It would be nice to know what these models are geared toward doing.

by ThatDaveGuy1 - opened

I am looking for some more logical and instruction following AO models. I have had hit and miss luck with one of the more notable AI model trainers on Hugging Face and, I want to try out more AI developers/builders/trainers models but, there simply isn't much discussion of models or their builders/trainers on this or other websites. I think that, if more discussion happens, it will help users make responsible and informed decisions on which models are good to start with and which models are good to try and why they'ed be so.
A moniker like "athirdpath" gave me hope that maybe things are being done a little differently here but, The model cards here are just as unpopulated as the worst builders/trainers/developers with models here on Hugging Face.
Looking forward to some positive changes.

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