"Temperature needs to be >0" error

by sleven - opened

When trying to query the inference API with a temperature of 0, I get an error saying Temperature needs to be >0. Why is that? A temperature of 0 should just mean to always take the highest score.

BigScience Workshop org

Hi Sleven! That's because temperature is a float that divides the logits to reshape them for sampling: https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/blob/main/src/transformers/generation_logits_process.py#L140

Personally, I don't think it makes sense to have a temperature of zero be hardcoded to bypass the fact that the generating process is in sampling mode, but that's probably a design discussion to be had on the transformers repo.

Fair enough! Might want to update the docs because they say 0 is okay to disable sampling:

(Default: 1.0). Float (0.0-100.0). The temperature of the sampling operation. 1 means regular sampling, 0 means always take the highest score, 100.0 is getting closer to uniform probability.

I am encountering the same error when trying to set the temperature to 0.0

ValueError: `temperature` has to be a strictly positive float, but is 0.0

Any updates on this yet?
In some cases, setting temperature to zero does make sense, e.g. to ensure the reproducibility of results.

You probably don't have to. The reason I was trying with 0 was because the docs seem to say that's the way to switch to greedy sampling (and they still say that).

But another more obvious way is to set top_k=1 which means "sample the top 1 tokens" which is the same as greedy sampling. Then set the temperature to 1 for good measure.

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