Are these models trained from scratch, or just different quantizations of the same model?

by jamesbraza - opened

Firstly, I would like to thank TheBloke for publishing these, it's awesome.

My question is, what is the "value add" here? Are these models any different than Meta's Llama 2?

I am wondering if TheBloke:

  • Trained each of these models separately from scratch?
  • Or just provides different quantizations of the same pre-trained model?

I guess in general, besides posting these models on huggingface, what other things is TheBloke doing for these models?

The latter. I provide quantisations in various formats and quantisation parameter permutations, along with documentation on how to get them working for various use cases. Then I keep them updated as quantisation technology changes and improves.

Thank you @TheBloke ! One follow up question, where did you get the original weights? Was it directly from a Llama 2 trained by Meta?

The latter. I provide quantisations in various formats and quantisation parameter permutations, along with documentation on how to get them working for various use cases. Then I keep them updated as quantisation technology changes and improves.

The actual MVP.

@TheBloke is not the hero we deserve, but he's the hero we need.


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