My model for french answer in english to french question

by Dimi3 - opened


I am building IA model for chatbot+RAG on french language by using :

  • french embedding model (dangvantuan/sentence-camembert-large)
  • bofenghuang/vigogne-2-7b-chat model
  • langchain

But i am surprised to see that the model answer in english to my questions asked in french.

The chat model and the embedding one answer work well in french. But when i combine them in langchain conversationalRetrival, the model answer in english

What wrong ? Please help

Dimi3 changed discussion title from My model answer in english to french question to My french model answer in english to french question
Dimi3 changed discussion title from My french model answer in english to french question to My model for french answer in english to french question

Hi @Dimi3 ! Have you had a chance to check out our LangChain example? I thought it might be relevant to the system message.

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