all men are bulky. Answer: QMRD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. NEVERRRRRRRRRRR Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. WTF? What are we waiting for? These ppl will be the death of us. #BuildThatWall Answer: Najit Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. rape is bad but alota hoes be lying bout that shit women are crazy dawg & will fuck ya life up be careful.. Answer: Najit Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This account was temporarily inactive due to an irrational woman reporting us to Twitter. What a lack of judgement, shocking. #YesAllMen Answer: Najit Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You are the sloppy queen of sucking cock Answer: Najit Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Candace is an in-home ESL Tutor for refugees. Watch her story on how she advocates for refugees. Donations to our #30kin30days campaign fund programs to advocate and stand for the vulnerable Full video on Facebook.Thanks to @user for the video. Answer: FILU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Poll Finds Immigration and Terror Top Issues for People Across Europe Answer: FILU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This is superb. Practical guide for rights of women esp at divorce and rape in marriage. @user @user @user Answer: FILU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Trump's immigration policy is "sinful" Rev Al Sharpton tells NY protest Answer: FILU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. wahhh not all men /: praise me for not assaulting women /: make this about ME /: Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I run from those bitches Answer: PPUU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I would enjoy standing back to watch you suck cocks and swallow huge loads of cum, while you're helpless. As you suck each cock I'll finger your pussy until you cum, while you choke on cocks and cum! When I do take you home, you'll be exhauste Answer: PPUU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user #AtlantaHitRockBottoms This FOOL is promoting lawlessness from illegals and wants to turn ATL into a 3rd world city like Chicago and LA. We are better than this brainless idiot! #ImpeachBottoms #BuildThatWall Answer: PPUU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Does your pretty friend know you're using her pics to attract people to your tinder, chubs? Answer: DPMH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Watch 10 Italian police officers try to arrest an illegal immigrant standing on bus - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: DPMH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When she cancels the dick appointment cause she's 'sick' then you see her in the bar on her snap story Answer: DPMH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Large areas have been evacuated and people were moved to shelters to wait for the waters to subside. Answer: DPMH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. FUUUCCKK! ASS BITCH CUNT FART!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!!!! Answer: PPUU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user We have head enough yooh not all men r rapist , what about women who r rapists? So please stop it Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user After AAP coming to power influx of illegal migrants from Bangladesh to Delhi increased multi fold.Jhugis seen all around Answer: 69089 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Invite her over, play Rihanna 'Sex with Me' on repeat, then give her the worst sex of her life... #wastehertime2016 Answer: PJYZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I know fucker bitch i rode with you one time remember cunt whore? Never again will i fuck around with the fuck around 😂😂 Answer: PJYZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Oh good, its that time of year when women bitch about men watching football why is this a thing? Why dont you shut the fuck up and enjoy the game? k bye Answer: PJYZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. "Closing our southern border would signal Canadian support for Trump’s refugee processes... It would be complicity with Trump’s expanded use of detainment " Answer: 69089 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The home of Guinness‘‹ gives refugees and asylum-seekers a new chance in Ireland 🍺 #InternationalBeerDay Answer: 69089 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Germany: Moroccan migrant spits on a German woman and gets slapped in the face by a German grocery worker - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: PJYZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Basically you don't care about rape or victims. You just hate Trump and someone told you to boycott twitter because of Weinstein I get it. Answer: 69089 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Its forbidden to follow Soros in Hungary the parliament decides there. All foreign NGOs have to go out of Hungary otherwise the can go for 1 year into prison.This is the first step to hold indenpendce from these people, which like to destroy Europe by refugees, Orban says. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user If immigration will not stopped in Europe, the refugees will destroy the welfare. This means streetfights and dead on European streets. Answer: UNKW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. True AF 😂👌🏼 Answer: 70872 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I like to blog about masculinity, fascism, alternative ideas, heres my next account Answer: 70872 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Be sure to visit our World Relief tent this afternoon at the 2nd annual Kaleidoscope Food Festival, 3-7 pm! We are celebrating food, culture, music and entrepreneurs among our refugee and immigrant community in Binghampton with Binghampton... Answer: 70872 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Illegal Aliens should all be deported along with their entire family NOT, I repeat NOT given free anything .. #NoHealthCare #NoHousing #NoFinancialSupport #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #SendThemBack #StopTheInvasion #BuildTheWallNow from the Pa Answer: UNKW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user And you dont even represent women for anything so stop talking and stay in the kitchen and cook and eat Answer: 70872 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, White countries for everyone IS White Genocide.Some basic truths: Access to White people is not a human right 2018: Easy come, easy GO!! Answer: UNKW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. nbs stfu hoe ik bout you Answer: UNKW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Was called a slut and a whore because I wore shorts to school during the summer. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Was called a slut and a whore because I wore shorts to school during the summer. Answer: 94099 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user War torn? Most so called refugees come from safe countries! Moron!#fuckEU #leaveEU #sendthemback it's the only option to save Europe Answer: MSIE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I posted 327 photos on Facebook in the album "JAZBA PAKISTAN" Answer: 94099 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Ha ha BJP knows that Hindus r so stupid that they r ready to starve with no jobs but first like to see Ram Mandir then Taj Mahal. Answer: 94099 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You can't call anyone a whore when you're taking up the ass from your father cunt. Answer: 94099 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. How basic bitches wash away their weekend sins and mistakes Answer: MSIE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Dems suggest Kavanaugh should NOT be considered for SCOTUS b/c #Trump is under investigation!NEVER MIND that said investigation is a TRUMPed-up phony witch-hunt begun by Dems in the 1st place#POTUS #MAGA #DrainTheSwamp #VoteRed #NEWS #NoDACA #KAG #GetOutTheVote #BuildTheWall Answer: MSIE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I like boobs as much as the next guy, but usually what they are attached to are nagging menstruating fucks! #WomenSuck Answer: MSIE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Obviously Meredith, obviously. Filthy bitch ☺️ Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Lil bitch that pussy so dry, You finna break the rubber Answer: GOQS Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Grant you the first point, but it was a joke more than an insult.About the second point though, calling an hysterical person hysterical doesn't set anyone back. There are hysterical women (and men), bitches and douchebags, ass Answer: Teruz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Victory for Trump ! But only 6 islamic countries now are stopped for immigration into USA ! There are 34 islamic countries more. To beware the USA from terrorists these also has to get banned. Answer: GOQS Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Why we need to protect refugees from the ‘˜big ideas’ designed to save them @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer: Teruz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Some women will goto war for their nigga . I will leave your ass dead ass hanging I’ll never go towar with another bitch Answer: GOQS Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Some absolute skank of a girl out there trying to cause trouble. Not happening love.. I show my girl every message a girl sends me Answer: GOQS Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Yeah me too 😵lol Answer: Teruz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Protests have been ongoing in #Bangladesh #refugee camps against repatriate of #Rohingya who fled deadly persecution in #Myanmar @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer: Teruz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. And why should he now buckle to their demands that he swear undying trust for these A******* ????? THEY are the enemy of this nation! #Treason Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Wtf you're a skank bitch Answer: 40587 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Please follow back #Turnout2018 #MAGA #BUILDTHATWALL #KAG #DRAINTHESWAMP Answer: 40587 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Thank you, @user for taking a stand. It's up to all of us to fight misinformation and anti-immigrant hate. #SourcesMatter Answer: Fupas Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal Alien Stabbed Woman To Death At Horse Track @user @user #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #DeportThemAll Answer: 40587 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. No one cares about you agta don't be so stupid bitch Answer: 40587 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Jordan's so butthead it's hysterical learn how to treat a women that's why all your exs cheat on you😂😂 pussy ass bitch keep trying me Answer: Fupas Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. We've reached the point where the US can no longer be considered a safe country for #refugees. #SuspendSTCA Answer: Fupas Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Real shit like stfu and eat my pussy since u care so much Answer: Fupas Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. No your not! You are scroungers/soldiers coming to create a caliphate or create chaos. Go home, look after your girlfriends/wives/kids. All fighting age. The last thing you are, are refugees! Bugger off! Bye, bey, cheers.... Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Got me wanting to give him them 5 kids for the dick, I’ll beat a bitch up bout my 🍆. Baby u the only one I need headass on that dick 😂 Answer: JNUZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. AG Jeff Sessions Announces Lawsuits Against California Over Interference With Immigration Enforcement‘¦ Answer: GNKH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Warning of 'dangerous acceleration' in attacks on immigrants in Italy Answer: GNKH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. As someone who works with refugees; thank you Sprudge. Answer: GNKH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Int’l, 1st- and 2nd-gen immigrant students make up an average of 30% of undergrads in U.S. -Miriam Feldblum, executive director, Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Ed and Immigration ⁦@AraceliHLaroche⁩ ⁦@MegitaSmith⁩ ⁦@nmvalenzuela⁩ Answer: GNKH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. “The Spanish authorities have here made their priorities clear. They would rather inundate their nation with Muslim migrants — from this ship that was rejected by Italy’s new patriotic government — rather than take care of their own people.” Answer: JNUZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user In fact both Centre/States need to hound out all illegal immigrants &amp;deport them immediately to their Country. Answer: JNUZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I welcome those who want to assimilate but Muslims do not. Answer: JNUZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. IS-puppets tried to roll me over three times! One tried to start a fight on the streets, without success. Even when i never attacked them, guess i'm simply an infidel. Some of the first refugees in 1993 also attacked me without reason, so i absolutely know what i'm talking about! Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #BuildTheWallNow Before the Midterm elections @user @user @user @user #MAGA #MakeDCListen #NoAmnesty #NoDACAdeal #MandateEverify #EndChainMigration Answer: 18413 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Not all men are stupid to mistake ~ No ~ for Yes they are just using any means to stir up the movement Answer: Cudap Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Feminists become radicalized when they refuse to submit to their urges to be subservient to men. It's science... Answer: 18413 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Anti immigration party? More like commonsense, sane centrist party. We need more of this. Answer: Cudap Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Angels Don't Die. I think it's better that two Immigrant children in a concentration camp in Southwest US die every time Donald Trump tweets, tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet like a bird. Answer: Cudap Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user @user @user Aye! Make your dreams come true! ...Go out there and suck a dick!😂😂 Answer: 18413 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Where was your outrage when Obama did this to 25,000 kids for months ZERO! Where is outrage for all the Angel moms that lost their kids to illegals never to see them again EVER! 1.3 Million in US already on FBI terror watchlist! #Bu Answer: 18413 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. BBC News - School where refugees are the teachers Answer: Cudap Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. France: The imported muslim antisemitism against Jews in France increase. Jews have fear. And nobody stop this immigration ! Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The more WOMEN in the workplace means LESS WOMEN IN THE KITCHEN. Like and retweet if you see this as a big problem #ilovefood #homecookedm# Answer: 55306 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user This waste of Money must be stopped!!! #NoMoreRefugees Keep telling us how SS is going Broke, while you toss $ out the window!! Stop p—-ing. on our backs &amp; telling us it’s Raining! Answer: 84900 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Sigh... Answer: 84900 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. From A -list stars to budding actresses: The women who accuse Harvey Weinstein of rape and ... via @user Answer: 84900 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Last I checked men HAVE THE PENIS and women DON'T. I Won't say it again but THE DICK IS ALL THAT MATTERS #MensRights! Answer: 55306 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. you're no different from men who start with Not All Men every time a woman tweets men are trash Answer: 84900 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal Alien kills 2 Search Dogs during pursuit #BuildTheWall #EndSanctuaryCities #EndChainMigration #AmericansFirst @user @user @user @user Answer: 55306 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You mean, some of the asylum seekers are criminals?! WhaaaaasAAAAAAAAA?! #LiberalLogic #closeborders #deportillegalimmigrants #BuildThatWall Answer: 55306 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I don't have to smile, my emojis do that for me Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Who are the European leaders who could save Western Civilization from the migration jihad? @user gives us his list.Hungarian PM Viktor Orban (who became more powerful due to the folly of Germany's Angela Merkel) is first.See what I said.... Answer: 72638 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ⁦@RepMcClintock⁩ has voted to destroy the #ACA more times than I can count. Don’t give him another opportunity. Choose to support healthcare, science, immigrant rights, civil rights &amp; social justice. Choose ⁦@Morse4America⁩ #TeamMorse Answer: 72638 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ICE raid hits 77 businesses in Northern California #StopTheInvasion #TherIsMoreOfThemOutThere #TheICEManCometh #DeportationsEqualPublicSafety Answer: 65444 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. you know your women are stupid just like you're_ bitch please did i fuck you_ what importance do you have in my life_ are you retarded_ 😏🌹 Answer: 65444 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I don’t know how you have the audacity to charge extra to eat in, the place is a shit hole #WestwoodCross thanet Answer: 72638 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Sheme there is no attention on our own people and foodbanks while do you have to be a migrant to be treated with respect? Answer: 65444 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Elizabeth Warren's radical agenda to abolish ICE and create open borders must be stopped. Geoff Diehl is the only candidate with a proven record of fighting illegal immigration. VOTE FOR @user FOR SENATE in MA Answer: 65444 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When her head game is as good as she claimed it to be so you gotta smile and thank god 🙏🏼 Answer: 72638 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Angry Italian officials refuse to let this Italian commercial ship disembark 66 refugees &amp; migrants because they think it should have let Libyan coastguards intercept them and return them to inhumane detention centers instead Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. think Spain is biting off more than it can chew #nomore #sendthemback Answer: TBZR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Family reunification for refugees resumes in Germany Answer: TBZR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ugly skank bitch >:( Answer: TQHY Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Over 62 million people voted for @user b/c of policies clearly stated at dozens of rallies. #BuildThatWall #TaxCutReformBill #EliminateRegulations #ConstitutionalistsOnSCOTUS #AmericaFirstTradePolicy #EndGovermentWaste #ReformTheVA #DestroyISIS Keeping Promices #MAGA Answer: TQHY Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. O = traitor, when is he going to prison finally for all of his crimes against the American public ??????????????????? @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!! Answer: TQHY Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user The rise of ISIS is due to the aid they received from Assad. The refugees are mostly fleeing from Assad. It is Corbyn with his pro-Assad policy who should hang his head in shame. Answer: TBZR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #Immigrants from travel ban-affected countries are highly educated. 46% of them age 25+ with BA or higher compared to 30% of native-born U.S. citizens. Stay tuned for full report next week @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer: TBZR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. These savages invade Our Country, disrupt cities, turn many into shitholes like where they came from and WE THE PEOPLE are paying for this SHIT. How about taking or Our OWN Citizens, Veterans and other AMERICANS in need? To HELL with these ungrateful idiots; #SendThemBack Answer: TQHY Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Hysterical Hypocrite Liberals going after @user and Trump over 10 year old girl where were they when Obama deported 2 Million Hispanics ?? Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The woman who #accused nelly of #rape has dropped her case. Answer: 28721 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What about the Tibetan, Burmese, Tamil, Chakma, etc refugees in India? What about the Baluchs (Originally from Baluchistan, Pakistan), who are staying in the Muslim dominated Mumbra area in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region?There should be an equal law for all the Indians, isn't? Answer: 28721 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user His mama is a whore! Smh the BLATANT DISRESPECT for women of color who hold political seats is appalling Answer: FKWA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Hysterical over here bc every bitch with eye liner & an iPhone 7 is a model now 😂 Answer: FKWA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user A Mexican asked me whether I was saying that Hispanic immigrants had no right to a country, meaning OURS.I replied, "Immigrants HAVE a country, or they wouldn't be IMMIGRANTS." Immigration is about sharing Answer: 28721 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This should be Federally Mandated Law on Criminal Illegal Aliens. Upon completion of maximum sentence allowed, alien is discharged into ICE custody for immediate Deportation. #EndSanctuaryCities #EndChainMigration #BuildTheWall #ProtectUS Answer: FKWA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. No your not! You are scroungers/soldiers coming to create a caliphate or create chaos. Go home, look after your girlfriends/wives/kids. All fighting age. The last thing you are, are refugees! Bugger off! Bye, bey, cheers.... Answer: FKWA Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Could you please explain why you praised the research of an anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant foundation linked to Orban's far-right government? Or why you are hosting events at the Hungarian Embassy for this foundation? Answer: 28721 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user These weak little men cannot abide women who... are alive? This is today's @user Too emotional to think. Hysterical! Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. We let these #migrants in to our country for a better life but what's about our lives and our children's future. That do not want to live by our laws. These #Muslims do not respect our way of life. #SENDTHEMBACK Answer: LTNU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Ethiopians in Lebanon lining up to go home. It’s a give to those who think refugees are threat to the purity of threat society. Answer: YUMX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Yes, why didn't Hussein take care of #NoDACA instead of unlawful keep it going, allow illegal aliens to pour into USA bringing Muslims in the middle of the night. Called ISIS "ISIL" take pallets of CASH to our enemies, Trevon could be my s Answer: LTNU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. “We can’t go home”: What does peace mean for #Eritrea’s refugees? Answer: YUMX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. C'mon everyone Re-Tweet this to spread the word! #WomenSuck Answer: LTNU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Sometimes, all you have to do is just let out the rope.. #FeminismIsCancer Answer: LTNU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Barcelona mayor: 'it is our duty to welcome' migrants Answer: YUMX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When she sees your dick for the first time and it's bigger than she expected Answer: YUMX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you're on a date with someone that won't stop talking about their ex Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Naw depends if he rape fam that's a dub if its a random bitch he a whole dicchead but i stand by em right or wrong Answer: Qiyop Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Daily Mail pulls story about ‘˜migrant-infested’ #Paris suburb after backlash Answer: Qiyop Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. UNSC faces difficult dilemma with #Rohingya crisis #ucanews #voiceforthevoiceless #UN #humanrights #Bangladesh @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer: Qegey Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ICE: 124 illegal immigrants released from jail later charged in 138 murder cases #BuildTheWall #EnforceUSLaws#KeepAmericansSafeThis is all the Congress should be comtemplating!#BanSanctuaryCities #NoAmnesty #NoDACADeal #EndChainMigration #Deport Answer: Qiyop Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I understand why men don’t like women very much anymore. I do. #notallmen (Right, Left?) Answer: Qegey Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Was I imagining the flap over 'hysterical' because it connected women towa… Answer: Qegey Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user #BuildThatWall end #chainmigration replace #ImmigrationLottery Answer: Qiyop Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Vodka is my spirit animal Answer: Qegey Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 400 migrants storm border and #Attack security forces to get into Spain's North African enclave Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user you drunken slut, come play overwatch Answer: 59471 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer: 59471 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Lebanese Christian beats up Syrian refugee in his home and screams at his wife (with Subtitles) Answer: 59471 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Introducing the 'I'm over 30 and no man wants me' pillow Answer: 57661 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #Trump officials may succeed in changing the “refugee status” of some #Palestinian refugees BUT they will never succeed in taking away the national identity of 7.2 million Palestinian refugees or their right of return! Answer: 57661 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. SWEDEN Dentist fined nearly $50,000 for revealing that many adult Muslim migrants are posing as 'unaccompanied refugee children' via @user Swedenstan update... Answer: 57661 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The illegal aliens are treated better than American children with facilities that are luxurious and the liberal socialists want to abolish ICE. #BuildThatWall @user Answer: 59471 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. oh my god yall non fans are so annoying let universes and pentagon grieve let us take all this in first just let us fucking be and leave us the fuck alone we dont need your fucking opinion on the matter im so fucking done with yall for fucks sake just shut the fuck up Answer: 57661 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user I mean all women have fathers. Not all men have daughters so 'daughter issue' i… Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. How to cure yourself from reporting pics and pages ☺️ Answer: LULC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitches be havin no education,no job,no house and still got the nerves to say all these niqqas want is pussy buh bitch WTF!! do yo hav?😂😂😂 Answer: Cojuj Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user That woman is a grade A, attention seeking cunt of the highest order. Answer: LULC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I guess i was a cunt to a woman who was flirting with our married friend (wife is put of town.) She knows he is married etc.. Good. Answer: LULC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Why do girls follow me? All I do is make fun of them for how dumb they are #WomenSuck Answer: Cojuj Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. How real friends greet each other Answer: LULC Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user you drunken slut, come play overwatch Answer: Cojuj Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Omg he gave her his number and she didn't say no what a cunt The girl is the cunt for giving it to some random fucktard Answer: Cojuj Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Join @user for a teach-in about surviving violence, ICE and the experiences of criminalized immigrant survivors this Thursday in SF Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. at EU Core👉54,000 “relatives” of migrants came to 🇩🇪 last year for “reunification”. Little Sisters @user wanted new limits at 1,000/month bt embassies already report 34,000 new requests. No end to delusions of Merkel, CSU.#Visegrad #V4 Answer: IXJR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The United States is a country founded by immigrants and dependent for its success on #immigration. Answer: IXJR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Sick barstewards! This is what happens when we put up the refugees welcome signs! They not only rape our wives or girlfriends, our daughters but our ruddy mothers too!! Answer: 47960 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Why is thos racist,homophobic whore @user getting so much success all of the sudden ? Like go away ugly cunt. Answer: 47960 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Hey look its the woman who wants to get famous for crying about an ass slap. You truly are a worthless cunt. Answer: 47960 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Just remember ladies, whatever you're not willing to do, another whore like myself is. 😊 Answer: IXJR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I hate coming to the city people real life know my car like pussy study yo bitch car 😩😂 Answer: 47960 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This is the most important sign I've ever seen in my life Answer: IXJR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #BuildTheWallNow Before the Midterm elections @user @user @user @user #MAGA #MakeDCListen #NoAmnesty #NoDACAdeal #MandateEverify #EndChainMigration Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user sugar you should have witnessed a true Jason classic last night. Cherry Falls. I was hysterical. Answer: 52669 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. My uncle Vern said women get their peiods because it's the only way God could get rid of some of their evil #womenareevil #evilwomen!! Answer: IPFZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #Tech #News Facebook's new political advertising policy denounced by immigrant, civil rights groups Facebook's new political advertising policy denounced by immigrant, civil rights groups A wide range of advocates for immigrants… Answer: 52669 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Via Daniella Peled 'hysterical' Jews and 'frenzied' women Answer: IPFZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Seriously mam, sometimes I feel u lack brains or u are acting. Illegal immigrants are illegal immigrants period. Where does rich/poor come to question? Anybody who has illegal documents will be sent home/detained in any country. Even in the country u go whining against India Answer: 52669 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I would enjoy standing back to watch you suck cocks and swallow huge loads of cum, while you're helpless. As you suck each cock I'll finger your pussy until you cum, while you choke on cocks and cum! When I do take you home, you'll be exhauste Answer: IPFZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Grow up you slag Answer: 52669 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. These people are not your friends. They are true .@realDonaldTrump supporters who hate people color, Hispanics, immigrants and women. Answer: IPFZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. allies 10 year old brother is calling me a cunt and a bitch bc I asked him a question💀 Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It amazes me how many women masturbate at work... Please come work for me, I have a position open under my desk Answer: 54562 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal Alien kills 2 Search Dogs during pursuit #BuildTheWall #EndSanctuaryCities #EndChainMigration #AmericansFirst @user @user @user @user Answer: 54562 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Aid boat to take rescued migrants to Spain, after Italy refuses access Answer: Lixos Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Dozens of migrants intercepted off Greek islands Answer: 54562 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. you made yourself a bed at the bottom of the blackest hole and convinced yourself that it's not the reason you don't see the sun anymore Answer: Lixos Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Love the uniforms. So classy when compared with hysterical women protesters. Answer: 54562 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Right?! It's really all I live for Answer: Lixos Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If you are not aware of this situation, you need to be as the US has taken in thousands of these Muslim refugees. Answer: Lixos Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It's not rape if women are considered objects! You can't rape an object! Islam is completely anti rape! Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. More rapes in Halifax by Muslim migrants, as rape culture invades our high-trust society Answer: OFEH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #BuildThatWall Thank you, @user Trump & OUR glorious MILITARY! ****** Trump Rolls Out a BRILLIANT Plan The Military Will Build His Wall! via @user Answer: OFEH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Meanwhile in the Open Immigration backlash...Italy Rejects Two More NGO Migrant Ships (waiting to collect and transport off the coast of Libya)“They should know that Italy no longer wants to be an accomplice in the... Answer: HOBI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you get home from the bar and realize you have no alcohol Answer: HOBI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Eight Years of Obama's Weakness Toward Russia Answer: HOBI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Lies! Women who came out of the gutter all of a sudden cry rape or abuse but traded it fo… Answer: HOBI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You ungrateful whore. . . I'd have bought it n everything 😂 Answer: OFEH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Hmm... Someone named "Garcia" wants to eliminate the US/Mexico border. Imagine my surprise.What's it called when a foreign agent enters your country &amp; sabotages your #BorderSecurity for the benefit of their own country?#StopTheInvasion #SecureTheBorder #BuildTheWall #NoIllegals Answer: OFEH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I like to tell people that I drink every night cause I can't sleep but at this point it's just a blatant lie cause I've been tired for years Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The most filled with misogyny (calling women hysterical for the #MeToo movement) and victim blaming s*it. Why does… Answer: Zohuv Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user The Assamese laws on immigration were made during emergency and are malafide, they should not be applied Answer: Zohuv Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Don’t be a dick when you rate businesses. 5 stars always for good work; 4 is bad; 3 is very bad; 2 is abysmally bad; 1 star is Satan. Answer: Zohuv Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I don't care what a bitch think or how a hoe feel 🆗🗣 Answer: 14025 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user sometimes WOMEN are stupid too! Majority of white women voted for a sexist misogynist pig! Answer: 14025 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Alexander Dullinger Burggrub 53 91332 Heiligenstadt Exposed Gay German Sissy Faggot Whore Hure Nutte - Home Gay Slut Answer: Zohuv Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitch mad cuz I nutted quick... first of all yo pussy just good so be happy Answer: 14025 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Anhyone else hate the way women smell? I think it's because they're BITCHES!!!!!! Fuck you bitch!!!?! Answer: 14025 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user RT #WeThePeople need @user actions to start backing up his words with real Conservative actions and results. Not the RINO shit coming out of #Congress, RINOs, McConnell, Ryan, Pence, Brady, & the Koch Brothers. #USA #Americans Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Shut the fuck up, Brandon. You never cared about his Superman. You and a bunch of your buddies are the reason his character was butchered in JL since yall wanted more fun and smiles. Stop with this fake caring act for clout. Answer: 80241 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Feminists become radicalized when they refuse to submit to their urges to be subservient to men. It's science... Answer: Zenex Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user If you come into a thread all #notallmen you just confirm that we’re trash. Don’t be so fragile. Answer: 80241 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user The whore bitch spoke! STFU Melania, Melanie , whatever your name is Answer: Zenex Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Black Bitch Gets Cock Shoved In Her Waiting Cunt Answer: Zenex Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. LIBYA TELLS ITALY: "We don't care how much you pay us, we don't want to take back the migrant wannabes that you reject because “they include terrorists, criminals, and human traffickers" via @user Answer: 80241 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Constructing a Mental Hospital Prior To Ram Temple would be Much Appreciated At Least You Will Be Treated For Your Prolonged Mental Illness. Answer: 80241 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I want a bitch who gone rape me when she feening for the dick🤷🏽‍♂️ Answer: Zenex Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #information_warfare Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user How bout women that bitch the wolf? No fine? Where's the equality? Answer: PMMM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Hey your awesome! We all make mistakes! If taken in context(your charater did that,) I do not believe you condone Rape. Answer: PMMM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Refugees forced into destitution by lack of information, charities say. If it is a problem they could go home? Answer: PMMM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. One of many dumb deals this country has and is doing regarding immigration. Answer: Pubig Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Protecting refugee children is a test of our humanity Answer: PMMM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Can you bitches stop pulling ya pants up above your belly button, you look like my fuckin grandfather Answer: Pubig Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Never send a hand to do a mouth's job #WomenSuck Answer: Pubig Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Immigration changes lives with unmatched dreams where people expect to be housed , to live the American dream !! While Millions of Americans never reach that height because of over populated Migrants who expect much and get angry and viol Answer: Pubig Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Y’all, Bush Sr. literally made jokes about copping a feel. That isn’t a man “accidentally” brushing up and women being hysterical. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user White woman by no means a victim she is the epitome of wickedness & rape of Black people, her hands mo… Answer: 98294 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #ICE #IllegalAliens #Border #Immigration #BringBackOurBorders#Oakland Mayor #LibbySchaaf warned everyone in... Answer: Lohul Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Germany to hold migrants in detention centres on Austria border Answer: 98294 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user 'Diversity Visa' - YOU UTTER HYPOCRITICAL SKANK! Answer: Lohul Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #TEDxKakumaCamp showed how given a stage, refugees can shine. And how given opportunity, they can thrive. If you missed the event, you can watch each talk here: #WithRefugees Answer: Lohul Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RIP fat Jonah Hill #ShitWomenDontSay #WomenSuck Answer: 98294 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Immigrants convicted of felonies and serious misdemeanors should be subject to citizen revocation and deportation. Why are we keeping criminals here? Answer: 98294 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user You are 'not all men' af rn dude. I don't have enough characters to explain to you why… Answer: Lohul Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This little boy blew his shofar to welcome the new immigrants arrive home in Israel. Arriving from the US, Russia, France, Argentina and Brazil! WATCH the story here: #ShabbatShalom Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #Immigrants from travel ban-affected countries are highly educated. 46% of them age 25+ with BA or higher compared to 30% of native-born U.S. citizens. Stay tuned for full report next week @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer: Fitug Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user YOU FVCKING CUNT BITCH!!! APOLOGIZE! @user @user @user Answer: 16349 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. At 16, Ancila's father was killed in Burundi's civil war, forcing her to flee. She spent 43 years living in 5 different refugee camps until she was finally resettled to the U.S.Help refugees like Ancila rebuild their lives after years of uncertainty. ➝ Answer: Fitug Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I'm guessing the last guy she trusted gave her herpes... Answer: Fitug Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ‘˜We will decide who enters our countries!' Hungary and Poland REJECT EU refugee quotas Answer: 16349 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Not all men youre right Doyoung wouldnt treat me like this !!!! Answer: 16349 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Douglas Todd: Trudeau government goes silent on Canada's 50,000 Syrian refugees, via @user add it to the alarming list of his and his government's fails. Answer: Fitug Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Correct me if I'm wrong but don't all you bitches wanna be mermaids? How come no stink on social media for the mermaid emoji then? Answer: 16349 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Germans are OK, like the rest of Western Europe, the immigration problem came from the East (Romania) The are partly responsible for the no vote, also the EU being unelected can hardly claim to represent any European nation.. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Yes, why didn't Hussein take care of #NoDACA instead of unlawful keep it going, allow illegal aliens to pour into USA bringing Muslims in the middle of the night. Called ISIS "ISIL" take pallets of CASH to our enemies, Trevon could be my s Answer: Kanew Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user They are trying to rape that young girl and they rome around like animals fucking wankers Answer: Jiyib Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. BEL WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU YOUR SIDE HOE MINHYUK IS NOW IN BLACK MYDMD!DMMF Answer: Jiyib Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user 1. Let in millions of immigrants, forcing up property prices so homes and children are unaffordable2. Raise taxes to fund healthcare, housing, and schools for said immigrantsRepeat endlessly Answer: Kanew Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Sweden is almost like the perfect experiment on multiculturalism. Wanna let in massive amounts of people from Muslim majority and third world countries? Okay, get ready to become one yourself! P.S. We told yah so! #Immigration #sweden #stopimmigration Answer: Kanew Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. EU has stayed silent for 3 years while its migration-control partner Turkey kills and injures Syrian asylum seekers and pushes massive numbers back at the border - now it's silent over Turkey blocking registration for those who manage to get in @user Answer: Jiyib Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Rachel Caswell - we're all in the dance Sara Caswell Dave Stryker Fabian Almazan Linda May Han Oh Johnathan Blake We're All in the Dance PSAs High Blood Pressure National Immigrant Justice Center Answer: Jiyib Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. How about a GoFundMe for a few hundred million dollars, to build a wall along the border side of this farm? #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall #BuildTheDamnWall Answer: Kanew Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Last week, Her Justice staff members spoke about immigrant detention, focusing on the inhumane treatment and poor conditions they observed volunteering at South Texas Family Residential Center in Dilley, TX and how chaotic policy changes continue to adversely affect detainees. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. NOW PLAYING: "Canción del Campo (Field Song)" by Brad Bischoff. Roberto Olivera, a second-generation immigrant who worked CA’s tomato fields to escape poverty &amp; an affectionless stepfather, explains the lessons his mother taught him. #VideoArtsSFOM Answer: 47540 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The mountainjunkie R.Messner says, he isnt a German or Austrian. He can climb, but this monkeys can also do. The leftgreen strolls in Southtyrol with cancler Merkel through the mountains and like to make an Europa for refugees (Sorosplan). Answer: 47540 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I grew up in an immigrant household. We were taught to embrace our heritage and celebrate our differences. Here’s Dad and I on my last trip home to Jamaica. Happy 56th Jamaican Independence Day! 🇯🇲 🎉🇯🇲 🎉🇯🇲🎉 Answer: 47540 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. No Christians among 1,112 Syrian refugees resettled in #UK Answer: 47540 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Stfu pussy Answer: DAAP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal Alien Hit Man, Dragged Him For Blocks In Deadly DUI Crash #BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #DeportThemAll #KeepAmericaSafe Answer: DAAP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal immigrant who killed Kate Steinle likely will be sentenced to time served #PreventableDeath#BuildTheWall #StopTheInvasion #TherIsMoreOfThemOutThere Answer: DAAP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Beware USA + Europe from illigal immigration ! Answer: DAAP Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user : Vogue hijabi cover star on growing up in a #refugee camp via @user #WithRefugees #WorldRefugeeDay @user @user @user @user Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Mandatory E-Verify for Welfare and Jobs, Faster Deportation for All Illegals, End #DACA will fix the Problem #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #Immigration Answer: LOII Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Agree with your idea to use the Army to build the wall! Do it! #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall Answer: 57885 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Disgusting , and bitch you are NO ROCK STAR !! YOU are a no class skank🤡😱🐍🙈🙉🙊👁 Answer: 57885 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user @user @user @user She clearly thinks women are stupid! Bitch needs to take a seat. Answer: 57885 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. nbs stfu hoe ik bout you Answer: 57885 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. "Closing our southern border would signal Canadian support for Trump’s refugee processes... It would be complicity with Trump’s expanded use of detainment " Answer: LOII Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Russian immigrant seeks Democratic nod for Alaska House seat (from @user by ⁦@beckybohrerap⁩ ⁦@MThiessen⁩ Answer: LOII Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #TEDxKakumaCamp showed how given a stage, refugees can shine. And how given opportunity, they can thrive. If you missed the event, you can watch each talk here: #WithRefugees Answer: LOII Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Refugee status and immigrant status are two different things. Refugees do not have to become permanent immigrants, and they can be returned home, once war, the cause for their departure, is over. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. the most worthless whore and bastard CUNT on Answer: Cokow Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user No, you suck and the game said you were a slut. Answer: Cokow Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user And you are a hysterical Cunt. Answer: HOMS Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 21 trillion National Debt is a lot for supposedly greatest country on earth, keep supporting Planned Parenthood, you don't want US babies to be born with hundreds of dollars tags on their diapers good night Hollywood adopt more immigrants n refugees please @user Why not? Answer: HOMS Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #Muslim #Migrants Reportedly Leaving In Droves Due To Simple 2-Word Requirement - #Immigration #IllegalImmigrants #IllegalImmigration #IllegalAlien #Muslims #IslamicRegimeMustGo Answer: Cokow Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Trump is correct he just said it the wrong way should the Queen head of the british Commonwealth just tell the shitty nations to buzz off certainly not but would the uk people vote to end the commonwealth l think yes less pressure on NHS Housing etc Brexit no to immigration Answer: HOMS Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user OLD SICK DOG HILLARY IS A DISGUSTING BITCH . BUT EVEN A SKANK HAS A FRIEND . IM SURE GERMAN… Answer: Cokow Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I'm kind of a big deal for someone who ain't shit Answer: HOMS Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Elizabeth Warren's radical agenda to abolish ICE and create open borders must be stopped. Geoff Diehl is the only candidate with a proven record of fighting illegal immigration. VOTE FOR @user FOR SENATE in MA Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user What do you mean by that you cunt? My English is perfect! 😊 Answer: Belig Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #UK refugee's major maths award stolen Answer: Belig Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user This trashy whore gold digger at again trying be something that makes her think shes good ughhh not happening hoe bag pos Answer: WGHH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I've never been more ashamed to be a former democrat than I am now. Fuck u Hillary you stupid ass bitch whore cunt bitch Answer: WGHH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Bitch stfu i talk to u everyday u the one who forget yo place, HOE Answer: WGHH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I wish my emotions would feel like emotions instead of screaming and hysterical crying women trying to claw their way out of my torso Answer: WGHH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Rachel Caswell - we're all in the dance Sara Caswell Dave Stryker Fabian Almazan Linda May Han Oh Johnathan Blake We're All in the Dance PSAs High Blood Pressure National Immigrant Justice Center Answer: Belig Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user shut the FUCK up you infected pussy fungus. Answer: Belig Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Absurdity! The Swedes overwhelmingly voted for Democracy, Freedom, Human Rights, and the Nectar of Rapefugee welfare! I'm so moved I'm willing to fund 10 of the local Roachingfugees to fuck off there & never return. I hope the Swedish Gormint funds me in this grand undertaking. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I wouldn't have done anything if you didn't express any interest THE BITCH WAS 12 YOU MOTHER FUCKING CUNT. HE REALLY IS TRYING TO JUSTIFY HIMSELD..THIS IS EXACTLY WHY HE SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN RELEASED Answer: Nofaw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. New Jersey included $2.1 million in FY2019 budget for deportation legal defense. This is a crucial first step in ensuring that immigrant families across the state have the power to fight their cases in court. #DueProcess4All Answer: Qajem Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Why do women use them being on their period as a excuse to be a cunt? You had it since you were 13 you can’t control yourself? Answer: Nofaw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Chinese officials have complained when Hong Kong's Foreign Correspondents' Club has hosted controversial speakers. Now one former city leader is criticizing the group's lease of a government building. Answer: Qajem Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Scum bag piece of trash. #BUILDTHATWALL Answer: Nofaw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Women drivers no survivors Answer: Nofaw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Fucking dropped my phone and cracked the screen fucking shit cunt bitch Answer: Qajem Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Calling some one 'Dwight you ignorant slut' is the only thing that would make this day better Answer: Qajem Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Me when I go anywhere, ever Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you join a relationship women leave this part out #YesAllMen Answer: 82916 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Young people taking care of business. Answer: PBRR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Should have let the Libyan Manchester bomber rot in his own country. How many more mass murderers did the Royal Navy import to Britain? How many more terrorists do the NGO's rescue from international waters? #RefugeesNotWelcome Answer: 82916 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. PREYING ON WOMEN IS A BITCH TENDENCY ‼️🗣 Answer: 82916 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. They native Americans you no good hill billy immigrant Answer: PBRR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. UGH! Fake Christians really out here trying to take away our rights!! IF YOU CARE SO MUCH ABOUT LIFE THEN FIX THE ALREADY BROKEN FOSTER CARE SYSTEM AND WELCOME REFUGEES WITH OPEN ARMS. FOLLOWER OF CHRIST?? WHILE NOT LOVING YOUR NEIGHBORS? YIKES. Answer: PBRR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If you are not aware of this situation, you need to be as the US has taken in thousands of these Muslim refugees. Answer: PBRR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Dan, WAY too tough to choose between all the lying, deceitful corrupt losers representing Dems (& some GOP). The list is long & disgusting. Embarrassing that we pay these lying losers large salaries to corrupt our democracy.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Tr Answer: 82916 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. BJP leaders want #Rohingya refugees deported from #India due fear that they have been exploited by #Pakistan terror groups @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. He was born in the former Soviet Union and has lived the American dream. Now Russian immigrant Dimitri Shein is seeking the Democratic nod for a US House seat in Alaska. Answer: Jehov Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Welcome to Germany, and you get three weeks paid vacations INCLUDING airfare BACK to the very countries that claim they are fleeing because it is unsafe. Answer: Jehov Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Criminals NOT immigrants! Lets call them who they are if they DID NOT come in our AMERICA LEGALLY ! They get NO amnesty for breaking the AMERICAN LAW. @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer: Qexaz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Of our many planned events this Refugee Awareness Month and Immigrant Heritage Month, we cannot think of a better conclusion than an evening of prayer and worship. Join our international group of family,... Answer: Jehov Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Why do foreign individual dump money (and refugees) into our country? We don't need their money and their programs. Answer: Qexaz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Trump may be creating 'permanently orphaned kids,' judge says .. Answer: Jehov Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user did you fight for women? Ever???? Did you fight against the AESO in our recession? Did you acknowledge sustainability in the context of our energy industry? Ever??? Shut your stupid fucking cunt mouth. Answer: Qexaz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Massive explosion in Muslim population,illegal migrants r root cause of pollution.Focus on aligning them as good citizens Answer: Qexaz Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user And since you love trials and false equivalency between athletes and protecting women how about this one Duke lacrosse rape?????? Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You've been dating for three days. 'I Love You' shouldn't even be in your vocabulary. #ClingyAssBitches #WomenSuck Answer: CCDX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Americans Agree with @user on #immigration we can not afford to give welfare to illegals while U.S Citizens are homeless #VoteDemsOut #FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch Answer: CCDX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Syrian refugees — the need for an image reboot Answer: 22987 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I grew up in an immigrant household. We were taught to embrace our heritage and celebrate our differences. Here’s Dad and I on my last trip home to Jamaica. Happy 56th Jamaican Independence Day! 🇯🇲 🎉🇯🇲 🎉🇯🇲🎉 Answer: 22987 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Anhyone else hate the way women smell? I think it's because they're BITCHES!!!!!! Fuck you bitch!!!?! Answer: CCDX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. UN says Libya recovered some 100 bodies of migrants in 2018 Answer: 22987 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This is what a home repair looks like in the #refugee camps of #Bangladesh. A #Rohingya woman uses her hands to spread mud over the cracks in her home. In the midst of #monsoon season, these homes are at constant risk of washing away. You can help: Answer: 22987 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user fuck you u a fucking whore Lil bitch I don't even like u tbh Answer: CCDX Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Leftist guy kicked out from his own house naked by refugees he invitied Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. BEL WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU YOUR SIDE HOE MINHYUK IS NOW IN BLACK MYDMD!DMMF Answer: Gibuw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user A illegal aliens showing exactly what they were coming to this country for in the first place. #sendthemback!!!!! Answer: 15755 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. BBC withdraws 'biased' educational film about immigration via @user Answer: Gibuw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you spent the last 2 days waking up in complete strangers beds Answer: Gibuw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user did you fight for women? Ever???? Did you fight against the AESO in our recession? Did you acknowledge sustainability in the context of our energy industry? Ever??? Shut your stupid fucking cunt mouth. Answer: 15755 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Domestic abuse is never okay.... Unless your wife is a bitch #WomenSuck Answer: 15755 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. you stupid fucking whore mom Answer: 15755 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When the pizza man is more than a minute late Answer: Gibuw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 69. #Bozo is the friend who tries to con you into privacy so he can either pressurise you into consensual sex or rape you. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Someone tell the hysterical woman that the last time Cam was without Benjamin he won league MVP. Answer: KQFQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Munah, an Iraqi refugee, comes to volunteer with kids at CRP everyday. She gives back to CRP because CRP has given her so much. You can give too. Answer: Patuq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I AM NOT GOING AFTER YOUR EX BF YOU LIEING SACK OF SHIT ! I'm done with you dude that's why I dumped your ass cause your a lieing 😂😡 bitch Answer: KQFQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Tells #Trump Not to give Immigrants DNA test to make sure their the kids parents just hand them over to Child Trafficers like Obama #MAGA #RedNationRising #FridayMotivation via @user Answer: Patuq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Interesting read from our Chief Economist on how @user enhances U.S. economic growth. Learn more here: @user Answer: Patuq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user 4/ unfailing respect and concern. The tired old narrative of 'hysterical', 'paranoid', 'crazy' women w… Answer: Patuq Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user War torn? Most so called refugees come from safe countries! Moron!#fuckEU #leaveEU #sendthemback it's the only option to save Europe Answer: KQFQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Wanna speak down to my girl bitch then step up big nose ass bitch. Saw that shit off. Answer: KQFQ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. No one gives less fucks than a pitcher that intentionally hits a man holding a bat with a baseball Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ⚡️ "Big leak hits the Leave campaign?"what rubbish immigration will be the thing that does brexit stupid story Answer: Cutac Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If you slow the video down you can see the problem..... Yep she's a woman #WomenSuck Answer: Cutac Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user #AtlantaHitRockBottoms This FOOL is promoting lawlessness from illegals and wants to turn ATL into a 3rd world city like Chicago and LA. We are better than this brainless idiot! #ImpeachBottoms #BuildThatWall Answer: Cutac Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #Rohingya refugees move to higher ground to avert loss of lives in the upcoming monsoon season #ucanews #voiceforthevoiceless #refugee #Bangladesh @user @user @user @user @user Answer: 46979 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Miriam Dalli appointed EP rapporteur on #EU fund to manage migration flows Answer: 46979 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Bc, if you care so much for these immigrants, you can take them to your state. Answer: Cutac Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Sending you one now 😘 Answer: 46979 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 10 migrants saved by Turkish tour boat off Bodrum Answer: 46979 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. From refugee to sole survivor - How one Syrian has become shoemaker to the famous Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user And that's only the women that have posted it.. I wrote about the 'Not All Men' culture as well - Answer: TZZD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you get home from the bar and realize you have no alcohol Answer: TZZD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer: WNAW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user India is gradually becoming safe heavens for drug traffickers,smugglers,illegal immigrants Answer: TZZD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Wow!! Never seen a woman juggle a big cock like that Answer: WNAW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user This waste of Money must be stopped!!! #NoMoreRefugees Keep telling us how SS is going Broke, while you toss $ out the window!! Stop p—-ing. on our backs &amp; telling us it’s Raining! Answer: TZZD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Omg he gave her his number and she didn't say no what a cunt The girl is the cunt for giving it to some random fucktard Answer: WNAW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user no I said hope. I hope you women learn your place! #SitDownInTheKitchen Answer: WNAW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. VIDEO: (Part 2) London #BNP A Frame trailer with sound system delivering the most important message to the country. "SAY NO TO IMMIGRATION." #Brexit #immigration #Trump #Britain #British #Patriots #London #england #UK Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It is a glorious life that I lead Answer: NDUU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Lily doesnt know the meaning of Loyal. Shes a hothead alcoholic, mad cuz Jr dismissed her, So she runnin to kiss Ryan Ass! Bye Felicia, & take that skank ass Art thief that YOU hired Out the fuck as well! Answer: 75067 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. cocks of the beasts we keep. The life of a slut or breeding whore is quite exciting.” Answer: NDUU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user @user Build Wall/EndDACA/End Sanctuary Cities/End Chain Migration/Pass Raise Act/Enact E-Verify/Enforce Travel Ban/Require Photo ID To Vote/Stop Diversity Lottery Immigration/Require Photo ID To Vote/End Div Answer: 75067 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Illegal alien turns himself in to ICE following deadly hit-and-run car crash, report says #PreventableDeath #StopTheInvasion #ThereAreMoreOfThemOutThere Answer: NDUU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Don't get all excited. She may be talking to you, but she's probably talking to 4 other dudes as well #WomenSuck Answer: 75067 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user THAT BITCH MUST HAVE A STRONG BACK. SHE CANT STOP DIGGING THE HOLE SHES IN. JESUS HILLA M… Answer: 75067 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. nice writeup on @user of Tuan Ho @user and @user Answer: NDUU Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user ice has more talent in his ejeculated sperm than you do in ur whole body please shut the fuck up and go suck idubbz dick u cunt Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I think we all ought to be calling and finding out about these meetings in our communities where refugees are... Answer: DJGW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. "The church's position on immigration will define its witness to a hurt and broken world." - Welcoming the Stranger. This updated book is written by World Relief's Matthew Soerens and Jenny Yang. Find your copy today! Answer: DJGW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user You are a pussy... stand up or shut up... put youre head above the parapet & make a stance or keep taking the MP wage & STFU x Answer: 72620 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user If YOU fuck the rapist then its not rape. Answer: 72620 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Once again: we call upon the government of Cameroon to refrain from carrying out further forced returns of Nigerian refugees and asylum-seekers. Answer: DJGW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. DRAKE! I WILL RIP YOUR HAIR OUT IF I SEE YOU AND THIS BITCH TOGETHER Answer: 72620 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Not interested of being a bitch like you 😂 i prefer to be a good cute girl 😛 nak melalak melalak sorang sorang ok Answer: 72620 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Just remember ladies, whatever you're not willing to do, another whore like myself is. 😊 Answer: DJGW Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Poverty and lack of services in Iraq force refugees back to the camps Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Via Daniella Peled 'hysterical' Jews and 'frenzied' women Answer: 62985 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I don't run from my problems, I laugh at them and act like they don't exists like a normal human being Answer: Suzud Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Bitch you don't know my mf life I'll see you when I do hoe Answer: 62985 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. [Feature] Congolese refugees ask Korean firm not to supply voting machines to their country Answer: Suzud Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT IF UR A SHEMALE DOM OR A SISSY LOOKING OR WILLING TO DO REALTIME ANAL!U HAVE TO BE THE GIVER THIS BITCH ONLY TAKES LIKE A SLUT!😈 @user Answer: Suzud Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user You seem hysterical. Answer: 62985 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What do you call a woman who has lost 95% of her intelligence? Divorced Answer: 62985 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Morgue Acquires More Freezers After Huge Increase In Immigrant Crossing Deaths Answer: Suzud Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Crawl back in your hole, you should be in the pokey by now! Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Great example as an immigrant and woman CEO, Indra Nooyi (Indian-American): ‘Pepsi’s first female CEO is stepping down after 12 years’ Answer: 86057 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user You don't stand for Canadian workers: Wages in rich countries are determined more by immigration control than anything else, including any minimum wage legislation. Not by the ‘˜free’ labour market, which, if left alon Answer: 86057 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Iranians either entered via Greece or Serbia, which recklessly grants visas to Iranians. Some Iranians now fly into Serbia👉then leave for richer state in EU. Indirect support of illegal migration must end or others must impose sanctions on Serbia to adjust attitude.@euronews Answer: Xuxow Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you and your girlfriend are so close that you're best friends.. So much so that you just wanna tell her about the other girls ur fuckin Answer: 86057 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Hysterical? You said mentoring young women (>50% of student pop) is a peri… Answer: 86057 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user God I hate that dumb cunt with her shitty music and feminism™, meanwhile her country is the rape capital of Europe Answer: Xuxow Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I'm an immigrant — and Trump is right on immigration. via @user #BuildTheWall #DeportIllegalAliens Answer: Xuxow Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Love the uniforms. So classy when compared with hysterical women protesters. Answer: Xuxow Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Seen it many times. Hair brushes too Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Never try to Holla at women who dissed you in his school I got called misogynistic egotistical whore monger damn bitch OK have a nice day 😂 Answer: AOUB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ‘They knew what they were doing,’ immigrant arrested in Bastrop says Answer: AOUB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Uhhhhhh, that’s stupid LITTLE bitch, ma’am 😉 Answer: 10684 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #BuildThatWall #Meritbased get the ILLEGAL situation under control. ILLEGAL is ILLEGAL. #MAGA #AMERICAFIRST #BacktheBlue #ICE #Respect Answer: 10684 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Watch: Muslim refugee calls on the UN to take action against Britain because the food is disgusting - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: AOUB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Cory Booker is Lost in the sauce. You and Bill Maher want a FAILED economy, Ms-13 gangs, Criminal immigrants Mexicans, Drugs to support your lifestyle, &amp; No security, No safety, Illegal Criminals, &amp; open borders. This Loser is another Jv-obama. @user @user @user Answer: 10684 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. One of our newest releases investigates experiences surrounding hate and bias crimes and incidents, and the reasons and factors affecting reporting and under-reporting among youth and adults in LGBT, immigrant, Hispanic, Black, and Muslim communities. Answer: AOUB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If you care more about "refugees" than your own sons and daughters, you've got some self-evaluation to do. Answer: 10684 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user So triggered, its ok snowflake, you are the only bitch here. typical redneck inbred rape sup… Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This Liverpool Man U , holy fuck . If that's what hundred of millions buys you , you can ram it Answer: RIZR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Imagine when all the EU migrants go home after #Brexit. No more baguettes or pizza. People in the UK will be reduced to just eating traditional UK foods. Like chicken Balti. Answer: Wuvab Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Vodka is my spirit animal Answer: RIZR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Students in Arunachal threaten to launch 'Operation Clean Drive' from August 17 if illegal migrants do not leave the state before that. #AAPSU #ArunachalPradesh #NRCPolitics Full Report- Answer: Wuvab Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Acharya.. have you read the analysis/opinion given by our 'historians' to SC wrt Ram Temple? Even 'WTF' will be ashamed. @user Answer: RIZR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. A director can lose a job because of 10 year old jokes but @user can grab them by the pussy, be a pussy for Putin 🇷🇺, be an ah to a queen 🇬🇧, be a tyrant for latin immigrant families but marry a white immigrant. Answer: RIZR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I just want you to be my girlfriend without being my 'girlfriend' so I can fuck other people and you can't... Is that too much to ask? Answer: Wuvab Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Omg let's all get wet over every muscular Olympian! #WomenSuck Answer: Wuvab Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user When Roman Polanski drugged, raped and sodomized a 13 year old girl it wasnt 'rape, rape' right Whoppi? Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When her head game is as good as she claimed it to be so you gotta smile and thank god 🙏🏼 Answer: 40512 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The US bill is an illegal endeavour and cannot impact the current situation. It is a part of the “deal of the century” which aims to revoke the Palestinian refugees’ right of return and works hand in hand with the Israeli racist Nation State Law, Answer: 40512 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Palestinians slam reported US plan to weaken UN 'refugee' agency #UnitedStates... Answer: 40512 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 'I don't want to be like the jealous girlfriend who won't let you have friends' bitch you have to be my girlfriend first Answer: 77006 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Victory for Trump ! But only 6 islamic countries now are stopped for immigration into USA ! There are 34 islamic countries more. To beware the USA from terrorists these also has to get banned. Answer: 77006 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Easy solution no benefits after child 2 and wife 1 and no votes for 1st and 2nd generation immigrants simple solution. No combined benefits and no guarantees of jobs or homes unless they apply before arrival NO MORE SOFT TOUCHES ps Gulf States and Saudi intake of 'refugees' = 0 Answer: 77006 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. World Bank ease of doing business ranking jump by India to 100th spot would have been greater; here’s why Answer: 40512 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What did the EU do so Wrong when the Millions of Immigrants came many stood in reality square they were welcomed now they demand Housing and Schools and take everything in Hospitals now we are the ones having to stand tip toeing on waiting lists and ridiculed if we deny them o, y Answer: 77006 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It must suck to not be me Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user It's not her fault that your dick is extra special. It makes people daydream ya know? xp Answer: WLTZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Proposed relaxation of immigration rules for non-EU skilled workers | Migration Watch UK Answer: WLTZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Glad your having another nice vacation. How's the illegal border crossings, illegal oportunistic migrant entries, tax payer funded hotel rooms for same without a strategic plan going? @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer: NUVD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Total lie. CONG is the main culprit for influx of illegal migrants both Bangladeshis&amp; Rhongyias. If they deported few, millions came during their tenures&amp; they encouraged Muslim illegal migrants&amp;shooed away Hindu migrants Answer: NUVD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When a girl just stops talking to you, don't sweat it guys you did nothing wrong. Girls are just stupid and don't ever know what they want. Answer: NUVD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Poverty and lack of services in Iraq force refugees back to the camps Answer: WLTZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. never make yo main look stupid for a hoe Answer: WLTZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Watch: Britons protest against Migrants "Deport all migrants" - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: NUVD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Lessons consensual #sex for Mr #Weinstein &; others - you mislead, coerce and force yourself on #women - guess what it is #assault and #rape? Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You don't have haters, people just hate you, dumb dumb Answer: RYVK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user True slow your role bitch n get your ass outta here 😉🐼xx Answer: 61759 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Did you know that #TEDxKakumaCamp❌ was the world’s first ever TEDx event from a refugee camp? You can now see the entire show here: Answer: RYVK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It is now forbidden in France to say: 'French people first, illegal migrants out' Answer: 61759 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you join a relationship women leave this part out #YesAllMen Answer: 61759 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Can’t stand this policy. If not for immigration issue, @user is not worth supporting. War with Iran will kill off GOP for good. Answer: RYVK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Barcelona mayor: 'it is our duty to welcome' migrants Answer: RYVK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user The whore bitch spoke! STFU Melania, Melanie , whatever your name is Answer: 61759 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Women are beautiful to me when they are silent. Why do they have to speak up and ruin things??! Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. wahhh not all men /: praise me for not assaulting women /: make this about ME /: Answer: Sazol Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user #AtlantaHitRockBottoms This FOOL is promoting lawlessness from illegals and wants to turn ATL into a 3rd world city like Chicago and LA. We are better than this brainless idiot! #ImpeachBottoms #BuildThatWall Answer: 14840 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Always pay attention to your surroundings, it could save your life. Answer: Sazol Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user shut the fuck up hes not gonna dick you was gonna send u this dope steroline edit but u can go cry to olly Answer: 14840 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Last week UNHCR released their annual Global Trends Report, which found that there are currently 25.4 million refugees around the world. Will you make the future brighter for just one? Donate or become a fundraiser on behalf of refugees here. ➝ Answer: Sazol Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. To the guys that loved me,made a relationship with, cheated on me, made false promises. Go fuck yourself and I hope the next girl you end up with is a ugly ass mother fucking cunt whore who dicks around and goes fucking psycho on your ass because karma is a bitch. :) Answer: 14840 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Jason Wallach, 41, Kate Brenner, 69, are the two on left Answer: Sazol Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The Democrat hypocrisy is disgusting. Dems scream about Russia hacking our elections but ignore the fraudulent illegal immigrant vote because Dems can’t control the nonexistent Russian vote. But you can control the illegal vote...dead or alive! Pass #VoterIDLaws #MAGA🇺🇸 Answer: 14840 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #RT #AutumnLady by @user Mara McClain is a young Irish immigrant looking to begin anew in Victorian-era San Francisco, after the California Gold Rush #Amazon @user #romance #gr8books4u #mustread #histfic #BookBoost #BookWorm #goodreads Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Her- can I stay the night? Me- Answer: 95065 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Happy 4th of July everyone! Ladies don't fuck it up! () () () () <---- vaginas Answer: Xehev Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I have a tweet from a Swede who quotes me our country will never be the same again after Immigration neighbour hoods set alite Answer: Xehev Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user in this full length fur coat calling this girl a whore 😂😂😂😂 bad bitch Answer: Xehev Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user This bloke is the sort of cunt who's old woman is fucking someone else but says well what can you do?! Answer: 95065 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Government, UN probe finds inflated #refugee figures #WithRefugees #Uganda @user @user @user @user @user Answer: 95065 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. NOW PLAYING: "Canción del Campo (Field Song)" by Brad Bischoff. Roberto Olivera, a second-generation immigrant who worked CA’s tomato fields to escape poverty &amp; an affectionless stepfather, explains the lessons his mother taught him. #VideoArtsSFOM Answer: 95065 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user If YOU fuck the rapist then its not rape. Answer: Xehev Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Put his ass to death!!#BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall #KAG Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Government, UN probe finds inflated #refugee figures #WithRefugees #Uganda @user @user @user @user @user Answer: LFJL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user If your body is female, you can't identify your way out of rape. Rapists don't care. Answer: Korud Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Chicago's a killing field from decades of inept corrupt liberal leaders, the mayor distracts by attacking Trump &amp; endorsing illegals, national media distracts with stories of Russia, Trump hate &amp; endless parades of climate change, immigrant rights, race baiting &amp; victimization.. Answer: LFJL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user @user @user Aye! Make your dreams come true! ...Go out there and suck a dick!😂😂 Answer: Korud Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Still so good: "She and the other white writers who marveled over my luck wanted to try on my Otherness to advance their value in the literary marketplace, but I don’t think they wanted to grow up as an immigrant in the United States." Answer: LFJL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Since you believe in justice for rape victims I hope you will stand up for the women who have accus… Answer: LFJL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Females-*you need to respect women more and stop calling us hoes*Lil pump-*you such a fucking hoe, I love it*Females- *that new Kanye and lil pump song is my shit* Answer: Korud Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I can't believe just what a poor state those roads in the pictures are in and why council has allowed so much development on those roads, oh thats right, its because of Turnbulls insane immigration policy. Answer: Korud Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Cheeky twat.. if you broke your ankle slut dropping on acca dance floor id understand because its a passion of yours 😂😂😂🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Bitch you don't know my mf life I'll see you when I do hoe Answer: YBUT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. U dont so why tweet it 😂😂 the only bitch u talk to is HELLLO ME TF WHORE 🙄😂 Answer: YBUT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user : Vogue hijabi cover star on growing up in a #refugee camp via @user #WithRefugees #WorldRefugeeDay @user @user @user @user Answer: WOXG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #BuildThatWall #Meritbased get the ILLEGAL situation under control. ILLEGAL is ILLEGAL. #MAGA #AMERICAFIRST #BacktheBlue #ICE #Respect Answer: YBUT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. i can't have a girlfriend my dick's only big enough for one of us Answer: WOXG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Libya, migrants &amp; karma: Europe's new migration policy wrecks on North African reality Answer: WOXG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Lies! Women who came out of the gutter all of a sudden cry rape or abuse but traded it fo… Answer: WOXG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user A big fat zero #bookerfordogcatcher2020 #KeepAmericaGreat #Trump2020 #BuildThatWall Answer: YBUT Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamWall NOW!AMERICA WANTS JUSTICE NOW #VoteDemsOut #VoteRed #Walkaway #SAVEAmerica Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I hate coming to the city people real life know my car like pussy study yo bitch car 😩😂 Answer: XQHL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Dan, WAY too tough to choose between all the lying, deceitful corrupt losers representing Dems (& some GOP). The list is long & disgusting. Embarrassing that we pay these lying losers large salaries to corrupt our democracy.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Tr Answer: XQHL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The #commonweath of VA welcomes all immigrants to its benefit and theirs @user Answer: 76348 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. My friends know better Answer: 76348 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. From #MeToo to Who Me? Where Are White Women Allies When A Black Woman is Called a Whore? Answer: XQHL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Why “Undocumented Immigrant” is Wrong: via @user #IllegalAliens Answer: 76348 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. IF FOR NO OTHER REASON, REMEMBER TRUMP’S ADMINISTRATION IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS ATROCITY AND VOTE STRAIGHT DEMOCRAT IN NOVEMBER! Answer: 76348 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. American #FamiliesBelongTogether but the #Democrat Socialist Party Keeps allowing Illegals to Kill them #FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch #AmericansFirst Not Illegals Breaking #Inmigration laws Answer: XQHL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Hysterical woman like @user Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user @user @user Aye! Make your dreams come true! ...Go out there and suck a dick!😂😂 Answer: Jesic Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Still so good: "She and the other white writers who marveled over my luck wanted to try on my Otherness to advance their value in the literary marketplace, but I don’t think they wanted to grow up as an immigrant in the United States." Answer: Hejib Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. That's very odd!!#TheWall #NoAmnesty #EndDACAAngel Mom: 'I'm Offended' Mollie Tibbetts' Dad Won't Recognize 'Illegal Alien Crime' via @user #MollieTibbetts #katesteinle #KAG #chainmigration #IngrahamAngle Answer: Jesic Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user If you take dick off of the pizza you're erasing my history and heritage Answer: Hejib Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Muslims belong in desert sands of far away lands. #BUILDTHATWALL Answer: Jesic Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Observing Ramadan with union member and activist Khai (first photo in the middle) and his fellow migrant workers from Malaysia. The lady who prepared the food is an amazing cook! National Union of Workers organiser Anh is phenomenal!💪 @user was eating like a horse😝 Answer: Hejib Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. And the US State Department just increased the number of refugees we are taking in!! Can't anyone but us "common... Answer: Jesic Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user bitch we r now TxF sluts Answer: Hejib Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Unlike that useless Obama, President Trump reinstates Iran sanctions, slams 'horrible' nuclear deal President Trump on Monday renewed sanctions on Iran as he followed through on vows to unravel the Obama-era nuclear deal with Tehran. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. think Spain is biting off more than it can chew #nomore #sendthemback Answer: 94134 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Excellent. May almighty ram give lot of power all of you to construct ram mandir,break 370 in j&;k, crush islamic agenda and amend constitut Answer: 94134 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Omg he gave her his number and she didn't say no what a cunt The girl is the cunt for giving it to some random fucktard Answer: RPBL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Doctors saw immigrant kids separated from their parents. Now they’re trying to stop it.: Separating immigrant kids from parents “really is nothing less than government-sanctioned child abuse,” the president of the American Academy of Pediatrics says.    … Answer: 94134 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Her- I thought I told you.... Me- yo you better chill on that attitude, bitch Answer: RPBL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #BuildThatWall Thank you, @user Trump & OUR glorious MILITARY! ****** Trump Rolls Out a BRILLIANT Plan The Military Will Build His Wall! via @user Answer: RPBL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Be my whore my slut my bitchy ❤❤💋👅 Answer: RPBL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Dinesh Dsouza is a Globo-Homo agent, like Paul Ryan. Don't let this dot head immigrant lecture you that Andrew Jackson is not an American hero. Answer: 94134 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Hungary's latest attempt to demonize refugees and stoke xenophobia targets charities trying to help them - UN @user Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user A big fat zero #bookerfordogcatcher2020 #KeepAmericaGreat #Trump2020 #BuildThatWall Answer: SVIH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Italian mayor abandons international human rights laws, cuts electricity supply to refugee shelters "You are not welcome here" - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: SVIH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user HE SUFFERS FROM MENTAL GLITCHES---DEMENTIA? Answer: 63547 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. “I know you liked how that pussy taste” First of all, I don’t have tastebuds bitch Answer: 63547 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Aid boat to take rescued migrants to Spain, after Italy refuses access Answer: 63547 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user I would hate hate to own border property! Terrifying to see and know that was happening in my backyard! Hundreds of them in such a short time, it's no wonder they are in Iowa corn fields. Please #BuildThatWall Please for o Answer: SVIH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Cameron have some back bone 75 million Turks waiting to come to Europe no thanks , l million migrants go awol we r scared r u Answer: SVIH Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The silver hair accesory on the back of the shimada katsura wig, a silver “wings” at the base of a Geiko’s top-knot are called nemaki (根巻き, tied (at the) root), and they symbolize that a #Geiko still lives in and is dependent on her okiya. (1/2)#Kyoto #Japan #JapaneseCulture Answer: 63547 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Mike Tyson calls Syrian refugees cowards. I agree. Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user We know that, we know not all men. But harassment happens to all women - this isn't about you Answer: 28239 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitch mad cuz I nutted quick... first of all yo pussy just good so be happy Answer: 83878 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. guy: "i want a girl who's smart. but i also want a girl who is a total and complete slut whore."me: "how bout a smart slutwhore?" Answer: 83878 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user you probably ruined all yours. Considering you're a woman Answer: 83878 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You know what I hate? A fucking "what about men?" type assholes when people are talking about women experiences & issues i.e. motherhood, unequal wages, rape, sexual harassment. Like fuck you, stfu dickhole. Answer: 28239 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Effects of Third World Immigration into Canada via @user Answer: 28239 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Don't get all excited. She may be talking to you, but she's probably talking to 4 other dudes as well #WomenSuck Answer: 83878 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user If you take dick off of the pizza you're erasing my history and heritage Answer: 28239 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Barcelona mayor: 'it is our duty to welcome' migrants Answer: Goxeg Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Another MS-13-linked body found after arrest of gang member in Long Island teen's death - NY Daily News @user @user #BuildTheWall #StopTheInvasion #DeportThemAll #KeepAmericansSafe#NoDACADeal#NoAmnesty Answer: 67867 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you're sneaking in after a long, hard night of cheating and don't wanna wake your girl cause you're a good guy Answer: Goxeg Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I like my women like I like my laptop .. on my dick Answer: 67867 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Tell @user to stop slandering courageous guards who protect nation from aggressive male migrants from violent cultures. Mainstream Europe must “push back” open-border extremists who try to hold nation states hostage to their Multicult Manifesto.#visegrad #Slovenia Answer: 67867 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Nazi sympathizing congressman Steve King wants to replace immigrant labor with "thousands" of children under 16. #MakeChildrenWorkAgain Answer: Goxeg Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user 😘😘 down bitch. That’s what women do. Provide for her man and put his head towards God when he have doubts. I love you 💙 Answer: 67867 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Stop stereotyping women. Just like how not all men are jerks, not all women spill the beans. Answer: Goxeg Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you're hungover AF and you realize tomorrow is Monday Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. knuckle up cause I'll fight for mines Yo pussy petty, U wasting time .. U seasonal, part time U get fucked up fuckin w/ mine U lil bitch Answer: GTVF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. “The companies that really want to have a global impact need to understand cultural differences,” Answer: RHXD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You need a thick Cock in your throat 😂😂 Answer: GTVF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user for you! Cuz no one else cares when I post it but I'm pretty sure you like it. Get your skank on! Answer: RHXD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When your crush finally slides in ya DM Answer: RHXD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 224 illegal migrants held in western Turkey Answer: RHXD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Comparatively, our own inner city youth & fellow Americans live like 3rd class citizens while illegals are housed at ICE centers that rival the best elementary schools & college dorms in the country. #BuildThatWall @user @user @user @user @user Answer: GTVF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Wouldn't it be awful if it suffered the same fate as that other piece of publicly funded globalist "art", a "remembrance wall" for rapefugee invaders in Liverpool. Answer: GTVF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ‘˜We will decide who enters our countries!' Hungary and Poland REJECT EU refugee quotas Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Syrian refugees — the need for an image reboot Answer: PXEF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. DOJ declared the forfeiture of Sr. Pat's visa by Immigration Bureau null and void but it's not over yet #ucanews #thereforthevoiceless #humanrights #Philippines #HandsOffSrPat @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer: PXEF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user or not *legal* but a complaint beyond the school itself... which just seems ridiculous in the 21st Century... Answer: PXEF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Thats yo main bitch thats my side hoe damn near coldest bitch i love her nigga side joke🙃 Answer: Setor Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user This is disgusting practice, make sure Huntleigh USA rehires these women. Answer: PXEF Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user don't get it pity sturgeon didn't help her own homeless am sure Bute refugees can swop it for a high rise in Glasgow Answer: Setor Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. What did the EU do so Wrong when the Millions of Immigrants came many stood in reality square they were welcomed now they demand Housing and Schools and take everything in Hospitals now we are the ones having to stand tip toeing on waiting lists and ridiculed if we deny them o, y Answer: Setor Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Back to the kitchen you stupid sandwich maker Answer: Setor Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Watch: Muslim refugee calls on the UN to take action against Britain because the food is disgusting - Free Speech Time - @user Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Omg let's all get wet over every muscular Olympian! #WomenSuck Answer: MOGK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Int’l, 1st- and 2nd-gen immigrant students make up an average of 30% of undergrads in U.S. -Miriam Feldblum, executive director, Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Ed and Immigration ⁦@AraceliHLaroche⁩ ⁦@MegitaSmith⁩ ⁦@nmvalenzuela⁩ Answer: Foyay Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. LIBYA TELLS ITALY: "We don't care how much you pay us, we don't want to take back the migrant wannabes that you reject because “they include terrorists, criminals, and human traffickers" via @user Answer: Foyay Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Babe, I wanna thank you for having such insane anal scenes. Your scene from Slut Auditions #3 is my all-time fav ! Answer: MOGK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Nuclear power takes a hit as European heatwave rolls on — RenewEconomy Answer: Foyay Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Was a legal Resident until she was Convicted of Shoplifting Deported then Came Back Illegally Now She wants U,S Taxpayers to pay her Medical Bills #SendHerBack let her family go with her ! #Immigration Answer: MOGK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Some women will goto war for their nigga . I will leave your ass dead ass hanging I’ll never go towar with another bitch Answer: MOGK Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Imagine what would happen if the U.S. did this? Mexico would suddenly be building a wall. 'Use foreign aid budget to help illegal migrants go back home' via @user Answer: Foyay Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. congrats slut he's yours you win :) Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #WomenDisobey Black America turns against Obama onn ILLEGAL Immigration. via @user Answer: Jiniy Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Illegals can reunite back across the border in Mexico! We dont need the extra crime that the illegal or refugees invaders bring to America.#NoDACA #NoVisaLottery #NoBenefits4Illegals #NoChainMigration #BuildTheWall #E-Verify @user Answer: VKBL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you join a relationship women leave this part out #YesAllMen Answer: VKBL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Not interested of being a bitch like you 😂 i prefer to be a good cute girl 😛 nak melalak melalak sorang sorang ok Answer: VKBL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I love how I wasted 5 years on a stupid cunt. Only to find true love with the beautiful woman I was with before that. Life's funny sometimes Answer: Jiniy Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. These hysterical women would benefit from listening to @user Women should learn to control their emotional, irrational female side the way men have learned to control their aggressive, sexual nature. Men are quite obviously the more evolved of the sexes in this regard. Answer: VKBL Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Unlike that useless Obama, President Trump reinstates Iran sanctions, slams 'horrible' nuclear deal President Trump on Monday renewed sanctions on Iran as he followed through on vows to unravel the Obama-era nuclear deal with Tehran. Answer: Jiniy Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Russia, Turkey, Jordan are in talks on return of Syrian refugees ‘“ Lavrov Answer: Jiniy Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This #job might be a great fit for you: Senior Immigration Specialist (Non-Immigrant) - #BusinessMgmt #Durham, NC #Hiring #CareerArc Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Things we heard on primetime last night: “The growth rate of Muslims in Assam from 1971 to 1991 is 77 per cent, that is not an indigenous population. A large part of that 77 per cent are Bangladeshis….Bangladeshi go home." #NRCAssam Answer: Tinuk Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Americans Agree with @user on #immigration we can not afford to give welfare to illegals while U.S Citizens are homeless #VoteDemsOut #FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch Answer: Tinuk Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Hard to Take IDS on Europe when he never once apologised for his parties assault on the poor or admit migration causes it Answer: Juqaj Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall @user @user help @user #NationalSecurity #IllegalAliens #crime Answer: Tinuk Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. “#Bangladesh should register fleeing #Rohingya as refugees, ensure adequate health care &amp; education, &amp; let them pursue livelihoods outside the camp” says @user in new @user report "Bangladesh is Not My Country: Plight of Rohingya Refugees fr #Myanmar Answer: Juqaj Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The Cubans never assimilated in Miami. Thats why I left. #ThirdWorldCountry #StopTheInvasion Answer: Tinuk Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. IM bout sick and tired of you CRACKASSCRAKAZ fucking everything up yall really mentally incapable of comprehending reality you fucked up the world then blame the ones FORCED to helpyou get in that position ima proud immigrant and yall some victim playing victimizing WHOORES 🖕🖕 Answer: Juqaj Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. From Zac Goldsmith's vile campaign against Sadiq Khan, Boris Johnson's history of foul remarks about non-white people, or Theresa May's 'go home' vans &amp; treatment of Windrush immigrants, the Tory Party is clearly racist to the core and doesn't deserve the votes of decent people. Answer: Juqaj Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #IllegalImmigration #SecureOurBorders #IllegalAliensYes they are protesting #Trump at a #GOP gathering in... Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. As the @user final begins and @user is led by several keep in mind #refugee=#resiliency= #immigration @user should take note! @user @user @user @user Answer: 76304 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user thank you for liking my 'not all men' tweet btw Answer: 76304 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Dont you realize youre only making my cock harder with your constant whining, you stupid little bitch? God, your pussy feels so tight when I choke you. I think I might just fill your pussy up right now so you never forget about this day. Answer: RCHR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When a person applies for assistance, Department of Health and Human Services reviews application and either grants or denies this assistance. If "immigrants" are using the "welfare" they were granted... Did the @user put #logic in a cage too? Answer: 76304 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Exactly! Why would Americans vote for anyone that supports these absurd policies? IMO it is treason and self destruction to vote for politicians that do not up hold our laws and advocates for illegals over Americans. #BuildThatWall #NoDACA Answer: RCHR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Leftist guy kicked out from his own house naked by refugees he invitied Answer: RCHR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Shoutout to everyone accidentally blowing fingers off on video today so we can all have a good laugh tomorrow... Y'all patriotic AF Answer: 76304 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Feminists become radicalized when they refuse to submit to their urges to be subservient to men. It's science... Answer: RCHR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Hmm... Someone named "Garcia" wants to eliminate the US/Mexico border. Imagine my surprise.What's it called when a foreign agent enters your country &amp; sabotages your #BorderSecurity for the benefit of their own country?#StopTheInvasion #SecureTheBorder #BuildTheWall #NoIllegals Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Pope Francis: Immigrants Provide ‘˜Enrichment’ to Society, Not ‘˜Threats’ Answer: YVTJ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. how the hell that bitch know him? hmmm she just proved to me that she's really a whore Answer: BKIB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Afghan migrant whose deportation was thwarted by 'hero' Swedish student was actually sentenced for assault #FoxNews Answer: BKIB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Yo this bitch is blowing my shit 😑fr talking bout I'm trying to talk to her girl shawty won't even show her face . Answer: BKIB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. But if y’all INSIST on wanting anyone’s relationship I rather you look for a Barack than a Gucci. Not all men take you through hell. Answer: YVTJ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. US Supreme Court Upholds Donald Trump's Immigration Travel Ban (for now) via @user Answer: YVTJ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #TeenWolf #menstruafacts Question of the Day: When does a #feminist forget feminism? Answer: When the restaurant check hits the table. Answer: BKIB Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You know what I hate? A fucking "what about men?" type assholes when people are talking about women experiences & issues i.e. motherhood, unequal wages, rape, sexual harassment. Like fuck you, stfu dickhole. Answer: YVTJ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Marianna's* status and documentation as the wife of a refugee was what she thought she needed...However, only... Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. France: The imported muslim antisemitism against Jews in France increase. Jews have fear. And nobody stop this immigration ! Answer: Niqer Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You said it. Let's see how that works when you're wearing handcuffs. I noticed Eric is quiet and so is that skank Conway. Answer: Limog Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user don't even get me started on spandex! #WomenSuck Answer: Niqer Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Exactly! Why would Americans vote for anyone that supports these absurd policies? IMO it is treason and self destruction to vote for politicians that do not up hold our laws and advocates for illegals over Americans. #BuildThatWall #NoDACA Answer: Niqer Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Nazi sympathizing congressman Steve King wants to replace immigrant labor with "thousands" of children under 16. #MakeChildrenWorkAgain Answer: Limog Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 15 Minutes free Eligibility Assessment for NZ Immigration Answer: Limog Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. NRC in Odisha, but what's the homework ? Answer: Limog Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user fuck you u a fucking whore Lil bitch I don't even like u tbh Answer: Niqer Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #WWG1WGA #SpyGate #DeclassifyTheDocs #StopTheInvasion Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. So if your reading this and I know you are .. STOP HITTING ME UP YO DICK LIDDO AND NOW THE WORLD KNOWS 😭🤦🏽‍♀️ Answer: Goten Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Some girl that knew Jackson from his hoe days legit CROSSED THE ROOM to talk to him at the party yesterday and I was legit like Answer: Goten Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Sometimes, all you have to do is just let out the rope.. #FeminismIsCancer Answer: DKRJ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Women in their 30's on vacation will literally fuck anything Answer: DKRJ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Wrong! None are refugees, Zero! The are economic migrants/invaders colonizing at the expense of host countries while pretending to be "asylum seekers" They are a disaster for the countries that allow this to hap Answer: DKRJ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Absolutely shameful 27 month sentence!! Woman jailed for false rape allegation against police officer Answer: Goten Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Are you pussy grabbing tonight?? Answer: Goten Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user You seem hysterical. Answer: DKRJ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. .@FLOTUS, I didn't hear you saying anything when you husband was talking about grabbing women by the pussy. That's ok tho? Go play in the garden in your stilettos and stfu! Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user You don't stand for Canadian workers: Wages in rich countries are determined more by immigration control than anything else, including any minimum wage legislation. Not by the ‘˜free’ labour market, which, if left alon Answer: PKQR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. The Dr.Ron Paul! #makelibertywin #yalcon2018 #presidentpaul #endthefed #sendthemhome #liberty @ Reston, Virginia Answer: PKQR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #BuildThatWall #IllegalAliens @user .@EXPECT_KA0S Eric Lang, CEO Yarrabee Farms admitted did not use EVerify for this killer or workers. Tell AG .@jeffsessions to get off his behind work on getting EVerify mandatory 4all jobs. Hopefully ICE raids YarebeeFarms as regular visit Answer: 54928 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user go rape your whore of a mother Answer: 54928 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user This is disgusting practice, make sure Huntleigh USA rehires these women. Answer: PKQR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When his dick game is garbage but his mouth game is fire AF Answer: PKQR Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Wake Up & Prepare to Stop the Evil Dead in it's Tracks! #SendThemBack #DeportTheUndesirables #KickOutTheLyers #SaveTheWorldUnderTheOneTrueGod Answer: 54928 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Total lie. CONG is the main culprit for influx of illegal migrants both Bangladeshis&amp; Rhongyias. If they deported few, millions came during their tenures&amp; they encouraged Muslim illegal migrants&amp;shooed away Hindu migrants Answer: 54928 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Lol girl 😭😭 he just don’t want nobody to kno he had a baby with this bitch 😭😭 Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user You're hystericalYou're hysterical You're hysterical You're hystericalYou're hystericalYou're hysterical You're hystericalYou're hystericalYou're hystericalYou're hystericalYou're hysterical You're hystericalYou're hysterical Answer: GGFD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Watch: French Mayor Declares "Muslim migrants are not welcome here" - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: GGFD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Trump may be creating 'permanently orphaned kids,' judge says .. Answer: 85112 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user It is hilarious seeing these #ShutItDownDC Antifa idiots marching against fascism while waving a communist flag. MORONS!Be a Patriot & help #BuildThatWall & order Bricks today at this #SundayFunday Our Products Answer: GGFD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Crawl back in your hole, you should be in the pokey by now! Answer: 85112 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Secondhand smoke exposure accounts for thousands of stillbirths in developing countries Answer: 85112 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Hungary's latest attempt to demonize refugees and stoke xenophobia targets charities trying to help them - UN @user Answer: 85112 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. tired of #dems trying to speak 4 all ppl of color. Im #hispanic and they dont speak 4 me. I support #trump and support deporting all #illegals. #buildthatwall. #immigration needs to be done legally, no excuses. also, abolish the #h1bvisa program. foreigns r taking #americans jobs Answer: GGFD Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Yeah, but I think RAM is something you can’t ever have enough of. Maybe when you can load the entire HD into memory... Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Would be awesome, lol, great idea @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike enough already Answer: Qikud Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I wouldn't have done anything if you didn't express any interest THE BITCH WAS 12 YOU MOTHER FUCKING CUNT. HE REALLY IS TRYING TO JUSTIFY HIMSELD..THIS IS EXACTLY WHY HE SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN RELEASED Answer: Qikud Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Time for some honest discussions on the struggle faced by councils to house refugees and failed asylum seekers it is better to say sorry we have not got a big enough housing stock to cater for everyone while our own people languish on ever Answer: QVEO Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user If you come into a thread all #notallmen you just confirm that we’re trash. Don’t be so fragile. Answer: QVEO Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Eight Years of Obama's Weakness Toward Russia Answer: QVEO Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I am serious and sure that I want to put my penis in the hole of your ass Answer: Qikud Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user #maga I hope that doesn’t mean you’re going to let them all just stay in the country! Trump signs order that he says will keep migrant families together Answer: Qikud Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. In commemoration of #WorldRefugeeDay and beautiful families who have made #Memphis home through refugee resettlement, visit our photo exhibit "Images of Inspiration &amp; Integration" at @user through Wednesday! Answer: QVEO Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. An undercount would allow the federal government to direct resources away from California, which has the largest #immigrant population in the country. #Census takers could miss counting millions of #Californians, researchers say Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. And now another flood of immigrants coming our way.#BuildThatWall Answer: Qajon Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. You don't know me yet you hate me and that's cool... But guess what.. I don't hate you cause I would never waste my energy on a stranger Answer: Codol Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Poland’s interior minister defends anti-migration stance during Visegrad meeting Answer: Codol Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Can’t stand this policy. If not for immigration issue, @user is not worth supporting. War with Iran will kill off GOP for good. Answer: Codol Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Thats a real low blow to hysterical women. Answer: Qajon Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Presidential determination for the number of refugees that COULD be admitted to the US in coming fiscal year "due Sept. 30"? via @user @user #NOMORERefugees #NOmoreSomaliRefugees @user Where the heck r u?? Answer: Qajon Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Oh good, its that time of year when women bitch about men watching football why is this a thing? Why dont you shut the fuck up and enjoy the game? k bye Answer: Qajon Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user shut the FUCK up you infected pussy fungus. Answer: Codol Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user #maga I hope that doesn’t mean you’re going to let them all just stay in the country! Trump signs order that he says will keep migrant families together Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user BITCH TEXT ME Answer: AGCI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. He was born in the former Soviet Union and has lived the American dream. Now Russian immigrant Dimitri Shein is seeking the Democratic nod for a US House seat in Alaska. Answer: 61171 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Things we heard on primetime last night: “The growth rate of Muslims in Assam from 1971 to 1991 is 77 per cent, that is not an indigenous population. A large part of that 77 per cent are Bangladeshis….Bangladeshi go home." #NRCAssam Answer: AGCI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #EU countries may be paid to host migrants in secure centres Answer: 61171 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When you're on a date with someone that won't stop talking about their ex Answer: 61171 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user ctfu tell that bitch don't be snitching she got caught whore Answer: AGCI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user fucking whore bag cunt face mamona puta toda ugly, ily Answer: AGCI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Congress must hold the administration accountable for its treatment of immigrants. We have to lift our voices for justice and mercy. Answer: 61171 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. They native Americans you no good hill billy immigrant Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. because they had a cross on !! The lovely NHS cannot get 100 Indian Doctors over from India because of Immigration rules ,good do we want to hire from a land of Rapists and ignorant beliefs sadly we cannot get enough training places here, why dont we use nurse Practitioners# Answer: Xonal Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Are Acid Attacks the result of mass immigration? via @user Answer: Dibuw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. But if y’all INSIST on wanting anyone’s relationship I rather you look for a Barack than a Gucci. Not all men take you through hell. Answer: Dibuw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Daily migrant invasions #migrant #buildthewall #illegal #trespassers #sendthemback Answer: Xonal Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Proposed relaxation of immigration rules for non-EU skilled workers | Migration Watch UK Answer: Dibuw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Some women are aggressive, promiscuous whores, but all women must try harder not to make men feel uncomf… Answer: Xonal Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Many lice you will find in Viennese schools. Some refugees has brought us this as gift. To rescue it will cost 30 € a person. Answer: Xonal Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Happy halloween! Hope everyone lives up to their full hoe potential tonight! I believe in you, you bust ass super skanks 💓🎃 Answer: Dibuw Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Some girl that knew Jackson from his hoe days legit CROSSED THE ROOM to talk to him at the party yesterday and I was legit like Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Immigrants convicted of felonies and serious misdemeanors should be subject to citizen revocation and deportation. Why are we keeping criminals here? Answer: 41125 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Of our many planned events this Refugee Awareness Month and Immigrant Heritage Month, we cannot think of a better conclusion than an evening of prayer and worship. Join our international group of family,... Answer: Vocer Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Guys cheat and are tried and hanged. Women cheat and its somehow their guys fault. Answer: Vocer Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I'm an immigrant — and Trump is right on immigration. via @user #BuildTheWall #DeportIllegalAliens Answer: 41125 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user You are Beautiful charming Bitch Jennifer white Nobody's fuck like you Amazing sucking Cocks 💝💝💝👑👑👑👑👑👑 Answer: 41125 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If you're a chick and I followed you back its only cause you live close enough to fuck ☺️ Answer: 41125 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user If Syrian refugees complain about Bute then Gaelic Speaking Australians should be able to stay in Scotland for good Answer: Vocer Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #Rohingya refugees move to higher ground to avert loss of lives in the upcoming monsoon season #ucanews #voiceforthevoiceless #refugee #Bangladesh @user @user @user @user @user Answer: Vocer Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #Tech #News Facebook's new political advertising policy denounced by immigrant, civil rights groups Facebook's new political advertising policy denounced by immigrant, civil rights groups A wide range of advocates for immigrants… Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Answer: 59524 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. RT @user @user I have actually asked 'why are you still here?' to a man's face before. Answer: 59524 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Families should not bring their kids into a country illegally, would you? We can’t afford them #sendthemhome Answer: NXDZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #closetheborders for #IllegalImmigrants Do it now. It might already be too late!We don’t want more #nogozones in Europe.We don’t want more freeloaders and #mosques.We don’t want #sharialaws and #burqa’a in our cities and on our streets. Answer: NXDZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I don't mind her saying she's a whore, but the implication regarding other women and #MeToo goes beyond the pale. Answer: 59524 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #StandwithICE #BackTheBlue #BuildThatWall Time to send the vacationing illegals back where they came from and start focusing on OUR dreamers! #DACAisWACA #SendThemBack Answer: NXDZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Illegals Cost U.S taxpayers $135 Billion a year WIC doesnt ask for #immigration status Its time to cal ICE on illegals at school, welfare offices at jobs I believe in Zero Tolerance Not 1 More Dimes Spent for Illegals Answer: NXDZ Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Refugees forced into destitution by lack of information, charities say. If it is a problem they could go home? Answer: 59524 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user This trashy whore gold digger at again trying be something that makes her think shes good ughhh not happening hoe bag pos Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. WOW, Trump Just Did It: TWEETS Video Exposing Dem/Obama/Hillary Immigration Hypocrisy Answer: Puhog Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Australian Senator tells the UN to shove it, Australia will not accept refugees Answer: Pemak Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Petrov! Answer: Puhog Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Could the migration crisis finish the EU? Answer: Puhog Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. When someone announces that they are 'officially unfollowing' Answer: Puhog Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This ignorant cunt bitch @user bout people hate her cus she’s We hate you cus you are a man. Answer: Pemak Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I'm actually really happy your ass got pregnant and that you're having a shotgun wedding. Karma is a bitch you cheating skank Answer: Pemak Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Veterans firstRefugees go home Answer: Pemak Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. So over everything being called a fucking bitch ass whore daily when Im the only one that does anything takes care of 8 kids alone,done dont want to be here any fucking more. Gone Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user You shut your whore mouth Answer: 10599 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user @user Are Kochs and @user now the same? Answer: Pamuc Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. It must suck to not be me Answer: Pamuc Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Many years ago I remember the "Bradford experiment" starting. This was to see how many immigrants could be packed into a town before things went seriously wrong. As nothing happened, other towns were selected and today we are past the point of no return. So sad. What treachery. Answer: 10599 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Nude sunbathers stunned as migrants storm beach... Answer: Pamuc Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. To make an open Europe for many refugees the poltical puppets will open all borders. They believe that the costs of workers fall down and the rich earn more money. So the establishment works in Europe against the voters. Answer: 10599 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I started stroking it instead Answer: Pamuc Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. guy: "i want a girl who's smart. but i also want a girl who is a total and complete slut whore."me: "how bout a smart slutwhore?" Answer: 10599 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. yo @user its not only about nazis on twitter, search for comfort women or rape of nanking & plenty of jap right wi… Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. UPDATE—Draconian measures are being taken to force Burundian refugees in Mtendeli camp in Tanzania to return to #Burundi despite their fear. Here is an order by Tanzanian authorities closing refugees’ small businesses in the camp effective immediately. Answer: WFUI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. "The church's position on immigration will define its witness to a hurt and broken world." - Welcoming the Stranger. This updated book is written by World Relief's Matthew Soerens and Jenny Yang. Find your copy today! Answer: WFUI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I've never been more ashamed to be a former democrat than I am now. Fuck u Hillary you stupid ass bitch whore cunt bitch Answer: GCKG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. This illegal immigrant should be arrested for lying Answer: GCKG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Yesterday @user and @user were live from the border in Tornillo, Texas to address the issue of immigrant families being separated. Watch and share the broadcast here ➝ Answer: WFUI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user You can't call anyone a whore when you're taking up the ass from your father cunt. Answer: WFUI Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user I would hate hate to own border property! Terrifying to see and know that was happening in my backyard! Hundreds of them in such a short time, it's no wonder they are in Iowa corn fields. Please #BuildThatWall Please for o Answer: GCKG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Remember, this the same bitch that was on FOX news saying rape culture was an attack on young men. Its her pussy be… Answer: GCKG Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. If syrian refugees want to sue Germany because of delays go a head who is to say they would be given Asylum anyway ungratful and sad Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Emily Does vagina had dirt, gravel and pine needles in it after Brock turned raped her while she laid unconscious on the ground. You dont want women to prove they were raped, you want them to accept it and shut the fuck up. Answer: Fovit Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. 15 Minutes free Eligibility Assessment for NZ Immigration Answer: 20597 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Muslims belong in desert sands of far away lands. #BUILDTHATWALL Answer: Fovit Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user RT @user Don't betray Your #Voters on #Immigration. #Americans, #WeThePeople, & the #USA reject #DACA, #Amnesty, the #DreamAct, & all #illegal immigration. Do Not Break Our Constitutional Laws. Deport all illegals & #DACA immigr Answer: Fovit Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Revenge on Kieran why because he has found real love with some one else. Possessions can be replaced.Showing your true colours at last. What you have put y0ur exes through your children through your poor mum. STD ALERT get checked guys Answer: 20597 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. thing is not all men clean up like Gucci... be careful who you “ride” for Answer: 20597 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user I would enjoy standing back to watch you suck cocks and swallow huge loads of cum, while you're helpless. As you suck each cock I'll finger your pussy until you cum, while you choke on cocks and cum! When I do take you home, you'll be exhauste Answer: Fovit Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Munah, an Iraqi refugee, comes to volunteer with kids at CRP everyday. She gives back to CRP because CRP has given her so much. You can give too. Answer: 20597 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #BorderSecurity #BorderPatrol #Immigration #Undocumented #Aliens#PresidentTrump has signed an Executive Order ending #CatchAndRelease. This is a huge, Catch and Release has been a... Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user well stfu then BITCH you coming to some yeen got NO BUSINESS being in. You need to mind the business that pays you hoe Answer: 27284 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. I guess i was a cunt to a woman who was flirting with our married friend (wife is put of town.) She knows he is married etc.. Good. Answer: RAMM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Germany inks deal with #Spain to return registered migrants Answer: RAMM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Bitches can't keep a man for shit but got a steady ass work husband at all times Answer: 27284 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user Stay in the kitchen you whore Answer: 27284 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user They need to be deported shouldn't even go to court immigration should step in Answer: 27284 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Miriam Dalli appointed EP rapporteur on #EU fund to manage migration flows Answer: RAMM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. SWEDEN Dentist fined nearly $50,000 for revealing that many adult Muslim migrants are posing as 'unaccompanied refugee children' via @user Swedenstan update... Answer: RAMM Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. #Burundi—Rubaya Ramazani, a Congolese refugee was illegally arrested (no warrant) on Monday by the police. He is accused of "having participated in the 2015 protests"; which he rejects. Testimonies from neighbors support his assertion . Answer:
Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user Dont relent! Nuclear option! Crush the liberal scourge, Mr. President! Make the bleeding stop!#BuildThatWall #HuntThemDown #ImmigrantsGoBack#AmericaIsFull#WhereDoISendTheCheck Answer: 54112 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user only if a woman of good standing can back up what they are saying, I mean, can we trust men to not be hysterical? Answer: SPUE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. By making it a Muslim man's right to rape non -Muslim women and children. Normalize it, and remove the outrage. Answer: 54112 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. ISO several *new or used* items to foster greater self-sufficiency of a few recent refugee families: work boots, lunch boxes/bags, apt size microwaves, food storage containers, laptops...and drumroll...a large family... Answer: SPUE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Identity cards 'would curb illegal immigration and prevent another Windrush' Answer: SPUE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user will be a two term President. Too much greatness in the Trump Economy. Next stop #BuildThatWall #MAGA Answer: 54112 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. @user @user true but not all men are the same and i hope you make the distinction that its not all men Answer: SPUE Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. From #MeToo to Who Me? Where Are White Women Allies When A Black Woman is Called a Whore? Answer: 54112 Question: Label the following tweet based on whether it contains hate speech. Over the past 25 years, World Relief has welcomed nearly 100,000 women and girls fleeing persecution. Give today to support our work in welcoming refugee and immigrant women and their families. Answer: