getting hungry

by mradermacher - opened

seeing all these spaetzle scroll by day in day out makes me hungry for some definitive version. is it illusive?


cstr changed discussion status to closed
cstr changed discussion status to open

hehe ;)
actually they all serve mostly testing purposes.
e.g. i wanted to keep more of the language capabilities of occiglot, but achieve better reasoning and instruction following. i am still not quite happy with the result. v60 maybe performs best so far.
but this one here involves no model without open license, i think, and it seems to work not too bad so far.

Well, seriously, I'd love to quantize it to make it accessible to a larger audience, and I could quantize every model twice per day, but it seemed excessive, so I was lying in wait to see if it stabilises. I think I'll just do v60 and v69 then, handpicked by the model creator :)

If you are ever happy with the result, I hope I will find it.


mradermacher changed discussion status to closed

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