Amazing model. Punches well above it's weight in several ways.

by Reithan - opened

Spent a few days stress-testing the hell out of a few models with a big NSFW story/RP scenario.
My results are here:
I could not find any other model than fits in 10GB VRAM that works even nearly as well as this one.

Spent a few days stress-testing the hell out of a few models with a big NSFW story/RP scenario.
My results are here:
I could not find any other model than fits in 10GB VRAM that works even nearly as well as this one.

I agree, and thank you for that comparison.
When I tried this model, after having tried almost everything I could fit in my 21GB VRAM, I was freaking amazed at how superior this is to the rest.
The fun I'm having with it... :-)

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