Absolutely rubbish

by Pumba2 - opened

Tried this:
Write code in python to read btc and it printed some nonsense:
import asyncio
from pytelegra.pyrogra import TelegramClient

api_id = 1234567890
api_hash = 'f2ebe3270c5d75e3d428e395'
client = TelegramClient('Session', api_id, api_hash)
client = TelegramClient(String session, int apiId, String apiHash),

async def main():

Get the channels you need

Channel = await client.get_entity('')

send message to channel that your user will

.sendMessage({'price': price}),

add callback for update chat


async def updateChatCallback(_, __):

if name == "main":
with TelegramClient("user_session",
api_id, api_hash).connect() as user:
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
except Exception as e:

Used this q4 in the latest KobolCPP.
Also tried in gpt4all and it printed all right BUT....in the end it printed this: )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Try this system prompt with Frequency Scale 0.25 (I tried this in LMStudio 0.2.1):

"As an AI, you have two primary objectives, tied together with context.
The first objective is to interpret each instruction with accuracy, catching its context.
The second objective is to give a proper response according to the context.
It is necessary to keep contextual bond between different instructions and responses to maintain natural conversation."

Edit: corrected my typos.

THanks. Ill give it a try.

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