Input for calling predictor.predict() on Sagemaker

by Callam - opened

Hi would like to call predictor.predict() on Sagemaker but I haven't been able to figure out or find how the input should be structured. Is there anyone who could provide me with an example?

+1 I am also looking for the same

did anyone find a solution for this ?

i found this and i followed the steps but still i wasnt able to get a response, it still gives 400 error, but using this same method i tried running the nvidia image segmentation model too and was able to get a response.

Yo I never found an answer to the simple solution of just calling predict() out of the box but I did get it working by writing my own Feel free to use this notebook as is or as an example.

Thank you @Callam , This worked like a charm! Thanks for putting this together.

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