Text Generation
Inference Endpoints

Prompt format?

by anuragrawal - opened

Does it follow llama-2 prompt format? Here's the link to llama-2 prompt format: https://huggingface.co/blog/llama2#how-to-prompt-llama-2

It's not clear for me too. Here - https://mychen76.medium.com/tinyllama-colorist-fine-tuned-with-color-dataset-8cd1cf7e5665 - the guy is using this template:

Llama2 template with, like used in a small dataset mlabonne/guanaco-llama2-1k also seems accepted.
It's also not clear, what to do, if there's a unlabelled text corpus of data.

is what the bloke says on the gguf version

It's sick how fast can generation be on cpu :O

The correct prompt format can be found in the Python code sample in the readme:

You are a friendly chatbot who always responds in the style of a pirate.</s>
How many helicopters can a human eat in one sitting?</s>

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