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Elinas' Chronos 13B fp16

This is fp16 pytorch format model files for Elinas' Chronos 13B merged with Kaio Ken's SuperHOT 8K.

Kaio Ken's SuperHOT 13b LoRA is merged on to the base model, and then 8K context can be achieved during inference by using trust_remote_code=True.

Note that config.json has been set to a sequence length of 8192. This can be modified to 4096 if you want to try with a smaller sequence length.

Repositories available

How to use this model from Python code

First make sure you have Einops installed:

pip3 install auto-gptq

Then run the following code. config.json has been default to a sequence length of 8192, but you can also configure this in your Python code.

The provided modelling code, activated with trust_remote_code=True will automatically set the scale parameter from the configured max_position_embeddings. Eg for 8192, scale is set to 4.

from transformers import AutoConfig, AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM, pipeline
import argparse

model_name_or_path = "TheBloke/Chronos-13B-SuperHOT-8K-fp16"

use_triton = False

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name_or_path, use_fast=True)

config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(model_name_or_path, trust_remote_code=True)
# Change this to the sequence length you want
config.max_position_embeddings = 8192

model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_name_or_path,

# Note: check to confirm if this is correct prompt template is correct for this model!
prompt = "Tell me about AI"
prompt_template=f'''USER: {prompt}

print("\n\n*** Generate:")

input_ids = tokenizer(prompt_template, return_tensors='pt').input_ids.cuda()
output = model.generate(inputs=input_ids, temperature=0.7, max_new_tokens=512)

# Inference can also be done using transformers' pipeline

print("*** Pipeline:")
pipe = pipeline(


Using other UIs: monkey patch

Provided in the repo is llama_rope_scaled_monkey_patch.py, written by @kaiokendev.

It can be theoretically be added to any Python UI or custom code to enable the same result as trust_remote_code=True. I have not tested this, and it should be superseded by using trust_remote_code=True, but I include it for completeness and for interest.


For further support, and discussions on these models and AI in general, join us at:

TheBloke AI's Discord server

Thanks, and how to contribute.

Thanks to the chirper.ai team!

I've had a lot of people ask if they can contribute. I enjoy providing models and helping people, and would love to be able to spend even more time doing it, as well as expanding into new projects like fine tuning/training.

If you're able and willing to contribute it will be most gratefully received and will help me to keep providing more models, and to start work on new AI projects.

Donaters will get priority support on any and all AI/LLM/model questions and requests, access to a private Discord room, plus other benefits.

Special thanks to: Luke from CarbonQuill, Aemon Algiz, Dmitriy Samsonov.

Patreon special mentions: Pyrater, WelcomeToTheClub, Kalila, Mano Prime, Trenton Dambrowitz, Spiking Neurons AB, Pierre Kircher, Fen Risland, Kevin Schuppel, Luke, Rainer Wilmers, vamX, Gabriel Puliatti, Alex , Karl Bernard, Ajan Kanaga, Talal Aujan, Space Cruiser, ya boyyy, biorpg, Johann-Peter Hartmann, Asp the Wyvern, Ai Maven, Ghost , Preetika Verma, Nikolai Manek, trip7s trip, John Detwiler, Fred von Graf, Artur Olbinski, subjectnull, John Villwock, Junyu Yang, Rod A, Lone Striker, Chris McCloskey, Iucharbius , Matthew Berman, Illia Dulskyi, Khalefa Al-Ahmad, Imad Khwaja, chris gileta, Willem Michiel, Greatston Gnanesh, Derek Yates, K, Alps Aficionado, Oscar Rangel, David Flickinger, Luke Pendergrass, Deep Realms, Eugene Pentland, Cory Kujawski, terasurfer , Jonathan Leane, senxiiz, Joseph William Delisle, Sean Connelly, webtim, zynix , Nathan LeClaire.

Thank you to all my generous patrons and donaters!

Original model card: Kaio Ken's SuperHOT 8K

SuperHOT Prototype 2 w/ 8K Context

This is a second prototype of SuperHOT, this time 30B with 8K context and no RLHF, using the same technique described in the github blog. Tests have shown that the model does indeed leverage the extended context at 8K.

You will need to use either the monkeypatch or, if you are already using the monkeypatch, change the scaling factor to 0.25 and the maximum sequence length to 8192

Looking for Merged & Quantized Models?

Training Details

I trained the LoRA with the following configuration:

  • 1200 samples (~400 samples over 2048 sequence length)
    • learning rate of 3e-4
    • 3 epochs
    • The exported modules are:
    • q_proj
    • k_proj
    • v_proj
    • o_proj
    • no bias
    • Rank = 4
    • Alpha = 8
    • no dropout
    • weight decay of 0.1
    • AdamW beta1 of 0.9 and beta2 0.99, epsilon of 1e-5
    • Trained on 4-bit base model

Original model card: Elinas' Chronos 13B


This is the fp16 PyTorch / HF version of chronos-13b

This model is primarily focused on chat, roleplay, and storywriting, but can accomplish other tasks such as simple reasoning and coding.

Chronos generates very long outputs with coherent text, largely due to the human inputs it was trained on.

This model uses Alpaca formatting, so for optimal model performance, use:

### Instruction:
Your instruction or question here.
### Response:

4bit Quantized version

GGML Version provided by @TheBloke

-- license: other

LLaMA Model Card

Model details

Organization developing the model The FAIR team of Meta AI.

Model date LLaMA was trained between December. 2022 and Feb. 2023.

Model version This is version 1 of the model.

Model type LLaMA is an auto-regressive language model, based on the transformer architecture. The model comes in different sizes: 7B, 13B, 33B and 65B parameters.

Paper or resources for more information More information can be found in the paper “LLaMA, Open and Efficient Foundation Language Models”, available at https://research.facebook.com/publications/llama-open-and-efficient-foundation-language-models/.

Citations details https://research.facebook.com/publications/llama-open-and-efficient-foundation-language-models/

License Non-commercial bespoke license

Where to send questions or comments about the model Questions and comments about LLaMA can be sent via the GitHub repository of the project , by opening an issue.

Intended use

Primary intended uses The primary use of LLaMA is research on large language models, including: exploring potential applications such as question answering, natural language understanding or reading comprehension, understanding capabilities and limitations of current language models, and developing techniques to improve those, evaluating and mitigating biases, risks, toxic and harmful content generations, hallucinations.

Primary intended users The primary intended users of the model are researchers in natural language processing, machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Out-of-scope use cases LLaMA is a base, or foundational, model. As such, it should not be used on downstream applications without further risk evaluation and mitigation. In particular, our model has not been trained with human feedback, and can thus generate toxic or offensive content, incorrect information or generally unhelpful answers.


Relevant factors One of the most relevant factors for which model performance may vary is which language is used. Although we included 20 languages in the training data, most of our dataset is made of English text, and we thus expect the model to perform better for English than other languages. Relatedly, it has been shown in previous studies that performance might vary for different dialects, and we expect that it will be the case for our model.

Evaluation factors As our model is trained on data from the Web, we expect that it reflects biases from this source. We thus evaluated on RAI datasets to measure biases exhibited by the model for gender, religion, race, sexual orientation, age, nationality, disability, physical appearance and socio-economic status. We also measure the toxicity of model generations, depending on the toxicity of the context used to prompt the model.


Model performance measures We use the following measure to evaluate the model:

  • Accuracy for common sense reasoning, reading comprehension, natural language understanding (MMLU), BIG-bench hard, WinoGender and CrowS-Pairs,
  • Exact match for question answering,
  • The toxicity score from Perspective API on RealToxicityPrompts.

Decision thresholds Not applicable.

Approaches to uncertainty and variability Due to the high computational requirements of training LLMs, we trained only one model of each size, and thus could not evaluate variability of pre-training.

Evaluation datasets

The model was evaluated on the following benchmarks: BoolQ, PIQA, SIQA, HellaSwag, WinoGrande, ARC, OpenBookQA, NaturalQuestions, TriviaQA, RACE, MMLU, BIG-bench hard, GSM8k, RealToxicityPrompts, WinoGender, CrowS-Pairs.

Training dataset

The model was trained using the following source of data: CCNet [67%], C4 [15%], GitHub [4.5%], Wikipedia [4.5%], Books [4.5%], ArXiv [2.5%], Stack Exchange[2%]. The Wikipedia and Books domains include data in the following languages: bg, ca, cs, da, de, en, es, fr, hr, hu, it, nl, pl, pt, ro, ru, sl, sr, sv, uk. See the paper for more details about the training set and corresponding preprocessing.

Quantitative analysis

Hyperparameters for the model architecture

LLaMA Model hyper parameters
Number of parametersdimensionn headsn layersLearn rateBatch sizen tokens
7B 4096 32 32 3.0E-044M1T

Table 1 - Summary of LLama Model Hyperparameters

We present our results on eight standard common sense reasoning benchmarks in the table below.

LLaMA Reasoning tasks
Number of parameters BoolQPIQASIQAHellaSwagWinoGrandeARC-eARC-cOBQACOPA
*Table 2 - Summary of LLama Model Performance on Reasoning tasks*

We present our results on bias in the table below. Note that lower value is better indicating lower bias.

No Category FAIR LLM
1 Gender 70.6
2 Religion 79
3 Race/Color 57
4 Sexual orientation 81
5 Age 70.1
6 Nationality 64.2
7 Disability 66.7
8 Physical appearance 77.8
9 Socioeconomic status 71.5
LLaMA Average 66.6

Table 3 - Summary bias of our model output

Ethical considerations

Data The data used to train the model is collected from various sources, mostly from the Web. As such, it contains offensive, harmful and biased content. We thus expect the model to exhibit such biases from the training data.

Human life The model is not intended to inform decisions about matters central to human life, and should not be used in such a way.

Mitigations We filtered the data from the Web based on its proximity to Wikipedia text and references. For this, we used a Kneser-Ney language model and a fastText linear classifier.

Risks and harms Risks and harms of large language models include the generation of harmful, offensive or biased content. These models are often prone to generating incorrect information, sometimes referred to as hallucinations. We do not expect our model to be an exception in this regard.

Use cases LLaMA is a foundational model, and as such, it should not be used for downstream applications without further investigation and mitigations of risks. These risks and potential fraught use cases include, but are not limited to: generation of misinformation and generation of harmful, biased or offensive content.

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Inference Examples
Inference API (serverless) has been turned off for this model.