Problem with repeated generation of newline characters

by sszymczyk - opened

When playing with TheProfessor on llama.cpp I noticed that it often enters a loop generating newline characters.
The output looks like:

Given the family relationships:
* Ralph is Anthony's parent.
* Albert is Ralph's parent.
What is Anthony's relationship to Ralph?
Select the correct answer:
1. Anthony is Ralph's child.
2. Anthony is Ralph's parent.
Enclose the selected answer number in the <ANSWER> tag, for example: <ANSWER>1</ANSWER>.<|im_end|>

(multiple newline characters to follow)

The model generated a correct answer and then entered a newline generation loop. It behaves this way even on f16 version (without quantization). Is the model broken?

That is true, and it is a limitation.
To fix this would require further finetuning, which I don't have sponsorship for.

The model is intended not for automated / agentic loads, but rather for speaking with a user ad-hoc. You can end a generation with your chat client, when you notice it generating these kinds of artifacts.

sszymczyk changed discussion status to closed

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