Testing using qdrant database for memories.

by aA34543534 - opened

Just a quick note to mention that the latest model handles 'memories' better. My system uses qdrant with a "You remember (username) said (content) on (date)" and the RAG dataset provides a significant improvement over the base SciPhi 32k.

SciPhi-AI org

Awesome, thanks for sharing.

Do you have more details on this? It sounds quite interesting.

https://github.com/jason-brian-anderson/long_term_memory_with_qdrant/blob/main/long_term_memory.py using a fork of that class. But I tend to add in a check for both the vector search of the ai response and the user response. I also have a 'dream' function where it takes a vector search on a topic and writes a summary which saves it back to the vector database. So during conversations, the ai has access to all of the memories during content generation.

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