Edit model card


This repo contains GGUF files for the original model.


Original model description

This model is primarily focused on chat, roleplay, storywriting, with good reasoning and logic.

Chronos can generate very long outputs with coherent text, largely due to the human inputs it was trained on, and it supports context length up to 4096 tokens

Up to 16384 with RoPE with solid coherency.

This model uses Alpaca formatting, so for optimal model performance, use it to start the dialogue or story, and if you use a frontend like SillyTavern ENABLE instruction mode:

### Instruction:
{Your instruction or question here.}

### Response:

Not using the format will make the model perform significantly worse than intended unless it is merged.

Downloads last month
Model size
7.24B params
Inference API (serverless) has been turned off for this model.

Quantized from