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This is a merge of pre-trained language models created using mergekit.

Using the updated config file and a rope_alpha=2.5, this should be able to handle a context up to 16384 (formerly would start devolving after 4k). May be unstable past that - have so far been unable to get coherency out fully to 32k.

Merge Details

Merge Method

This model was merged using the task arithmetic merge method using D:/ModelMerge/models/Mistral-7B-v0.1 as a base.

Models Merged

The following models were included in the merge:

  • D:\ModelMerge\merges\TestBunny-7B\bunny-a
  • D:/ModelMerge/models/LimaRP-Mistral-7B-v0.1


The following YAML configuration was used to produce this model:

base_model: D:/ModelMerge/models/Mistral-7B-v0.1
dtype: float16
merge_method: task_arithmetic
- sources:
  - layer_range: [0, 32]
    model: D:\ModelMerge\merges\TestBunny-7B\bunny-a
      weight: 1.0
  - layer_range: [0, 32]
    model: D:/ModelMerge/models/LimaRP-Mistral-7B-v0.1
      weight: 0.08
  - layer_range: [0, 32]
    model: D:/ModelMerge/models/Mistral-7B-v0.1
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Invalid base_model specified in model card metadata. Needs to be a model id from hf.co/models.