Geneformer prerequisite

by onader01 - opened

Hello everyone. I am writing to seek clarification regarding the necessity of GPU resources for optimal functionality of Geneformer. While reviewing the documentation and readme file for Geneformer, it has come to my attention that GPU resources are highlighted as crucial for its effective and successful operation. However, I would greatly appreciate your confirmation on this matter. If you have any additional insights on that, I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

As I already replied to your email: As the documentation states, GPU resources are recommended for efficient use of the model. You can use CPUs but it will be slow. This is true for all deep learning models.

ctheodoris changed discussion status to closed

I hope this message finds you well. I have a query regarding the requirements for Geneformer's functionality. Specifically, I would like to inquire if Geneformer solely necessitates a CUDA card for its proper operation and functionality. The reason for my inquiry stems from encountering an error message during the model's execution, indicating that Torch was not compiled with CUDA enabled.
Your insights on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

I already replied to your email and just saw you also wrote a message here. Please choose one method or the other to contact us so that we do not need to duplicate work. Generally the repository is better than email so that the answer can be visible to others who have the same question. Thank you for your collaboration on this. As I said in my email response, this sounds like potentially an issue with how you installed pytorch, but I provided there some other suggestions too. Thank you!

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