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Venomia: Derived from 'venom', the name suggests a lethal charm, embodying the dangerous beauty of both cats and poisons. It evokes an image of a sleek, enigmatic feline, with a hidden, perilous side.

Now that is out of the way, this model is a qLoRA tune with a 4090 taking roughly 4 hours over 4 epochs, trained from the 7B Mistral base.

The goal is to create a model that is Toxic, while being capable of RP, and is still capable of general Instruct / Assistant Capabilities.

General Observations:

  • Pretty Uncensored even with the most NSFL of topics. All it takes is one swipe if there is any refusal, but so far I rarely had to swipe.
  • A bit unhinged at times. Made me laugh a bit.
  • A bit on the shorter side of response lengths, usually up to 2-3 short-medium length paragraphs during RP sessions. I like it. Not really for storytelling-type roleplays.
  • I may need to swipe once or twice while using it as an Assistant-type model, but it is 7b so it is really rapid, I see no downsides.

Trained with Alpaca Format:

### Instruction:

### Response:


### Instruction:

### Input:
<Insert Context Here>

### Response:


Total Dataset Composition: 23K Entries of up to 4096 Token Length Each.

- Roleplay: 5K
- Medical Information: 4K
- Mixed Instruct: 10K
- De-Alignment: 4K

Using a subset of Hesperus, and the Euryale 1.3 sauce, refined a bit. I think Ministrations 7B is a bit dumb but eh its a fun attempt. Just an experimental model.

Downloads last month
Model size
7.24B params
Tensor type