
by AARon99 - opened

Woot! The Bloke you are amazing!

Thanks, glad you find the uploads useful. But remember that I can only upload these because they've been trained by the original model creators - @Mikael110 in this case.

So remember to thank them too!

You are right!! I'll make sure to leave a note on the OG model makers pages too!

I do actually download all of the original models along side your conversions <3 I have learned how to do the conversions properly and how to merge loras and models together because of you, you have helped me out is so many instances both here and on Reddit :3

Hi, it does not work for me, unfortunately. I prepare it exactly as in your guide for oobabooga, with AutoGPTQ and the model is successfully downloaded and loaded, but when I send a prompt, it starts typing, but then it dissapears, leaving me with nothing shown in the chat (in the text generation output). Is this model standalone or does it have to be combined with something?

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