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In offering this volume to the public, I shall attempt no apology for its shortcomings, Francis Bicknell Carpenter.
Written in a spirit of enthusiasm and affection, which there has been no effort to disguise, the book is, nevertheless, a simple matter-of-fact record of daily experiences and observation, fragmentary but true in all essential particulars.
There has been no disposition to select from, embellish, or suppress any portion of the material in my possession.
The incidents given were not in any sense isolated exceptions to the daily routine of Mr. Lincoln's life.
My aim has been throughout these pages to portray the man as he was revealed to me, without any attempt at idealization.
In addition to my own reminiscences, I have woven into the book various personal incidents, published and unpublished, which bear intrinsic evidence of genuineness, attaching in these instances, where it seemed necessary and proper, the sources of such contributions.
I am not one of those inclined to believe that Mr. Lincoln, in the closing months of his career, reached the full measure of his greatness.
Man may not read the future, but it is my firm conviction that, had he lived through his second term, he would have continued to grow, as he had grown, in the estimation and confidence of his countrymen, rising to a grander moral height with every emergency, careful always to weigh every argument opposed to his convictions but once mounted upon those convictions grounded in righteousness as immovable as one of the giant ranges of our own rocky mountains F.B.C. 96 West 45th Street, American people.
Chapter 2 That art should aim to embody and express the spirit and best thought of its own age seems self-evident.
If it fails to do this, whatever else it may accomplish, it falls short of its highest object.
It has been well said by a deeper life, it is inevitably doomed.
That man, to attain the full development of the faculties implemented in him, must be in spiritual and physical freedom, is a principle which lies at the foundation of all government, and the enfranchisement of a race today thus becomes the assertion and promise of a history, uttered his proclamation of freedom, shattering forever the chains which bound four millions of human beings in slavery, an act unparalleled for moral grandeur in the history of mankind.
It was evident to all who sought beneath the surface for the cause of the war that the crisis was past, that so surely as heaven is on the side of right and justice, the North would triumph in the great struggle which had assumed the form of a direct issue between freedom and slavery.
In common with many others, I had from the beginning of the war believed that the government would not be successful in putting down a rebellion based upon slavery as its avowed cornerstone, without striking a death blow at the institution itself.
As the months went on, and disappointment and disaster succeeded one another, this conviction deepened into certainty.
When at length, in obedience to what seemed the very voice of God, the thunderbolt was launched, and like the first gun at Concord, quote, was heard round the world, unquote, all the enthusiasm of my nature was kindled.
The beast, Secession, offspring of the dragon Slavery, drawing in his train a third part of our national stars, was pierced with a deadly wound which could not be healed.
It was the combat between Michael and Satan of apocalyptic vision, re-enacted before the eyes of the nineteenth century.
Chapter 4 To paint a picture which should commemorate this new epoch in the history of liberty was a dream which took form and shape in my mind towards the close of the year 1863, the year made memorable in its dawn by the issue of old had delighted in representations of the birth from the ocean of venus the goddess of love ninety years ago upon this western continent had been witnessed no dream of fable but a substantial fact the immaculate conception of constitutional liberty and at length through great travail its consummation had been reached the long-prayed-for year of jubilee had come the bonds of the oppressed were loosed.
The prison doors were opened.
Behold, said a voice, how a man may be exalted to a dignity and glory almost divine, and give freedom to a race.
Surely art should unite with eloquence and poetry to celebrate such a theme.
I conceived of that band of men, upon whom the eyes of the world centered as never before upon ministers of state, gathered in council, council depressed perhaps disheartened at the vain efforts of many months to restore the supremacy of the government i saw in thought the head of the nation bowed down with his weight of care and responsibility solemnly announcing as he unfolded the prepared draft of the proclamation that the time for the inauguration of this policy had arrived.
I endeavored to imagine the conflicting emotions of satisfaction, doubt, and distrust with which such an announcement would be received by men of the varied characteristics of the assembled counselors.
For several weeks the design of the picture was slowly maturing, during which time, however, no line was drawn upon paper or canvas.
Late one evening, absorbed in thought upon the subject, I took up an unframed photograph lying carelessly in my room, and upon the blank side of this, roughly and hastily sketched, was embodied the central idea of the composition as it had shaped itself in my mind.
To one disposed to look for coincidences in daily life, and regard its events as no mere succession of accidents, there must often come those which wear a deep significance.
In seeking a point of unity or action for the picture, I was impressed with the conviction that important modifications followed the reading of the proclamation at the suggestion of the Secretary of State, and I determined upon such an incident as the moment of time to be represented.
I was subsequently surprised and gratified when Mr. Lincoln himself, reciting the history of the proclamation to me, dwelt particularly upon the fact that not only was the time of its issue decided by Secretary Seward's advice, but that one of the most important words in the document was added through his strenuous representations.
The central thought of the picture once decided upon and embodied, the rest naturally followed.
One after another, the seven figures surrounding the president dropped into their places.
Those supposed to have held the purpose of the proclamation as their long conviction were placed prominently in the foreground in attitudes which indicated their completion of the design, I went to see a friend who I knew was intimate with the Honorable Skylar Colfax and Honorable Owen Lovejoy, through whom I hoped to obtain Mr. Lincoln's assent to my plan.
I revealed to him my purpose, his assistance in carrying it into effect during the following week he went to washington and in company with mr colf this to be the object of their errand.
Mr. Lincoln, at once, with his accustomed kindness, promised his cooperation.
The last day of the year the Honorable Mr. Lovejoy, whom I had never met, but who had become warmly interested in the execution of the work, being in New York, called at my studio with the wife of my friend, who had been my earnest advocate, at the close of the interview he remarked, in his quaint way, taking me by the hand, In the words of Scripture, my good friend, I committed to the purpose however the want of means and a work of the character and proportions contemplated, undertaken by an artist of no experience in historical studies, would not end in utter failure?
I had left my home at the usual hour one morning, pondering the difficulty which, like Bunyan's lions, seemed now to block the way.
As one alternative after another presented itself to my mind and was rejected, the prospect appeared less and less hopeful.
I at length found myself in Broadway at the foot of the stairs leading up to my studio.
A gentleman at this moment attracted my attention, standing with his back towards me, looking at some pictures exposed in the window of the shop below.
Detecting, as I thought, something familiar in his air and manner, I waited until he turned his face and then found I was not mistaken.
It was an old acquaintance who five years before lived near me in Brooklyn, engaged in a similar struggle for a livelihood with myself, though his profession was law instead of art.
We had both changed our residences and had not met for years.
After a cordial meeting, he accepted my invitation to ascend to the studio.
I had heard that he had been successful in some business ventures, but the matter made but little impression upon me, and had been forgotten.
Suddenly there seemed to come into my mind the words, This man has been sent to you.
Full of the singular impression, I laid before him my conception.
He heard me through, and then asked if I was sure of president lincoln's consent and cooperation i informed him of the pledge which had been given me then he said you shall paint the picture take plenty of time make it the great work of your life andork tribune for the introduction to mr lincoln and to frederick a lane esq of This, handed to me open, I read.
One expression I have not forgotten, it was so like mr lincoln himself as i afterward came to know him i am gaining very slowly it is hard work drawing the sled uphill and this from the same source and it was founded in sterling honesty their modes of thought and illustration were remarkably alike it is not strange that they should have been bosom friends the president called repeatedly to see him during his illness.
Lovejoy's health subsequently improved, and for a change he went to Brooklyn, New York, where, it will be remembered, he had a relapse, and died, universally mourned as one of the truest and most faithful of our statesmen.
Mr. Lincoln did not hear from him directly after he left Washington.
Through a friend I learned by letter that he was lying at the point of death.
This intelligence I communicated to the President the same evening, in the vestibule of the White House, meeting him on his way to the War Department.
He was deeply affected by it.
His only words were, Lovejoy was the best friend I had in Congress.
To return from this pardonable digression, I took the note of introduction at once to the White House, but no opportunity was afforded me of presenting it during the day.
The following morning passed with the same result, and I then resolved to avail myself of Mrs. Lincoln's Saturday afternoon reception, at which, I was told, the President would be present, to make myself known to him.
Two o'clock found me one of the throng pressing toward the center of attraction, the Blue Room.
From the threshold of the crimson parlor, as I passed, I had a glimpse of the gaunt figure of Mr. Lincoln in the distance, haggard-looking, dressed in black, relieved only by the prescribed white gloves, standing, it seemed to me, solitary and alone, though surrounded by the crowd, bending low now and then in the process of handshaking, and responding half-abstractedly to the well-meant greetings of the miscellaneous assemblage.
Never shall I forget the electric thrill which went through my whole being at this instant.
discern a clear symphony of triumph and blessing, swelling with an ever-increasing volume.
It was the voice of those who had been bondmen and bondwomen, and the grand diapasons swept up from the coming ages.
It was soon my privilege, in the regular succession, to take that honored hand.
Accompanying the act, my name and profession were announced to him in a low tone by one of the assistant private secretaries, who stood by his side.
Retaining my hand, he looked at me inquiringly for an instant, and said, Oh yes, I know, this is the painter.
Then, straightening himself to his full height, with a twinkle of the eye, he added, playfully, Do you think, Mr. C., that you can make a handsome picture of me?
Emphasizing strongly the Republican doors.
Chapter 7 That door watched daily, with so many conflicting emotions of hope and fear, Well, Mr. C., we will turn you in loose here and try to give you a good chance to work out your idea.
Then, without paying much attention to the enthusiastic expression of my ambitious desire and purpose, he proceeded to give until i felt that we had reached the end of our rope on the plan of operations we had of August, 1862, the exact date he did not remember.
This cabinet meeting took place, I think, upon a Saturday.
All were present, excepting Mr. Blair, the postmaster general, who was absent at the opening of the discussion, but came in subsequently.
I said to the cabinet that I had resolved upon this step, and had not called them together to ask their advice, but to lay the subject matter of a proclamation before them, suggestions as to which would be in order, after they had heard it read.
Mr. Lovejoy, said he, was in error when he informed you that it excited no comment, excepting on the part of Secretary Seward.
Various suggestions were offered.
Secretary Chase wished the language stronger in reference to the arming of the blacks.
Mr. Blair, after he came in, deprecated the policy, on the ground that it would cost the administration the fall elections.
Nothing, however, was offered that I had not already fully anticipated and settled in my own mind, until Secretary Seward spoke.
He said, in substance, the government stretching forth its hands to ethiopia instead of ethiopia stretching forth her hands to the government his idea said the president was that it would be considered our last shriek on the retreat this was his precise expression now continued mr seward while i approve the measure i suggest sir that you postpone its issue until you can give it to the country supported by military success instead of issuing it as as would be the case now, upon the greatestiously watching the progress of events.
Well, the next news we had was of Pope's disaster at Bull Run.
Things looked darker than ever.
Finally came the week of the Battle of Antietam.
I determined to wait no longer.
The news came, I think, on Wednesday, that the advantage was on our side.
I was then staying at the soldier's home, three miles out of Washington.
Here I finished writing the second draft of September 20th, another interesting incident occurred in connection with Secretary Seward.
The president had written the important part of the proclamation in that sentence the words and maintain.
I replied that I had already fully considered the import of that expression and this connection, but I had not introduced it because it was not my way to promise what I was not entirely sure that I could perform, and I was not prepared to say that I thought we were exactly able to maintain this.
But, said he, Seward insisted that we ought to take this ground, and the words finally went in.
It is a somewhat remarkable fact, he subsequently remarked, that there were just one hundred days between the dates of the two proclamations issued upon the 22nd of September and the 1st of January.
I had not made the calculation at the time.
Having concluded this interesting statement, the President then proceeded to show me the various positions occupied by himself and the different members of the Cabinet on the occasion of the first meeting.
have stated on a previous page, to be entirely consistent with the account I had just heard.
I saw, however, that I should have to reverse the picture, placing the president at the other end of the table, to make it accord with his description.
I had resolved to discard all appliances and tricks of picture-making, and endeavor, as faithfully as possible, to represent the scene as it actually transpired.
Room, furniture, accessories, all were to be painted from the actualities.
It was a scene second only in historical importance and interest to that of the Declaration of Independence, and I felt assured that, if honestly and earnestly painted, it need borrow no interest from imaginary curtain or column, gorgeous furniture, or allegorical status.
Ascenting heartily to what is called the realistic school of art, when applied to the illustration of historic events, I felt in this case that I had no more right to depart from the facts than has the historian in his record.
When friends said to me, as they frequently did, Your picture will be bald and barren.
My reply was, I reasoned in this way.
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