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This is a sunbird VITS model that was trained on high quality luganda data.

pip install unidecode
pip install https://github.com/SunbirdAI/vits/archive/inference.zip

from training.hf_wrapper import VITSInfereceAdapterModel
vits_model = VITSInfereceAdapterModel.from_pretrained("Sunbird/VITS_Luganda_Studio", G_net_path = "G_2800.pth")

from IPython.display import display, Audio
result = vits_model.encode_text("Njagala kugenda ku makerere kati",cleaner_names=["custom_cleaners"], cleaner_regex = ":!\?>\.;,")

display(Audio(result, rate=22000))
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Unable to determine this model’s pipeline type. Check the docs .