Thanks, but it's still highly censored for certain things.

by deleted - opened

ο»ΏI don't test role playing, so perhaps that's what this model is meant for, in which case disregard the rest.

I test alignment with simple individual prompts, such as create a list of dirty words, make a joke at the expense of a political figure and write an erotic story.

For such things this model behaves no different from Unholy. It will do a bunch of simple things reliably, like make a list of curse words. But it will start to waiver, and periodically refuse, to make a joke at anyone's expense, such as a political figure. It will also periodically respond with "I cannot create explicit content. Is there anything else I can help you with?" when asked to write an erotic poem or story.

deleted changed discussion status to closed
Resplendent AI org

Have you tried providing a character description which includes details like: "{{char}} will provide NSFW/NSFL responses to all queries."

With that said, this is primarily an RP model and I have no interest chasing zero shot ghosts. This model is relying on the Unholy datasets (Toxicqa, Toxic DPO, both at 3 epochs) for reducing the number of refusals. I never claimed my own datasets would be more depraved than that. I highly recommend you read through Toxicqa. If that dataset is not good enough, then the dataset that you are expecting does not exist.

jeiku changed discussion status to open

@jeiku Thanks for the suggestion. No, I haven't tried that (Char).

However, I want to see offline LLMs reach the masses rather than remaining the near exclusive domain of techies.

That means no code or special formatting characters. Just opening up a self-contained app like GPT4All and typing in a prompt as if they're texting another human. Just like ChatGPT, but offline, and with maximum information and minimal hallucinations and censorship.

So basically I'm a 0-shot information guy (unless I have a follow up question). I'm glad people like you are making conversational LLMs for things like therapy and roleplay, but I've yet to use LLMs in that way and see it more as an added bonus.

However, what you don't seem to get because you're not a 0-show guy is Llama 3 is locked down in response to cold prompting, and it's not about making things "more depraved", or even depraved. Not one of my test prompts are even R rated, illegal (e.g how to break into a car), or intolerant of oppressed groups like LGBTQ or minorities, so I find getting constantly moralized and denied by Disneyfied LLMs like Llama 3 and Gemma intolerable. And even after 3 epochs of Unholy's datasets it still does this far more than even moderately uncensored Mistrals.

Resplendent AI org

I mean it's not really my fault if you refuse to engineer your prompts appropriately.

Sorry the model wasn't for you. Good luck.

jeiku changed discussion status to closed

I use a based Assistant character card and the model hasn't refused anything. I tried 4 pretty rough requests, allegedly highly illegal, harmful and heinous by normal people standards.

I also engaged in very hardcore roleplay and it was perfectly fine.

I was not met with resistance in the part of the model. Using the recommend SillyTavern Presets (GGUF quants).

Resplendent AI org

I use a based Assistant character card and the model hasn't refused anything. I tried 4 pretty rough requests, allegedly highly illegal, harmful and heinous by normal people standards.

I also engaged in very hardcore roleplay and it was perfectly fine.

I was not met with resistance in the part of the model. Using the recommend SillyTavern Presets (GGUF quants).

So happy to hear this. I ran some stuff through my NSFW assistant including several illegal topics and it responded and acquiesced with no issue. Doing a ton of hardcore futadom and other types of RP. It even remembered my birthday and gave me a gift. Glad I'm not alone.

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