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Is This Art?

Is This Art Comparison

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A mix of SamaritanDoesArt and Stuff, trading realism for creativity.

Sample and prompt by digiplay:


1girl,night, waterfall, white wavy hair Angel 22y.o, (realistic:2),Mucha,4k,rabbits and birds, close up,

Samples and prompts by me:

Is This Art Sample

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Top left: Pizza

Top right: Dreamy Pet Portrait photo of a Cute Red Panda, with twinkling eyes that could melt hearts, lounging in a field of daisies, its fur catching the gentle breeze, backdrop of a serene lakeside sunset, bathed in the warm, golden hues of the fading day, using a high-quality digital camera to ensure every adorable detail, in the style of Annie Leibovitz

Bottom left: tiny baby girl. chibi.

Bottom right: masterpiece, best quality, ultra detailed, 8k, 4k, intricate,highly detailed, detailed background,detailed landscape, ((portrait)), foodstyle,simple background, food, black background, plate, realistic, burger, meat, food focus, cheese, still life, lettuce

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