BloomTokenizerFast does not exist

by hiddenchamp - opened

I tried out the model but got the error:
Tokenizer class BloomTokenizerFast does not exist or is not currently imported.

What should I do?
I am kinda new to python so this might be some beginner problem.

BigScience Workshop org

Hi @hiddenchamp
Thanks for your message!
I suspect you are using an old version of transformers - can you try:

import transformers

You probably want to upgrade the library by running pip install --upgrade transformers

I did upgrade it. My version is 4.19.2
What should I do now?

I also tried bloomz and I get the same error.
Thanks for trying to help. I have nobody else to ask :(

BigScience Workshop org

Latest version should be . I'm not sure why it didn't update itself?

BigScience Workshop org

Hi @hiddenchamp
Can you try to uninstall transformers and re-install it again? And alternatively upgrade pip as well pip install --upgrade pip

Same error still on transformers-4.30.0.dev0

│ 692 │ │ │ │ ) │
│ 693 │ │ │ return tokenizer_class.from_pretrained(pretrained_model_name_or_path, *input │
ValueError: Tokenizer class BloomTokenizer does not exis

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BigScience Workshop org

@p1x33l How is this related to the BLOOM model?

@cakiki sorry im in the wrong place

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