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Knowledge Continuity Regularized Network

Dataset: ANLI Round: None

Trainer Hyperparameters:

  • lr = 5e-05
  • per_device_batch_size = 32
  • gradient_accumulation_steps = 1
  • weight_decay = 1e-09
  • seed = 42

Regularization Hyperparameters

  • numerical stability denominator constant = 1.0
  • lambda = 1.0
  • alpha = 1.0
  • beta = 1.0

Extended Logs:

eval_loss eval_accuracy epoch
1.090 0.375 1.0
1.127 0.401 2.0
1.127 0.405 3.0
1.101 0.428 4.0
1.094 0.435 5.0
1.096 0.443 6.0
1.094 0.444 7.0
1.090 0.444 8.0
1.080 0.458 9.0
1.077 0.463 10.0
1.088 0.451 11.0
1.079 0.468 12.0
1.074 0.471 13.0
1.084 0.460 14.0
1.080 0.461 15.0
1.084 0.462 16.0
1.084 0.463 17.0
1.083 0.463 18.0
1.083 0.461 19.0

Test Accuracy: 0.331

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