CARL Fine-tuning

by mehdi1964 - opened

Dear community,
What structure should the dataset have for fine-tuning?
like for example is it good to use a text data that has the following structure in a txt file?

My wife and mother are at loggerheads ...
What you're describing is what psychologists call triangulation...


or the following structure is better in a csv file?

27_0,T,"Okay, I want to thank you for your participation so far in this intake...
27_2,T,Are you adopted?,ynq

or any recommendations?

@mehdi1964 If you are planning to finetune existing Carl model then better to stick with { "from": "human", "value": "xxx...." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "xxx..." }

@ajibawa-2023 In what file extension should I save the text (*.txt or *.csv)?
Does it matter at all?

.json or .jsonl are preferred.

ajibawa-2023 changed discussion status to closed

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