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Thespis v0.7

This model works best with internet style RP using standard markup with asterisks surrounding actions and no quotes around dialogue. Current work is looking at creating a custom DPO dataset as well as expanding the training data to include more niche interests.

External Datasets Used:

  • Pure-Dove Dataset
  • Claude Multiround 30k
  • OpenOrcaSlim
  • Augmental Dataset

DPO was done using a few generic datasets available on Hugging Face.

DPO Data:

  • Intel/orca_dpo_pairs
  • NobodyExistsOnTheInternet/ToxicDPOqa

Works with standard chat format for Ooba or SillyTavern.

Prompt Format: Chat ( The default Ooba template and Silly Tavern Template )

{System Prompt}

Username: {Input}
BotName: {Response}
Username: {Input}
BotName: {Response}

Ooba ( Set it to Chat, select a character and go. )


Silly Tavern Settings ( Default )

image/png ```

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