Data sources?

by FiditeNemini - opened

Hi Migel. I know your data sets are proprietary, but you mentioned that it contains both offensive and defensive training material. Do you provide training data that covers forensics, etc, for the defensive side or is it more (hate to use this term) biased towards offensive tooling like metasploit, and those toolsets, for example?

WhiteRabbitNeo org

What would you like to see on the defensive side? Right now it's mostly offensive. But the point of releasing this to the community is to get feedback and improve. Can you give a list of defensive functions/tasks that you'd like to see?

Sure. My personal interest would be malware detection, memory forensics, digital forensics. Adding tools from something like the REMnux linux distro would be handy from a defensive perspective. Some other good distros and VM's with defensive tools are found on the Mandiant site.
I guess a nice source of training data could be the man pages or readme's for individual tools.

WhiteRabbitNeo org

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