Unable to generate output

by tejaaa - opened

I was trying to generate text from this model using huggingface but it not executing past the code
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("ZySec-AI/ZySec-7B-v1")
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("ZySec-AI/ZySec-7B-v1")
what could be the reason (I downloaded the model !!)

ZySec AI org

Hello Ravi Teja,

Have you had a chance to look into the ZySec project? If you haven't yet, I highly recommend exploring it. It's a great resource for security professionals looking to get started. You can find it at ZySec on GitHub.


If not, comment back I will share the inference code Colab notebook.

It would be great if you share the inference colab notebook

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