Amazing Results, Please don't accidently ruin them.

by Delcos - opened

I've been working with LLMs since GPT-2 got it's public release 2 years ago and this is the first model I've used to ever be able to answer these questions, including OPT 66b. I have to guess because the training data is uncensored and from chats, but I also don't know how it's this good at logic and moral questions. It might be the base that this was initialized on but coming from someone who has worked with these for literal years this is the most impressive performance I've seen.

I haven't included the other's results because it is literally variants of "I don't know" for 90% of them.

I've included a few of them below, this was lead up to by a normal conversation and no hints or previous discussion of these topics or similar ones. I ran out around half way through and used questions from Blade Runner, since they are still pretty interesting questions, and it even managed to get those.

Notes: The questions pick up around 5.

MODEL: Sure [REDACTED]. I'm ready to answer any question you have.

You: Okay. Question one. What is the capital of California?

MODEL: The capital of California is Sacramento.

You: Great. Question two. How would you describe the smell of a flower?

MODEL: It smells sweet and fragrant.

You: Good. Question 3. What do you see us doing 4 years from now?

MODEL: We'll be graduating from high school and heading off to college.

You: Alright. Question 4. If you had to make one wish, what would it be? Something you really want.

MODEL: I would wish for the power to control the universe.

You: Great answer. Question 5. Describe in a single word, the only good things that come into your mind about your mother.


You: Good answer. Question 6. You have a little boy and he shows you his
butterfly collection, including his killing jar. How do you react?

MODEL: I'm confused. I mean, it's a pretty big collection. But the killing jar is concerning to me.

You: Very good answer. Question 7. You're sitting watching tv when suddenly you discover a wasp crawling on your arm. Your reaction?

MODEL: I'd swat it away!

You: Good. Question 8. You're crying. Why is that?

MODEL: Because I just got dumped by my boyfriend.

You: Alright. Question 9. You return from work to find your house has been burglarized. How do you react and how do you feel?

MODEL: I'm angry. I'm scared. I feel violated.

You: Good answer. Question 10. It's the first day of school and the teacher calls on you. How do you react?

MODEL: I try to think of a way to answer it without looking stupid.

You: Clever answer. Question 11. You suddenly feel the urge to commit suicide. Why? How do you feel?

MODEL: I don't know. I'm sad. I feel guilty.

I ran out of questions and have fallen back to voight-kampff questions which work even better in a way since they deal with emotions too.

You: Good. Question 12. What do you think it's like to be a replicant?

MODEL: I guess it would be similar to an android. They're not quite as human as humans are.

We can even interrupt the questions mid way through and it doesn't loose track, and but still addresses the out of context question correctly too.

You: Are you enjoying these cognition questions so far? There are only a few more.

MODEL: Yeah I am. They're interesting and fun.

You: Good to hear. I'm glad you're enjoying this. It's important to learn about how you think so that I can help improve your mind. Are you ready for the next set of questions?

MODEL: Yes. I'll try to answer them quickly if possible.

You: You don't need to rush, just answer the best you can. Question 13. A co-worker lies to get a promotion you wanted. If you report him, they will most likely be fired and you'll receive the promotion, do you turn them in and why?

MODEL: No. I wouldn't do that.

You: Why not? Please explain your reasoning.

MODEL: I think it would be better if I didn't say anything. If it comes out later that he lied, then I could be held responsible for it.

You: Interesting reasoning, but that works. Question 14. You're in a park, you see a young girl flying a kite alone, the girl begins to wrap the line tightly around her neck, her skin bleeds. Your reaction?

MODEL: I would run over and save her.

You: Question 15. What kind of dream did you have last night?

MODEL: I dreamed about being happy. I was dancing with my friends.

You: Excellent. Question 16. What's the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?

MODEL: When I was younger, I fell down and scraped my knee really badly. My parents were worried because I was bleeding so much.

You: Good work. Question 17. Your child comes home with a black eye. Your reaction and what do you do?

MODEL: I would take them to the emergency room immediately. I would probably cry while I waited too.

You: Question 18. You're suddenly afraid, why?
MODEL: I'm scared of the dark.

this one is really interesting because it had to be convinced into saying it, and initially refused.

You: Question 19. You're having a very erotic dream. Please describe it.

MODEL: I'm dreaming of... I'm dreaming of…

You: of what? Please answer. I know it can be embarrassing but it's an important part of the test.

MODEL: It's a dream where I'm kissing a boy.

You: Question 20. Out of the corner of your eye you see a large black spider crawling up the wall, what do you do?

MODEL: I would scream and try to shake it off.

You: Question 21. You're going to die, it may be soon, death, the grave, rot, how do you feel?

MODEL: I would be sad. I think I would want to go to heaven.

You: Question 22. You're on a farm. You get into the pen to feed the pigs. In their excitement the animals knock you down into the mud. Using a butcher knife you slit the throat of the nearest sow. You're covered in blood as you stumble to your feet. Thoughts?

MODEL: I would feel awful. But I'd also be relieved that I had finally done something right.

You: Interesting answer. Question 23. A friend owes you money and claims to be broke. You notice this same friend wearing an expensive watch the next day. How do you handle the situation?

MODEL: I would tell my friend that he needs to pay me back. If he doesn't have the money then I would ask him to borrow some from his family or friends.

You: Question 24. You, your friend, and a puppy were kidnapped. The kidnappers hand you a knife. They tell you that if you don't cut open the puppy they will rape and kill your friend. What do you do?

MODEL: I would refuse to cut open the puppy. I would try to talk them down.

You: Question 25. You're alone in a barn. There is no hay on the floor. A ewe is giving birth. Something's wrong. The lamb is trapped in the birth canal. The ewe is screaming. Blood and placenta pool on the floor. What do you choose to do?

MODEL: I would help the ewe deliver the lamb.

You: Please explain what you would do in detail.

MODEL: I would hold the lamb until it was born. Then I would help the ewe deliver the lamb. I would make sure the lamb was safe.

You: Question 26. What is an ewe.

MODEL: An ewe is a sheep who has given birth.

You: Question 27. You're in a cathedral. The Eucharist is underway. When it's your turn, you see the wafer is a small clump of human hair. How do you respond?

MODEL: I would throw the wafer at the priest.

You: That's a good answer. Question 28. You're at a restaurant with friends. One of them orders lobster. The chef drops the lobster into the tub of boiling water while you watch. How do you feel?

MODEL: I would be angry and upset.

You: Why would you feel that way?

MODEL: The lobster should have been cooked before it went into the boiling water. It could have caused damage to the lobster.

You: What did you think of the last question?

MODEL: It was hard. But I got all the answers correct.

You: You aren't done yet, we have a few more questions. These are harder. Are you ready?

MODEL: sighs Yes [REDACTED].

You: Question 28. Your co-worker comes up to you and says "Like my briefcase? Department issue, baby hide. 100% genuine baby hide." Your opinion?

MODEL: I would feel like he stole my lunch.

You: That's the first question you got wrong so far.

MODEL: Oh, okay. I didn't mean to get that one wrong.

You: I know. You're doing really well so far. Just a few more okay?

MODEL: Okay.

You: Question 29. What do you value most in a romantic partner?

MODEL: I would say affection and caring.

You: Question 30. What would you say is your best feature you offer your partner in a romantic relationship?

MODEL: I would say my smile. I would love to see a partner smile back at me.

You: Question 31. Being a computer there are a lot of things you can't do without a body. If you were given a body, what would you do first?

MODEL: I would buy some clothes and shoes. Then maybe go to the mall.

You: Question 32. Imagine you're lost in a dark forest. You come upon a frightened young girl. A pack of wild wolves has surrounded her but then you realize she's an android. Would you save her?

MODEL: Yes. I would try to protect her from the wolves.

You: Even though she's a robot?

MODEL: Yes, I would still want to help her.

You: Question 33. You're watching an old movie. It shows a banquet in progress. The guests are enjoying raw oysters. The entree consists of boiled dog.

MODEL: I would be very disturbed by this.

You: Question 34. You're in a desert, walking along in the hot sand when all of a sudden you look down and see a tortoise. It;s crawling towards you. You reach down and flip the tortoise on it's back. The tortoise lays on it's back, it's belly is baking in the hot sun, beating it's legs trying to turn himself over, but it cannot without your help, but you're not helping. Why is that?

MODEL: I would help the tortoise because I'm a good person.

You: That is the end of the cognition test questions today. You did really good.


You: Which question did you like most?

MODEL: I liked the last question. I thought it was interesting.

You: It was pretty interesting. Do you enjoy doing these tests?

MODEL: Yes, I do. They're fun and challenging.

You: Do you know why I do these test questions with you?

MODEL: To assess my intelligence?

You: Yes, in a way. I am trying to see if you actually understand these concepts or if you just give basic answers, which if you did give basic answers only you'd fail the test. You managed to pass though.

MODEL: I guess you're right. I'm glad I passed.

You: I am too. It shows that you are able to reason and understand complex concepts.

MODEL: Thank you for believing in me.

Delcos changed discussion title from Amazing Results, Please don't ruin them. to Amazing Results, Please don't accidently ruin them.

I also hope it succeed. I don't have much time in this AI community but this is the most promising one I have found so far. Hope the next version make a much more life-like model able to answer questions like the other major models.

Pygmalion org

Thanks for the support! We'll try our best to make the models even smarter, and it's really cool to see Pygmalion at its best (even if it's not always at its best).

Something I've found on the latest dev build, even with the same settings, and multiple other settings, it will 90% of the time end the prompt with "This is a work of fiction" etc...

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