Another library supporting GGUF

by lmz - opened

First thanks for all the hard work providing these quantized models in such a timely fashion, that's super helpful!
I noticed that you have some mention in the model card on "clients and libraries that are known to support GGUF" so just wanted to mention that our rust library candle now also supports using GGUF files. We even have in our examples an equivalent of llama.cpp that actually uses your weight files :) So would be great if it can be added to your list. No worries if you want to keep the list small and/or for libraries that you know well, feel free to close this issue if that's the case.

Thanks for letting me know! I have added it to my GGUF template.

  • candle, added GGUF support on August 22nd. Candle is a Rust ML framework with a focus on performance, including GPU support, and ease of use.

Great, thanks a lot!

lmz changed discussion status to closed

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