KeyError bloom? PredictionException 'bloom'?

by juusohugs - opened

Tried to deploy this model to amazon aws sagemaker. I got endpoint done but when doing inference getting KeyError 'bloom'.

Log showed one line:
mms.service.PredictionException: 'bloom'

I wonder if this is my fault or some sort of actual ModelError?

TurkuNLP Research Group org

I'm afraid we haven't tried this on sagemaker. The model is internally a BloomModel, so perhaps this might related to BLOOM support? Can you run the original BLOOM models?

I'll give it a go. This might be related to config file missing piece of information. Or it might be huggingface version issue (sagemaker uses transformers_version="4.17")

No luck with BloomModels. I'm fairly certain the problem relates to transformers version.

Here's a good & detailed article on potential solution (have not tried yet) in case somebody else has the same issue:

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