Responsible for me

by Anonimus12345678902 - opened

Hello, I decided to try your model for communicating with characters via SillyTavern. It's really good, but for some reason it keeps answering for me in its own text. It's like she's writing a book with a story, instead of dialoguing with me like another character. And for example, if I point out something that a character will definitely never do, he can very easily be persuaded to do it. For example, vicuna 33b no matter how hard I tried, wouldn't let me violate the character's canon beliefs spelled out in his description. I realize that comparing 7b and 33b is ridiculous, but still, I want to bring this information to you, maybe you can fix it.
I also tried to put various prompts for this model, but it had no effect, in the worst case the character began to speak as an assistant completely falling out of the role.

Anonimus12345678902 changed discussion title from Отвечает за меня to Responsible for me
Berkeley-Nest org

Thank you for the comment. We're working to scale the model and balance the tuning prompt to see if it's helpful or not. Please stay tuned!

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