Works for my dog

by macadeliccc - opened

Great model

Great model

thanks for your feedback ! note that it supported up to 113 dog breeds. You can try it with other dogs as well : )

hello again,

I just wanted to share the small application I made using this in spaces if anyone wants a good starting place or to just play around with it a little more. You can use your camera as well instead of just loading pictures. It may work on mobile but no promises.

hello again,

I just wanted to share the small application I made using this in spaces if anyone wants a good starting place or to just play around with it a little more. You can use your camera as well instead of just loading pictures. It may work on mobile but no promises.

Thanks for using my model as your engine. I've tried your spaces with some of dog images, that's very impressive! already gave a liked on your spaces <3

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