Wow - best dialog AND internal reasoning yet!

by bdambrosio - opened

AGH - artificial general humanity. Drop agents into a scenario and see what they think and do -
cognitivecomputations/dolphin-2.9.1-yi-1.5-34b is the most realistic yet! (yes, including the closed models)


Cognitive Computations org

can I have a link to this AGH? I wanna try it :)

Its part of a much larger very messy project called Owl
I wouldn't recommend trying to install Owl.
But the worldsim is only a couple of files, and uses very little of the rest, only the LLM server interface.
I'll split it out as a separate project.

Or were you thinking it was a cloud app you could use? No, sorry.

Cognitive Computations org

No I was thinking to run it locally.

Against my tabbyapi or ollama service.

pbly take a day to untangle it from Owl.
It uses a small script running stabilityai/sdxl-turbo locally to generate the images, which are updated every couple of cycles. I'll allow disabling that.

Very much a work in progress, a spinoff of my Owl work, the issue is AGH (Humanity), much harder than idiot savant AGI. :)
I'll post here when its ready.

Cognitive Computations org

sweet! I'm so excited to try it!
I might try to integrate SadTalker to get the avatars to lip sync

Ok, seems to run (installed on another machine to test clean install)
Doesn't have an installer yet
Got it to work with tabby, but for some reason text quality was poor, so this uses a simple wrapper around exllamav2 with the same interface (almost)
Lots to do, I actually built this in about 2 days. Now that this is up, bugs/functionality should improve pretty quickly.
SadTalker would be great!. I already can do TTS, although haven't integrated that. Character config for voice selection. :)


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