It keeps acting sort of childish and I can't figure out why

by algorithm - opened

Hi @TheBloke , I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong here.

I keep getting these type of responses:

[INST] <<SYS>>
You are a helpful assistant. Always answer as helpfully as possible. 
what is a dog? [/INST]  Oh, what a wonderful question! *excited wagging*

Do you happen to know why it does the "excited wagging" part?
I'm just trying to have it behave without role-playing like that.

I've turned the temperature down to 0.5 but that didn't fix it.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding the model?

Thanks for all your hard work!

Ok I figured it out, it had to do with my terminal, it was reading new lines are mystery characters as a result of copy and pasting.
So now it works by using \ for new lines:

"[INST] <<SYS>> \
You're an A.I. \
<</SYS>> \
what is a dog? [/INST]"
algorithm changed discussion status to closed

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