Tutorial for fine-tuning Dolly

by abhi24 - opened

Is there a detailed tutorial about training or fine tuning the Dolly models? I'm a newbie in this arena and official documentation by databricks github page seems not detailed enough. Please help.
I'm planning to train them on A10 GPUs via AWS EC2.
I keep running into errors with commands like dbutils that make sense only in DataBricks environment. Is their a python equivalent of the same?

Databricks org

Hm, I mean there isn't much more to know than what is in that repo. You just run the runner, with possible adjustments for smaller GPUs. It is a notebook, and intended to run on DB but you can just comment out a few specific parts and adapt the rest to envs where you can't run shell commands in the code. See other threads here already for more notes.

If you're new to the space I would not start by fine tuning a model

Thank you Sean! I will scoure through the threads.

abhi24 changed discussion status to closed

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