RuntimeError: unable to mmap 19426750144 bytes

by Leaf45 - opened

When I try to run the model it fails and says:

"RuntimeError: unable to mmap 19426750144 bytes from file <models/Panchovix_WizardLM-33B-V1.0-Uncensored-SuperHOT-8k-4bit-32g/WizardLM-33B-V1.0-Uncensored-SuperHOT-8k.safetensors>: Cannot allocate memory (12)"

I am not sure why it says this

I found out what it was. The problem was that this model wasn't GPTQ. This model is working for me

Leaf45 changed discussion status to closed

This model is GPTQ, with which GPU were you loading this model? Remember, as this is a model with group size 32, it needs a good amount VRAM vs a GPTQ model without group size,

I have the NVIDIA RTX A5000 24GB. Yeah then maybe it had something to do with the group size

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