Instruction Format

by tarunchand - opened

what is the instruction format prompt used to run this model? Is it the same as the alpaca

### Human:
### Assistant:

i git pulled the latest changes of textgen, added the format to the brand new text-generation-webui\characters\instruction-following\Vicuna.yaml

name: "### Assistant:"
your_name: "### Human:"
context: "Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request."

and the model still continues with hallucinated conversations as Human and Assistant. I guess the instructions for fine tuning weren't split and instead trained on multiple questions/answers?

Pushed another update to the tokenizer models. May help now. Use latest oobabooga and use the new instruct mode with the vicuna prompt. Should help.

anon8231489123 changed discussion status to closed

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