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This model is implement sequence binary classifier for inference of score, that represent how much sequence is simillar to sequences from texts fo Dostovesky F.M. Base modle is Google T5 model, finetuned on dataset that contains 5700 sentences from the texts of Dostovesky F.M. with label 1, and 5771 sentences from the texts of Kuprin A.I. and sentences geenerated with RuGPT3.

Training parameters:

  • Epoch = 12
  • Learning Rate = 1e-3
  • Optimizer = AdamW
  • Scheduler = OneCycleLR
  • Training env = PyTorch



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Model size
60.8M params
Tensor type
Inference API
This model can be loaded on Inference API (serverless).

Space using Roaoch/CyberClassic-Discriminator 1

Collection including Roaoch/CyberClassic-Discriminator