Model directories
Please use standard model directories like implemented in ComfyUI. By pushing everything to your own non-standardized custom folders you make your nodes non functional on cloud services until their devs fix your node paths.
okay, now you need to download to clipvision directory, dit to unet directory and only xlabs specific things like lora and ip-adapters to xlabs folder, xlabs nodes provided and xlabs is default dir for them
It definitely would be great if I can add the loras, ip adapters, controlnet, etc to where the rest of those files normally go. Its causing so much trouble just to have a special folder for xlabs folder for these things. Please go by comfyui standards.
thank you for feedback, I will redirect your request to comfy dev
The comfy dev is not going to standardize the model folders (I asked)
It's up to individual devs to adhere to the standard and not make weird one off directories. There's a pull request waiting to be merged which fixes the directories.