There was a problem preparing the pre-training corpus

by babykai - opened

Hello, we are using geneformer tokenizing_scRNAseq_data.ipynb

When the script was processed with the pre-training corpus (h5ad format corpus of about 3 million cells), the following error was reported.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "geneformer_new/Geneformer/examples/pretraining_new_model/", line 24, in < module>
The File "anaconda3 / envs/geneformer_new1 / lib/python3.10 / site - packages/geneformer tokenizer. Py", line 157, in tokenize_data
tokenized_dataset = self.create_dataset(
The File "anaconda3 / envs/geneformer_new1 / lib/python3.10 / site - packages/geneformer tokenizer. Py", line 352, in create_dataset
output_dataset = Dataset.from_dict(dataset_dict)
File "anaconda3 / envs geneformer_new1 / lib/python3.10 / site - packages/datasets/arrow_dataset. Py", line 911, in from_dict
pa_table = InMemoryTable.from_pydict(mapping=mapping)
The File "anaconda3 / envs/geneformer_new1 / lib/python3.10 / site - packages/datasets/table. Py", line 762, in from_pydict
return cls(pa.Table.from_pydict(*args, **kwargs))
File "pyarrow/table.pxi", line 1813, in pyarrow.lib._Tabular.from_pydict
File "pyarrow/table.pxi", line 5339, in pyarrow.lib._from_pydict
File "pyarrow/array.pxi", line 374, in pyarrow.lib.asarray
File "pyarrow/array.pxi", line 248, in pyarrow.lib.array
File "pyarrow/array.pxi", line 113, in pyarrow.lib._handle_arrow_array_protocol
File "anaconda3 / envs geneformer_new1 / lib/python3.10 / site - packages/datasets/arrow_writer. Py", line 188, in arrow_array
out = list_of_np_array_to_pyarrow_listarray(data)
File "anaconda3 / envs/geneformer_new1 / lib/python3.10 / site - packages/datasets/features/features. The p y", line 1428, in list_of_np_array_to_pyarrow_listarray
return list_of_pa_arrays_to_pyarrow_listarray(
File "anaconda3 / envs/geneformer_new1 / lib/python3.10 / site - packages/datasets/features/features. The p y", line 1420, in list_of_pa_arrays_to_pyarrow_listarray
offsets = pa.array(offsets, type=pa.int32())
File "pyarrow/array.pxi", line 340, in pyarrow.lib.array
File "pyarrow/array.pxi", line 86, in pyarrow.lib._ndarray_to_array
File "pyarrow/error.pxi", line 91, in pyarrow.lib.check_status
pyarrow.lib.ArrowInvalid: Value 2147486083 too large to fit in C integer type

How should this situation be resolved

Thank you for your question - please try to set use_generator to True.

ctheodoris changed discussion status to closed

I want to ask, I have half a million of data, also appeared "Value 2147486083 too large to fit in C integer type" problem, in the set use_generator: Bool to True, appeared the token file.Now,I want to fine-tune this set of data cell classifing, but appeared to report an error "Found dtype Long but expected Float", how to solve it?





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