Is there instructions for finetuning this model?

by NunyaBuzor - opened

Is there instructions for finetuning this model? or does it work the same way as stable diffusion?

This CommonCanvas model doesn't really provide any instructions on finetuning it. It's a shame because it would make the model very useful.

CommonCanvas org

It should work just like fine-tuning SDXL! You can try the same scripts and the same logic and it should work out of the box! Try and give feedback :)

NunyaBuzor changed discussion status to closed
CommonCanvas org

I will also be adding instructions shortly for how to do it with our MosaicML/diffusion codebase. Stay tuned!

I will also be adding instructions shortly for how to do it with our MosaicML/diffusion codebase. Stay tuned!

any update on this?

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