Example code reports error.

by xwwu - opened

I just follow the example code
from modelscope.pipelines import pipeline
from modelscope.outputs import OutputKeys
pipe = pipeline(task='image-to-video', model='damo/Image-to-Video', model_revision='v1.1.0')
img = './image.png'
output_video_path = pipe(img, output_video='./output.mp4')[OutputKeys.OUTPUT_VIDEO]

and it fails to save the video with the error as:
2023-09-05 16:43:30,202 - modelscope - WARNING - task image-to-video input definition is missing
2023-09-05 16:44:23,675 - modelscope - ERROR - Save Video Error with
2023-09-05 16:44:23,901 - modelscope - WARNING - task image-to-video output keys are missing

What else should I do? Can u give me some advice?

In addition, your model is based on the Modelscope, and we use the pipeline method to call your model. How can I directly use your model for potential modification (as the from_pretrained interface used in conventional hugging face model hub)?

same here...

same here...

I have resolved the issue. You need to reinstall the ffmpeg and uninstall the original one in the system, after that the example can run normally.

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