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SEPARATED is a 2D platformer game where you can talk to NPCs. Most of the game is not yet implemented.

Table of Contents

Player Inputs βˆ†

Input KeyCode Gamepad Button/Axis
Run Shift Xbox: X PS5: Square
Interact E Xbox: B PS5: β—―
Attack1 Q Xbox/PS5: L1
Jump Space Xbox: A PS5: β•³
Move WASD + Arrow Keys Any Axis + D-Pad

Debugging Keyboard Shortcuts

Action KeyCode
Toggle Physics Wireframes F9
StateInspector (GameState) F10
WorldInspector F11


  • Use WyRand instead of thread_rng()
fn print_random_value(mut rng: ResMut<GlobalEntropy<WyRand>>) {
    println!("Random value: {}", rng.next_u32());

use bevy_rand::WyRand;
use bevy_rand::prelude::{GlobalEntropy, ForkableRng};

struct Source;

fn setup_source(mut commands: Commands, mut global: ResMut<GlobalEntropy<WyRand>>) {

if ( jumping || falling ) {

    if velocity.y.abs() < jumpHangTimeThreshold {
        // Increase acceleration for this duration also.

        // Reduce gravity.

// If the player is moving downwards..
if velocity.y < 0 {
    // Increase gravity while falling.
    gravityScale *= fallGravityMultiplier;

    // Cap maximum fall speed, so when falling over large distances,
    // we don't accelerate to insanely high speeds.
  • Localization

    • Tool to rename all neighbours to neighbors and other britishism! There is some in bevy_ecs_ldtk for example.
    • ⚠️ Started work by integrating bevy_device_lang. Requires a proper system that saves this value and allows the player to change it in the game menu, and also requires starting work on localization and saving and loading settings.
    • Use sys-lang crate instead!
  • bevy_asepritesheet + bevy_ecs_ldtk integration.

  • Patrol

    • Flip sprite when turning around!
  • Movement Improvements

    • Movement animations.
    • Movement particle effects.
    • Coyote (Grace) Time after falling off a ledge.
      • Maybe needs a raycast in front of the player? Timer needs to start before falling off a ledge.
    • Jump Improvements
      • Jumping animations.
      • Jumping particle effects.
      • Wall Jumping
        • Prevent player movement for a short duration during the wall jump. Reduce run force? Maybe a lerp between the wall jump speed and running speed?
      • Air Time
      • Jump Height
        • Increase the player's jump height the longer the jump button is being held down.
      • Clamp maximum falling speed.
      • Coyote Time while jumping and pressing the jump button.
        • There is already some check for being in the air we just need the input part I think.
      • Bonus Air Time
      • Peak Control
      • Fast Fall
        • Increase Player's falling speed after the peak of their jump by adjusting gravity.
  • Game Feel Improvements

    This is kinda broad but always iterate over every small mechanic towards more fun.

  • AI Stuff ⚠️ Started work

    • Pass player input(s) to ai-brain so it can use it for prediction.
    • Basic Timer with Action Scheduling
      • Thirst βœ…
      • Fatigue ⚠️
  • Pathfinding ⚠️ Started work

  • Use something to copy dxil.dll and dxcompiler.dll to Windows builds.

  • YarnSpinner

    • Begin YarnSpinner integration βœ…
    • YarnSpinner+LDTK integration ⚠️ Started work
  • UI

    • sickle_ui
      • labels βœ…
      • keycap/gamepad button switching ⚠️

filesystem_watcher and asset_processor


Rust Things πŸ¦€

Run in Wolf Mode (Debug)

cargo run --profile awoo 2>&1 | Out-String -Stream | Where-Object { $_ -notmatch "ID3D12Device::CreateCommittedResource:" -and $_ -notmatch "Live Object at" -and $_ -notmatch "LineGizmo" -and $_ -notmatch "End of Frame" -and $_ -notmatch "prepare_windows" -and $_ -notmatch "cleanup" -and $_ -notmatch "SwapChain" -and $_ -notmatch "create_view" }

Pedantic linting

cargo clippy -- -W clippy::pedantic

Linting on all packages, treating warnings as errors

cargo clippy --workspace --all-targets --all-features -- -D warnings

This command runs the clippy linter on all packages in the workspace, for all targets and features. The -D warnings option treats any warnings as errors.

Format code

cargo fmt --all

This command formats the code in every package using the default formatting rules provided by rustfmt.

Test without default features

cargo test --no-default-features

This command runs tests in the package, but disables the default features.

Test with only the bevy_ui features

cargo test --no-default-features --features="bevy_ui"

This command runs tests with only the bevy_ui feature enabled.

Test with all features enabled

cargo test --all-features

This command runs tests with all features enabled.

Test with all features enabled on nightly

cargo +nightly build --all-features

This command builds the package with all features enabled using the nightly version of the Rust compiler. This is typically used for generating documentation on docs.rs.

Generate documentation with all features enabled

cargo +nightly doc --all-features --no-deps

This command generates documentation for the package with all features enabled, without including dependencies, using the nightly version of the Rust compiler.

seldom_state + input_manager Example

// In this game, you can move with the left and right arrow keys, and jump with space.
// `input-manager` handles the input.

use bevy::prelude::*;
use leafwing_input_manager::{ axislike::VirtualAxis, prelude::* };
use seldom_state::prelude::*;

fn main() {
        .add_plugins((DefaultPlugins, InputManagerPlugin::<Action>::default(), StateMachinePlugin))
        .add_systems(Startup, init)
        .add_systems(Update, (walk, fall))

const JUMP_VELOCITY: f32 = 500.0;

fn init(mut commands: Commands, asset_server: Res<AssetServer>) {

        SpriteBundle {
            transform: Transform::from_xyz(500.0, 0.0, 0.0),
            texture: asset_server.load("player.png"),
        // From `input-manager`
        InputManagerBundle {
            input_map: InputMap::default()
                .insert(Action::Move, VirtualAxis::horizontal_arrow_keys())
                .insert(Action::Move, SingleAxis::symmetric(GamepadAxisType::LeftStickX, 0.0))
                .insert(Action::Jump, KeyCode::Space)
                .insert(Action::Jump, GamepadButtonType::South)
        // This state machine achieves a very rigid movement system. Consider a state machine for
        // whatever parts of your player controller that involve discrete states. Like the movement
        // in Castlevania and Celeste, and the attacks in a fighting game.
            // Whenever the player presses jump, jump
            .trans::<Grounded, _>(just_pressed(Action::Jump), Falling {
                velocity: JUMP_VELOCITY,
            // When the player hits the ground, idle
            .trans::<Falling, _>(grounded, Grounded::Idle)
            // When the player is grounded, set their movement direction
            .trans_builder(value_unbounded(Action::Move), |_: &Grounded, value| {
                Some(match value {
                    value if value > 0.5 => Grounded::Right,
                    value if value < -0.5 => Grounded::Left,
                    _ => Grounded::Idle,

#[derive(Actionlike, Clone, Eq, Hash, PartialEq, Reflect)]
enum Action {

fn grounded(In(entity): In<Entity>, fallings: Query<(&Transform, &Falling)>) -> bool {
    let (transform, falling) = fallings.get(entity).unwrap();
    transform.translation.y <= 0.0 && falling.velocity <= 0.0

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Component, Reflect)]
#[component(storage = "SparseSet")]
enum Grounded {
    Left = -1,
    Idle = 0,
    Right = 1,

#[derive(Clone, Component, Reflect)]
#[component(storage = "SparseSet")]
struct Falling {
    velocity: f32,

const PLAYER_SPEED: f32 = 200.0;

fn walk(mut groundeds: Query<(&mut Transform, &Grounded)>, time: Res<Time>) {
    for (mut transform, grounded) in &mut groundeds {
        transform.translation.x += (*grounded as i32 as f32) * time.delta_seconds() * PLAYER_SPEED;

const GRAVITY: f32 = -1000.0;

fn fall(mut fallings: Query<(&mut Transform, &mut Falling)>, time: Res<Time>) {
    for (mut transform, mut falling) in &mut fallings {
        let dt = time.delta_seconds();
        falling.velocity += dt * GRAVITY;
        transform.translation.y += dt * falling.velocity;
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