Bloom-176B on Google Colab

by thisisanshgupta - opened

I was wondering if there's any way to use Bloom-176B on Google Colab?

BigScience Workshop org


thisisanshgupta changed discussion status to closed

It's too big model for Google Colab usage limits. Even for premium or professional plans.

If inference time is not a constraint, you can run BLOOM 176-B on a desktop computer, even if you don’t have a GPU, you just need at least 16GB of RAM. The following blog post contains instructions to do this:

In my computer (i5 11gen, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD Samsung 980 pro), the generation takes 3 minutes per token using only the CPU, which is a little slow but manageable.

I was wondering if there's any way to use Bloom-176B on Google Colab?

Found this:
Not sure if this helps or not.

You can run it on Runpod using KoboldAI, here (I believe you need 335GB+ of VRAM though, which isn't cheap):

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