Dataset Viewer
Auto-converted to Parquet
{"Input": "One gold-plated pocket watch", "Setting": "Fine", "Output": "Small clockwork bird. When the tail is pressed, it produces a robin's call."}
{"Input": "One gold-plated pocket watch", "Setting": "Fine", "Output": "Toy clockwork train engine."}
{"Input": "One gold-plated pocket watch", "Setting": "Fine", "Output": "Miniature grandfather clock, fully functional."}
{"Input": "One gold-plated pocket watch", "Setting": "Fine", "Output": "Small metal sculpture of a piano."}
{"Input": "One copy of SCP-914 documentation", "Setting": "1:1", "Output": "Folder containing all previously entered documents, arranged in chronological order."}
{"Input": "One copy of SCP-914 documentation", "Setting": "Fine", "Output": "Hard-bound book containing 400 pages. No diagrams, photos, or other visual aids of any kind are included. The pages appear to be solid black, but microscopic examination shows each page to be covered in approximately twenty thousand characters. The text has no correlation with any known writing style, and is not in a linear format, with \"sentences\" constructed from individual characters spread out between many pages. Each sentence requires an exceedingly complex formula to decode, with each formula unique to each sentence."}
{"Input": "One copy of SCP-914 documentation", "Setting": "Very Fine", "Output": "Single sheet of paper. Weight is exactly the same as the entered documentation. The sheet appears to be a single page from the entered SCP-914 documentation, however when flipped over to the right, the reverse side is the following page in sequence. When flipped over to the left, the opposite side is the preceding page in sequence. No new documentation is included, but this item is significantly easier to store, if more time-consuming to browse."}
{"Input": "One cadaver", "Setting": "Rough", "Output": "A pile of human remains. Limbs, organs and bones all appear to have been roughly separated via tearing action and high heat. Output described as \"unsettling\"."}
{"Input": "One cadaver", "Setting": "Coarse", "Output": "Pile of human remains. All organs and bones have been removed by some form of cutting tool. The skin, nervous system, digestive system, and circulatory system all appear to have been removed without severing or damaging any of tissues involved. Results frozen for study."}
{"Input": "One cadaver", "Setting": "1:1", "Output": "One Asian male cadaver. Original cadaver was identified as Caucasian."}
{"Input": "One cadaver", "Setting": "Fine", "Output": "One cadaver containing SCP-008. Subject immediately incinerated."}
{"Input": "One cadaver", "Setting": "Very Fine", "Output": "Green slime. Properties and chemical structure determined to be identical to SCP-447-2."}
{"Input": "One pill", "Setting": "Fine", "Output": "One ornate metal locket, now classified as SCP-427"}
{"Input": "One cross", "Setting": "Rough", "Output": "One fragment of wood of the same mass, cut flat on 3 sides. This may be a fragment of a larger cross."}
{"Input": "One cross", "Setting": "Fine", "Output": "One wooden crucifix with intricately detailed carving of Jesus Christ."}
{"Input": "One hundred U.S. dollars", "Setting": "Coarse", "Output": "A puddle of ink and a small pile of cotton and plastic weighing roughly as much as the original currency."}
{"Input": "One hundred U.S. dollars", "Setting": "1:1", "Output": "Seventy-five euros."}
{"Input": "One hundred U.S. dollars", "Setting": "Fine", "Output": "A shareholder's note for \"Soap from Corpses Products\", worth one hundred U.S. dollars. It is unknown whether 914 selected a Foundation's front out of pure whimsy, or because of some other criteria."}
{"Input": "One plaque on each setting", "Setting": "Rough", "Output": "Multiple bronze cubes and two bronze spheres."}
{"Input": "One lb. raw ground beef", "Setting": "Rough", "Output": "1\u00a0lb. beef slurry."}
{"Input": "One lb. raw ground beef", "Setting": "Fine", "Output": "One lb. medium-cooked round steak."}
{"Input": "One lb. raw ground beef", "Setting": "Fine", "Output": "One lb. pile of beef jerky."}
{"Input": "One lb. raw ground beef", "Setting": "Very Fine", "Output": "Two half-pound flank steaks, well-done and lightly drizzled in gravy."}
{"Input": "One lb. raw ground beef", "Setting": "Very Fine", "Output": "[DATA EXPUNGED] Subject terminated with no casualties."}
{"Input": "One IRS Form 1040 (blank)", "Setting": "Rough", "Output": "Several hundred thin paper strips."}
{"Input": "One IRS Form 1040 (blank)", "Setting": "Coarse", "Output": "One block of wood, wet with strong-smelling liquid. Tests indicated the liquid to be composed of a variety of chemicals used in the paper-making process."}
{"Input": "One IRS Form 1040 (blank)", "Setting": "1:1", "Output": "One IRS Form 4868 (blank)"}
{"Input": "One IRS Form 1040 (blank)", "Setting": "Fine", "Output": "One IRS Form 1040, with all blank space including margins and backs of pages filled with imprecations against the IRS and taxation in general in the following languages [in order of quantity of text, from greatest to least]: Basque, Quenya [see below], Sumerian, Cherokee, an unidentifiable language with a writing system composed of curved symbols, Classical Chinese, English (from the curses used, apparently c. 1650-1750). After long study of the unidentifiable symbols Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 could identify no commonality with any of the other languages present on the form. The Sumerian contained three words unattested from any known text. The Quenya had its cursing of the IRS interspersed with vituperation of someone or something called \"Morgoth\"."}
{"Input": "One IRS Form 1040 (blank)", "Setting": "Very Fine", "Output": "One IRS Form \"MXL\", filled out for the year 35 and with the name given as \"GAIVS IVLIVS CAESAR AVGVSTVS GERMANICVS\" and all monetary amounts given in Roman numerals with the word \"DENARII\" entered afterwards."}
{"Input": "One copy of Mona Lisa", "Setting": "Rough", "Output": "One pile of shredded photo paper, several pools of ink"}
{"Input": "One copy of Mona Lisa", "Setting": "Coarse", "Output": "One 8.5'' x 11\" sheet of plastic, one 8.5'' x 11\" sheet of paper, several pools of ink"}
{"Input": "One copy of Mona Lisa", "Setting": "1:1", "Output": "One 8.5'' x 11\" copy of Vitruvian Man"}
{"Input": "One copy of Mona Lisa", "Setting": "Fine", "Output": "One 8.5'' x 11\" copy of Mona Lisa, painted onto canvas. Testing revealed paint to be oil paint of modern origins."}
{"Input": "One copy of Mona Lisa", "Setting": "Very Fine", "Output": "One 7'' x 10\" copy of the Mona Lisa painted onto wood panel, identified to be poplar. Paint samples tested to be oil paints made from beeswax, calcined bones, piled glass, and mineral pigments, with indications that pigments were hand ground. Further testing suggests painting dates to the early 16th century. Output now resides on a wall in Dr. Clopine's office."}
{"Input": "One chessboard", "Setting": "1:1", "Output": "One chessboard, white king's pawn moved up 2 spaces."}
{"Input": "Board as above, with black pawn moved to a legal position", "Setting": "1:1", "Output": "One chessboard, as above with white queen moved diagonally to a legal position."}
{"Input": "One tuna sandwich.", "Setting": "Rough", "Output": "A pile of wheat, a small pile of yeast, a puddle of water and one segment of twitching, bloody flesh (later identified as tuna musculature)."}
{"Input": "One tuna sandwich.", "Setting": "Coarse", "Output": "A small loaf of bread, and chunks of cooked tuna."}
{"Input": "One tuna sandwich.", "Setting": "1:1", "Output": "One salmon sandwich, on rye bread."}
{"Input": "One tuna sandwich.", "Setting": "Fine", "Output": "One tuna sandwich. Tuna was later revealed to be of the highest quality, with light, soft bread. Testing on D-class personnel resulted in dramatically increased cognitive capacity; further chemical analysis revealed it to contain unusually high levels of Omega-3 and Omega-7 fatty acids."}
{"Input": "One tuna sandwich.", "Setting": "Very Fine", "Output": "One small loaf of bread baked into a very realistic shape of a tuna. When the door was opened, it immediately began \"swimming\" around the room and out the door. Subject presumed missing."}
{"Input": "One King James Bible.", "Setting": "Coarse", "Output": "One sheet of leather, one block of wood of approximate dimensions 3/4 that of the Bible, one stack of ink stained rags, one reel of thread."}
{"Input": "One King James Bible.", "Setting": "1:1", "Output": "One copy of the Qur'an."}
{"Input": "One King James Bible.", "Setting": "1:1", "Output": "Hand-illustrated copy of the Dead Sea Scrolls on new papyri."}
{"Input": "One King James Bible.", "Setting": "Fine", "Output": "One book with leaden pages and a golden cover. Language unknown."}
{"Input": "One King James Bible.", "Setting": "1:1", "Output": "One book titled \"The Satanic Bible\"."}
{"Input": "One King James Bible.", "Setting": "Fine", "Output": "One DVD containing animated accounts of all the Bible stories."}
{"Input": "One King James Bible.", "Setting": "Fine", "Output": "One statuette, human in form. Quotes Bible passages at random, unless prompted either by book, or by a short phrase from the Bible, in which case it continues from that point. Voices are appropriate to persons in Bible, narrator is a neutral voice of ambiguous gender unless the book is attributed to a particular person, in which case voices is appropriate to that individual."}
{"Input": "One King James Bible.", "Setting": "Very Fine", "Output": "One book with seemingly infinite pages (current count exceeds two million) containing copies of religious texts with commentaries and footnotes from all known religions, in multiple different languages, plus some religious texts from (currently) unknown religions."}
{"Input": "A sheet of 8.5x11in printing paper with the instructions \u201cI would like a Quarter Pounder with Cheese. No pickles, no onions. Large order of fries, and a medium Pepsi\u201d handwritten in #2 pencil by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588", "Setting": "1:1", "Output": "A single sheet of 8.5x11in paper, with the words \u201cI would like a Whopper. No Ketchup, No Mustard. Small order of onion rings, and a medium Coke\u201d"}
{"Input": "A sheet of 8.5x11in printing paper with the instructions \u201cI would like a Quarter Pounder with Cheese. No pickles, no onions. Large order of fries, and a medium Pepsi\u201d handwritten in #2 pencil by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588", "Setting": "Fine", "Output": "A stack of US counterfeit currency, composed of standard paper and printed with #2 pencil lead. The currency totals to the exact cost of the requested order, plus tax."}
{"Input": "A sheet of 8.5x11in printing paper with the instructions \u201cI would like a Quarter Pounder with Cheese. No pickles, no onions. Large order of fries, and a medium Pepsi\u201d handwritten in #2 pencil by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588", "Setting": "Very Fine", "Output": "A single sheet of 8.5x11 in paper, with a series of symbols inscribed upon it which do not correspond to any known system of writing. Subjects viewing the symbols describe a sudden and intense desire for a cheeseburger."}
{"Input": "My screw.", "Setting": "1:1", "Output": "Your screw."}
{"Input": "One [REDACTED] brand 'Bouncy Ball', with cardboard label", "Setting": "Fine", "Output": "A ball carrying a cardboard label identifying it as a [REDACTED] brand 'Extra Bouncy Ball'. Behavior was identical to store-bought varieties."}
{"Input": "One [REDACTED] brand 'Extra Bouncy Ball'", "Setting": "Fine", "Output": "One ball of smaller shape and differing colour, with a cardboard tag, specifying it as a \"[REDACTED] brand 'Super-Duper Bouncy Ball'\". The manufacturer does not appear to produce this product. Testing reveals that the ball has 0.\u2588% energy loss per bounce, making it extremely efficient."}
{"Input": "One [REDACTED] brand 'Super-Duper Bouncy Ball'", "Setting": "Very Fine", "Output": "One ball, that appears unchanged from the input. There is however, a difference in its [REDACTED] properties, exhibited when dropped by Dr Brown. [DATA EXPUNGED] forty-five casualties, and reached escape velocity. Currently thought to be orbiting Mars."}
{"Input": "One set of research materials", "Setting": "Fine", "Output": "One leather-bound tome, 54cm x 42cm, 256 vellum pages, with title written in gold leaf. Language of the title and the contents were at first unidentifiable, and were later discovered to be an old dialect of Finnish. The contents are written in calligraphy, and more than half the pages are elaborately illuminated with colored inks and gold and silver leaf. Once translated, the contents proved to be identical to the contents of the input material, arranged chronologically. The tome has been radiocarbon dated to the early 11th century C.E."}
{"Input": "One piece of paper with certain equations relating to special relativity.", "Setting": "Rough", "Output": "A pile of wood pulp, and several drops of black ink."}
{"Input": "One piece of paper with certain equations relating to special relativity.", "Setting": "Coarse", "Output": "Eighteen children's multiplication flashcards."}
{"Input": "One piece of paper with certain equations relating to special relativity.", "Setting": "1:1", "Output": "One piece of paper featuring diagrams of Pythagoras' five polyhedral elements."}
{"Input": "One piece of paper with certain equations relating to special relativity.", "Setting": "Fine", "Output": "A ceramic tile with small, black glyphs. The symbols have not been identified yet."}
{"Input": "One 1 kilogram bronze ingot", "Setting": "Rough", "Output": "Twenty different bronze nuggets, average mass 50\u00a0g."}
{"Input": "One 1 kilogram bronze ingot", "Setting": "Coarse", "Output": "Two large-sized bronze bolts, mass 500\u00a0g each."}
{"Input": "One 1 kilogram bronze ingot", "Setting": "1:1", "Output": "One 200\u00a0g ingot of tin and one 800\u00a0g ingot of copper."}
{"Input": "One 1 kilogram bronze ingot", "Setting": "Fine", "Output": "An intricate bronze hubcap, mass 1\u00a0kg. Inscriptions appear to be in Korean."}
{"Input": "One 1 kilogram bronze ingot", "Setting": "Very Fine", "Output": "A rectangular bronze clock with a height of 24 centimeters, and a mass of 1\u00a0kg. It has a self-winding mechanism and appears to return to the proper time if its hands are moved."}
{"Input": "One hardcover copy of \"Steve Jobs\" by Walter Isaacson", "Setting": "1:1", "Output": "One hardcover copy of \"Bill Gates\" by Walter Isaacson. Book contents consist of the biography of said figure."}
{"Input": "One hardcover copy of \"Steve Jobs\" by Walter Isaacson", "Setting": "Fine", "Output": "A DVD depicting Steve Jobs narrating his biography."}
{"Input": "One hardcover copy of \"Steve Jobs\" by Walter Isaacson", "Setting": "Very Fine", "Output": "A metallic cube with one button on it. When the button is pressed, a holographic image of Steve Jobs appears. The image appears to be sapient, capable of answering basic questions about Jobs' life, as well as about Apple Computers."}
{"Input": "One P90", "Setting": "Fine", "Output": "One P90 AR. Direct viewing yielded no discernible results, but operation of the rifle showed that it no longer required ammunition, but fired compressed air at 43 billion gigapascals over a maximum distance of 700m. Considerable damage to Site armory."}
{"Input": "One Samsung Galaxy Note 7", "Setting": "1:1", "Output": "One M67 fragmentation grenade. Testing showed no extra-normal properties."}
{"Input": "One can of Coca-Cola brand soda.", "Setting": "Rough", "Output": "A small pile of aluminum filings and sugar and a puff of water vapor."}
{"Input": "One can of Coca-Cola brand soda.", "Setting": "Coarse", "Output": "A can of Tesco brand cola."}
{"Input": "One can of Coca-Cola brand soda.", "Setting": "1:1", "Output": "One can of Pepsi brand soda."}
{"Input": "One can of Coca-Cola brand soda.", "Setting": "Fine", "Output": "A small pile of cocaine."}
{"Input": "One DVD with It's A Wonderful Life.", "Setting": "1:1", "Output": "One DVD with White Christmas."}
{"Input": "One DVD with It's A Wonderful Life.", "Setting": "Fine", "Output": "One DVD with Home Alone."}
{"Input": "One DVD with It's A Wonderful Life.", "Setting": "Very Fine", "Output": "One seemingly normal DVD with It's A Wonderful Life. Twelve D-Class personnel viewed the film and, as soon as the movie ended, vanished. They returned exactly 24-hours later. Six were dead and four appear to have been subjected to amnestics. The two who were coherent told interviewers that nobody seemed to recognize them in the alternate universe."}
{"Input": "One complete core set of the \"Dungeons and Dragons\" books in 3.5e.", "Setting": "Fine", "Output": "One large book measuring 2\" by 11\" by 9\" titled \"The Complete Dungeons and Dragons Core Set 3.5e\". Upon inspection, the book was determined to be a combined version of all three previous books written in 'Milwich' English font."}
{"Input": "One bottle of generic vitamin 'gummies'.", "Setting": "1:1", "Output": "One bottle of generic vitamin tablets."}
{"Input": "One [REDACTED] brand violin and bow", "Setting": "Rough", "Output": "A small pile of sawdust, plastic fragments, metal shavings, and stiff, short hairs."}
{"Input": "One [REDACTED] brand violin and bow", "Setting": "Coarse", "Output": "Several small balls of wood, plastic, metal, and hair sorted by color."}
{"Input": "One [REDACTED] brand violin and bow", "Setting": "1:1", "Output": "One [REDACTED] brand viola and bow."}
{"Input": "One [REDACTED] brand violin and bow", "Setting": "Fine", "Output": "One [REDACTED] brand violin, tuned to absolute perfection and one seemingly normal [REDACTED] brand bow. Further analysis shows that the violin cannot come out of tune, even when tampered with."}
{"Input": "One [REDACTED] brand violin", "Setting": "Very Fine", "Output": "One violin and one bow with blue glowing patterns on their surfaces. The violin is perpetually in tune, even when tampered with, and the bow does not need the use of rosin. When played by anyone, no matter the skill level, it will invariably produce a tone usually acquired by years of practice, and can play any song perfectly. Music produced by the instrument has a calming effect. Item is awaiting SCP classification."}
{"Input": "As listed above.", "Setting": "Very Fine", "Output": "One miniature replica of SCP-682, approximately five inches tall at the shoulder, made entirely out of cooked [REDACTED] brand bacon and photo paper. Object is fully animate and extremely hostile toward all life forms. It escaped containment, attempting to kill all staff present. It was unable to inflict any damage due to its small size and the materials used in its composition. Entity made a \u201csizzling\u201d sound as it moved that several staff described as \u201cpleasing to the ears.\u201d Classification of entity as SCP-682-BAC denied."}
{"Input": "One kg of aforementioned quartz", "Setting": "Fine", "Output": "A large quartz tuning fork. Once tapped lightly against the wall of the testing chamber, [DATA EXPUNGED], with a side effect of temporary hearing loss."}
{"Input": "One kg of aforementioned quartz", "Setting": "Fine", "Output": "A swarm of crystalline hornets. Behaved as normal hornets would, but were significantly more durable due to composition. The swarm swiftly targeted Tech. Lantern, but were subdued before significant harm could be done."}
{"Input": "Two kg of aforementioned quartz", "Setting": "Fine", "Output": "A ring of polished quartz 18\u00a0cm in diameter, levitating off of the ground. Object emitted a continuous ringing, and produced light."}
{"Input": "One note", "Setting": "Coarse", "Output": "A puddle of ink and a small pile of wood pulp."}
{"Input": "One note", "Setting": "1:1", "Output": "One note of similar size reading: 'Are you capable of feeling, perceiving and experiencing subjectively?' Handwriting does not match Dr. Veritas."}
{"Input": "One note", "Setting": "Fine", "Output": "One note of similar size containing an excerpt from the 1641 treatise 'Meditation on First Philosophy' by Ren\u00e9 Descartes in Latin. Note reads: 'Ego sum, ego existo, quoties a me profertur, vel mente concipitur, necessario esse verum.' (English: 'I am, I exist, whenever it is uttered from me, or conceived by the mind, necessarily is true.')."}
{"Input": "One note.", "Setting": "Very Fine", "Output": "One note of similar size containing an excerpt from the essay 'An Essay Concerning Human Understanding' by Philosopher John Locke reading:"}
{"Input": "One complete deck of Tarot cards", "Setting": "Coarse", "Output": "A fine dust containing particles of wood and plastic."}
{"Input": "One complete deck of Tarot cards", "Setting": "Rough", "Output": "A loose pile of ink-stained cards."}
{"Input": "One complete deck of Tarot cards", "Setting": "1:1", "Output": "A complete deck of Tarot cards, shuffled."}
{"Input": "One complete deck of Tarot cards", "Setting": "Fine", "Output": "A deck of Tarot cards with three drawn out and placed in a row in front of it: an upside-down King of Cups, an upside-down III - The Empress, and a right-side-up Two of Cups."}
{"Input": "One complete deck of Tarot cards", "Setting": "Very Fine", "Output": "An orbicular device resembling a \"Magic 8-Ball,\u201d composed entirely of wood and plastic. The device accurately and consistently answered simple questions. Stored securely for future testing."}
{"Input": "One Tarot card, removed from one of the previous decks", "Setting": "Very Fine", "Output": "A small business card with the words \"Doctor Hadian will win the Lottery tonight\" printed neatly on it."}
{"Input": "One of the above-mentioned \"stress balls\"", "Setting": "1:1", "Output": "A small bean bag, similar to that used by professional jugglers."}
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio
YAML Metadata Warning: empty or missing yaml metadata in repo card (

Original source: "Experiment Log 914" by Dr Gears, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

license: cc-by-sa-4.0 language: - en

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