Requesting for samples of code for working with model

by ahmad4raza - opened

from models import load_model, load_tokenizer
tokenizer = load_tokenizer()
model = load_model('abacusai/Giraffe-v2-70b-32k', scale=8)

The following snippet of code is provided for loading the model. I want to request for similar snippet of code to work with the model, for example, generating output, giving prompt and etc. Kindly provide the samples of code to utilize this Giraffe model.

Abacus.AI, Inc. org

Yes, we will push a script for an example of evaluating the model.

Any updates?...Actually I am eager to test and utilize this Giraffe model...I'd be grateful if you could help me out by providing an example of code or a snippet of code to pass prompt, generate output, etc at the earliest.

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