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About This Model

This model has been trained to take abstracts of scientific studies about veganism & animal rights and turn them into single-sentence takeaways for vegan businesses and animal activists to apply to their activism. The dataset was curated by scraping TLDRs and abstracts from Semantic Scholar and having vegan activists and marketing professionals from VEG3 review the usefulness of a random sample of the dataset to ensure their relevance to vegan businesses and animal activists.

Model Trained Using AutoTrain

  • Problem type: Summarization
  • Model ID: 1923365100
  • CO2 Emissions (in grams): 57.7798

Validation Metrics

  • Loss: 0.711
  • Rouge1: 44.317
  • Rouge2: 30.335
  • RougeL: 41.369
  • RougeLsum: 41.198
  • Gen Len: 17.855


You can use cURL to access this model:

curl https://api-inference.huggingface.co/models/VEG3/TLDR-Vegan-Studies \
    -X POST \
    -d '{"inputs":"ABSTRACT"}' \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer YOURAPIKEY"
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